protected static int getFishToAdd(Player p, Spot fishingSpot) { int fishingLevel = p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING); int[] canCatch = new int[fishingSpot.getFish().Length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fishingSpot.getFish().Length; i++) { if (fishingLevel >= fishingSpot.getLevel()[i]) { canCatch[j] = fishingSpot.getFish()[i]; j++; } } int[] canCatch2 = new int[j]; for (int i = 0; i < canCatch.Length; i++) { if (canCatch[i] > 0) { canCatch2[i] = canCatch[i]; } } int fish = misc.random(canCatch2.Length-1); for (int i = 0; i < fishingSpot.getFish().Length; i++) { if (fish == fishingSpot.getFish()[i]) { return i; } } return misc.random(canCatch2.Length-1); }
public static bool canFish(Player p, Spot fishingSpot, Spot fishingSpot2, int index) { if (p == null || fishingSpot == null) { return(false); } if (!p.getLocation().withinDistance(fishingSpot.getSpotLocation(), 2)) { return(false); } if (fishingSpot2 != null) { if (!fishingSpot.Equals(fishingSpot2)) { return(false); } } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING) < fishingSpot.getLevel()[index]) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need a fishing level of " + fishingSpot.getLevel()[index] + " to fish here."); return(false); } if (fishingSpot.getPrimaryItem() != -1) { if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(fishingSpot.getPrimaryItem())) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need " + fishingSpot.getPrimaryName() + " to fish here."); return(false); } } if (fishingSpot.getSecondaryItem() != -1) { if (!p.getInventory().hasItem(fishingSpot.getSecondaryItem())) { p.getPackets().sendMessage("You need " + fishingSpot.getSecondaryName() + " to fish here."); return(false); } } if (p.getInventory().findFreeSlot() == -1) { p.getPackets().sendChatboxInterface(210); p.getPackets().modifyText("Your inventory is too full to catch any more fish.", 210, 1); return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool canFish(Player p, Spot fishingSpot, Spot fishingSpot2, int index) { if (p == null || fishingSpot == null) { return false; } if (!p.getLocation().withinDistance(fishingSpot.getSpotLocation(), 2)) { return false; } if (fishingSpot2 != null) { if (!fishingSpot.Equals(fishingSpot2)) { return false; } } if (p.getSkills().getGreaterLevel(Skills.SKILL.FISHING)< fishingSpot.getLevel()[index]){ p.getPackets ().sendMessage ("You need a fishing level of " +fishingSpot.getLevel()[index] + " to fish here."); return false; } if (fishingSpot.getPrimaryItem() != -1) { if (!p.getInventory().hasItem (fishingSpot.getPrimaryItem())){ p.getPackets ().sendMessage ("You need " + fishingSpot.getPrimaryName() + " to fish here."); return false; } } if (fishingSpot.getSecondaryItem() != -1) { if (!p.getInventory().hasItem (fishingSpot.getSecondaryItem())){ p.getPackets ().sendMessage ("You need " + fishingSpot.getSecondaryName() + " to fish here."); return false; } } if (p.getInventory().findFreeSlot() == -1) { p.getPackets().sendChatboxInterface(210); p.getPackets().modifyText("Your inventory is too full to catch any more fish.", 210, 1); return false; } return true; }
private static long getFishingDelay(Player p, Spot fishingSpot) { int[] time = fishingSpot.isSecondOption() ? SECOND_SPOT_TIME : FIRST_SPOT_TIME; int[] minTime = fishingSpot.isSecondOption() ? SECOND_SPOT_MINTIME : FIRST_SPOT_MINTIME; int baseTime = time[fishingSpot.getSpotindex()]; int min = minTime[fishingSpot.getSpotindex()]; int finalDelay = baseTime -= misc.random(min); return finalDelay; }