예제 #1
파일: Item.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 internal ItemIcon(string name, Actor actor)
     : base(name, actor)
     Visible = false;
     ZOrder = int.MaxValue;
예제 #2
파일: Item.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 internal Item(string name, Actor actor, Actor iconActor = null)
     : base(name, actor)
     if (iconActor != null)
         Icon = new ItemIcon(name + "_Icon", iconActor);
예제 #3
파일: Player.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
        internal Player(string name, Actor actor)
            : base(name, actor)
            (This.Game.LoadingLevel as FrostbyteLevel).allies.Add(this);
            Mana = MaxMana;

            MaxHealth = 100;
            Health = MaxHealth;
예제 #4
파일: Enemy.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
        internal Boss(string name, Actor actor, float speed, int health)
            : base(name, actor, speed, health)
            Enabled = true;

            HealthChanged += delegate(object boss, int value)
                if (!AtArms && value != MaxHealth)

            healthBar = null;
        internal Sprite(string name, Actor actor)
            mName = name;
            mActor = actor;
            mLastUpdate = new GameTime();

            LoadBehavior = () => { };
            UpdateBehavior = () => { };
            EndBehavior = () => { };

            (This.Game.CurrentLevel != This.Game.NextLevel && This.Game.NextLevel != null ? This.Game.NextLevel : This.Game.CurrentLevel).AddSprite(this);
            Speed = 3;

            if (mActor != null)
                if (mActor.Animations[mActor.CurrentAnimation].Built)
                    if (mActor.Animations[mActor.CurrentAnimation].NumFrames > 1) mAnimating = true;
예제 #6
파일: Sprite.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
        internal Sprite(string name, Actor actor)
            mName = name;
            mActor = actor;
            mLastUpdate = new GameTime();

            LoadBehavior = () => { };
            UpdateBehavior = () => { };
            EndBehavior = () => { };

            //adds the sprite to the level
            Speed = 1;

            if (mActor != null)
                if (mActor.Animations[mActor.CurrentAnimation].Built)
                    if (mActor.Animations[mActor.CurrentAnimation].NumFrames > 1) mAnimating = true;

            Center = new Vector2(GetAnimation().Width / 2, GetAnimation().Height / 2);
 internal OurSprite(string name, Actor actor)
     : base(name, actor)
 internal OurSprite(string name, Actor actor, int collisionlist)
     : base(name, actor, collisionlist)
 internal Obstacle(string name, Actor actor)
     : base(name, actor)
     (This.Game.CurrentLevel as FrostbyteLevel).obstacles.Add(this);
 internal Player(string name, Actor actor)
     : base(name, actor)
     (This.Game.CurrentLevel as FrostbyteLevel).allies.Add(this);
예제 #11
파일: Polygon.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a polygon with an arbitrary number of points
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the sprite</param>
 /// <param name="actor">The actor that the sprite will use</param>
 /// <param name="color">Sprite's display color</param>
 /// <param name="points">Vector of points</param>
 internal Polygon(string name, Actor actor, Color color, params Vector3[] points)
     : this(name, actor, points.Select(p => new VertexPositionColor(p, color)).ToArray())
 internal Enemy(string name, Actor actor)
     : base(name, actor)
     (This.Game.CurrentLevel as FrostbyteLevel).enemies.Add(this);
예제 #13
파일: Polygon.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a polygon with an arbitrary number of points
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the sprite</param>
 /// <param name="actor">The actor that the sprite will use</param>
 /// <param name="points">Variable number of VertexPositionColor points</param>
 internal Polygon(string name, Actor actor, params VertexPositionColor[] points)
     : base(name, actor)
     Points = points;
     basicEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
예제 #14
파일: Sprite.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 internal Sprite(string name, Actor actor, int collisionlist)
     : this(name, actor)
     CollisionList = collisionlist;
예제 #15
파일: Enemy.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
        public Enemy(string name, Actor actor, float speed, int _health)
            : base(name, actor)
            FrostbyteLevel l = This.Game.LoadingLevel as FrostbyteLevel;
            Personality = new WanderingMinstrelPersonality(this);
            UpdateBehavior = update;
            EndBehavior = Die;
            Speed = speed;
            Health = _health;
            CollidesWithBackground = true;

            #region HealthBar
            float alpha = 0.15f;
            healthBar = new ProgressBar("Health_" + Name, MaxHealth,
                Color.Black * 0, Color.Red * 0.5f, Color.Black * alpha, barSize);
            healthBar.Pos = Pos - l.Camera.Pos + new Vector2(0, -20);
            healthBar.Static = true;
            healthBar.Value = MaxHealth;

            HealthChanged += delegate(object obj, int value)
                if (healthBar != null)
                    healthBar.Value = value;
                    if (value == 0)
예제 #16
파일: Level.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 internal void AddActor(string name, Actor actor)
     mActors[name] = actor;
예제 #17
파일: Enemy.cs 프로젝트: nemec/4Realms
 internal BossDeath(string name, Actor actor)
     : base(name, actor)
     UpdateBehavior = update;
     mStates = states().GetEnumerator();