예제 #1
         * Write a program that implements a class for a right angle triangle.
         * Include the following fileds into your class:
         *   Length of each of the three legs
         *   Area of the triangle
         *   Circumference of the triangle
         *   Define a constructor, that takes the length of the two chateti as argument and initializes the rest of the fields based on these.
         *   Modify your program to ask for the lengths of the two chateti and wait for the user to input them. Use the entered lengths to call your constructor and create a triangle object

        /* The class is implemented in the separate file RightAngleTriangle.cs */

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the lengths of the two chateti (sides adjasent to the right angle)");
            double             sideA = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            double             sideB = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            RightAngleTriangle t     = new RightAngleTriangle(sideA, sideB);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double a, b;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the lengths of the two chateti of a right angled triangle:"); // Ask for two chateti of a right angle triangle to be entered

            a = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());                                              // Store the two entered numbers
            b = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

            RightAngleTriangle T = new RightAngleTriangle(a, b); // Create the new triangle object T

            Console.WriteLine("The entered triangle is the following properties:");
            Console.WriteLine(T.ToString()); // Print the properties of the triangle using T's to string method

            Console.Read();                  // Wait for the user to colse the program