private void SyncCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { SqlCeReplication repl = (SqlCeReplication)ar.AsyncState; try { repl.EndSynchronize(ar); repl.SaveProperties(); var result = "Successfully completed sync" + Environment.NewLine; result += string.Format("Number of changes downloaded: {0}{1}", repl.PublisherChanges.ToString(), Environment.NewLine); result += string.Format("Number of changes uploaded: {0}{1}", repl.SubscriberChanges.ToString(), Environment.NewLine); result += string.Format("Number of conflicts at Publisher: {0}{1}", repl.PublisherConflicts.ToString(), Environment.NewLine); var args = new SyncArgs(result, null, 100, SyncStatus.SyncComplete, null); Completed?.Invoke(this, args); InsertSyncLog(_connection, _hostName, _additionalId, "Success", _additionalInfo); } catch (SqlCeException e) { InsertSyncLog(_connection, _hostName, _additionalId, "Error", _additionalInfo + Environment.NewLine + ShowErrors(e)); SyncArgs args; if (e.NativeError == 29006) { args = new SyncArgs("Publication may have expired, or the snapshot is invalid", new PublicationMayHaveExpiredException("Publication may have expired, or the snapshot is invalid", e), 100, SyncStatus.SyncFailed, null); } else { args = new SyncArgs("Errors occured during sync", e, 100, SyncStatus.SyncFailed, null); } Completed?.Invoke(this, args); } finally { if (repl != null) { repl.Dispose(); } if (_connection != null) { _connection.Close(); _connection.Dispose(); } } }
private void OnStartTableDownloadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName) { var args = new SyncArgs("Began downloading table : " + tableName, null, 0, SyncStatus.BeginDownload, tableName); Progress?.Invoke(this, args); }
private void OnSynchronizationCallback(IAsyncResult ar, int percentComplete) { var args = new SyncArgs("Sync with SQL Server is " + percentComplete.ToString() + "% complete.", null, percentComplete, SyncStatus.PercentComplete, null); Progress?.Invoke(this, args); }