예제 #1
파일: Key.cs 프로젝트: SonoCoin/sonolib-net
        public Key(byte[] seed, int index)
            var encoder = new ASCIIEncoder();
            var secret  = encoder.DecodeData(Ed25519Curve);

            // var seedBytes = HexByteConvertorExtensions.HexToByteArrayInternal(seed);
            var array = new HMACSHA512(secret).ComputeHash(seed);

            var key       = array.SafeSubarray(0, 32);
            var chainCode = array.SafeSubarray(32, 32);

            var derivedPath = unchecked ((uint)index + HardenedOffset);

            derivedPath = HexByteConvertorExtensions.ReverseBytes(derivedPath);
            var dpBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(derivedPath);
            var data = new byte[] { 0 }.Concat(key, dpBytes);

            var array2 = new HMACSHA512(chainCode).ComputeHash(data);

            var key2 = array2.SafeSubarray(0, 32);

            var keyPair = PublicKeyAuth.GenerateKeyPair(key2);

            PrivateKey = keyPair.PrivateKey;
            PublicKey  = keyPair.PublicKey;
예제 #2
        public Size MeasureString(ref ChatElement[] elements)
            int result    = 0;
            int boldExtra = 0;

            for (int e = 0; e < elements.Length; e++)
                boldExtra = 0;
                if (elements[e].Bold)
                    boldExtra = 1; // One extra pixel per rendered character/glyph

                // Using our custom ASCII encoder to handle conversion
                byte[] asciiText = ASCIIEncoder.GetBytes(elements[e].Text);
                for (int t = 0; t < asciiText.Length; t++)
                    byte charIndex = asciiText[t];

                    result += Glyphs[charIndex].Width + boldExtra + LetterSpacing;

            return(new Size(result, LineHeight));
예제 #3
 static Encoders()
     ASCII       = new ASCIIEncoder();
     Hex         = new HexEncoder();
     Base58      = new Base58Encoder();
     Base58Check = new Base58CheckEncoder();
     Base64      = new Base64Encoder();
예제 #4
 static Encoders()
     Base64 = new Base64Encoder();
     Base58Check = new Base58CheckEncoder();
     Base58 = new Base58Encoder();
     Hex = new HexEncoder();
     ASCII = new ASCIIEncoder();
예제 #5
        protected override byte[] ConvertToByte(AType message)
            if (message.Type != ATypes.AChar)
                throw new ADAPException(ADAPExceptionType.Export);

            byte[] messageBody = ASCIIEncoder.GetBytes(message.ToString());
            byte[] messageHeader = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(messageBody.Length));
            List<byte> result = new List<byte>();


            return result.ToArray();
예제 #6
        protected override byte[] ConvertToByte(AType message)
            if (message.Type != ATypes.AChar)
                throw new ADAPException(ADAPExceptionType.Export);

            byte[] result;
                result = ASCIIEncoder.GetBytes(message.ToString());
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                throw new ADAPException(ADAPExceptionType.Export);
            catch (EncoderFallbackException)
                throw new ADAPException(ADAPExceptionType.Export);

예제 #7
        static Aes GetAes(string privateKeyStr)
            ASCIIEncoder asciiEncoder = new ASCIIEncoder();

            byte[] privateKey = asciiEncoder.DecodeData(privateKeyStr);
            // Create a new instance of the Aes class.
            Aes myAes = Aes.Create();

                //This generates a new key and initialization vector (IV).
                SHA256 sha256 = SHA256.Create();
                byte[] aesKey = sha256.ComputeHash(privateKey, 0, 16);
                myAes.Key = aesKey;
                byte[] aesIV = new byte[16];
                Array.Copy(sha256.ComputeHash(privateKey, 16, 16), aesIV, 16);
                myAes.IV = aesIV;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message);
예제 #8
        public Bitmap DrawString(string chatText)
            // Convert the chat text into individual chat elements
            ChatElement[] chatElements = ChatConverter.ToElements(chatText);
            // Calculate the size in pixels required to render this text
            Size surfaceSize = MeasureString(ref chatElements);

            // Create an image buffer we can draw into
            byte[] rasterImage = new byte[((surfaceSize.Width * mvarZoom) * (surfaceSize.Height * mvarZoom)) * 4];
            // Pixel color buffers:
            byte[] ForeColor      = new byte[0];
            byte[] ShadowColor    = new byte[0];
            int    drawX          = 0; // Current draw X position
            int    drawY          = 0; // Current draw Y position
            int    pixelLineWidth = surfaceSize.Width * 4;
            int    strikethroughY = (surfaceSize.Height / 2) - 1;

            // Loop through all the chat elements....
            for (int e = 0; e < chatElements.Length; e++)
                // Fetch the forecolor for this chat element
                ForeColor = GetColor(chatElements[e]);
                // Do we also need the shadow color?
                if (Shadows)
                    // Fetch the shadow color for this element
                    ShadowColor = GetColor(chatElements[e], true);

                // Convert the default UTF16 string into ASCII using our custom encoder
                byte[] asciiText = ASCIIEncoder.GetBytes(chatElements[e].Text);

                // Loop through each ascii character reference
                for (int a = 0; a < asciiText.Length; a++)
                    int glyphIndex = asciiText[a];

                    // Loop through the glyph, drawing only solid pixels....
                    for (int gy = 0; gy < GlyphHeight; gy++)
                        // gx = glyph x
                        // gy = glyph y

                        for (int gx = 0; gx < Glyphs[glyphIndex].Width; gx++)
                            byte bit = Glyphs[glyphIndex].Bits[(gy * GlyphWidth) + gx];

                            // for the sake of readability:
                            int pixelX = drawX + gx;
                            int pixelY = drawY + gy;

                            if (bit > 0)
                                // Draw the shadow here ...
                                if (Shadows)
                                    DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 1, pixelY + 1, pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                    if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                        DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 2, pixelY + 1, pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                    if (gy == GlyphHeight - 1)
                                        // Process Strikethrough & Underline
                                        if (chatElements[e].Strikethrough)
                                            DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 1, strikethroughY + 1, pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                            if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                                DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 2, strikethroughY + 1, pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);
                                        if (chatElements[e].Underlined)
                                            DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 1, (GlyphHeight + 1), pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                            if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                                DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 2, (GlyphHeight + 1), pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                // ---------------------------------------------------------

                                DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX, pixelY, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                                if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                    DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 1, pixelY, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                            if (gy == GlyphHeight - 1)
                                // Process Strikethrough & Underline
                                if (chatElements[e].Strikethrough)
                                    DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX, strikethroughY, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                                    if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                        DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 1, strikethroughY, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);
                                if (chatElements[e].Underlined)
                                    DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX, GlyphHeight, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                                    if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                        DrawGlyphPixel(pixelX + 1, GlyphHeight, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);
                    } // for gy

                    // Increment the drawX by the glyph width
                    drawX += Glyphs[glyphIndex].Width;
                    // Is this chat element in bold?
                    if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                    { // Yup, so add one pixel offset

                    for (int l = 0; l < LetterSpacing; l++)
                        // Shadow?
                        if (Shadows)
                            // Process Strikethrough & Underline
                            if (chatElements[e].Strikethrough)
                                DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l) + 1, strikethroughY + 1, pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                    DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l) + 2, strikethroughY + 1, pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);
                            if (chatElements[e].Underlined)
                                DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l) + 1, (GlyphHeight + 1), pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                                if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                    DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l) + 2, (GlyphHeight + 1), pixelLineWidth, ref ShadowColor, ref rasterImage);

                        // Normal

                        // Process Strikethrough & Underline
                        if (chatElements[e].Strikethrough)
                            DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l), strikethroughY, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                            if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l) + 1, strikethroughY, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);
                        if (chatElements[e].Underlined)
                            DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l), GlyphHeight, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                            if (chatElements[e].Bold)
                                DrawGlyphPixel((drawX + l) + 1, GlyphHeight, pixelLineWidth, ref ForeColor, ref rasterImage);

                        // Increment the drawX by each pixel of letterspacing

            Bitmap     result = new Bitmap(surfaceSize.Width * mvarZoom, surfaceSize.Height * mvarZoom, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            BitmapData data   = result.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, surfaceSize.Width * mvarZoom, surfaceSize.Height * mvarZoom), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, result.PixelFormat);

            Marshal.Copy(rasterImage, 0, data.Scan0, rasterImage.Length);
            data = null;

            rasterImage = new byte[0];
