예제 #1
파일: Ship.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
            private static void BuildHardPoints(IIdResolver resolver, Ship ship, IEnumerable<HardPointState> hardPoints)
                if ( hardPoints == null )

                ship._hardPoints.AddRange(hardPoints.Select(h => HardPoint.Builder.Build(resolver, ship, h)));
예제 #2
파일: HardPoints.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void TestMovesMaxPossible()
            var ship = new Ship(new Corporation());
            var hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Right);

            var aimAt = new Location(1, -1, 0); // 45* back
            Assert.IsTrue(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved 45*
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.PI / 4, 4), Math.Round(Vector.Angle(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation), 4));

            // assert we moved back
            Assert.Less(hardPoint.Orientation.Y, 0d);

            aimAt = new Location(1, 1, 0); // 45* forward
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved back to origin
            Assert.AreEqual(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation);

            aimAt = new Location(1, 1, 0); // 45* forward
            Assert.IsTrue(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved 45*
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.PI / 4, 4), Math.Round(Vector.Angle(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation), 4));

            // assert we moved back
            Assert.Greater(hardPoint.Orientation.Y, 0d);

            aimAt = new Location(1, -1, 0); // 45* back
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved back to origin
            Assert.AreEqual(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation);
예제 #3
파일: Travel.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void JumpGates()
            var universe = new Universe();

            var sol = new SolarSystem { Name = "Sol", Location = universe };
            var outOfSol = new JumpGate(sol);
            sol.OrbitSun(outOfSol, 45d);

            var alphaCentauri = new SolarSystem {Name = "Alpha Centauri", UniversalCoordinates = new Vector(1000d, 0, 0), Location = universe };

            var intoAlphaCentauri = new JumpGate(alphaCentauri);
            alphaCentauri.OrbitSun(intoAlphaCentauri, 45d);

            outOfSol.ConnectsTo = intoAlphaCentauri;

            var ship = new Ship(new Agent(new Corporation())) {Speed = 2d };
            sol.EnterSystem(ship, outOfSol.LocalCoordinates);

            Assert.AreEqual(sol, ship.SolarSystem);
            Assert.AreEqual(outOfSol.UniversalCoordinates, ship.UniversalCoordinates);

            CollectionAssert.Contains(sol.Objects, ship);
            CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(alphaCentauri.Objects, ship);


            Assert.AreEqual(alphaCentauri, ship.SolarSystem);
            CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(sol.Objects, ship);
            CollectionAssert.Contains(alphaCentauri.Objects, ship);

            Assert.AreEqual(intoAlphaCentauri.UniversalCoordinates, ship.UniversalCoordinates);
예제 #4
파일: UndockTask.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void CantUndockWithoutShipSkillLevel()
            var structure = new Manufactory();
            var ship = new Ship { Position = new Position(structure, Vector.Zero), ShipInfo = GetShipInfo() };
            var pilot = new Agent { Skills = { { SkillCode.SpaceshipCommand, new Echo.Agents.Skills.SkillLevel { Level = 1 } } } };

            _task.SetParameters(new UndockShipParameters(ship, pilot));
            var result = (UndockShipResult)_task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(ShipTask.StatusCode.MissingSkillRequirement));
예제 #5
        public void CantJumpWhenNotInRange()
            var position = new Position(new SolarSystem(), Vector.Parse("0,1,0"));
            var jumpGate = new JumpGate { Position = position };
            var ship = new Ship { Position = position + Vector.Parse("1,0,0"), Pilot = new Agent() };

            _task.SetParameters(new JumpShipParameters(ship, jumpGate));

            var result = (JumpShipResult)_task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(ShipTask.StatusCode.NotInPosition));
예제 #6
파일: Structure.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public bool Dock(Ship ship)
            AssertShipInRange(ship, "dock with this station");


            ship.Pilot = null;

            return true;
예제 #7
파일: UndockTask.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void CantUndockWithoutShipSkill()
            var structure = new Manufactory();
            var ship = new Ship { Position = new Position(structure, Vector.Zero), ShipInfo = GetShipInfo() };

            var pilot = _universe.John.StandUp();
            pilot.Skills[SkillCode.SpaceshipCommand].Level = 0;

            _task.SetParameters(new UndockShipParameters(ship, pilot));
            var result = (UndockShipResult)_task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(ShipTask.StatusCode.MissingSkillRequirement));
예제 #8
파일: JumpGate.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        /// <summary>Jumps a ship away from this gate</summary>
        /// <param name="ship">Ship to jump</param>
        public void Jump(Ship ship)
            if (ship == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ship");

            if (ConnectsTo == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This gate is an incomming gate only");

            ConnectsTo.SolarSystem.EnterSystem(ship, ConnectsTo.LocalCoordinates);

            Universe.EventPump.RaiseEvent(ship, EventType.ShipJump, "Jumped from {0} to {1} in {2}", Name, ConnectsTo.Name, ConnectsTo.SolarSystem.Name);
예제 #9
파일: HardPoints.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void Extremes()
            var ship = new Ship(new Corporation());
            var hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Right);

            var aimAt = new Location(-1, 1, 0); // 135* forward
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Front) { Speed = 1d };

            aimAt = new Location(0, -1, 0); // 180* backward
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);
예제 #10
파일: Ship.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
 public static ShipState Save(Ship ship)
     return new ShipState
         ObjectId = ship.Id,
         Name = ship.Name,
         Code = ship.ShipInfo.Code,
         Heading = ship.Heading,
         LocalCoordinates = ship.Position.LocalCoordinates,
      			Statistics = ship.Statistics.Select(Save),
         HardPoints = ship.HardPoints.Save(),
         Pilot = ship.Pilot.Save(),
예제 #11
파일: UndockTask.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void CanUndockWithShipSkill()
            var solarSystem = new SolarSystem();
            var structure = new Manufactory { Position = new Position(solarSystem, Vector.Parse("0,1,0")) };
            var ship = new Ship { Position = new Position(structure, Vector.Zero), ShipInfo = GetShipInfo() };
            var pilot = new Agent { Skills = { { SkillCode.SpaceshipCommand, new Echo.Agents.Skills.SkillLevel { Level = 5 } } } };

            _task.SetParameters(new UndockShipParameters(ship, pilot));

            var result = _task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.Success, Is.True, result.StatusCode);
            Assert.That(ship.Position.LocalCoordinates, Is.EqualTo(structure.Position.LocalCoordinates));
            Assert.That(ship.Position.Location, Is.EqualTo(solarSystem));
예제 #12
        public void CanJumpWhenInRange()
            var position = new Position(new SolarSystem(), Vector.Parse("0,1,0"));
            var ship = new Ship { Position = position, Pilot = new Agent() };

            var target = new JumpGate {Position = new Position(new SolarSystem(), Vector.Parse("-1,1,0"))};
            var jumpGate = new JumpGate { Position = position, ConnectsTo = target };

            _task.SetParameters(new JumpShipParameters(ship, jumpGate));

            var result = _task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.Success, Is.True, result.StatusCode);
            Assert.That(ship.Position.LocalCoordinates, Is.EqualTo(target.Position.LocalCoordinates));
            Assert.That(ship.Position.Location, Is.EqualTo(target.Position.Location));
예제 #13
파일: Travel.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void IntraSolarSystem()
            var universe = new Universe();
            var sol = new SolarSystem { Location = universe };

            var ship = new Ship(new Agent(new Corporation())) {Speed = 2d, Name = "S1" };
            sol.EnterSystem(ship, new Vector(10, 0, 0));

            ship.Destination = Vector.Zero;

            for (int i=10; i >= 0; i-=2)
                Assert.AreEqual(i, ship.DistanceToDestination, "Ship is heading in the wrong direction!");
                ship.Tick((uint )i);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>Mines this asteroid belt for ore</summary>
        /// <param name="ship">Ship to load ore onto</param>
        /// <returns>True if the ship has completed its mining operation (cargo hold is full)</returns>
        public bool Mine(Ship ship)
            AssertShipInRange(ship, "mine this asteroid belt");

            var ore = new Ore();

            var oreQuantity = (uint) Math.Floor(ship.CargoHoldRemaining/ore.SizePerUnit);
            ore.Quantity = Min(Rand.Next(Richness / 2, Richness), oreQuantity, AmountRemaining);
            ore.Owner = ship.Owner;

            AmountRemaining -= ore.Quantity;

            Universe.EventPump.RaiseEvent(ship, EventType.ShipCargo, "Mined {0:n0} ore from {1}", ore.Quantity, Name);
            return (ship.CargoHoldRemaining < ore.SizePerUnit);
예제 #15
파일: UndockTask.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void CantUndockWhenNotDocked()
            var ship = new Ship();
            var pilot = new Agent();

            _task.SetParameters(new UndockShipParameters(ship, pilot));

            var result = (UndockShipResult )_task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.Success, Is.False);
            Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(ShipTask.StatusCode.NotDocked));

            ITaskResult taskResult = result;
            Assert.That(taskResult.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo("NotDocked"));
            Assert.That(taskResult.ErrorParams, Has.Property("Ship").EqualTo(ship));
            Assert.That(taskResult.ErrorParams, Has.Property("Pilot").Null);
예제 #16
        public void CantJumpWithNoPilot()
            var ship = new Ship();
            var jumpGate = new JumpGate();

            _task.SetParameters(new JumpShipParameters(ship, jumpGate));

            var result = (JumpShipResult )_task.Execute();
            Assert.That(result.Success, Is.False);
            Assert.That(result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(ShipTask.StatusCode.NoPilot));

            ITaskResult taskResult = result;
            Assert.That(taskResult.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo("NoPilot"));
            Assert.That(taskResult.ErrorParams, Has.Property("Ship").EqualTo(ship));
            Assert.That(taskResult.ErrorParams, Has.Property("JumpGate").EqualTo(jumpGate));
            Assert.That(taskResult.ErrorParams, Has.Property("Pilot").Null);
예제 #17
파일: HardPoints.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void MaxExtents()
            var ship = new Ship(new Corporation());
            var hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Right);

            var aimAt = new Location(1, 1, 0); // 45* forward
            Assert.IsTrue(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);


            aimAt = new Location(1, -1, 0); // 45* behind
            Assert.IsTrue(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // now test we can't move further downward
            aimAt = new Location(1, -1.1d, 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);
예제 #18
 public void SetUp()
     _shieldInfo = new ShieldInfo() { Statistic = ShipStatistic.EnergyArmourStrength, RepairPerTick = 5d };
     _ship = new Ship()
         Statistics =
             new ShipStatistics(new[]
                 new StatisticValue<ShipStatistic, double>(
                     value: 100d
                 new StatisticValue<ShipStatistic, double>(
                     value: 100d
예제 #19
        public void GetSolarSystem()
            var s = new MockUniverse();
            Assert.That(s.Universe.StarClusters, Is.Not.Empty);

            var builder = Universe.Builder.Build(s.Universe);

            var u = builder.Materialise();


            var sol = u.SolarSystems().Single(x => x.Id == s.SolarSystem.ObjectId);
            var earth = u.Planets().Single(p => p.Id == s.Earth.ObjectId);


            var ship = new Ship {Position = new Position(earth, new Vector(1, 1))};
예제 #20
        public void Repair(Ship ship, ShieldInfo shieldInfo)
            var statistic = ship.Statistics[shieldInfo.Statistic];

            var damage = statistic.Debuffs.OfType<Damage>().ToArray();
            var delta = shieldInfo.RepairPerTick;

            foreach (var d in damage)
                if (d.Value < delta)
                    delta -= d.Value;

                d.Value -= delta;

예제 #21
파일: Ship.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
            public static ObjectBuilder<Ship> Build(ILocation location, ShipState state)
                var ship = new Ship
                    Id = state.ObjectId,
                    Name = state.Name,
                    Heading = state.Heading,
                    Position = new Position(location, state.LocalCoordinates),
                    Statistics = new ShipStatistics(state.Statistics.Select(Build)),

                var builder = new ObjectBuilder<Ship>(ship)
                    .Resolve((resolver, target) => BuildHardPoints(resolver, ship, state.HardPoints))
                    .Resolve((resolver, target) => target.ShipInfo = resolver.Get<ShipInfo>(ItemType.Ships.ToObjectReference(state.Code)));

                    .Resolve((resolver, target, dependentObject) => target.Pilot = dependentObject);

                return builder;
예제 #22
파일: Refinery.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        /// <summary>Load refined ore onto a ship</summary>
        /// <param name="ship"></param>
        /// <returns>True if the ship has picked up all the ore it can</returns>
        public bool LoadRefinedOre(Ship ship)
            AssertShipInRange(ship, "load refined ore from this refinery");

            if (RefinedOre != 0)
                var refinedOre = new RefinedOre();

                uint maxOreCanCarry = (refinedOre.SizePerUnit == 0d) ? RefinedOre : Math.Min((uint) Math.Floor(ship.CargoHoldRemaining/refinedOre.SizePerUnit), RefinedOre);

                RefinedOre -= maxOreCanCarry;

                refinedOre.Quantity = maxOreCanCarry;
                refinedOre.Owner = Owner;


                Universe.EventPump.RaiseEvent(ship, EventType.ShipCargo, "Loaded {0:n0} refined ore from {1}", refinedOre.Quantity, Name);

                return (refinedOre.SizePerUnit == 0d) || (ship.CargoHoldRemaining < refinedOre.SizePerUnit);

            return false;
예제 #23
파일: Refinery.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        /// <summary>Unload raw ore from a ship</summary>
        /// <param name="ship"></param>
        /// <returns>True if ore was unloaded</returns>
        public bool UnloadOre(Ship ship)
            AssertShipInRange(ship, "unload raw ore to this refinery");

            IItem ore = ship.RemoveCargo(Ore.OreID);
            if (ore != null)
                UnrefinedOre += ore.Quantity;
                Universe.EventPump.RaiseEvent(ship, EventType.ShipCargo, "Unloaded {0:n0} raw ore to {1}", ore.Quantity, Name);

                return true;

            return false;
예제 #24
 private void CheckWeaponState(Ship ship)
     Assert.That(ship.HardPoints, Is.Not.Empty);
     var hp = ship.HardPoints.First();
예제 #25
 private void CheckPosition(SolarSystem solarSystem, Ship ship)
     Assert.That(ship.Position.LocalCoordinates, Is.EqualTo(Ship.LocalCoordinates));
     Assert.That(ship.SolarSystem, Is.EqualTo(solarSystem));
     Assert.That(ship.Position.GetSolarSystem(), Is.EqualTo(solarSystem));
예제 #26
파일: HardPoint.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
 public HardPoint(Ship ship, HardPointPosition position)
     : this(position)
     Ship = ship;
예제 #27
파일: Manufactory.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        /// <summary>Unload refined ore from a ship</summary>
        /// <param name="ship"></param>
        /// <returns>True if ore was unloaded</returns>
        public bool UnloadRefinedOre(Ship ship)
            AssertShipInRange(ship, "unload refined ore to this manufactory");

            IItem ore = ship.RemoveCargo(RefinedOre.RefinedOreID);

            if (ore != null)
                OreRemaining += ore.Quantity;

                Universe.EventPump.RaiseEvent(ship, EventType.ShipCargo, "Unloaded {0:n0} refined ore to {1}", ore.Quantity, Name);

                return true;

            return false;
예제 #28
        public void SetUp()
            _random = new Mock<IRandom>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            Func<ShipState, ObjectBuilder<Ship>> ship = state => Ship.Builder.Build(null, state);
            _target = new Ship {Statistics = new ShipStatistics(Stats())};
            _weapon = new Weapon();

            _combatFactory = (state, idResolver) => new AttackShipCombat(_random.Object) { Ship = ship(state).Build(idResolver), Target = _target };
            _combat = _combatFactory(new ShipState(ItemCode.LightFrigate), new IdResolutionContext(new[] { new ShipInfo() { Code = ItemCode.LightFrigate } }));
예제 #29
		public void JumpShip()
			var s = new Ship();
			_a.EnterSystem(s, Vector.Zero);

			Assert.That(s.SolarSystem, Is.EqualTo(_b));
예제 #30
파일: HardPoints.cs 프로젝트: andy-uq/Echo
        public void TestMovesToExtent()
            var ship = new Ship(new Corporation());
            var hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Right);

            var aimAt = new Location(0, 1, 0); // 90* forward
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved 45*
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.PI / 4, 4), Math.Round(Vector.Angle(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation), 4));

            // assert we moved forward
            Assert.Greater(hardPoint.Orientation.Y, 0d);

            // now make sure the hard point knows this =)
            Assert.AreEqual(45d, hardPoint.Inclination);


            aimAt = new Location(0, -1, 0); // 90* back
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved 45*
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.PI / 4, 4), Math.Round(Vector.Angle(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation), 4));

            // assert we moved back
            Assert.Less(hardPoint.Orientation.Y, 0d);

            // now make sure the hard point knows this =)
            Assert.AreEqual(-45d, hardPoint.Inclination);