private Quaternion GetRotation(Quaternion inputRotation) { Vector3 resultDirection = _splineResult.direction; if (direction == Spline.Direction.Backward && !targetUser.averageResultVectors) //Handle orientation for backwards tracers { double clippedPercent = targetUser.ClipPercent(_splineResult.percent); int clippedIndex = targetUser.GetClippedSampleIndex(clippedPercent); for (int i = DMath.CeilInt(clippedPercent * (targetUser.clippedSamples.Length - 1)); i >= 0; i--) { clippedIndex = i; if (targetUser.ClipPercent(targetUser.clippedSamples[i].percent) < clippedPercent) { break; } } //Find the two upcomming samples and lerp between their directions int dirIndex = clippedIndex; SplineResult fromDir = targetUser.clippedSamples[dirIndex]; dirIndex--; if (dirIndex < 0) { if (targetUser.span == 1.0 && { dirIndex = Mathf.Max(targetUser.clippedSamples.Length - 2, 0); } else { dirIndex = 0; } } SplineResult toDir = targetUser.clippedSamples[dirIndex]; resultDirection = Vector3.Slerp(fromDir.direction, toDir.direction, (float)DMath.InverseLerp(targetUser.ClipPercent(targetUser.clippedSamples[clippedIndex + 1].percent), targetUser.ClipPercent(targetUser.clippedSamples[clippedIndex].percent), targetUser.ClipPercent(_splineResult.percent))); } rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(resultDirection * (direction == Spline.Direction.Forward ? 1f : -1f), _splineResult.normal); if (_rotationOffset != { rotation = rotation * Quaternion.Euler(_rotationOffset); } if (customRotation != null) { rotation = customRotation.Evaluate(rotation, _splineResult.percent); } if (!applyRotationX || !applyRotationY) { Vector3 euler = rotation.eulerAngles; if (!applyRotationX) { euler.x = inputRotation.eulerAngles.x; } if (!applyRotationY) { euler.y = inputRotation.eulerAngles.y; } if (!applyRotationZ) { euler.z = inputRotation.eulerAngles.z; } inputRotation.eulerAngles = euler; } else { inputRotation = rotation; } return(inputRotation); }
private Quaternion GetRotation(Quaternion inputRotation) { Vector3 a = _splineResult.direction; if (direction == Spline.Direction.Backward && !targetUser.averageResultVectors) { double num = targetUser.ClipPercent(_splineResult.percent); int num2 = targetUser.GetClippedSampleIndex(num); for (int num3 = DMath.CeilInt(num * (double)(targetUser.clippedSamples.Length - 1)); num3 >= 0; num3--) { num2 = num3; if (targetUser.ClipPercent(targetUser.clippedSamples[num3].percent) < num) { break; } } int num4 = num2; SplineResult splineResult = targetUser.clippedSamples[num4]; num4--; if (num4 < 0) { num4 = ((targetUser.span == 1.0 && ? Mathf.Max(targetUser.clippedSamples.Length - 2, 0) : 0); } SplineResult splineResult2 = targetUser.clippedSamples[num4]; a = Vector3.Slerp(splineResult.direction, splineResult2.direction, (float)DMath.InverseLerp(targetUser.ClipPercent(targetUser.clippedSamples[num2 + 1].percent), targetUser.ClipPercent(targetUser.clippedSamples[num2].percent), targetUser.ClipPercent(_splineResult.percent))); } rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(a * ((direction != Spline.Direction.Forward) ? (-1f) : 1f), _splineResult.normal); if (_rotationOffset != { rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(_rotationOffset); } if (customRotation != null) { rotation = customRotation.Evaluate(rotation, _splineResult.percent); } if (!applyRotationX || !applyRotationY) { Vector3 eulerAngles = rotation.eulerAngles; if (!applyRotationX) { Vector3 eulerAngles2 = inputRotation.eulerAngles; eulerAngles.x = eulerAngles2.x; } if (!applyRotationY) { Vector3 eulerAngles3 = inputRotation.eulerAngles; eulerAngles.y = eulerAngles3.y; } if (!applyRotationZ) { Vector3 eulerAngles4 = inputRotation.eulerAngles; eulerAngles.z = eulerAngles4.z; } inputRotation.eulerAngles = eulerAngles; } else { inputRotation = rotation; } return(inputRotation); }