static int ReturnToPool(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1); DragonBones.BaseObject obj = (DragonBones.BaseObject)ToLua.CheckObject <DragonBones.BaseObject>(L, 1); obj.ReturnToPool(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int set_hashCode(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); DragonBones.BaseObject obj = (DragonBones.BaseObject)o; uint arg0 = (uint)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); obj.hashCode = arg0; return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index hashCode on a nil value")); } }
static int get_hashCode(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); DragonBones.BaseObject obj = (DragonBones.BaseObject)o; uint ret = obj.hashCode; LuaDLL.lua_pushnumber(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index hashCode on a nil value")); } }
/** * @private */ private void _advanceFadeTime(float passedTime) { if (passedTime < 0.0f) { passedTime = -passedTime; } _fadeTime += passedTime; var fadeProgress = 0.0f; if (_fadeTime >= fadeTotalTime) // Fade complete. { fadeProgress = _isFadeOut ? 0.0f : 1.0f; } else if (_fadeTime > 0.0f) // Fading. { fadeProgress = _isFadeOut ? (1 - _fadeTime / fadeTotalTime) : (_fadeTime / fadeTotalTime); } else // Before fade. { fadeProgress = _isFadeOut ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } if (_fadeProgress != fadeProgress) { _fadeProgress = fadeProgress; var eventDispatcher = _armature._eventDispatcher; if (_fadeTime <= passedTime) { if (_isFadeOut) { if (eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.FADE_OUT)) { var evt = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); evt.animationState = this; _armature._bufferEvent(evt, EventObject.FADE_OUT); } } else { if (eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.FADE_IN)) { var evt = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); evt.animationState = this; _armature._bufferEvent(evt, EventObject.FADE_IN); } } } if (_fadeTime >= fadeTotalTime) { if (_isFadeOut) { _isFadeOutComplete = true; if (eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.FADE_OUT_COMPLETE)) { var evt = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); evt.animationState = this; _armature._bufferEvent(evt, EventObject.FADE_OUT_COMPLETE); } } else { _isPausePlayhead = false; if (eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.FADE_IN_COMPLETE)) { var evt = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); evt.animationState = this; _armature._bufferEvent(evt, EventObject.FADE_IN_COMPLETE); } } } } }
/** * @private */ internal void _updateTimelineStates() { var time = _time; if (!_animationData.hasAsynchronyTimeline) { time = _timeline._currentTime; } var boneTimelineStates = new Dictionary <string, BoneTimelineState>(); var slotTimelineStates = new Dictionary <string, SlotTimelineState>(); foreach (var boneTimelineState in _boneTimelines) // Creat bone timelines map. { boneTimelineStates.Add(, boneTimelineState); } foreach (var bone in _armature.GetBones()) { var boneTimelineName =; var boneTimelineData = _animationData.GetBoneTimeline(boneTimelineName); if (boneTimelineData != null && ContainsBoneMask(boneTimelineName)) { var boneTimelineState = boneTimelineStates.ContainsKey(boneTimelineName) ? boneTimelineStates[boneTimelineName] : null; if (boneTimelineState != null) // Remove bone timeline from map. { boneTimelineStates.Remove(boneTimelineName); } else // Create new bone timeline. { boneTimelineState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <BoneTimelineState>(); boneTimelineState.bone = bone; boneTimelineState.FadeIn(_armature, this, boneTimelineData, time); _boneTimelines.Add(boneTimelineState); } } } foreach (var boneTimelineState in boneTimelineStates.Values) // Remove bone timelines. { boneTimelineState.bone.InvalidUpdate(); // _boneTimelines.Remove(boneTimelineState); boneTimelineState.ReturnToPool(); } foreach (var slotTimelineState in _slotTimelines) // Create slot timelines map. { slotTimelineStates[] = slotTimelineState; } foreach (var slot in _armature.GetSlots()) { var slotTimelineName =; var parentTimelineName =; var slotTimelineData = _animationData.GetSlotTimeline(slotTimelineName); if (slotTimelineData != null && ContainsBoneMask(parentTimelineName) && !_isFadeOut) { var slotTimelineState = slotTimelineStates.ContainsKey(slotTimelineName) ? slotTimelineStates[slotTimelineName] : null; if (slotTimelineState != null) // Remove slot timeline from map. { slotTimelineStates.Remove(slotTimelineName); } else // Create new slot timeline. { slotTimelineState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <SlotTimelineState>(); slotTimelineState.slot = slot; slotTimelineState.FadeIn(_armature, this, slotTimelineData, time); _slotTimelines.Add(slotTimelineState); } } } foreach (var slotTimelineState in slotTimelineStates.Values) // Remove slot timelines. { _slotTimelines.Remove(slotTimelineState); slotTimelineState.ReturnToPool(); } _updateFFDTimelineStates(); }
/// <private/> protected void _UpdateDisplay() { var prevDisplay = this._display != null ? this._display : this._rawDisplay; var prevChildArmature = this._childArmature; // Update display and child armature. if (this._displayIndex >= 0 && this._displayIndex < this._displayList.Count) { this._display = this._displayList[this._displayIndex]; if (this._display != null && this._display is Armature) { this._childArmature = this._display as Armature; this._display = this._childArmature.display; } else { this._childArmature = null; } } else { this._display = null; this._childArmature = null; } // Update display. var currentDisplay = this._display != null ? this._display : this._rawDisplay; if (currentDisplay != prevDisplay) { this._OnUpdateDisplay(); this._ReplaceDisplay(prevDisplay); this._transformDirty = true; this._visibleDirty = true; this._blendModeDirty = true; this._colorDirty = true; } // Update frame. if (currentDisplay == this._rawDisplay || currentDisplay == this._meshDisplay) { this._UpdateFrame(); } // Update child armature. if (this._childArmature != prevChildArmature) { if (prevChildArmature != null) { // Update child armature parent. prevChildArmature._parent = null; prevChildArmature.clock = null; if (prevChildArmature.inheritAnimation) { prevChildArmature.animation.Reset(); } } if (this._childArmature != null) { // Update child armature parent. this._childArmature._parent = this; this._childArmature.clock = this._armature.clock; if (this._childArmature.inheritAnimation) { // Set child armature cache frameRate. if (this._childArmature.cacheFrameRate == 0) { var cacheFrameRate = this._armature.cacheFrameRate; if (cacheFrameRate != 0) { this._childArmature.cacheFrameRate = cacheFrameRate; } } // Child armature action. List <ActionData> actions = null; if (this._displayData != null && this._displayData.type == DisplayType.Armature) { actions = (this._displayData as ArmatureDisplayData).actions; } else if (this._displayIndex >= 0 && this._rawDisplayDatas != null) { var rawDisplayData = this._displayIndex < this._rawDisplayDatas.Count ? this._rawDisplayDatas[this._displayIndex] : null; if (rawDisplayData == null) { rawDisplayData = this._GetDefaultRawDisplayData(this._displayIndex); } if (rawDisplayData != null && rawDisplayData.type == DisplayType.Armature) { actions = (rawDisplayData as ArmatureDisplayData).actions; } } if (actions != null && actions.Count > 0) { foreach (var action in actions) { var eventObject = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); EventObject.ActionDataToInstance(action, eventObject, this._armature); eventObject.slot = this; this._armature._BufferAction(eventObject, false); } } else { this._childArmature.animation.Play(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// - Play animation with a specific animation config. /// The API is still in the experimental phase and may encounter bugs or stability or compatibility issues when used. /// </summary> /// <param name="animationConfig">- The animation config.</param> /// <returns>The playing animation state.</returns> /// <see cref="DragonBones.AnimationConfig"/> /// <beta/> /// <version>DragonBones 5.0</version> /// <language>en_US</language> /// <summary> /// - 通过指定的动画配置来播放动画。 /// 该 API 仍在实验阶段,使用时可能遭遇 bug 或稳定性或兼容性问题。 /// </summary> /// <param name="animationConfig">- 动画配置。</param> /// <returns>播放的动画状态。</returns> /// <see cref="DragonBones.AnimationConfig"/> /// <beta/> /// <version>DragonBones 5.0</version> /// <language>zh_CN</language> public AnimationState PlayConfig(AnimationConfig animationConfig) { var animationName = animationConfig.animation; if (!(this._animations.ContainsKey(animationName))) { Helper.Assert(false, "Non-existent animation.\n" + "DragonBones name: " + + "Armature name: " + + "Animation name: " + animationName ); return(null); } var animationData = this._animations[animationName]; if (animationConfig.fadeOutMode == AnimationFadeOutMode.Single) { foreach (var aniState in this._animationStates) { if (aniState._animationData == animationData) { return(aniState); } } } if (this._animationStates.Count == 0) { animationConfig.fadeInTime = 0.0f; } else if (animationConfig.fadeInTime < 0.0f) { animationConfig.fadeInTime = animationData.fadeInTime; } if (animationConfig.fadeOutTime < 0.0f) { animationConfig.fadeOutTime = animationConfig.fadeInTime; } if (animationConfig.timeScale <= -100.0f) { animationConfig.timeScale = 1.0f / animationData.scale; } if (animationData.frameCount > 1) { if (animationConfig.position < 0.0f) { animationConfig.position %= animationData.duration; animationConfig.position = animationData.duration - animationConfig.position; } else if (animationConfig.position == animationData.duration) { animationConfig.position -= 0.000001f; // Play a little time before end. } else if (animationConfig.position > animationData.duration) { animationConfig.position %= animationData.duration; } if (animationConfig.duration > 0.0f && animationConfig.position + animationConfig.duration > animationData.duration) { animationConfig.duration = animationData.duration - animationConfig.position; } if (animationConfig.playTimes < 0) { animationConfig.playTimes = (int)animationData.playTimes; } } else { animationConfig.playTimes = 1; animationConfig.position = 0.0f; if (animationConfig.duration > 0.0) { animationConfig.duration = 0.0f; } } if (animationConfig.duration == 0.0f) { animationConfig.duration = -1.0f; } this._FadeOut(animationConfig); var animationState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <AnimationState>(); animationState.Init(this._armature, animationData, animationConfig); this._animationDirty = true; this._armature._cacheFrameIndex = -1; if (this._animationStates.Count > 0) { var added = false; for (int i = 0, l = this._animationStates.Count; i < l; ++i) { if (animationState.layer > this._animationStates[i].layer) { added = true; this._animationStates.Insert(i, animationState); break; } else if (i != l - 1 && animationState.layer > this._animationStates[i + 1].layer) { added = true; this._animationStates.Insert(i + 1, animationState); break; } } if (!added) { this._animationStates.Add(animationState); } } else { this._animationStates.Add(animationState); } // Child armature play same name animation. foreach (var slot in this._armature.GetSlots()) { var childArmature = slot.childArmature; if (childArmature != null && childArmature.inheritAnimation && childArmature.animation.HasAnimation(animationName) && childArmature.animation.GetState(animationName) == null) { childArmature.animation.FadeIn(animationName); // } } if (!this._lockUpdate) { if (animationConfig.fadeInTime <= 0.0f) { // Blend animation state, update armature. this._armature.AdvanceTime(0.0f); } } this._lastAnimationState = animationState; return(animationState); }
/** * @private */ override protected void _updateFrame() { var isMeshDisplay = _meshData != null && _display == _meshDisplay; var currentTextureData = _textureData as UnityTextureData; if (_proxy.isUGUI) { _uiDisplay = _renderDisplay.GetComponent <UnityUGUIDisplay>(); if (_uiDisplay == null) { _uiDisplay = _renderDisplay.AddComponent <UnityUGUIDisplay>(); _uiDisplay.raycastTarget = false; } } else { _renderer = _renderDisplay.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (_renderer == null) { _renderer = _renderDisplay.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } _meshFilter = _renderDisplay.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (_meshFilter == null) { _meshFilter = _renderDisplay.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } } if (_display != null && _displayIndex >= 0 && currentTextureData != null) { var currentTextureAtlasData = currentTextureData.parent as UnityTextureAtlasData; // Update replaced texture atlas. if (_armature.replacedTexture != null && _displayData != null && currentTextureAtlasData == _displayData.texture.parent) { currentTextureAtlasData = _armature._replaceTextureAtlasData as UnityTextureAtlasData; if (currentTextureAtlasData == null) { currentTextureAtlasData = BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnityTextureAtlasData>(); currentTextureAtlasData.CopyFrom(_textureData.parent); if (_proxy.isUGUI) { currentTextureAtlasData.uiTexture = _armature.replacedTexture as Material; } else { currentTextureAtlasData.texture = _armature.replacedTexture as Material; } _armature._replaceTextureAtlasData = currentTextureAtlasData; } currentTextureData = currentTextureAtlasData.GetTexture( as UnityTextureData; } var currentTextureAtlas = _proxy.isUGUI?currentTextureAtlasData.uiTexture :currentTextureAtlasData.texture; if (currentTextureAtlas != null) { var textureAtlasWidth = currentTextureAtlasData.width > 0.0f ? currentTextureAtlasData.width : currentTextureAtlas.mainTexture.width; var textureAtlasHeight = currentTextureAtlasData.height > 0.0f ? currentTextureAtlasData.height : currentTextureAtlas.mainTexture.height; if (_mesh == null) { _mesh = new Mesh(); _mesh.MarkDynamic(); } else { _mesh.Clear(); _mesh.uv = null; _mesh.vertices = null; _mesh.normals = null; _mesh.triangles = null; _mesh.colors32 = null; } if (isMeshDisplay) // Mesh. { if (_uvs == null || _uvs.Length != _meshData.uvs.Count / 2) { _uvs = new Vector2[_meshData.uvs.Count / 2]; } if (_vertices == null || _vertices.Length != _meshData.vertices.Count / 2) { _vertices = new Vector3[_meshData.vertices.Count / 2]; _vertices2 = new Vector3[_vertices.Length]; } for (int i = 0, l = _meshData.uvs.Count; i < l; i += 2) { var iN = i / 2; var u = _meshData.uvs[i]; var v = _meshData.uvs[i + 1]; _uvs[iN] = new Vector2( (currentTextureData.region.x + u * currentTextureData.region.width) / textureAtlasWidth, 1.0f - (currentTextureData.region.y + v * currentTextureData.region.height) / textureAtlasHeight ); _vertices[iN] = new Vector3(_meshData.vertices[i], -_meshData.vertices[i + 1], 0.0f); _vertices2[iN] = _vertices[iN]; } _mesh.vertices = _vertices; // Must set vertices before uvs. _mesh.uv = _uvs; _mesh.triangles = _meshData.vertexIndices.ToArray(); } else // Normal texture. { var pivotY = _pivotY - currentTextureData.region.height * _armature.armatureData.scale; if (_vertices == null || _vertices.Length != 4) { _vertices = new Vector3[4]; _vertices2 = new Vector3[4]; } for (int i = 0, l = 4; i < l; ++i) { var u = 0.0f; var v = 0.0f; switch (i) { case 0: break; case 1: u = 1.0f; break; case 2: u = 1.0f; v = 1.0f; break; case 3: v = 1.0f; break; default: break; } _helpVector2s[i].x = (currentTextureData.region.x + u * currentTextureData.region.width) / textureAtlasWidth; _helpVector2s[i].y = 1.0f - (currentTextureData.region.y + v * currentTextureData.region.height) / textureAtlasHeight; _vertices[i].x = (u * currentTextureData.region.width) * 0.01f - _pivotX; _vertices[i].y = (1.0f - v) * currentTextureData.region.height * 0.01f + pivotY; _vertices[i].z = 0.0f * 0.01f; _vertices2[i] = _vertices[i]; } _mesh.vertices = _vertices; // Must set vertices before uvs. _mesh.uv = _helpVector2s; _mesh.triangles = TRIANGLES; } if (_proxy.isUGUI) { _uiDisplay.material = currentTextureAtlas; _uiDisplay.texture = currentTextureAtlas.mainTexture; _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); _uiDisplay.sharedMesh = _mesh; } else { if (_renderer.enabled) { _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } _meshFilter.sharedMesh = _mesh; _renderer.sharedMaterial = currentTextureAtlas; } _updateVisible(); return; } } _renderDisplay.SetActive(false); if (_proxy.isUGUI) { _uiDisplay.material = null; _uiDisplay.texture = null; _uiDisplay.sharedMesh = null; } else { _meshFilter.sharedMesh = null; _renderer.sharedMaterial = null; } _helpVector3.x = 0.0f; _helpVector3.y = 0.0f; _helpVector3.z = _renderDisplay.transform.localPosition.z; _renderDisplay.transform.localPosition = _helpVector3; }
/// <private/> protected void _UpdateDisplayData() { var prevDisplayData = this._displayData; var prevVerticesData = this._deformVertices != null ? this._deformVertices.verticesData : null; var prevTextureData = this._textureData; DisplayData rawDisplayData = null; VerticesData currentVerticesData = null; this._displayData = null; this._boundingBoxData = null; this._textureData = null; if (this._displayIndex >= 0) { if (this._rawDisplayDatas != null) { rawDisplayData = this._displayIndex < this._rawDisplayDatas.Count ? this._rawDisplayDatas[this._displayIndex] : null; } if (rawDisplayData == null) { rawDisplayData = this._GetDefaultRawDisplayData(this._displayIndex); } if (this._displayIndex < this._displayDatas.Count) { this._displayData = this._displayDatas[this._displayIndex]; } } // Update texture and mesh data. if (this._displayData != null) { if (this._displayData.type == DisplayType.Mesh) { currentVerticesData = (this._displayData as MeshDisplayData).vertices; } else if (this._displayData.type == DisplayType.Path) { currentVerticesData = (this._displayData as PathDisplayData).vertices; } else if (rawDisplayData != null) { if (rawDisplayData.type == DisplayType.Mesh) { currentVerticesData = (rawDisplayData as MeshDisplayData).vertices; } else if (rawDisplayData.type == DisplayType.Path) { currentVerticesData = (rawDisplayData as PathDisplayData).vertices; } } if (this._displayData.type == DisplayType.BoundingBox) { this._boundingBoxData = (this._displayData as BoundingBoxDisplayData).boundingBox; } else if (rawDisplayData != null) { if (rawDisplayData.type == DisplayType.BoundingBox) { this._boundingBoxData = (rawDisplayData as BoundingBoxDisplayData).boundingBox; } } if (this._displayData.type == DisplayType.Image) { this._textureData = (this._displayData as ImageDisplayData).texture; } else if (this._displayData.type == DisplayType.Mesh) { this._textureData = (this._displayData as MeshDisplayData).texture; } } if (this._displayData != prevDisplayData || currentVerticesData != prevVerticesData || this._textureData != prevTextureData) { // Update pivot offset. if (currentVerticesData == null && this._textureData != null) { var imageDisplayData = this._displayData as ImageDisplayData; var scale = this._textureData.parent.scale * this._armature._armatureData.scale; var frame = this._textureData.frame; this._pivotX = imageDisplayData.pivot.x; this._pivotY = imageDisplayData.pivot.y; var rect = frame != null ? frame : this._textureData.region; var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; if (this._textureData.rotated && frame == null) { width = rect.height; height = rect.width; } this._pivotX *= width * scale; this._pivotY *= height * scale; if (frame != null) { this._pivotX += frame.x * scale; this._pivotY += frame.y * scale; } // Update replace pivot. TODO if (this._displayData != null && rawDisplayData != null && this._displayData != rawDisplayData) { rawDisplayData.transform.ToMatrix(Slot._helpMatrix); Slot._helpMatrix.Invert(); Slot._helpMatrix.TransformPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, Slot._helpPoint); this._pivotX -= Slot._helpPoint.x; this._pivotY -= Slot._helpPoint.y; this._displayData.transform.ToMatrix(Slot._helpMatrix); Slot._helpMatrix.Invert(); Slot._helpMatrix.TransformPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, Slot._helpPoint); this._pivotX += Slot._helpPoint.x; this._pivotY += Slot._helpPoint.y; } if (!DragonBones.yDown) { this._pivotY = (this._textureData.rotated ? this._textureData.region.width : this._textureData.region.height) * scale - this._pivotY; } } else { this._pivotX = 0.0f; this._pivotY = 0.0f; } // Update original transform. if (rawDisplayData != null) { // Compatible. this.origin = rawDisplayData.transform; } else if (this._displayData != null) { // Compatible. this.origin = this._displayData.transform; } else { this.origin = null; } // Update vertices. if (currentVerticesData != prevVerticesData) { if (this._deformVertices == null) { this._deformVertices = BaseObject.BorrowObject <DeformVertices>(); } this._deformVertices.init(currentVerticesData, this._armature); } else if (this._deformVertices != null && this._textureData != prevTextureData) { // Update mesh after update frame. this._deformVertices.verticesDirty = true; } this._displayDirty = true; this._transformDirty = true; } }
protected override AnimationData _ParseAnimation(Dictionary <string, object> rawData) { var animation = BaseObject.BorrowObject <AnimationData>(); animation.frameCount = (uint)System.Math.Max(ObjectDataParser._GetNumber(rawData, DataParser.DURATION, 1), 1); animation.playTimes = (uint)ObjectDataParser._GetNumber(rawData, DataParser.PLAY_TIMES, 1); animation.duration = (float)animation.frameCount / (float)this._armature.frameRate;//Must float animation.fadeInTime = ObjectDataParser._GetNumber(rawData, DataParser.FADE_IN_TIME, 0.0f); animation.scale = ObjectDataParser._GetNumber(rawData, DataParser.SCALE, 1.0f); = ObjectDataParser._GetString(rawData, DataParser.NAME, DataParser.DEFAULT_NAME); if ( == 0) { = DataParser.DEFAULT_NAME; } // Offsets. var offsets = rawData[DataParser.OFFSET] as List <object>; animation.frameIntOffset = uint.Parse(offsets[0].ToString()); animation.frameFloatOffset = uint.Parse(offsets[1].ToString()); animation.frameOffset = uint.Parse(offsets[2].ToString()); this._animation = animation; if (rawData.ContainsKey(DataParser.ACTION)) { animation.actionTimeline = this._ParseBinaryTimeline(TimelineType.Action, uint.Parse(rawData[DataParser.ACTION].ToString())); } if (rawData.ContainsKey(DataParser.Z_ORDER)) { animation.zOrderTimeline = this._ParseBinaryTimeline(TimelineType.ZOrder, uint.Parse(rawData[DataParser.Z_ORDER].ToString())); } if (rawData.ContainsKey(DataParser.BONE)) { var rawTimeliness = rawData[DataParser.BONE] as Dictionary <string, object>; foreach (var k in rawTimeliness.Keys) { var rawTimelines = rawTimeliness[k] as List <object>; var bone = this._armature.GetBone(k); if (bone == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0, l = rawTimelines.Count; i < l; i += 2) { var timelineType = int.Parse(rawTimelines[i].ToString()); var timelineOffset = int.Parse(rawTimelines[i + 1].ToString()); var timeline = this._ParseBinaryTimeline((TimelineType)timelineType, (uint)timelineOffset); this._animation.AddBoneTimeline(bone, timeline); } } } if (rawData.ContainsKey(DataParser.SLOT)) { var rawTimeliness = rawData[DataParser.SLOT] as Dictionary <string,object>; foreach (var k in rawTimeliness.Keys) { var rawTimelines = rawTimeliness[k] as List <object>; var slot = this._armature.GetSlot(k); if (slot == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0,l = rawTimelines.Count; i < l; i += 2) { var timelineType = int.Parse(rawTimelines[i].ToString()); var timelineOffset = int.Parse(rawTimelines[i + 1].ToString()); var timeline = this._ParseBinaryTimeline((TimelineType)timelineType,(uint)timelineOffset); this._animation.AddSlotTimeline(slot,timeline); } } } if (rawData.ContainsKey(DataParser.CONSTRAINT)) { var rawTimeliness = rawData[DataParser.CONSTRAINT] as Dictionary <string,object>; foreach (var k in rawTimeliness.Keys) { var rawTimelines = rawTimeliness[k] as List <object>; var constraint = this._armature.GetConstraint(k); if (constraint == null) { continue; } for (int i = 0,l = rawTimelines.Count; i < l; i += 2) { var timelineType = int.Parse(rawTimelines[i].ToString()); var timelineOffset = int.Parse(rawTimelines[i + 1].ToString()); var timeline = this._ParseBinaryTimeline((TimelineType)timelineType,(uint)timelineOffset); this._animation.AddConstraintTimeline(constraint,timeline); } } } this._animation = null; return(animation); }
/** * @private */ public override TextureData CreateTexture() { return(BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnityTextureData>()); }
/** * @private */ protected override void _UpdateFrame() { var meshData = this._display == this._meshDisplay ? this._meshData : null; var currentTextureData = this._textureData as UnityTextureData; if (_proxy.isUGUI) { _uiDisplay = _renderDisplay.GetComponent <UnityUGUIDisplay>(); if (_uiDisplay == null) { _uiDisplay = _renderDisplay.AddComponent <UnityUGUIDisplay>(); _uiDisplay.raycastTarget = false; } } else { _renderer = _renderDisplay.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (_renderer == null) { _renderer = _renderDisplay.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); } _meshFilter = _renderDisplay.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (_meshFilter == null) { _meshFilter = _renderDisplay.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } } if (this._displayIndex >= 0 && this._display != null && currentTextureData != null) { if (this._armature.replacedTexture != null && this._rawDisplayDatas.Contains(this._displayData)) { var currentTextureAtlasData = currentTextureData.parent as UnityTextureAtlasData; if (this._armature._replaceTextureAtlasData == null) { currentTextureAtlasData = BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnityTextureAtlasData>(); currentTextureAtlasData.CopyFrom(currentTextureData.parent); if (_proxy.isUGUI) { currentTextureAtlasData.uiTexture = _armature.replacedTexture as Material; } else { currentTextureAtlasData.texture = _armature.replacedTexture as Material; } this._armature._replaceTextureAtlasData = currentTextureAtlasData; } else { currentTextureAtlasData = this._armature._replaceTextureAtlasData as UnityTextureAtlasData; } currentTextureData = currentTextureAtlasData.GetTexture( as UnityTextureData; } var currentTextureAtlas = _proxy.isUGUI ? currentTextureAtlasData.uiTexture : currentTextureAtlasData.texture; if (currentTextureAtlas != null) { var textureAtlasWidth = currentTextureAtlasData.width > 0.0f ? (int)currentTextureAtlasData.width : currentTextureAtlas.mainTexture.width; var textureAtlasHeight = currentTextureAtlasData.height > 0.0f ? (int)currentTextureAtlasData.height : currentTextureAtlas.mainTexture.height; if (_mesh == null) { _mesh = new Mesh(); _mesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor | HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild; _mesh.MarkDynamic(); } var meshDisplay = this._mesh; meshDisplay.Clear(); meshDisplay.uv = null; meshDisplay.vertices = null; meshDisplay.normals = null; meshDisplay.triangles = null; meshDisplay.colors32 = null; var textureScale = _armature.armatureData.scale * currentTextureData.parent.scale; var sourceX = currentTextureData.region.x; var sourceY = currentTextureData.region.y; var sourceWidth = currentTextureData.region.width; var sourceHeight = currentTextureData.region.height; if (meshData != null) { var data = meshData.parent.parent.parent; var intArray = data.intArray; var floatArray = data.floatArray; var vertexCount = intArray[meshData.offset + (int)BinaryOffset.MeshVertexCount]; var triangleCount = intArray[meshData.offset + (int)BinaryOffset.MeshTriangleCount]; int vertexOffset = intArray[meshData.offset + (int)BinaryOffset.MeshFloatOffset]; if (vertexOffset < 0) { vertexOffset += 65536; // Fixed out of bouds bug. } var uvOffset = vertexOffset + vertexCount * 2; if (this._uvs == null || this._uvs.Length != vertexCount) { this._uvs = new Vector2[vertexCount]; } if (this._vertices == null || this._vertices.Length != vertexCount) { this._vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount]; this._vertices2 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; } int[] triangles = new int[triangleCount * 3]; for (int i = 0, iV = vertexOffset, iU = uvOffset, l = vertexCount; i < l; ++i) { this._vertices[i].x = floatArray[iV++] * textureScale; this._vertices[i].y = floatArray[iV++] * textureScale; this._uvs[i].x = (sourceX + floatArray[iU++] * sourceWidth) / textureAtlasWidth; this._uvs[i].y = 1.0f - (sourceY + floatArray[iU++] * sourceHeight) / textureAtlasHeight; this._vertices2[i] = this._vertices[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount * 3; ++i) { triangles[i] = intArray[meshData.offset + (int)BinaryOffset.MeshVertexIndices + i]; } // meshDisplay.vertices = this._vertices; meshDisplay.uv = this._uvs;// Must set vertices before uvs. meshDisplay.triangles = triangles; } else { if (_vertices == null || _vertices.Length != 4) { _vertices = new Vector3[4]; _vertices2 = new Vector3[4]; } // Normal texture. for (int i = 0, l = 4; i < l; ++i) { var u = 0.0f; var v = 0.0f; switch (i) { case 0: break; case 1: u = 1.0f; break; case 2: u = 1.0f; v = 1.0f; break; case 3: v = 1.0f; break; default: break; } var scaleWidth = sourceWidth * textureScale; var scaleHeight = sourceHeight * textureScale; var pivotX = _pivotX; var pivotY = scaleHeight - _pivotY; if (currentTextureData.rotated) { var temp = scaleWidth; scaleWidth = scaleHeight; scaleHeight = temp; pivotX = scaleWidth - _pivotX; pivotY = scaleHeight - _pivotY; //uv _helpVector2s[i].x = (sourceX + (1.0f - v) * sourceWidth) / textureAtlasWidth; _helpVector2s[i].y = 1.0f - (sourceY + u * sourceHeight) / textureAtlasHeight; } else { //uv _helpVector2s[i].x = (sourceX + u * sourceWidth) / textureAtlasWidth; _helpVector2s[i].y = 1.0f - (sourceY + v * sourceHeight) / textureAtlasHeight; } //vertices _vertices[i].x = (u * scaleWidth) - pivotX; _vertices[i].y = (1.0f - v) * scaleHeight - pivotY; _vertices[i].z = 0.0f; _vertices2[i] = _vertices[i]; } _mesh.vertices = _vertices; // Must set vertices before uvs. _mesh.uv = _helpVector2s; _mesh.triangles = TRIANGLES; } if (_proxy.isUGUI) { _uiDisplay.material = currentTextureAtlas; _uiDisplay.texture = currentTextureAtlas.mainTexture; _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); _uiDisplay.sharedMesh = _mesh; } else { if (_renderer.enabled) { _mesh.RecalculateBounds(); } _meshFilter.sharedMesh = _mesh; _renderer.sharedMaterial = currentTextureAtlas; } this._blendModeDirty = true; this._colorDirty = true;// Relpace texture will override blendMode and color. this._visibleDirty = true; return; } } _renderDisplay.SetActive(false); if (_proxy.isUGUI) { _uiDisplay.material = null; _uiDisplay.texture = null; _uiDisplay.sharedMesh = null; } else { _meshFilter.sharedMesh = null; _renderer.sharedMaterial = null; } _helpVector3.x = 0.0f; _helpVector3.y = 0.0f; _helpVector3.z = _renderDisplay.transform.localPosition.z; _renderDisplay.transform.localPosition = _helpVector3; }
/** * @private */ internal void _init(Armature armature, AnimationData animationData, AnimationConfig animationConfig) { _armature = armature; _animationData = animationData; _name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? : animationConfig.animationName; actionEnabled = animationConfig.actionEnabled; additiveBlending = animationConfig.additiveBlending; displayControl = animationConfig.displayControl; playTimes = (uint)animationConfig.playTimes; timeScale = animationConfig.timeScale; fadeTotalTime = animationConfig.fadeInTime; autoFadeOutTime = animationConfig.autoFadeOutTime; weight = animationConfig.weight; if (animationConfig.pauseFadeIn) { _playheadState = 2; // 10 } else { _playheadState = 3; // 11 } _fadeState = -1; _subFadeState = -1; _layer = animationConfig.layer; _time = animationConfig.position; _group =; if (animationConfig.duration < 0.0f) { _position = 0.0f; _duration = _animationData.duration; if (animationConfig.position != 0.0f) { if (timeScale >= 0.0f) { _time = animationConfig.position; } else { _time = animationConfig.position - _duration; } } else { _time = 0.0f; } } else { _position = animationConfig.position; _duration = animationConfig.duration; _time = 0.0f; } if (timeScale < 0.0f && _time == 0.0f) { _time = -0.000001f; // Can not cross last frame event. } if (fadeTotalTime <= 0.0f) { _fadeProgress = 0.999999f; } if (animationConfig.boneMask.Count > 0) { DragonBones.ResizeList(_boneMask, animationConfig.boneMask.Count, null); for (int i = 0, l = _boneMask.Count; i < l; ++i) { _boneMask[i] = animationConfig.boneMask[i]; } } _timeline = BaseObject.BorrowObject <AnimationTimelineState>(); _timeline._init(_armature, this, _animationData); if (_animationData.zOrderTimeline != null) { _zOrderTimeline = BaseObject.BorrowObject <ZOrderTimelineState>(); _zOrderTimeline._init(_armature, this, _animationData.zOrderTimeline); } _updateTimelineStates(); }
/** * @private */ override public TextureData GenerateTextureData() { return(BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnityTextureData>()); }
/** * @private */ override protected Slot _generateSlot(BuildArmaturePackage dataPackage, SlotDisplayDataSet slotDisplayDataSet, Armature armature) { var slot = BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnitySlot>(); var slotData = slotDisplayDataSet.slot; var displayList = new List <object>(); var armatureDisplay = armature.display as GameObject; var transform = armatureDisplay.transform.Find(; var gameObject = transform == null ? null : transform.gameObject; if (gameObject == null) { gameObject = new GameObject(; gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); } =; slot._rawDisplay = gameObject; slot._meshDisplay = slot._rawDisplay; foreach (var displayData in slotDisplayDataSet.displays) { switch (displayData.type) { case DisplayType.Image: if (displayData.texture == null) { displayData.texture = this._getTextureData(dataPackage.dataName,; } displayList.Add(slot._rawDisplay); break; case DisplayType.Mesh: if (displayData.texture == null) { displayData.texture = this._getTextureData(dataPackage.dataName,; } displayList.Add(slot._meshDisplay); break; case DisplayType.Armature: var childDisplayName = + " (" + + ")"; var childTransform = armatureDisplay.transform.Find(childDisplayName); var childArmature = childTransform == null? this.BuildArmature(, dataPackage.dataName) : BuildArmatureComponent(, dataPackage.dataName, null, childTransform.gameObject).armature; if (childArmature != null) { if (childArmature._clock != null) { childArmature._clock.Remove(childArmature); } if (!slot.inheritAnimation) { var actions = slotData.actions.Count > 0 ? slotData.actions : childArmature.armatureData.actions; if (actions.Count > 0) { foreach (var actionData in actions) { childArmature._bufferAction(actionData); } } else { childArmature.animation.Play(); } } displayData.armature = childArmature.armatureData; // // Hide var childArmatureDisplay = childArmature.display as GameObject; = childDisplayName; childArmatureDisplay.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; childArmatureDisplay.SetActive(false); } displayList.Add(childArmature); break; default: displayList.Add(null); break; } } slot._setDisplayList(displayList); return(slot); }
/** * @private */ override protected Slot _generateSlot(BuildArmaturePackage dataPackage, SlotDisplayDataSet slotDisplayDataSet, Armature armature) { var slot = BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnitySlot>(); var slotData = slotDisplayDataSet.slot; var displayList = new List <object>(); =; slot._rawDisplay = new GameObject(); slot._meshDisplay = slot._rawDisplay; (slot._rawDisplay as GameObject).AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); (slot._rawDisplay as GameObject).name =; foreach (var displayData in slotDisplayDataSet.displays) { switch (displayData.type) { case DisplayType.Image: if (displayData.texture == null) { displayData.texture = this._getTextureData(dataPackage.dataName,; } displayList.Add(slot._rawDisplay); break; case DisplayType.Mesh: if (displayData.texture == null) { displayData.texture = this._getTextureData(dataPackage.dataName,; } displayList.Add(slot._meshDisplay); break; case DisplayType.Armature: var childArmature = this.BuildArmature(, dataPackage.dataName); if (childArmature != null) { if (!slot.inheritAnimation) { var actions = slotData.actions.Count > 0 ? slotData.actions : childArmature.armatureData.actions; if (actions.Count > 0) { foreach (var actionData in actions) { childArmature._bufferAction(actionData); } } else { childArmature.animation.Play(); } } // hide var childArmatureDisplay = childArmature.display as GameObject; var armatureComponent = childArmatureDisplay.GetComponent <UnityArmatureComponent>(); if (armatureComponent != null && EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { childArmatureDisplay.transform.parent = _hiddenObject.transform; } else { childArmatureDisplay.transform.parent = (armature.display as GameObject).transform; childArmatureDisplay.SetActive(false); } // (childArmature.display as GameObject).name =; displayData.armature = childArmature.armatureData; // } displayList.Add(childArmature); break; default: displayList.Add(null); break; } } slot._setDisplayList(displayList); return(slot); }
/** * @private */ internal void _updateFFDTimelineStates() { var time = _time; if (!_animationData.hasAsynchronyTimeline) { time = _timeline._currentTime; } var ffdTimelineStates = new Dictionary <string, FFDTimelineState>(); foreach (var ffdTimelineState in _ffdTimelines) // Create ffd timelines map. { ffdTimelineStates[] = ffdTimelineState; } foreach (var slot in _armature.GetSlots()) { var slotTimelineName =; var parentTimelineName =; if (slot._meshData != null) { var displayIndex = slot.displayIndex; var rawMeshData = displayIndex < slot._displayDataSet.displays.Count ? slot._displayDataSet.displays[displayIndex].mesh : null; if (slot._meshData == rawMeshData) { var ffdTimelineData = _animationData.GetFFDTimeline(, slotTimelineName, displayIndex); if (ffdTimelineData != null && ContainsBoneMask(parentTimelineName)) // && !_isFadeOut { var ffdTimelineState = ffdTimelineStates.ContainsKey(slotTimelineName) ? ffdTimelineStates[slotTimelineName] : null; if (ffdTimelineState != null && ffdTimelineState._timeline == ffdTimelineData) // Remove ffd timeline from map. { ffdTimelineStates.Remove(slotTimelineName); } else // Create new ffd timeline. { ffdTimelineState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <FFDTimelineState>(); ffdTimelineState.slot = slot; ffdTimelineState.FadeIn(_armature, this, ffdTimelineData, time); _ffdTimelines.Add(ffdTimelineState); } } else { for (int i = 0, l = slot._ffdVertices.Count; i < l; ++i) // Clear slot ffd. { slot._ffdVertices[i] = 0.0f; } slot._ffdDirty = true; } } } } foreach (var ffdTimelineState in ffdTimelineStates.Values)// Remove ffd timelines. { //ffdTimelineState.slot._ffdDirty = true; _ffdTimelines.Remove(ffdTimelineState); ffdTimelineState.ReturnToPool(); } }
override public void Update(float passedTime) { var prevState = _playState; var prevTime = _currentTime; var prevPlayTimes = _currentPlayTimes; if (_playState <= 0 && _setCurrentTime(passedTime)) { var eventDispatcher = _armature.eventDispatcher; if (prevState < 0 && _playState != prevState) { if (_animationState.displayControl) { _armature._sortZOrder(null); } if (eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.START)) { var eventObject = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); eventObject.animationState = _animationState; _armature._bufferEvent(eventObject, EventObject.START); } } if (prevTime < 0.0f) { return; } if (_keyFrameCount > 1) { var currentFrameIndex = (int)(_currentTime * _frameRate); // uint var currentFrame = _timelineData.frames[currentFrameIndex]; if (_currentFrame != currentFrame) { var isReverse = _currentPlayTimes == prevPlayTimes && prevTime > _currentTime; var crossedFrame = _currentFrame; _currentFrame = currentFrame; if (crossedFrame == null) { var prevFrameIndex = (int)(prevTime * _frameRate); crossedFrame = _timelineData.frames[prevFrameIndex]; if (isReverse) { } else { if ( prevTime <= crossedFrame.position // || prevPlayTimes != _currentPlayTimes ? ) { crossedFrame = crossedFrame.prev; } } } if (isReverse) { while (crossedFrame != currentFrame) { _onCrossFrame(crossedFrame); crossedFrame = crossedFrame.prev; } } else { while (crossedFrame != currentFrame) { crossedFrame =; _onCrossFrame(crossedFrame); } } } else if (_keyFrameCount > 0 && _currentFrame == null) { _currentFrame = _timelineData.frames[0]; _onCrossFrame(_currentFrame); } } if (_currentPlayTimes != prevPlayTimes) { if (eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.LOOP_COMPLETE)) { var eventObject = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); eventObject.animationState = _animationState; _armature._bufferEvent(eventObject, EventObject.LOOP_COMPLETE); } if (_playState > 0 && eventDispatcher.HasEventListener(EventObject.COMPLETE)) { var eventObject = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); eventObject.animationState = _animationState; _armature._bufferEvent(eventObject, EventObject.COMPLETE); } } } }
/** * @private */ internal void _updateTimelineStates() { var boneTimelineStates = new Dictionary <string, BoneTimelineState>(); var slotTimelineStates = new Dictionary <string, SlotTimelineState>(); var ffdTimelineStates = new Dictionary <string, FFDTimelineState>(); for (int i = 0, l = _boneTimelines.Count; i < l; ++i) // Creat bone timelines map. { var boneTimelineState = _boneTimelines[i]; boneTimelineStates[] = boneTimelineState; } var bones = _armature.GetBones(); for (int i = 0, l = bones.Count; i < l; ++i) { var bone = bones[i]; var boneTimelineName =; if (ContainsBoneMask(boneTimelineName)) { var boneTimelineData = _animationData.GetBoneTimeline(boneTimelineName); if (boneTimelineData != null) { if (boneTimelineStates.ContainsKey(boneTimelineName)) // Remove bone timeline from map. { boneTimelineStates.Remove(boneTimelineName); } else // Create new bone timeline. { var boneTimelineState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <BoneTimelineState>(); boneTimelineState.bone = bone; boneTimelineState._init(_armature, this, boneTimelineData); _boneTimelines.Add(boneTimelineState); } } } } foreach (var boneTimelineState in boneTimelineStates.Values) // Remove bone timelines. { boneTimelineState.bone.InvalidUpdate(); // _boneTimelines.Remove(boneTimelineState); boneTimelineState.ReturnToPool(); } for (int i = 0, l = _slotTimelines.Count; i < l; ++i) // Creat slot timelines map. { var slotTimelineState = _slotTimelines[i]; slotTimelineStates[] = slotTimelineState; } for (int i = 0, l = _ffdTimelines.Count; i < l; ++i) // Creat ffd timelines map. { var ffdTimelineState = _ffdTimelines[i]; var display = ffdTimelineState._timelineData.display; var meshName = display.inheritAnimation ? :; ffdTimelineStates[meshName] = ffdTimelineState; } var slots = _armature.GetSlots(); for (int i = 0, l = slots.Count; i < l; ++i) { var slot = slots[i]; var slotTimelineName =; var parentTimelineName =; var resetFFDVertices = false; if (ContainsBoneMask(parentTimelineName)) { var slotTimelineData = _animationData.GetSlotTimeline(slotTimelineName); if (slotTimelineData != null) { if (slotTimelineStates.ContainsKey(slotTimelineName)) // Remove slot timeline from map. { slotTimelineStates.Remove(slotTimelineName); } else // Create new slot timeline. { var slotTimelineState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <SlotTimelineState>(); slotTimelineState.slot = slot; slotTimelineState._init(_armature, this, slotTimelineData); _slotTimelines.Add(slotTimelineState); } } var ffdTimelineDatas = _animationData.GetFFDTimeline(, slotTimelineName); if (ffdTimelineDatas != null) { foreach (var pair in ffdTimelineDatas) { if (ffdTimelineStates.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) // Remove ffd timeline from map. { ffdTimelineStates.Remove(pair.Key); } else // Create new ffd timeline. { var ffdTimelineState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <FFDTimelineState>(); ffdTimelineState.slot = slot; ffdTimelineState._init(_armature, this, pair.Value); _ffdTimelines.Add(ffdTimelineState); } } } else { resetFFDVertices = true; } } else { resetFFDVertices = true; } if (resetFFDVertices) { for (int iA = 0, lA = slot._ffdVertices.Count; iA < lA; ++iA) { slot._ffdVertices[iA] = 0.0f; } slot._meshDirty = true; } } foreach (var slotTimelineState in slotTimelineStates.Values) // Remove slot timelines. { _slotTimelines.Remove(slotTimelineState); slotTimelineState.ReturnToPool(); } foreach (var ffdTimelineState in ffdTimelineStates.Values)// Remove ffd timelines. { _ffdTimelines.Remove(ffdTimelineState); ffdTimelineState.ReturnToPool(); } }
/// <private/> protected object _GetSlotDisplay(BuildArmaturePackage dataPackage, DisplayData displayData, DisplayData rawDisplayData, Slot slot) { var dataName = dataPackage != null ? dataPackage.dataName :; object display = null; switch (displayData.type) { case DisplayType.Image: { var imageDisplayData = displayData as ImageDisplayData; if (imageDisplayData.texture == null) { imageDisplayData.texture = this._GetTextureData(dataName, displayData.path); } else if (dataPackage != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackage.textureAtlasName)) { imageDisplayData.texture = this._GetTextureData(dataPackage.textureAtlasName, displayData.path); } if (rawDisplayData != null && rawDisplayData.type == DisplayType.Mesh && this._IsSupportMesh()) { display = slot.meshDisplay; } else { display = slot.rawDisplay; } } break; case DisplayType.Mesh: { var meshDisplayData = displayData as MeshDisplayData; if (meshDisplayData.texture == null) { meshDisplayData.texture = this._GetTextureData(dataName, meshDisplayData.path); } else if (dataPackage != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackage.textureAtlasName)) { meshDisplayData.texture = this._GetTextureData(dataPackage.textureAtlasName, meshDisplayData.path); } if (this._IsSupportMesh()) { display = slot.meshDisplay; } else { display = slot.rawDisplay; } } break; case DisplayType.Armature: { var armatureDisplayData = displayData as ArmatureDisplayData; var childArmature = this._BuildChildArmature(dataPackage, slot, displayData); if (childArmature != null) { childArmature.inheritAnimation = armatureDisplayData.inheritAnimation; if (!childArmature.inheritAnimation) { var actions = armatureDisplayData.actions.Count > 0 ? armatureDisplayData.actions : childArmature.armatureData.defaultActions; if (actions.Count > 0) { foreach (var action in actions) { var eventObject = BaseObject.BorrowObject <EventObject>(); EventObject.ActionDataToInstance(action, eventObject, slot.armature); eventObject.slot = slot; slot.armature._BufferAction(eventObject, false); } } else { childArmature.animation.Play(); } } armatureDisplayData.armature = childArmature.armatureData; // } display = childArmature; } break; case DisplayType.BoundingBox: break; } return(display); }
/** * @language zh_CN * @beta * 通过动画配置来播放动画。 * @param animationConfig 动画配置。 * @returns 对应的动画状态。 * @see DragonBones.AnimationConfig * @see DragonBones.AnimationState * @version DragonBones 5.0 */ public AnimationState PlayConfig(AnimationConfig animationConfig) { if (animationConfig == null) { DragonBones.Assert(false, DragonBones.ARGUMENT_ERROR); return(null); } var animationName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationConfig.animationName) ? animationConfig.animationName :; var animationData = _animations.ContainsKey(animationName) ? _animations[animationName] : null; if (animationData == null) { DragonBones.Assert(false, "Non-existent animation.\n" + "DragonBones name: " + + " Armature name: " + + " Animation name: " + animationName ); return(null); } _isPlaying = true; if (animationConfig.playTimes < 0) { animationConfig.playTimes = (int)animationData.playTimes; } if (animationConfig.fadeInTime < 0.0f || float.IsNaN(animationConfig.fadeInTime)) { if (_lastAnimationState != null) { animationConfig.fadeInTime = animationData.fadeInTime; } else { animationConfig.fadeInTime = 0.0f; } } if (animationConfig.fadeOutTime < 0.0f || float.IsNaN(animationConfig.fadeOutTime)) { animationConfig.fadeOutTime = animationConfig.fadeInTime; } if (animationConfig.timeScale <= -100.0f || float.IsNaN(animationConfig.timeScale)) // { animationConfig.timeScale = 1.0f / animationData.scale; } if (animationData.duration > 0.0f) { if (float.IsNaN(animationConfig.position)) { animationConfig.position = 0.0f; } else if (animationConfig.position < 0.0f) { animationConfig.position %= animationData.duration; animationConfig.position = animationData.duration - animationConfig.position; } else if (animationConfig.position == animationData.duration) { animationConfig.position -= 0.001f; } else if (animationConfig.position > animationData.duration) { animationConfig.position %= animationData.duration; } if (animationConfig.position + animationConfig.duration > animationData.duration) { animationConfig.duration = animationData.duration - animationConfig.position; } } else { animationConfig.position = 0.0f; animationConfig.duration = -1.0f; } var isStop = animationConfig.duration == 0.0f; if (isStop) { animationConfig.playTimes = 1; animationConfig.duration = -1.0f; animationConfig.fadeInTime = 0.0f; } _fadeOut(animationConfig); _lastAnimationState = BaseObject.BorrowObject <AnimationState>(); _lastAnimationState._init(_armature, animationData, animationConfig); _animationStates.Add(_lastAnimationState); _animationStateDirty = true; _cacheFrameIndex = -1; if (_animationStates.Count > 1) { _animationStates.Sort(_sortAnimationState); } // Child armature play same name animation. var slots = _armature.GetSlots(); for (int i = 0, l = slots.Count; i < l; ++i) { var childArmature = slots[i].childArmature; if ( childArmature != null && childArmature.inheritAnimation && childArmature.animation.HasAnimation(animationName) && childArmature.animation.GetState(animationName) == null ) { childArmature.animation.FadeIn(animationName); // } } if (animationConfig.fadeInTime <= 0.0f) // Blend animation state, update armature. { _armature.AdvanceTime(0.0f); } if (isStop) { _lastAnimationState.Stop(); } return(_lastAnimationState); }
/** * @private */ override protected Slot _generateSlot(BuildArmaturePackage dataPackage, SkinSlotData skinSlotData, Armature armature) { var slotData = skinSlotData.slot; var slot = BaseObject.BorrowObject <UnitySlot>(); var displayList = new List <object>(); DragonBones.ResizeList(displayList, skinSlotData.displays.Count, null); var armatureDisplay = armature.display as GameObject; var slotsRoot = armatureDisplay.GetComponent <UnityArmatureComponent>().slotsRoot.transform; var transform = slotsRoot.Find(; var gameObject = transform == null ? null : transform.gameObject; if (gameObject == null) { gameObject = new GameObject(; } slot._init( skinSlotData, gameObject, gameObject ); for (int i = 0, l = skinSlotData.displays.Count; i < l; ++i) { var displayData = skinSlotData.displays[i]; switch (displayData.type) { case DisplayType.Image: if (displayData.texture == null) { displayData.texture = _getTextureData(dataPackage.dataName, displayData.path); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackage.textureAtlasName)) { slot._textureDatas[i] = _getTextureData(dataPackage.textureAtlasName, displayData.path); } displayList[i] = slot.rawDisplay; break; case DisplayType.Mesh: if (displayData.texture == null) { displayData.texture = _getTextureData(dataPackage.dataName, displayData.path); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPackage.textureAtlasName)) { slot._textureDatas[i] = _getTextureData(dataPackage.textureAtlasName, displayData.path); } displayList[i] = slot.meshDisplay; break; case DisplayType.Armature: var childDisplayName = + " (" + displayData.path + ")"; // var childTransform = slotsRoot.Find(childDisplayName); var childArmature = childTransform == null? BuildArmature(displayData.path, dataPackage.dataName) : BuildArmatureComponent(displayData.path, dataPackage.dataName, null, dataPackage.textureAtlasName, childTransform.gameObject).armature; if (childArmature != null) { childArmature.inheritAnimation = displayData.inheritAnimation; if (!childArmature.inheritAnimation) { var actions = slotData.actions.Count > 0 ? slotData.actions : childArmature.armatureData.actions; if (actions.Count > 0) { foreach (var actionData in actions) { childArmature._bufferAction(actionData); } } else { childArmature.animation.Play(); } } displayData.armature = childArmature.armatureData; // // Hide var childArmatureDisplay = childArmature.display as GameObject; childArmatureDisplay.GetComponent <UnityArmatureComponent>().isUGUI = armatureDisplay.GetComponent <UnityArmatureComponent>().isUGUI; = childDisplayName; childArmatureDisplay.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; childArmatureDisplay.SetActive(false); } displayList[i] = childArmature; break; default: displayList[i] = null; break; } } slot._setDisplayList(displayList); return(slot); }