예제 #1
 private void annule()
     if (curligne > -1)
         gv_article.Rows[curligne].Selected = true;
         gv_article.CurrentCell             = gv_article.Rows[curligne].Cells[1];
     if (gv_article.RowCount > 0 && gv_article.CurrentRow.Index > -1)
         uf.afficherInfo(this, reqdon.Replace("ORDER", "AND idarticle =" + gv_article.CurrentRow.Cells["g_idarticle"].Value.ToString() + " ORDER"), comrealvista, null, "");
         uf.initcontrol(p_affiche, "", codearticle);
     uf.enablemulticontrol(p_button, "1", "2");
     uf.enablecontrol(p_affiche, "2", false);
     if (gv_article.RowCount == 0)
         bt_modif.Enabled = bt_suppr.Enabled = false;
     etat = 0;
예제 #2
        private void chargertypeadr(bool nouveau, string idclient, string iddelta)
            string idc = "";

            if (idclient != "")
                idc = idclient;
            else if (iddelta != "")
                idc = iddelta;
            string reqtypeadr = "SELECT typefonction.nomfonction, typefonction.idfonction  " +
                                "from  " + Fmain.baseInit + ".typefonction left join " +
                                "(SELECT typef.idfonction, typef.nomfonction, typef.typefonction from " +
                                "fact_entreprise client " +
                                "LEFT JOIN fact_entreprisefonction fonccli ON fonccli.identreprise = client.identreprise " +
                                "LEFT JOIN " + Fmain.baseInit + ".clientfonction foncdel ON foncdel.idclient = client.iddeltareal " +
                                "left join " + Fmain.baseInit + ".typefonction typef on(typef.idfonction = (if (client.iddeltareal > 0, foncdel.idfonctiondelta, fonccli.idfonction)) and typef.typefonction = 'Deltareal') " +
                                "where client.identreprise = " + idc + ") typeff ON typeff.idfonction = typefonction.idfonction where typefonction.typefonction = 'Deltareal'";

            if (nouveau)
                reqtypeadr += " AND typeff.nomfonction is null ";
                reqtypeadr += " AND typeff.nomfonction is NOT null ";
            uf.RemplirCombo(l_adresses, reqtypeadr, comrealvistamod, mySqlDataAdapter1);
            uf.enablecontrol(p_client, "8", false);
            uf.initcontrol(p_client, "8", m_mttde);
예제 #3
        public int typemod = 0; //1=ajout 2=modif

        private void f_paiement_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            uf.initcontrol(p_frais, "");
            uf.enablecontrol(p_frais, "", false);
            uf.enablecontrol(p_payeur, "", false);
            typetransfert.SelectedIndex = 0;
            foreach (DataGridViewColumn dd in gv_import.Columns)
                dd.ReadOnly = false;
            ck_poste.Checked           = true;
            typepaiement.SelectedIndex = 0;
            if (typefen == 1) //liste paiement d'une facture sélectionnée.
                gv_listepaiement.Visible = bt_pmodif.Visible = bt_psuppr.Visible = true;
                p_payeur.Visible         = true;
                bt_valid.Visible         = true;
                this.Height  = 520;
                bt_annul.Top = 435;
                string s = " select reffacturedeltareal as reffacture, montantapayer as totfacture, if(isnull(paie.totalpaye), 0, paie.totalpaye) as totalpaye, (montantapayer - if(isnull(paie.totalpaye), 0, paie.totalpaye)) as solde FROM fact_facturation fact LEFT JOIN (select sum(montant) as totalpaye, numfacture, identreprise FROM fact_paiement group by identreprise, numfacture) paie on paie.identreprise = fact.identreprise and paie.numfacture = fact.reffacturedeltareal WHERE fact.reffacturedeltareal ='" + numfact + "'";

                uf.afficherInfo(p_solde, s, comrech, null);
                bt_valid.Enabled = false;
                if (typemod == 1) // ajout paiement
                    uf.enablecontrol(p_payeur, "", true);
                    uf.enablecontrol(p_frais, "", true);
                    bt_valid.Enabled = true;
                button1.Visible     = gv_import.Visible = bt_valider.Visible = bt_impsuppr.Visible = bt_impverif.Visible = true;
                bt_impverif.Enabled = bt_impsuppr.Enabled = false;
                uf.enablecontrol(p_frais, "", true);
예제 #4
 private void annule() //affichage du client en cours
     bt_recherche.Text = "recherche";
     p_button.Enabled  = true;
     refclient.Enabled = false;
     uf.enablecontrol(p_button, "2", false);
     uf.enablecontrol(p_button, "1", false);
     bt_ajout.Enabled = true;
     if (curligne > gv_client.RowCount - 1)
         curligne = gv_client.RowCount - 1;
     if (curligne > -1 && bt_recherche.Text == "recherche")
         gv_client.Rows[curligne].Selected = true;
         gv_client.CurrentCell             = gv_client.Rows[curligne].Cells[1];
     if (gv_client.RowCount > 0 && gv_client.CurrentRow.Index > -1)
         uf.afficherInfo(p_affiche, reqdon.Replace("ORDER", "WHERE cli.idclient =" + gv_client.CurrentRow.Cells["g_refclient"].Value.ToString() + " ORDER"), comrealvista, null, "");
         uf.enablemulticontrol(p_button, "1", "2");
         uf.initcontrol(p_affiche, "", raisonsociale);
     if (refclient.Text.Trim() != "")
         valclient = prendrevaleurclient();
     uf.enablecontrol(p_affiche, "2", false);
     bt_recherche.Enabled = true;
     etat = 0;