예제 #1
        private void enregistrerclient()
            if (valtexte(raisonsociale) == "" && valtexte(nom) == "" && valtexte(prenom) == "")
                uf.message_info("Veuillez saisir la raison sociale, ou les champs nom/prénom !");
            if (politesse.SelectedIndex < 0)
                uf.message_info("Veuillez définir la politesse !");
            string champ = "";
            string val   = "";

            champ = "idclient, socligne, nom, prenom, idpolitesse, adresse1, adresse2, co, idville, telpro, telmob, fax, email";
            if (etat == 2)
                refclient.Text = numclisuivant().ToString();
            val = valtexte(refclient) + "$" + valtexte(raisonsociale) + "$" + valtexte(nom) + "$" + valtexte(prenom) + "$" + uf.valcombo(politesse) + "$" + valtexte(adresse1) + "$" + valtexte(adresse2) + "$"
                  + valtexte(co) + "$" + npa.IndCombo + "$" + valtexte(telpro) + "$" + valtexte(telmob) + "$" + valtexte(fax) + "$" + valtexte(email);

            if (etat == 2)
                string newid = uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_client", champ, val, etat, "");
                if (etatajoutimport > 0)
                    ((f_importation)(fImport)).gvins.CurrentRow.Cells["idclient"].Value = newid;
                uf.afficherInfo(this, reqdon.Replace("ORDER", "WHERE idclient=" + newid + " ORDER"), comrealvista, gv_client, "");
            else if (etat == 1)
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_client", champ, val, etat, "idclient = " + gv_client.CurrentRow.Cells["g_refclient"].Value.ToString());

                if (uf.confirmer_questionON(this, "Archiver la dernière adresse ?") == DialogResult.Yes)
                curligne = gv_client.CurrentRow.Index;
예제 #2
        private void bt_valid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string  mtt  = mttpaye.Text.Trim();
            decimal dmtt = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(mtt, out dmtt);
            string postbanq = "1";

            if (ck_banque.Checked)
                postbanq = "2";
            if (dmtt <= 0)
                uf.message_info("Veuillez saisir le montant payé !");
            int    numfolio      = int.Parse(Fmain.Maxsuivant(Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio", "year(datemouvement) = " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()));
            string idcomptedebit = uf.ValeurParCond(comrech, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_compte", "idcompte, codecompte", "idcompte", "codecompte = " + Fmain.comptedebit);
            string idcompteb     = uf.ValeurParCond(comrech, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_compte", "idcompte, codecompte", "idcompte", "codecompte = " + Fmain.compteb);

            string typetrans = "0";     //tft banque

            if (typetransfert.SelectedIndex == 1)
                typetrans = "1";
            string textedeb = coordpayeur.Text.Trim();
            string datyp    = uf.getDateSQL(datepaiement.Value);
            string newid = uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio,datesaisie,datemouvement,typeecriture,idcompte,codecompte,idcomptec,codecomptec,libelledetail,entree,sortie",
                                         numfolio.ToString() + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "1" + "$" + idcompteb + "$" + Fmain.compteb + "$" + idcomptedebit + "$" + Fmain.comptedebit + "$" + "Paiement " + numfact + "-" + textedeb + "-" + comptepayeur.Text.Trim() + "$" + dmtt.ToString() + "$" + "0", 2, "");

            string champ  = "typepaiement, postebanque, datesaisie, datepaiement, identreprise, idclient, numfacture, montant, refpaiement, coordpayeur, comptepaiement, typetransfert, idmouvementpaye";
            string valeur = typepaiement.SelectedIndex.ToString() + "$" + postbanq + "$" + uf.getDateSQL(datesaisie.Value) + "$" + uf.getDateSQL(datepaiement.Value) + "$" +
                            Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + int.Parse(numfact.Substring(4, 2)).ToString() + "$" + numfact + "$" + dmtt.ToString() + "$" + refpaiement.Text.Trim() + "$" + textedeb + "$" + comptepayeur.Text.Trim() + "$" + typetrans + "$" + newid;

            if (typemod == 2) //modif
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_paiement", champ, valeur, 1, "idpaiement = " + gv_listepaiement.CurrentRow.Cells["g_idpaiement"].FormattedValue.ToString());
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_paiement", champ, valeur, 2, "");
                //Si solde = 0
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "rappel", "0", 2, "reffacturedeltareal='" + numfact + "'");

                DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #3
        private void bt_valider_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (uf.confirmer_questionON(this, "Etes-vous sûre de valider ?") == DialogResult.Yes)
                DataTableReader rr = realvistaDataSet.facturation.CreateDataReader();

                string  numf = "";
                decimal mttbrutmoinsrabais = 0;
                decimal mttapayer          = 0;
                int     numfolio           = 0;
                string  idcomptedebit      = "";
                string  idcomptefacture    = "";
                string  nomprenom          = "";
                if (!brappel)
                    numfolio = int.Parse(Fmain.Maxsuivant(Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio", "year(datemouvement) = " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()));

                    idcomptedebit   = uf.ValeurParCond(comrech, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_compte", "idcompte, codecompte", "idcompte", "codecompte = " + Fmain.comptedebit);
                    idcomptefacture = uf.ValeurParCond(comrech, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_compte", "idcompte, codecompte", "idcompte", "codecompte = " + Fmain.comptefacture);

                while (rr.Read())
                    if (numf != rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("fact_nofacture")).ToString())
                        if (brappel)
                            if (numf != "")
                                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "dateecheance, rappel", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancerappel")).ToString()))) + "$" + "##rappel+1", 1, "identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND reffacturedeltareal = '" + numf + "'");
                                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_procedures", "identreprise,idclient,numfacture,inouttype,initial,dateproc,typecourrier,echeanceproc",
                                              Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("iCli")).ToString() + "$" + numf + "$" + "out" + "$" + Fmain.InitUser + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "Rappel " + ((int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("fact_nbrrappel")).ToString())) + 1).ToString() + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancerappel")).ToString()))), 2, "");
                            if (numf != "")
                                string newid = uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio,datesaisie,datemouvement,typeecriture,idcompte,codecompte,idcomptec,codecomptec,libelledetail,entree,sortie",
                                                             numfolio.ToString() + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "1" + "$" + idcomptedebit + "$" + Fmain.comptedebit + "$" + idcomptefacture + "$" + Fmain.comptefacture + "$" + numf + " " + nomprenom + "$" + uf.getFormatCur(mttapayer, false) + "$" + "0", 2, "");
                                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "dateimpression, dateecheance, idmouvementenvoye", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString()))) + "$" + newid, 1, "identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND reffacturedeltareal ='" + numf + "'");
                                uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_procedures", "identreprise,idclient,numfacture,inouttype,initial,dateproc,typecourrier,echeanceproc",
                                              Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("iCli")).ToString() + "$" + numf + "$" + "out" + "$" + Fmain.InitUser + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "Facture" + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString()))), 2, "");

                            mttapayer = 0;
                        numf = rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("fact_nofacture")).ToString();
                    if (!brappel)
                        mttbrutmoinsrabais = rr.GetDecimal(rr.GetOrdinal("art_montantbrut")) - rr.GetDecimal(rr.GetOrdinal("art_rabaischf"));
                        mttapayer         += mttbrutmoinsrabais + (mttbrutmoinsrabais * decimal.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("fact_tvapourcent")).ToString()) / 100);
                        nomprenom          = rr.GetString(rr.GetOrdinal("cli_nom")) + " " + rr.GetString(rr.GetOrdinal("cli_prenom")) + " " + rr.GetString(rr.GetOrdinal("cli_npa")) + " " + rr.GetString(rr.GetOrdinal("cli_ville"));
                if (numf != "")
                    if (brappel)
                        //uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "dateecheance, rappel", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString()))) + "$" + "##rappel+1", 1, "identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND reffacturedeltareal = '" + numf + "'");
                        uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "dateecheance, rappel", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancerappel")).ToString()))) + "$" + "##rappel+1", 1, "identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND reffacturedeltareal = '" + numf + "'");
                        uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_procedures", "identreprise,idclient,numfacture,inouttype,initial,dateproc,typecourrier,echeanceproc",
                                      Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("iCli")).ToString() + "$" + numf + "$" + "out" + "$" + Fmain.InitUser + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "Rappel " + ((int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("fact_nbrrappel")).ToString())) + 1).ToString() + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancerappel")).ToString()))), 2, "");
                        //Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("iCli")).ToString() + "$" + numf + "$" + "out" + "$" + Fmain.InitUser + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "Rappel" + rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString().Substring(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString().IndexOf("A") + 1) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString()))), 2, "");
                        string newid = uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, Fmain.nombasecompta + ".cpta_mouvement", "numfolio,datesaisie,datemouvement,typeecriture,idcompte,codecompte,idcomptec,codecomptec,libelledetail,entree,sortie",
                                                     numfolio.ToString() + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "1" + "$" + idcomptedebit + "$" + Fmain.comptedebit + "$" + idcomptefacture + "$" + Fmain.comptefacture + "$" + numf + " " + nomprenom + "$" + uf.getFormatCur(mttapayer, false) + "$" + "0", 2, "");
                        uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_facturation", "dateimpression, dateecheance, idmouvementenvoye", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString()))) + "$" + newid, 1, "identreprise = " + Fmain.identreprisesel + " AND reffacturedeltareal ='" + numf + "'");
                        uf.executeSQL(comrealvistamod, "fact_procedures", "identreprise,idclient,numfacture,inouttype,initial,dateproc,typecourrier,echeanceproc",
                                      Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("iCli")).ToString() + "$" + numf + "$" + "out" + "$" + Fmain.InitUser + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now) + "$" + "Facture" + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(rr.GetValue(rr.GetOrdinal("ent_echeancejour")).ToString()))), 2, "");
                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #4
        private void bt_valider_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            decimal dprix = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(uf.valtexte(edprix), out dprix);

            decimal drabaisp = 0;
            decimal drabaism = 0;

            decimal.TryParse(uf.valtexte(edrabaismontant), out drabaism);
            decimal.TryParse(uf.valtexte(edrabaispourcent), out drabaisp);
            if (unite.SelectedIndex < 0)
                uf.AfficherErreur("Veuillez l'unité de cet article !");
            if (drabaisp > 0)
                drabaism = 0;

            if (dprix == 0)
                uf.AfficherErreur("Veuillez entrer le prix de cet article !");
            if (etat == 2 && dprix == 0)
                uf.AfficherErreur("Veuillez entrer le prix de cet article !");

            string champ = "identreprise, codearticle, descriptif_ligne1, descriptif_ligne2, descriptif_ligne3, descriptif_ligne4, descriptif_ligne5, remarque, idunite";
            string val   = "115 $ ART 02 $ DESCR 2 $ remarque 2 $ 3 $ 20.30";

            val = Fmain.identreprisesel + "$" + valtexte(codearticle) + "$" + valtexte(descriptif_ligne1) + "$" + valtexte(descriptif_ligne2) + "$" + valtexte(descriptif_ligne3) + "$" + valtexte(descriptif_ligne4) + "$" + valtexte(descriptif_ligne5) + "$"
                  + valtexte(remarque) + "$" + uf.valcombo(unite);

            if (etat == 2)
                string newid = uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_articles", champ, val, etat, "");
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_prix", "idarticleprix, dateprix, prix", newid + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", eddateprix.Value) + "$" + uf.getFormatCur(dprix), 2, "");
                if (drabaisp > 0 || drabaism > 0)
                    uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_rabais", "idarticlerabais, dateranaisde, dateranaisa, rabaispourcent, rabaismontant", newid + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", eddaterabaisde.Value) + "$" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", eddaterabaisa.Value) + "$" + uf.getFormatCur(edrabaispourcent) + "$" + uf.getFormatCur(edrabaismontant), 2, "");
            else if (etat == 1)
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_articles", champ, val, etat, "idarticle = " + gv_article.CurrentRow.Cells["g_idarticle"].Value.ToString());
            if (etat == 1)
                curligne = gv_article.CurrentRow.Index;
                curligne = gv_article.RowCount - 1;
            uf.afficherInfo(this, reqdon, comrealvista, gv_article, "");
예제 #5
        private void bt_valider_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string champ = "";
            string val   = "";

            //if (tauxtva.selec == "")
            //    tauxtva.Text = "0";
            if (iddeltareal.Text.Trim() == "0")
                iddeltareal.Text = "";
            champ = "socligne1, socligne2, idtauxtva, numtva, echeance, echeancerappel, infos, iddeltareal, basededonnees, comptedebit,compteb,comptefacture, pub, texterappel"; //adresse, idville, telpro, telmob, fax, email, siteweb,

            if (iddeltareal.Text.Trim() == "")
                val = valtexte(socligne1) + "$" + valtexte(socligne2) + "$" + tauxtva.SelectedValue.ToString() + "$" + valtexte(numtva) +
                      "$" + valtexte(nbrecheance) + "$" + valtexte(echeancerappel) + "$" + valtexte(infos) + "$" + "0" + "$" + valtexte(basededonnees) + "$" + valtexte(compte) + "$" + valtexte(compteb) + "$" + valtexte(comptefacture) + "$" + pub.Text + "$" + texterappel.Text; //+ valtexte(adresse1) + "$" + npa.IndCombo + "$" + valtexte(telpro) + "$" + valtexte(telmob) + "$"
                //"$" + valcheck(fraispourcent) + +valtexte(fax) + "$" + valtexte(email) + "$" + valtexte(siteweb) + "$" + valtexte(tauxtva) + "$"
                val = "null" + "$" + "null" + "$" + tauxtva.SelectedValue.ToString() + "$" + valtexte(numtva) +
                      "$" + valtexte(nbrecheance) + "$" + valtexte(echeancerappel) + "$" + valtexte(infos) + "$" + valtexte(iddeltareal) + "$" + valtexte(basededonnees) + "$" + valtexte(compte) + "$" + valtexte(compteb) + "$" + valtexte(comptefacture) + "$" + pub.Text + "$" + texterappel.Text;

            if (etat == 2)
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_entreprise", champ, val, etat, "");
            else if (etat == 1)
                uf.executeSQL(comrealvista, "fact_entreprise", champ, val, etat, "identreprise = " + g_client.CurrentRow.Cells["g_refentreprise"].Value.ToString());

            if (etat == 1)
                curligne = g_client.CurrentRow.Index;
                curligne = g_client.RowCount - 1;
            uf.afficherInfo(this, reqdon, comrealvista, g_client, "politesse");