internal void Update() { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 2.0f) // Check not loading level { return; } if (!DFWrapper.InstanceExists) // Check if DFWrapper has been initialized or not. If not try to initialize. { DFWrapper.InitDFWrapper(); } if (DFWrapper.APIReady) // If the DeepFreeze API is Ready we do stuff with it. { DFFrozenKerbals.Clear(); //Get the DeepFreeze Dictionary of all Frozen Kerbals in the current Game. DFFrozenKerbals = DFWrapper.DeepFreezeAPI.FrozenKerbals; //Go through the active vessel and get all the DeepFreezer partmodules. deepfreezers.Clear(); if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null) { //Get a List of all the PartModules that are DeepFreezer class and store in deepfreezers List. List <Part> cryofreezers = (from p in where p.Modules.Contains("DeepFreezer") select p).ToList(); foreach (Part part in cryofreezers) { PartModule deepFreezer = (from PartModule pm in part.Modules where pm.moduleName == "DeepFreezer" select pm).SingleOrDefault(); if (deepFreezer != null) { deepfreezers.Add(deepFreezer); } } //If we found any DeepFreezer partmodules if (deepfreezers.Count == 1) { foreach (PartModule module in deepfreezers) { //The DFWrapper.DeepFreezer class is a reflection class of the real DeepFreezer PartModule DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(module); //Populate fields for GUI display - NB: This only works for ONE freezer module in active vessel //But is only for example purposes. If you want to do this for multiple modules then // you will have to create your own Lists, etc. seats = freezer.FreezerSize; isxferto = freezer.crewXferTOActive; isxferfrom = freezer.crewXferFROMActive; isfreezeact = freezer.IsFreezeActive; isthawact = freezer.IsThawActive; outofec = freezer.FreezerOutofEC; partfull = freezer.PartFull; freeseats = freezer.FreezerSpace; tmpsts = freezer.FrzrTmp; totfrozen = freezer.TotalFrozen; frzncrewlst = freezer.StoredCrewList; } } } } }
private void windowDF(int id) { //Init styles sectionTitleStyle = new GUIStyle(; sectionTitleStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; sectionTitleStyle.stretchWidth = true; sectionTitleStyle.normal.textColor =; sectionTitleStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; statusStyle = new GUIStyle(; statusStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; statusStyle.stretchWidth = true; statusStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUIscrollViewVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(GUIscrollViewVector, false, false); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label("# of FrozenKerbals " + DFFrozenKerbals.Count.ToString(), statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("FreezerSize " + seats, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("FreezerSpace " + freeseats, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("TotalFrozen " + totfrozen, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("PartFull " + partfull, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("IsFreezeActive " + isfreezeact, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("IsThawActive " + isthawact, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("FreezerOutofEC " + outofec, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("crewXferTOActive " + isxferto, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("crewXferFROMActive " + isxferfrom, statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("FrzrTmp " + tmpsts.ToString(), statusStyle); GUILayout.Label("FrozenCrew:"); if (frzncrewlst.Count == 0) { GUILayout.Label("NONE"); } else { foreach (DFWrapper.FrznCrewMbr frzncrewmbr in frzncrewlst) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(frzncrewmbr.CrewName + " " + frzncrewmbr.SeatIdx + frzncrewmbr.VesselName); if (GUILayout.Button("Thaw")) { //this is a nasty example. Assumes only one freezer module and crew is in that first module. //if using this in your mod, you need to cleanly store and look-up the freezer module for the //crewmember and instantiate a DFWrapper.DeepFreezer for that particular module first. DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepfreezers[0]); freezer.beginThawKerbal(frzncrewmbr.CrewName); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.Label("ThawedCrew:"); if (deepfreezers[0].part.vessel.GetCrewCount() == 0) { GUILayout.Label("NONE"); } else { foreach (ProtoCrewMember crew in deepfreezers[0].part.vessel.GetVesselCrew()) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(; if (GUILayout.Button("Freeze")) { //this is a nasty example. Assumes only one freezer module and crew is in that first module. //if using this in your mod, you need to cleanly store and look-up the freezer module for the //crewmember and instantiate a DFWrapper.DeepFreezer for that particular module first. DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepfreezers[0]); freezer.beginFreezeKerbal(crew); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.DragWindow(); }