} // getErrorText() /// <summary> /// Given a known ERROR instance, return the message text. /// </summary> /// <param name="objError">The suppposed ERROR instance.</param> /// <returns>The message text from the ERROR input parameter.</returns> public string getErrorText(object objError) { string strReturn = null; if ((null != objError) && (objError is Response.ERROR)) { Response.ERROR error = objError as Response.ERROR; strReturn = error._MSGTEXT; } // if( ( null != objError ) && ( objError is ERROR ) ) return(strReturn); } // getErrorText()
} // ReceiveResponse() #endregion // Stream Handling #region Helper Functions /// <summary> /// Given a known ERROR instance, return the error code. /// </summary> /// <param name="objError">The suppposed ERROR instance.</param> /// <returns>The error code from the ERROR input parameter.</returns> public int getErrorNumber(object objError) { int intReturn = 0; if ((null != objError) && (objError is Response.ERROR)) { Response.ERROR error = objError as Response.ERROR; try { intReturn = int.Parse(error._RC); } catch (Exception exc) { Debug.WriteLine(exc); } } // if( ( null != objError ) && ( objError is ERROR ) ) return(intReturn); } // getErrorText()