예제 #1
        public static Geometry Polylist(string geoID, string geoName, string matName, GeometryDataType[] dataTypes, float[][] data, ulong[] channels, Semantic[] semantics, ulong[] dataSources, ulong[] sets, int[] vCount, int[] primitives)
            int  maxLength = Math.Min((int)data.Length, (int)dataTypes.Length);
            Mesh mesh      = new Mesh();

            mesh.source = new Source[0];
            Polylist polylist = new Polylist((ulong)vCount.Length, matName, vCount, primitives);

            polylist.input = new InputOffset[0];

            // ! ! ! !
            // separate adding data and adding semantic inputs into two loops/steps
            //  -> add a GeometryDataType enumeration to identify each data array as a specific data (Vertex, Normal, Texcoord, Colors)
            //  -> and the Semantic which generates the "input" types for the composed vertex data which is generated by the primitive list
            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
                DAEGeometry.AppendDataSource(mesh, geoName, dataTypes[i], data[i], channels[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
                DAEGeometry.AppendPolylistSemantic(polylist, geoName, semantics[i], dataSources[i], sets[i]);

            mesh.primitives = new object[] { polylist };
            Geometry geo = new Geometry(geoID, geoName, mesh);

예제 #2
        public static Geometry Geometry(string id, string name, DAEGeometryDataSource[] dataSources)
            int  maxLength = dataSources.Length;
            Mesh mesh      = new Mesh();

            mesh.source = new Source[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
                DAEGeometry.AppendDataSource(mesh, name, dataSources[i].Info.Type, dataSources[i].Data, dataSources[i].Info.Index);

            Geometry geo = new Geometry(id, name, mesh);

예제 #3
        public static Geometry Mesh(string id, string name, DAEGeometryDataSourceInfo[] dataSourceInfos, float[][] data)
            int  maxLength = Math.Min((int)data.Length, (int)dataSourceInfos.Length);
            Mesh mesh      = new Mesh();

            mesh.source     = new Source[0];
            mesh.primitives = new object[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
                DAEGeometry.AppendDataSource(mesh, name, dataSourceInfos[i].Type, data[i], dataSourceInfos[i].Index);

            Geometry geo = new Geometry(id, name, mesh);

예제 #4
        public static Geometry Polylist(string geoID, string geoName, string matName, DAEGeometryDataSourceInfo[] dataSourceInfos, float[][] data, DAEGeometryInputSemanticInfo[] semanticsInfos, int[] vCount, int[] primitives)
            int  maxLength = Math.Min((int)data.Length, (int)dataSourceInfos.Length);
            Mesh mesh      = new Mesh();

            mesh.source = new Source[0];
            Polylist polylist = new Polylist((ulong)vCount.Length, matName, vCount, primitives);

            polylist.input = new InputOffset[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++)
                DAEGeometry.AppendDataSource(mesh, geoName, dataSourceInfos[i].Type, data[i], dataSourceInfos[i].Index);
            for (int i = 0; i < semanticsInfos.Length; i++)
                DAEGeometry.AppendPolylistSemantic(polylist, geoName, semanticsInfos[i].Semantic, semanticsInfos[i].DataSourceIndex, semanticsInfos[i].SetIndex);

            mesh.primitives = new object[] { polylist };
            Geometry geo = new Geometry(geoID, geoName, mesh);
