예제 #1
            internal Error send()
                // Assume success
                Error ret = Error.Success;

                if (Initialized)
                    // Build up the data object
                    List <object> allArgs = new List <object>();

                    double curTimeStamp = Util.Timestamp();
                    // The interface calls require two time stamps (to support batching), so we'll send the same one for both

                    // Build the event and store it in the depot
                    IDictionary <string, object> eventData = new Dictionary <string, object>(2);
                    eventData.Add("method", _call);
                    eventData.Add("args", allArgs);

                    ret = EventDepot.store(eventData);
                    ret = Error.NotInitialized;

예제 #2
            void HttpRequest.Listener.onComplete(HttpRequest.Result result)
                Error retError  = Error.Generic;
                bool  userNew   = false;
                bool  deviceNew = false;

                if (Error.Success == result.ErrorCode)
                        var dict = Json.Deserialize(result.Response) as Dictionary <string, object>;
                        if (dict.ContainsKey("error") && (Error.Success == (Error)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Error), dict["error"])))
                            if (dict.ContainsKey("data"))
                                var ret = dict["data"] as Dictionary <string, object>;

                                // NOTE: deviceId should only be set during the callback from init()
                                if ((null != ret) && ret.ContainsKey("deviceid") && isValidId(ret["deviceid"] as string))
                                    deviceNew = ret.ContainsKey("devicenew") ? (bool)ret["devicenew"] : false;

                                    DeviceId = ret["deviceid"] as string;

                                    if (null != DeviceId)
                                        // Save it off
                                        Prefs.Add(DEVICEID_KEY_NAME, DeviceId);

                                        if (ret.ContainsKey("devicetuning"))
                                            var deviceTuning = ret["devicetuning"] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                                            if (null != deviceTuning)
                                                mTuningUpdater.onUpdate(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE_DEVICE, DeviceId, deviceTuning);

                                // now handle the user id if there is one
                                if ((null != ret) && ret.ContainsKey("userid") && isValidId(ret["userid"] as string))
                                    userNew = ret.ContainsKey("usernew") ? (bool)ret["usernew"] : false;

                                    UserId = ret["userid"] as string;

                                    if (null != UserId)
                                        if (ret.ContainsKey("usertuning"))
                                            var userTuning = ret["usertuning"] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                                            if (null != userTuning)
                                                mTuningUpdater.onUpdate(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE_USER, UserId, userTuning);

                                        if (!sRegisteredUsers.Contains(UserId))
                            string desc = null;
                            if (dict.ContainsKey("description"))
                                desc = dict["description"] as string;
                            Util.logError(String.Format("Problem on initialization [{0}]", (null != desc) ? desc : "Unknown"));
                            retError = Error.Generic;
                    catch (Exception)
                        Util.logError("Exception during intialization: " + result.Response);
                        retError = Error.Generic;

                    // Request failure (likely a timeout), pass it through
                    Util.logError("Initialization call failed: code " + result.ErrorCode);
                    retError = result.ErrorCode;

                // even if the init call failed, all is well as long as we AT LEAST have a device id
                if (isValidId(DeviceId))
                    // If initialization is successful, we can initialize the EventDepot
                    EventDepot.init(Host, getQueryParms(), ReqTimeout);

                    Initialized = true;

                    // queue up some telemetry for the initial state...
                    if (null != mDeviceProperties)
                        new DataPointBuilder("datacollector_updateDeviceState").setArg(mDeviceProperties).send();
                    if (null != mUserProperties)
                        new DataPointBuilder("datacollector_updateUserState").setArg(mUserProperties).send();
                    if (deviceNew)
                        new DataPointBuilder("datacollector_newDevice").send();
                    if (userNew)
                        new DataPointBuilder("datacollector_newUser").send();

                    // TODO - decide if we want to send a TuningFailed error at this point, if there was some kind of error?

                    retError = Error.Success;

                // Call the callback
                if (null != mCallback)