public tourPurchase(int routeId, routeChoice routesWindow, int clientId) { InitializeComponent(); //datepicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; this.routesWindow = routesWindow; this.routeId = routeId; this.clientId = clientId; SQLite connection = new SQLite(); var reader = connection.ReadData(string.Format("SELECT Surname, Name, Secname FROM Clients WHERE ID ='{0}'", clientId)); while (reader.Read()) { personName.Content = string.Format("Продажа тура клиенту: {0} {1} {2}", reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2)); } reader = connection.ReadData(string.Format("SELECT Climat, Country, Hotel, Duration, Cost FROM Scopes WHERE ID = '{0}'", routeId)); while (reader.Read()) { Route route = new Route( routeId, reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetInt32(3), reader.GetFloat(4)); routesList.Items.Add(route); } connection.Close(); }
/* обновление ListBox климат */ private void updateClimateList() { var climateList = new List<Obj>(); SQLite connection = new SQLite(); var reader = connection.ReadData("SELECT Climat FROM Scopes GROUP BY Climat ORDER BY Climat"); while (reader.Read()) climateList.Add(new Obj(false, reader.GetString(0))); ClimateListBox.ItemsSource = climateList; }
private void sellTourBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SQLite connection = new SQLite(); if (checkFull()) { if (Check.checkFloatNumber(priceBox.Text)) { connection.WriteData(string.Format("INSERT INTO Tours (SID, CID, Date, Count, Discount, Price) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}')", routeId, clientId, dateBox.Text, int.Parse(countBox.Text), discountBox.Text, float.Parse(priceBox.Text))); MessageBox.Show("Путевка успешно добавлена!", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.OK); Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("В поле \"Стоимость\" должно быть введено число!", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.OK); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все поля!", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.OK); } }
/* обновление ListBox страны */ private void updateCountryList() { var countryList = new List<Obj>(); SQLite connection = new SQLite(); var climateArr = getItemsArr(ClimateListBox); var query = string.Format("SELECT Country FROM Scopes WHERE Climat IN {0} GROUP BY Country ORDER BY Country", climateArr); var reader = connection.ReadData(query); while (reader.Read()) countryList.Add(new Obj(false, reader.GetString(0))); CountryListBox.ItemsSource = countryList; }
/* обновление списка маршрутов */ private void updateRoutesList() { routesList.Items.Clear(); // считываем идентификаторы отмеченных элементов листбоксов var climateArr = " AND Climat IN " + getItemsArr(ClimateListBox); var countriesArr = " AND Country IN " + getItemsArr(CountryListBox); var hotelsArr = " AND Hotel IN " + getItemsArr(HotelListBox); // считываем диапазон длительности var duration = ""; if (Check.checkNumber(minDurationBox.Text)) { duration += string.Format(" AND duration >= '{0}'", minDurationBox.Text); } if (Check.checkNumber(maxDurationBox.Text)) { duration += string.Format(" AND duration <= '{0}'", maxDurationBox.Text); } // считываем диапазон цен var cost = ""; if (Check.checkNumber(minCostBox.Text)) { cost += string.Format(" AND cost >= '{0}'", minCostBox.Text); } if (Check.checkNumber(maxCostBox.Text)) { cost += string.Format(" AND cost <= '{0}'", maxCostBox.Text); } var query = string.Format("SELECT ID, Country, Climat, Hotel, Duration, Cost FROM Scopes WHERE 1 {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", climateArr, countriesArr, hotelsArr, duration, cost); SQLite connection = new SQLite(); var reader = connection.ReadData(query); while (reader.Read()) routesList.Items.Add(new Route(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetString(3), reader.GetInt32(4), reader.GetFloat(5))); }
/* обновление ListBox отели */ private void updateHotelList() { var hotelList = new List<Obj>(); SQLite connection = new SQLite(); var climateArr = getItemsArr(ClimateListBox); var countriesArr = getItemsArr(CountryListBox); var query = string.Format("SELECT Hotel FROM Scopes WHERE Climat IN {0} AND Country IN {1} GROUP BY Hotel ORDER BY Hotel", climateArr, countriesArr); var reader = connection.ReadData(query); while (reader.Read()) hotelList.Add(new Obj(false, reader.GetString(0))); HotelListBox.ItemsSource = hotelList; }