public void testMethod() { for (int i = 0; i < PRICES.Length; i++) { PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]); } int pos = 1; // target CDX is 5Y CDS targentCDX = CDX[pos]; int n = PILLAR_PUF.Length; double[] indexPUF = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { indexPUF[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront(); } int accrualDays = targentCDX.getAccuredDays(); double accruedPremium = targentCDX.getAccruedPremium(INDEX_COUPON) * INTRINSIC_DATA.getIndexFactor() * NOTIONAL; // indexFactor = (initialIndexSize - numDefaults) / initialIndexSize /* * Using credit curves for constituent single name CDSs. * The curves are adjusted by using only the target CDX. */ IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjCurves = PSA.adjustCurves(indexPUF[pos], CDX[pos], INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, INTRINSIC_DATA); double cleanPV = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos] double dirtyPV = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL; double expectedLoss = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; double cleanRPV01 = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves); double dirtyRPV01 = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY); double durationWeightedAverageSpread = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * TEN_THOUSAND; double parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves); for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefault.Length; ++i) { jumpToDefault[i] *= NOTIONAL; } double[] recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves); for (int i = 0; i < recovery01.Length; ++i) { recovery01[i] *= NOTIONAL; } }
public void testMethod1() { for (int i = 0; i < PRICES.Length; i++) { PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]); } int pos = 1; // target CDX is 5Y CDS targentCDX = CDX[pos]; int n = PILLAR_PUF.Length; double[] indexPUF = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { indexPUF[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront(); } IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA; int accrualDays = targentCDX.getAccuredDays(); double accruedPremium = targentCDX.getAccruedPremium(INDEX_COUPON) * NOTIONAL * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); /* * Using credit curves for constituent single name CDSs. * The curves are adjusted by using only the target CDX. */ double cleanPV = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted) * NOTIONAL; double dirtyPV = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos] double expectedLoss = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), dataDefaulted) * NOTIONAL; double cleanRPV01 = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted); double dirtyRPV01 = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted, CdsPriceType.DIRTY); double durationWeightedAverageSpread = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted) * TEN_THOUSAND; double parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted) * NOTIONAL; double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted); for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefault.Length; ++i) { jumpToDefault[i] *= NOTIONAL; } double[] recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted); for (int i = 0; i < recovery01.Length; ++i) { recovery01[i] *= NOTIONAL; } IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjCurvesAll = PSA.adjustCurves(indexPUF, CDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted); double cleanPVAll = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll) * NOTIONAL; double dirtyPVAll = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos] double expectedLossAll = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), adjCurvesAll) * NOTIONAL; double cleanRPV01All = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll); double dirtyRPV01All = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll, CdsPriceType.DIRTY); double durationWeightedAverageSpreadAll = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll) * TEN_THOUSAND; double parallelIR01All = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll) * NOTIONAL; double[] jumpToDefaultAll = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll); for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefaultAll.Length; ++i) { jumpToDefaultAll[i] *= NOTIONAL; } double[] recovery01All = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll); for (int i = 0; i < recovery01All.Length; ++i) { recovery01All[i] *= NOTIONAL; } PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve = (new Commons.FastCreditCurveBuilder()).calibrateCreditCurve(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, indexPUF[pos]); // single node index curve, indexFactors cancel out double cleanPriceIndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.pv(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, INDEX_COUPON) * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor() * NOTIONAL; double dirtyPriceIndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.pv(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, INDEX_COUPON, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor() * NOTIONAL; double cleanRPV01IndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.annuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve) * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); double dirtyRPV01IndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.annuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); double spreadIndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.parSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve) * TEN_THOUSAND; }
public void Pricing() { for (int i = 0; i < PRICES.Length; i++) { PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]); } int pos = 1; // target CDX is 5Y CDS targentCDX = CDX[pos]; int n = PILLAR_PUF.Length; double[] indexPUF = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { indexPUF[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront(); } defaultedNames = new int[] { 2, 15, 37, 51 }; IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA.withDefault(defaultedNames); int accrualDays = targentCDX.getAccuredDays(); double accruedPremium = targentCDX.getAccruedPremium(INDEX_COUPON) * NOTIONAL * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor(); /* * Using credit curves for constituent single name CDSs. * The curves are adjusted by using only the target CDX. */ IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjCurves = PSA.adjustCurves(indexPUF[pos], CDX[pos], INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted); cleanPV = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; dirtyPV = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos] expectedLoss = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; cleanRPV01 = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves); dirtyRPV01 = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY); durationWeightedAverageSpread = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * TEN_THOUSAND; parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves); for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefault.Length; ++i) { jumpToDefault[i] *= NOTIONAL; } recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves); //Build Cash flow QLNet.UnitedStates cal = new QLNet.UnitedStates(); CdsCoupon[] coupons = targentCDX.getCoupons(); int npayments = coupons.Count(); cashflow = new List <CouponPayment>(); for (int i = 0; i < npayments; i++) { CouponPayment cf = new CouponPayment(); cf.Amount = (-coupons[i].getEffStart() + coupons[i].getEffEnd()) * NOTIONAL * INDEX_COUPON; cf.Amount = Math.Round(cf.Amount, 2); double days = coupons[i].getEffEnd() * 365; cf.CashFlowDate = i == 0? CdsAnalyticFactory.getNextIMMDate(TRADE_DATE): CdsAnalyticFactory.getNextIMMDate(cashflow[i - 1].CashFlowDate); cf.CashFlowDate = cal.adjust(cf.CashFlowDate); cashflow.Add(cf); } for (int i = 0; i < recovery01.Length; ++i) { recovery01[i] *= NOTIONAL; } }