예제 #1
  * The  intrinsic annuity of a CDS portfolio (index) for a unit (initial) notional.
  * The value of the premium leg is this multiplied by the <b> initial</b> notional of the index
  * and the index coupon (as a fraction).
  * @param indexCDS representation of the index cashflows (seen from today).
  * @param yieldCurve The current yield curves
  * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
  * @param valuationTime Valuation time. The leg value is calculated for today (t=0), then rolled
  *  forward (using the risk free yield curve) to the valuation time.
  *  This is because cash payments occur on the cash-settlement-date, which is usually
  *  three working days after the trade date (today)
  * @return The  intrinsic annuity of a CDS portfolio (index)
 public double indexAnnuity(
     CDS indexCDS,
     YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
     IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData,
     double valuationTime)
     return(indexAnnuity(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, CdsPriceType.CLEAN, valuationTime));
예제 #2
  * The  intrinsic annuity of a CDS portfolio (index) for a unit (initial) notional.
  * The value of the premium leg is this multiplied by the <b> initial</b> notional of the index
  * and the index coupon (as a fraction).
  * @param indexCDS representation of the index cashflows (seen from today).
  * @param yieldCurve The current yield curves
  * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
  * @param priceType Clean or dirty
  * @return The normalised intrinsic annuity of a CDS portfolio (index)
 public double indexAnnuity(
     CDS indexCDS,
     YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
     IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData,
     CdsPriceType priceType)
     return(indexAnnuity(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, priceType, indexCDS.getCashSettleTime()));
예제 #3
        public double ProtectionLegNPV_Exact(CDS cds, double notional, PiecewiseconstantHazardRate hazard,
                                             YieldTermStructure yt, DateTime tradedate, DateTime settlementDate, double recoveryrate, List <double> Jumps, List <double> creditCurveKnot)
            DateTime Stepindate = tradedate.AddDays(1);

            OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.Actual360 dc = new OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.Actual360();

            double        t0        = 0;
            double        T         = cds.getProtectionEnd();
            List <double> JumpNodes = new List <double>();

            for (int j = 0; j < Jumps.Count; j++)
                if (Jumps[j] < T)
            double ht0 = hazard.getRT_(JumpNodes[0]);
            double rt0 = yt.getRT_(JumpNodes[0]);
            double b0  = Math.Exp(-ht0 - rt0); // risky discount factor

            double pv  = 0.0;
            double dPV = 0.0;

            for (int i = 1; i < JumpNodes.Count; ++i)
                double ht1 = hazard.getRT_(JumpNodes[i]);
                double rt1 = yt.getRT_(JumpNodes[i]);
                double b1  = Math.Exp(-ht1 - rt1);

                double dht  = ht1 - ht0;
                double drt  = rt1 - rt0;
                double dhrt = dht + drt;

                // The formula has been modified from ISDA (but is equivalent) to avoid log(exp(x)) and explicitly
                // calculating the time step - it also handles the limit
                if (Math.Abs(dhrt) < 1e-5)
                    dPV = dht * b0 * (Math.Exp(-dhrt) - 1) / (-dhrt);
                    dPV = (b0 - b1) * dht / dhrt;
                pv += dPV;
                ht0 = ht1;
                rt0 = rt1;
                b0  = b1;
            return(pv * notional * (1 - recoveryrate) / yt.discount(settlementDate));
예제 #4
         * For a future expiry date, the default adjusted forward index value is the expected (full)
         * value of the index plus the cash settlement of any defaults before
         * the expiry date, valued on the (forward) cash settlement date (usually 3 working days after
         * the expiry date - i.e. the expiry settlement date).
         * This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS A forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry. This must contain the index recovery rate.
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index
         * @param indexCurve  Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @return the default adjusted forward index value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            double indexCoupon,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve)
            double defSet = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD());

            return(defSet + _pricer.pv(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve, indexCoupon));
예제 #5
        public static PiecewiseconstantHazardRate[] buildCreditCurves(DateTime tradeDate, double[,] parSpreads, double[] recoveryRates, int[] tenors,
                                                                      YieldTermStructure yieldCurve)
            CdsAnalyticFactory factory = new CdsAnalyticFactory(0.0);

            CDS[] pillarCDS = factory.makeImmCds(tradeDate, CDX_HY_TENORS);
            int   indexSize = parSpreads.GetLength(0);

            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate[] creditCurves = new PiecewiseconstantHazardRate[indexSize];

            //this section of code is hugely wasteful. If we do this for real (i.e. not just in a test), must improve

            for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; i++)
                int      m       = parSpreads.GetLength(1);
                double[] spreads = new double[m];
                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                    spreads[j] = parSpreads[i, j];
                int      nPillars    = spreads.Length;
                CDS[]    tempCDS     = new CDS[nPillars];
                double[] tempSpreads = new double[nPillars];
                int      count       = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < nPillars; j++)
                    if (!double.IsNaN(parSpreads[i, j]))
                        tempCDS[count]     = pillarCDS[j].withRecoveryRate(recoveryRates[i]);
                        tempSpreads[count] = spreads[j];

                CDS[]    calCDS     = null;
                double[] calSpreads = null;
                if (count == nPillars)
                    calCDS     = tempCDS;
                    calSpreads = tempSpreads;
                    calCDS     = new CDS[count];
                    calSpreads = new double[count];
                    Array.Copy(tempCDS, 0, calCDS, 0, count);
                    Array.Copy(tempSpreads, 0, calSpreads, 0, count);

                CreditCurveCalibrator calibrator = new CreditCurveCalibrator(calCDS, yieldCurve);
                creditCurves[i] = calibrator.calibrate(calSpreads);
예제 #6
  * The Points-Up-Front (PUF) of an index. This is the (clean) price of a unit notional index.
  * The actual clean price is this multiplied by the (current) index notional
  * (i.e. the initial notional times the index factor).
  * @param indexCDS analytic description of a CDS traded at a certain time
  * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index (as a fraction)
  * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
  * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recover
  * @return PUF of an index
 public double indexPUF(
     CDS indexCDS,
     double indexCoupon,
     YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
     IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
     if (intrinsicData.getNumOfDefaults() == intrinsicData.getIndexSize())
     return(indexPV(indexCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurve, intrinsicData) / intrinsicData.getIndexFactor());
예제 #7
         * Intrinsic (normalised) price an index from the credit curves of the individual single names.
         * To get the actual index value, this multiplied by the <b>initial</b>  notional of the index.
         * @param indexCDS analytic description of a CDS traded at a certain time
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index (as a fraction)
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @return The index value for a unit  notional.
        public double indexPV(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            double prot    = indexProtLeg(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);
            double annuity = indexAnnuity(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);

            return(prot - indexCoupon * annuity);
예제 #8
         * The (default adjusted) intrinsic forward spread of an index <b>when no defaults have yet occurred</b>.
         * This is defined as the ratio of expected value of the
         * protection leg and default settlement to the expected value of the annuity at expiry.
         * This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         * date (usually) 3 working days after expiry
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCurve Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @return The normalised expected default settlement value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve)
            double defSettle = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD());
            double protLeg   = _pricer.protectionLeg(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);
            double ann       = _pricer.annuity(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);

            return((protLeg + defSettle) / ann);
예제 #9
         * Intrinsic (normalised) price an index from the credit curves of the individual single names.
         * To get the actual index value, this multiplied by the <b>initial</b>  notional of the index.
         * @param indexCDS analytic description of a CDS traded at a certain time
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index (as a fraction)
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @param priceType Clean or dirty price
         * @param valuationTime The leg value is calculated for today (t=0), then rolled
         *  forward (using the risk free yield curve) to the valuation time.
         *  This is because cash payments occur on the cash-settlement-date, which is usually
         *  three working days after the trade date (today)
         * @return The index value for a unit  notional.
        public double indexPV(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData,
            CdsPriceType priceType,
            double valuationTime)
            double prot    = indexProtLeg(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, valuationTime);
            double annuity = indexAnnuity(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, priceType, valuationTime);

            return(prot - indexCoupon * annuity);
예제 #10
        private double decomposedValueOnDefault(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData,
            int singleName)
            double weight       = intrinsicData.getWeight(singleName);
            double protection   = intrinsicData.getLGD(singleName);
            double singleNamePV = _pricer.pv(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData.getCreditCurves()[singleName], indexCoupon);

            return(weight * (protection - singleNamePV));
예제 #11
         * The intrinsic index spread. this is defined as the ratio of the intrinsic protection leg to the intrinsic annuity.
         * @see #averageSpread
         * @param indexCDS analytic description of a CDS traded at a certain time
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @return intrinsic index spread (as a fraction)
        public double intrinsicIndexSpread(
            CDS indexCDS,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            if (intrinsicData.getNumOfDefaults() == intrinsicData.getIndexSize())
            double prot    = indexProtLeg(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);
            double annuity = indexAnnuity(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);

            return(prot / annuity);
예제 #12
        //* Forward values adjusted for defaults

         * For a future expiry date, the default adjusted forward index value is the expected (full)
         * value of the index plus the cash settlement of any defaults before
         * the expiry date, valued on the (forward) cash settlement date (usually 3 working days after
         * the expiry date - i.e. the expiry settlement date).
         * @param fwdStartingCDS A forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry.
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         *  initially 100 entries, and the realised recovery rates are 0.2 and 0.35, the this value is (0.8 + 0.65)/100 )
         * @return the default adjusted forward index value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            double indexCoupon,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            //the expected value of the index (not including default settlement) at the expiry settlement date
            double indexPV1 = indexPV(fwdStartingCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);
            double d        = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, intrinsicData);

            return(indexPV1 + d);
예제 #13
        public IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjustCurves(
            double indexPUF,
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            Func <double, double> func = getHazardRateAdjFunction(indexPUF, indexCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);
            double x = ROOTFINDER.getRoot(func, 1.0);

            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate[] adjCC = adjustCurves(intrinsicData.getCreditCurves(), x);
예제 #14
         * The (default adjusted) intrinsic forward spread of an index.
         * This is defined as the ratio of expected value of the protection leg and default settlement to
         * the expected value of the annuity at expiry.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS  forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         *  initially 100 entries, and the realised recovery rates are 0.2 and 0.35, the this value is (0.8 + 0.65)/100 )
         * @return The (default adjusted) forward spread (as a fraction)
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            // Note: these values are all calculated for payment on the (forward) cash settlement date
            // there is no point discounting to today
            double protLeg   = indexProtLeg(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);
            double defSettle = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(timeToExpiry, intrinsicData);
            double ann       = indexAnnuity(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData);

            return((protLeg + defSettle) / ann);
예제 #15
        private Func <double, double> getHazardRateAdjFunction(
            double indexPUF,
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate[] creditCurves = intrinsicData.getCreditCurves();
            double clean = intrinsicData.getIndexFactor() * indexPUF;
            Func <double, double> function = x => _pricer.indexPV(indexCDS, indexCoupon,
                                                                  yieldCurve, intrinsicData.withCreditCurves(adjustCurves(creditCurves, x))) - clean;

예제 #16
         * Make a set of CDS by specifying all dates.
         * @param tradeDate  the trade date
         * @param stepinDate  (aka Protection Effective sate or assignment date). Date when party assumes ownership.
         *  This is usually T+1. This is when protection (and risk) starts in terms of the model.
         *  Note, this is sometimes just called the Effective Date, however this can cause
         *  confusion with the legal effective date which is T-60 or T-90.
         * @param valueDate  the valuation date. The date that values are PVed to.
         *  Is is normally today + 3 business days.  Aka cash-settle date.
         * @param accStartDate  this is when the CDS nominally starts in terms of premium payments. i.e. the number
         *  of days in the first period (and thus the amount of the first premium payment) is counted from this date.
         * @param maturities  The maturities of the CDSs. For a standard CDS these are IMM  dates
         * @return an array of CDS analytic descriptions
        public CDS[] makeCds(
            DateTime tradeDate,
            DateTime stepinDate,
            DateTime valueDate,
            DateTime accStartDate,
            DateTime[] maturities)
            int n = maturities.Length;

            CDS[] cds = new CDS[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                cds[i] = new CDS(Coupon, notional, maturities[i], getNextIMMDate(tradeDate), tradeDate, accStartDate, frequency, _recoveryRate, DEFAULT_STEPIN, DEFAULT_CASH_SETTLE);
예제 #17
         * For a future expiry date, the default adjusted forward index value is the expected (full)
         * value of the index plus the cash settlement of any defaults before
         * the expiry date, valued on the (forward) cash settlement date (usually 3 working days after
         * the expiry date - i.e. the expiry settlement date).
         * This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS A forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry. This must contain the index recovery rate.
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param initialIndexSize The initial number of names in the index
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCoupon The coupon of the index
         * @param indexCurve  Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @param initialDefaultSettlement The (normalised) value of any defaults that have already
         *  occurred (e.g. if two defaults have occurred from an index with
         *  initially 100 entries, and the realised recovery rates are 0.2 and 0.35, the this value is (0.8 + 0.65)/100 )
         * @param numDefaults The number of defaults that have already occurred
         * @return the default adjusted forward index value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardIndexValue(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            int initialIndexSize,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            double indexCoupon,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve,
            double initialDefaultSettlement,
            int numDefaults)
            double f      = (initialIndexSize - numDefaults) / ((double)initialIndexSize);
            double defSet = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(initialIndexSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD(),
                                                           initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults);

            return(defSet + f * _pricer.pv(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve, indexCoupon));
예제 #18
         * The (default adjusted) intrinsic forward spread of an index.
         * This is defined as the ratio of expected value of the protection leg and default settlement to
         * the expected value of the annuity at expiry.  This calculation assumes an homogeneous pool that
         * can be described by a single index curve.
         * @param fwdStartingCDS forward starting CDS to represent cash flows in the index.
         *  The stepin date should be one day after the expiry and the cashSettlement
         *  date (usually) 3 working days after expiry
         * @param timeToExpiry the time in years between the trade date and expiry.
         *  This should use the same DCC as the curves (ACT365F unless manually changed).
         * @param initialIndexSize The initial number of names in the index
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param indexCurve Pseudo credit curve for the index.
         * @param initialDefaultSettlement The (normalised) value of any defaults that have
         *  already occurred (e.g. if two defaults have occurred from an index with
         *  initially 100 entries, and the realised recovery rates are 0.2 and 0.35, the this value is (0.8 + 0.65)/100 )
         * @param numDefaults The number of defaults that have already occurred
         * @return The normalised expected default settlement value
        public double defaultAdjustedForwardSpread(
            CDS fwdStartingCDS,
            double timeToExpiry,
            int initialIndexSize,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve,
            double initialDefaultSettlement,
            int numDefaults)
            double f         = (initialIndexSize - numDefaults) / ((double)initialIndexSize);
            double defSettle = expectedDefaultSettlementValue(initialIndexSize, timeToExpiry, indexCurve, fwdStartingCDS.getLGD(),
                                                              initialDefaultSettlement, numDefaults);
            double protLeg = f * _pricer.protectionLeg(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);
            double ann     = f * _pricer.annuity(fwdStartingCDS, yieldCurve, indexCurve);

            return((protLeg + defSettle) / ann);
예제 #19
        public void testMethod()
            for (int i = 0; i < PRICES.Length; i++)
                PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]);

            int pos        = 1; // target CDX is 5Y
            CDS targentCDX = CDX[pos];
            int n          = PILLAR_PUF.Length;

            double[] indexPUF = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                indexPUF[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront();
            int    accrualDays    = targentCDX.getAccuredDays();
            double accruedPremium = targentCDX.getAccruedPremium(INDEX_COUPON) * INTRINSIC_DATA.getIndexFactor() * NOTIONAL; // indexFactor = (initialIndexSize - numDefaults) / initialIndexSize

             * Using credit curves for constituent single name CDSs.
             * The curves are adjusted by using only the target CDX.
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjCurves = PSA.adjustCurves(indexPUF[pos], CDX[pos], INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE,
            double cleanPV      = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos]
            double dirtyPV      = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL;
            double expectedLoss = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), adjCurves) * NOTIONAL;
            double cleanRPV01   = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves);
            double dirtyRPV01   = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
            double durationWeightedAverageSpread = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) *
            double parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL;

            double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves);
            for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefault.Length; ++i)
                jumpToDefault[i] *= NOTIONAL;
            double[] recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves);
            for (int i = 0; i < recovery01.Length; ++i)
                recovery01[i] *= NOTIONAL;
예제 #20
         * The change in the intrinsic value of a CDS index when zero rate at node points of the yield curve is bumped by 1bps.
         * If the index is priced as a single name CDS, use {@link InterestRateSensitivityCalculator}.
         * @param indexCDS The CDS index
         * @param indexCoupon The index coupon
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData Credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @return bucketed IR01
        public double[] bucketedIR01(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            double basePV = indexPV(indexCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
            int    n      = yieldCurve.t.Count;

            double[] res = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                YieldTermStructure bumpedYieldCurve = yieldCurve.withRate(yieldCurve.getZeroRateAtIndex(i) + ONE_BPS, i);
                double             bumpedPV         = indexPV(indexCDS, indexCoupon, bumpedYieldCurve, intrinsicData, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
                res[i] = bumpedPV - basePV;
예제 #21
         * The change in the intrinsic value of a CDS index when the yield curve is bumped by 1bps.
         * If the index is priced as a single name CDS, use {@link InterestRateSensitivityCalculator}.
         * @param indexCDS The CDS index
         * @param indexCoupon The index coupon
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData Credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @return parallel IR01
        public double parallelIR01(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            double pv     = indexPV(indexCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
            int    nKnots = yieldCurve.t.Count;

            double[] rates = yieldCurve.getKnotZeroRates().ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < nKnots; ++i)
                rates[i] += ONE_BPS;
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurveUp = yieldCurve.withRates(rates.ToList());
            double             pvUp         = indexPV(indexCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurveUp, intrinsicData, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);

            return(pvUp - pv);
예제 #22
        public double PremiumLegNPV_Exact(CDS cds, PiecewiseconstantHazardRate hazard,
                                          YieldTermStructure yt, DateTime tradedate, DateTime settlementDate, double notional, double coupon, List <double> Jumps, DateTime lastpayment)
            double ita      = (double)365 / 360;
            double totalNPV = 0.0;

            CdsCoupon[] cf = cds.getCoupons();
            for (int i = 0; i < cf.Length; ++i)
                totalNPV += cf[i].getYearFrac() * notional * Math.Exp(-hazard.getRT_(cf[i].getEffEnd()))
                            * Math.Exp(-yt.getRT_(cf[i].getEffEnd()));
            double accrualpaidondefault = calculateSinglePeriodAccrualOnDefault(cf, coupon, tradedate, yt, hazard, lastpayment);

            totalNPV += ita * coupon * accrualpaidondefault * notional / yt.discount(tradedate.AddDays(3));
            OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.Actual360 dc = new OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.Actual360();
            Calendar calendar = new UnitedStates();

            return(totalNPV / Math.Exp(-yt.getRT_(cds.getCashSettleTime())));
예제 #23
         * The normalised intrinsic value of the protection leg of a CDS portfolio (index).
         * The actual value of the leg is this multiplied by the <b>initial</b>  notional of the index.
         * @param indexCDS representation of the index cashflows (seen from today).
         * @param yieldCurve The current yield curves
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @param valuationTime Valuation time. The leg value is calculated for today (t=0),
         *  then rolled forward (using the risk free yield curve) to the valuation time.
         *  This is because cash payments occur on the cash-settlement-date, which is usually
         *  three working days after the trade date (today)
         * @return The normalised intrinsic value of the protection leg.
        public double indexProtLeg(
            CDS indexCDS,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData,
            double valuationTime)
            CDS    cds     = indexCDS.withRecoveryRate(0.0);
            int    n       = intrinsicData.getIndexSize();
            double protLeg = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (!intrinsicData.isDefaulted(i))
                    protLeg += intrinsicData.getWeight(i) * intrinsicData.getLGD(i) *
                               _pricer.protectionLeg(cds, yieldCurve, intrinsicData.getCreditCurve(i), 0);
            protLeg /= Math.Exp(-yieldCurve.getRT_(valuationTime));
예제 #24
         * The  intrinsic annuity of a CDS portfolio (index) for a unit (initial) notional.
         * The value of the premium leg is this multiplied by the <b> initial</b> notional of the index
         * and the index coupon (as a fraction).
         * @param indexCDS representation of the index cashflows (seen from today).
         * @param yieldCurve The current yield curves
         * @param intrinsicData credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @param priceType Clean or dirty
         * @param valuationTime Valuation time. The leg value is calculated for today (t=0),
         *  then rolled forward (using the risk free yield curve) to the valuation time.
         *  This is because cash payments occur on the cash-settlement-date, which is usually
         *  three working days after the trade date (today)
         * @return The  intrinsic annuity of a CDS portfolio (index)
        public double indexAnnuity(
            CDS indexCDS,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData,
            CdsPriceType priceType,
            double valuationTime)
            int    n = intrinsicData.getIndexSize();
            double a = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (!intrinsicData.isDefaulted(i))
                    a += intrinsicData.getWeight(i) * _pricer.annuity(indexCDS, yieldCurve, intrinsicData.getCreditCurve(i), priceType, 0);
            a /= Math.Exp(-yieldCurve.getRT_(valuationTime));

예제 #25
         * Values on per-name default
         * @param indexCDS The CDS index
         * @param indexCoupon The index coupon
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData Credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @return The jump to default
        public double[] jumpToDefault(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            int indexSize = intrinsicData.getIndexSize();

            double[] res = new double[indexSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; ++i)
                if (intrinsicData.isDefaulted(i))
                    res[i] = 0.0;
                    res[i] = decomposedValueOnDefault(indexCDS, indexCoupon, yieldCurve, intrinsicData, i);
예제 #26
         * Sensitivity of the intrinsic value of a CDS index to intrinsic CDS recovery rates.
         * @param indexCDS The CDS index
         * @param indexCoupon The index coupon
         * @param yieldCurve The yield curve
         * @param intrinsicData Credit curves, weights and recovery rates of the intrinsic names
         * @return The sensitivity
        public double[] recovery01(
            CDS indexCDS,
            double indexCoupon,
            YieldTermStructure yieldCurve,
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle intrinsicData)
            CDS zeroRR    = indexCDS.withRecoveryRate(0.0);
            int indexSize = intrinsicData.getIndexSize();

            double[] res = new double[indexSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; ++i)
                if (intrinsicData.isDefaulted(i))
                    res[i] = 0.0;
                    res[i] = -_pricer.protectionLeg(zeroRR, yieldCurve, intrinsicData.getCreditCurve(i)) *
예제 #27
        public void testMethod1()
            for (int i = 0; i < PRICES.Length; i++)
                PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]);
            int pos        = 1; // target CDX is 5Y
            CDS targentCDX = CDX[pos];
            int n          = PILLAR_PUF.Length;

            double[] indexPUF = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                indexPUF[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront();

            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA;
            int    accrualDays    = targentCDX.getAccuredDays();
            double accruedPremium = targentCDX.getAccruedPremium(INDEX_COUPON) * NOTIONAL * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor();

             * Using credit curves for constituent single name CDSs.
             * The curves are adjusted by using only the target CDX.

            double cleanPV      = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted) * NOTIONAL;
            double dirtyPV      = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos]
            double expectedLoss = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), dataDefaulted) * NOTIONAL;
            double cleanRPV01   = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted);
            double dirtyRPV01   = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
            double durationWeightedAverageSpread = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted) *
            double parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted) * NOTIONAL;

            double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted);
            for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefault.Length; ++i)
                jumpToDefault[i] *= NOTIONAL;
            double[] recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, dataDefaulted);
            for (int i = 0; i < recovery01.Length; ++i)
                recovery01[i] *= NOTIONAL;

            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjCurvesAll = PSA.adjustCurves(indexPUF, CDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE,
            double cleanPVAll = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll) * NOTIONAL;
            double dirtyPVAll = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) *
                                NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos]
            double expectedLossAll = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), adjCurvesAll) *
            double cleanRPV01All = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll);
            double dirtyRPV01All = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
            double durationWeightedAverageSpreadAll = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll) *
            double parallelIR01All = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll) * NOTIONAL;

            double[] jumpToDefaultAll = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll);
            for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefaultAll.Length; ++i)
                jumpToDefaultAll[i] *= NOTIONAL;
            double[] recovery01All = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurvesAll);
            for (int i = 0; i < recovery01All.Length; ++i)
                recovery01All[i] *= NOTIONAL;
            PiecewiseconstantHazardRate indexCurve = (new Commons.FastCreditCurveBuilder()).calibrateCreditCurve(targentCDX,
                                                                                                                 INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, indexPUF[pos]); // single node index curve, indexFactors cancel out
            double cleanPriceIndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.pv(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, INDEX_COUPON) *
                                          dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor() * NOTIONAL;
            double dirtyPriceIndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.pv(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, INDEX_COUPON,
                                                           CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor() * NOTIONAL;
            double cleanRPV01IndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.annuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve) *
            double dirtyRPV01IndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.annuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) *
            double spreadIndexCurve = PRICER_OG_FIX.parSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, indexCurve) * TEN_THOUSAND;
예제 #28
        public void Pricing()
            for (int i = 0; i < PRICES.Length; i++)
                PILLAR_PUF[i] = new PointsUpFront(INDEX_COUPON, 1 - PRICES[i]);
            int pos        = 1; // target CDX is 5Y
            CDS targentCDX = CDX[pos];
            int n          = PILLAR_PUF.Length;

            double[] indexPUF = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                indexPUF[i] = PILLAR_PUF[i].getPointsUpFront();

            defaultedNames = new int[] { 2, 15, 37, 51 };

            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle dataDefaulted = INTRINSIC_DATA.withDefault(defaultedNames);
            int    accrualDays    = targentCDX.getAccuredDays();
            double accruedPremium = targentCDX.getAccruedPremium(INDEX_COUPON) * NOTIONAL * dataDefaulted.getIndexFactor();

             * Using credit curves for constituent single name CDSs.
             * The curves are adjusted by using only the target CDX.
            IntrinsicIndexDataBundle adjCurves = PSA.adjustCurves(indexPUF[pos], CDX[pos], INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE,

            cleanPV      = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL;
            dirtyPV      = INDEX_CAL.indexPV(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY) * NOTIONAL; // should be consistent with 1 - PRICES[pos]
            expectedLoss = INDEX_CAL.expectedDefaultSettlementValue(targentCDX.getProtectionEnd(), adjCurves) * NOTIONAL;
            cleanRPV01   = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves);
            dirtyRPV01   = INDEX_CAL.indexAnnuity(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves, CdsPriceType.DIRTY);
            durationWeightedAverageSpread = INDEX_CAL.intrinsicIndexSpread(targentCDX, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) *
            parallelIR01 = INDEX_CAL.parallelIR01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves) * NOTIONAL;
            double[] jumpToDefault = INDEX_CAL.jumpToDefault(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves);
            for (int i = 0; i < jumpToDefault.Length; ++i)
                jumpToDefault[i] *= NOTIONAL;
            recovery01 = INDEX_CAL.recovery01(targentCDX, INDEX_COUPON, YIELD_CURVE, adjCurves);

            //Build Cash flow
            QLNet.UnitedStates cal     = new QLNet.UnitedStates();
            CdsCoupon[]        coupons = targentCDX.getCoupons();
            int npayments = coupons.Count();

            cashflow = new List <CouponPayment>();
            for (int i = 0; i < npayments; i++)
                CouponPayment cf = new CouponPayment();
                cf.Amount = (-coupons[i].getEffStart() + coupons[i].getEffEnd()) * NOTIONAL * INDEX_COUPON;
                cf.Amount = Math.Round(cf.Amount, 2);
                double days = coupons[i].getEffEnd() * 365;
                cf.CashFlowDate = i == 0? CdsAnalyticFactory.getNextIMMDate(TRADE_DATE):
                                  CdsAnalyticFactory.getNextIMMDate(cashflow[i - 1].CashFlowDate);
                cf.CashFlowDate = cal.adjust(cf.CashFlowDate);

            for (int i = 0; i < recovery01.Length; ++i)
                recovery01[i] *= NOTIONAL;