상속: System.MarshalByRefObject, ISubDependencyResolver
예제 #1
        public ILifetimeScope GetScope(CreationContext context)
            var messageContext = MessageContext.Current;

            if (messageContext == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Attempted to resolve {0} outside of Rebus message context!", context.RequestedType));

            var items = messageContext.TransactionContext.Items;

            object lifetimeScope;

            if (items.TryGetValue(LifestimeScopeItemKey, out lifetimeScope))
                return (ILifetimeScope) lifetimeScope;

            var defaultLifetimeScope = new DefaultLifetimeScope();

            items[LifestimeScopeItemKey] = defaultLifetimeScope;

            messageContext.TransactionContext.OnDisposed(() => defaultLifetimeScope.Dispose());

            return defaultLifetimeScope;
		public virtual object Resolve(CreationContext context, Burden burden, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			var instance = CreateInstance(context, burden);
			Track(burden, releasePolicy);
			return instance;

예제 #3
		protected IHandler GetSubHandler(CreationContext context, Type genericType)
			IHandler handler;
			if (type2SubHandler.TryGetValue(genericType, out handler))
				return handler;
			lock (type2SubHandler)
				if (type2SubHandler.TryGetValue(genericType, out handler))
					return handler;
				// TODO: we should probably match the requested type to existing services and close them over its generic arguments
				var service = context.RequestedType;
				var newModel = Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder.BuildModel(
					ComponentModel.Name, new[] { service }, genericType, ComponentModel.ExtendedProperties);

				newModel.ExtendedProperties[ComponentModel.SkipRegistration] = true;

				// Create the handler and add to type2SubHandler before we add to the kernel.
				// Adding to the kernel could satisfy other dependencies and cause this method
				// to be called again which would result in extra instances being created.
				handler = Kernel.HandlerFactory.Create(newModel);
				type2SubHandler[genericType] = handler;


				return handler;
        public override object Resolve(CreationContext context) {
            var current = HttpContext.Current;
            if (current == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("HttpContext.Current is null. PerHttpApplicationLifestyle can only be used in ASP.NET");

            var app = current.ApplicationInstance;
            var lifestyleModule = app.Modules
                .Select(k => app.Modules[k])
            if (lifestyleModule == null) {
                var message = string.Format("Looks like you forgot to register the http module {0}" +
                                               "\r\nAdd '<add name=\"PerHttpApplicationLifestyle\" type=\"{1}\" />' " +
                                               "to the <httpModules> section on your web.config",
                                               typeof (PerWebRequestLifestyleModule).FullName,
                                               typeof (PerWebRequestLifestyleModule).AssemblyQualifiedName);
                throw new Exception(message);

            if (!lifestyleModule.HasComponent(PerAppObjectID)) {
                var instance = base.Resolve(context);
                lifestyleModule[PerAppObjectID] = instance;
                app.Disposed += (sender, args) => base.Release(instance);

            return lifestyleModule[PerAppObjectID];
		/// <summary>
		///   Returns true if the resolver is able to satisfy the specified dependency.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name = "context">Creation context, which is a resolver itself</param>
		/// <param name = "contextHandlerResolver">Parent resolver</param>
		/// <param name = "model">Model of the component that is requesting the dependency</param>
		/// <param name = "dependency">The dependency model</param>
		/// <returns>
		///   <c>true</c>
		///   if the dependency can be satisfied</returns>
		public bool CanResolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, ComponentModel model, DependencyModel dependency)
			// 1 - check for the dependency on CreationContext, if present
			if (CanResolveFromContext(context, contextHandlerResolver, model, dependency))
				return true;

			// 2 - check with the model's handler, if not the same as the parent resolver
			if (CanResolveFromHandler(context, contextHandlerResolver, model, dependency))
				return true;

			// 3 - check within parent resolver, if present
			if (CanResolveFromContextHandlerResolver(context, contextHandlerResolver, model, dependency))
				return true;

			// 4 - check within subresolvers
			if (CanResolveFromSubResolvers(context, contextHandlerResolver, model, dependency))
				return true;

			// 5 - normal flow, checking against the kernel
			return CanResolveFromKernel(context, model, dependency);
		public virtual object Resolve(CreationContext context, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			var burden = CreateInstance(context, false);
			Track(burden, releasePolicy);
			return burden.Instance;

		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			// 1. read from cache
			if (cachedBurden != null)
				return cachedBurden.Instance;
			var instanceFromContext = context.GetContextualProperty(ComponentActivator);
			if (instanceFromContext != null)
				//we've been called recursively, by some dependency from base.Resolve call
				return instanceFromContext;

			var initializing = false;
				initializing = init.ExecuteThreadSafeOnce();
				if (cachedBurden != null)
					return cachedBurden.Instance;
				var burden = CreateInstance(context, true);
				cachedBurden = burden;
				Track(burden, releasePolicy);
				return burden.Instance;
				if (initializing)
		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			// 1. read from cache
			if (cachedBurden != null)
				return cachedBurden.Instance;
			var initializing = false;
				initializing = init.ExecuteThreadSafeOnce();
				if (cachedBurden != null)
					return cachedBurden.Instance;
				var burden = CreateInstance(context, true);
				cachedBurden = burden;
				Track(burden, releasePolicy);
				return burden.Instance;
				if (initializing)
		private object GetNewInstance(CreationContext context, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			var burden = CreateInstance(context, true);
			cachedBurden = burden;
			Track(burden, releasePolicy);
			return burden.Instance;
예제 #10
 public Type[] GetGenericArguments(ComponentModel model, CreationContext context)
     Type sessionType = context.GenericArguments[0];
     Type modelType = sessionType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
     return new[] { modelType };
예제 #11
		public virtual object Request(CreationContext context)
			object instance;


				if (available.Count != 0)
					instance = available.Pop();

					if (instance == null)
						throw new PoolException("Invalid instance on the pool stack");
					instance = componentActivator.Create(context);

					if (instance == null)
						throw new PoolException("Activator didn't return a valid instance");


			return instance;
예제 #12
        public ILifetimeScope GetScope(CreationContext context)
            if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("HttpContext.Current is null. PerWebSessionLifestyle can only be used in ASP.Net");

            return GetScope(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
		protected override object ResolveCore(CreationContext context, bool track, bool instanceRequired)
			Type implType;
				implType = ComponentModel.Implementation.MakeGenericType(context.GenericArguments);
			catch (ArgumentException)
				// may throw in some cases when impl has generic constraints that service hasn't
				return null;

			var handler = GetSubHandler(context, implType);

			// so the generic version wouldn't be considered as well
			using(context.EnterResolutionContext(this, false))
				return handler.Resolve(context);
		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context)
			var current = HttpContext.Current;

			if (current == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
					"HttpContext.Current is null. PerWebRequestLifestyle can only be used in ASP.Net");

			if (current.Items[PerRequestObjectID] == null)
				if (!PerWebRequestLifestyleModule.Initialized)
					var message =
							"Looks like you forgot to register the http module {0}{1}Add '<add name=\"PerRequestLifestyle\" type=\"Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.PerWebRequestLifestyleModule, Castle.Windsor\" />' to the <httpModules> section on your web.config. If you're running IIS7 in Integrated Mode you will need to add it to <modules> section under <system.webServer>",
							typeof(PerWebRequestLifestyleModule).FullName, Environment.NewLine);

					throw new Exception(message);

				var instance = base.Resolve(context);
				current.Items[PerRequestObjectID] = instance;
				PerWebRequestLifestyleModule.RegisterForEviction(this, instance);

			return current.Items[PerRequestObjectID];
		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context, Burden burden, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			lock (slot)
				var map = (Dictionary<IComponentActivator, object>)Thread.GetData(slot);

				if (map == null)
					map = new Dictionary<IComponentActivator, object>();

					Thread.SetData(slot, map);

				Object instance;

				if (!map.TryGetValue(ComponentActivator, out instance))
					instance = base.Resolve(context, burden, releasePolicy);
					map.Add(ComponentActivator, instance);

				return instance;
		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context, Burden burden, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			if (cachedBurden != null)
				return cachedBurden.Instance;
			var instanceFromContext = context.GetContextualProperty(ComponentActivator);
			if (instanceFromContext != null)
				//we've been called recursively, by some dependency from base.Resolve call
				return instanceFromContext;
			object instance;
			lock (ComponentActivator)
				if (cachedBurden != null)
					return cachedBurden.Instance;
				instance = base.CreateInstance(context, burden);
				cachedBurden = burden;
			Track(burden, releasePolicy);
			return instance;
예제 #17
		public virtual object Request(CreationContext context, Func<CreationContext, Burden> creationCallback)
			using (rwlock.ForWriting())
				if (!initialized)
					Intitialize(creationCallback, context);

				Burden burden;
				if (available.Count != 0)
					burden = available.Pop();
					burden = creationCallback.Invoke(context);
					inUse.Add(burden.Instance, burden);
				catch (NullReferenceException)
					throw new PoolException("creationCallback didn't return a valid burden");
				catch (ArgumentNullException)
					throw new PoolException("burden returned by creationCallback does not have root instance associated with it (its Instance property is null).");
				return burden.Instance;
		private bool CanResolvePendingDependencies(CreationContext context)
			// detect circular dependencies
			if (IsBeingResolvedInContext(context))
				return false;

			foreach (var dependency in DependenciesByService.Values.ToArray())
				if(context.HasAdditionalParameters && MatchParameterToDependency(context.AdditionalParameters, dependency))
				// a self-dependency is not allowed
				var handler = Kernel.GetHandler(dependency.TargetType);
				if (handler == this)
					return false;
				if(handler == null)
					// ask the kernel
					if (Kernel.LazyLoadComponentByType(dependency.DependencyKey, dependency.TargetType, context.AdditionalParameters) == false)
						return false;
			if (context.HasAdditionalParameters == false)
				return DependenciesByKey.Count == 0;
			return DependenciesByKey.Values.All(d => MatchParameterToDependency(context.AdditionalParameters, d));
		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context, IReleasePolicy releasePolicy)
			lock (slot)
				var map = (Dictionary<IComponentActivator, Burden>)Thread.GetData(slot);

				if (map == null)
					map = new Dictionary<IComponentActivator, Burden>();

					Thread.SetData(slot, map);

				Burden burden;
				if (!map.TryGetValue(ComponentActivator, out burden))
					burden = base.CreateInstance(context, true);
					map.Add(ComponentActivator, burden);
					Track(burden, releasePolicy);

				return burden.Instance;
		public object Create(IProxyFactoryExtension customFactory, IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model,
		                     CreationContext context, params object[] constructorArguments)
			throw new NotImplementedException(
				"You must supply an implementation of IProxyFactory " +
				"to use interceptors on the Microkernel");
		protected IHandler GetSubHandler(CreationContext context, Type genericType)
			lock (type2SubHandler)
				IHandler handler;

				if (type2SubHandler.ContainsKey(genericType))
					handler = type2SubHandler[genericType];
					Type service = ComponentModel.Service.MakeGenericType(context.GenericArguments);

					ComponentModel newModel = Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder.BuildModel(
						ComponentModel.Name, service, genericType, ComponentModel.ExtendedProperties);

					newModel.ExtendedProperties[ComponentModel.SkipRegistration] = true;

					// Create the handler and add to type2SubHandler before we add to the kernel.
					// Adding to the kernel could satisfy other dependencies and cause this method
					// to be called again which would result in extra instances being created.
					handler = Kernel.HandlerFactory.Create(newModel);
					type2SubHandler[genericType] = handler;


				return handler;
        public override object Resolve(CreationContext context)
            var store = this.GetStore();

            var instance = base.Resolve(context);

            if (instance == null)
                if (context.Handler.ComponentModel.ExtendedProperties[Constants.RegIsInstanceKey] != null)
                    throw new DependencyResolutionException("Cannot find the instance in the context store.");
            else if (store[Model.Name] == null)
                store[Model.Name] = instance;
                store.GetContextInstances().Add(new ContextStoreDependency(Model.Name, instance, this));
                this.registeredForCleanup = true;

            if (!this.registeredForCleanup)
                store.GetContextInstances().Add(new ContextStoreDependency(Model.Name, instance, this));
                this.registeredForCleanup = true;

            return store[Model.Name];
예제 #23
		private bool CanResolvePendingDependencies(CreationContext context)
			if (CurrentState == HandlerState.Valid)
				return true;
			// detect circular dependencies
			if (IsBeingResolvedInContext(context))
				return context.HasAdditionalParameters;
			var canResolveAll = true;
			foreach (var dependency in DependenciesByService.Values.ToArray())
				// a self-dependency is not allowed
				var handler = Kernel.LazyLoadComponentByType(dependency.DependencyKey, dependency.TargetItemType, context.AdditionalParameters);
				if (handler == this || handler == null)
					canResolveAll = false;
			return (canResolveAll && DependenciesByKey.Count == 0) || context.HasAdditionalParameters;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates the <see cref="ISessionFactory"/> from the configuration
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public override object Create(CreationContext context)
			var configuration = Model.ExtendedProperties[Constants.SessionFactoryConfiguration]
			                    as Configuration;
			return configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
예제 #25
		public IScopeCache GetScopeCache(CreationContext context, bool required = true)
			if (selector == null)
				return GetScopeExplicit(required);
			return GetScopeImplicit(required, context);
		protected virtual Burden CreateInstance(CreationContext context, bool trackedExternally)
			var burden = context.CreateBurden(ComponentActivator, trackedExternally);

			var instance = componentActivator.Create(context, burden);
			Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(instance, burden.Instance));
			return burden;
		public bool CanResolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
		                       ComponentModel model,
		                       DependencyModel dependency)
			return dependency.TargetType != null &&
			       dependency.TargetType.IsArray &&
예제 #28
		public override object Resolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
		                               ComponentModel model,
		                               DependencyModel dependency)
			var items = base.Resolve(context, contextHandlerResolver, model, dependency);
			var listType = BuildListType(dependency);
			return listType.CreateInstance<object>(items);
		public virtual object Create(CreationContext context)
			var instance = InternalCreate(context);

			onCreation(model, instance);

			return instance;
		protected virtual object Instantiate(CreationContext context)
			var candidate = SelectEligibleConstructor(context);

			var arguments = CreateConstructorArguments(candidate, context);

			return CreateInstance(context, candidate, arguments);
예제 #31
 public virtual bool CanResolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver,
                                ComponentModel model,
                                DependencyModel dependency)
     return(HasAdditionalArguments && (CanResolveByKey(dependency) || CanResolveByType(dependency)));