public unsafe void do_output_frames(int strideCount) { task1.strideCount = strideCount; if (!task1.UseMappedMemory) { task1.openCLCQ.EnqueueWriteBuffer(task1.clSamplesBytes, false, 0, sizeof(int) * stride * strideCount, task1.clSamplesBytesPtr); } //task.openCLCQ.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(task.clSamplesBytes, task.clSamplesBytes.HostPtr); //task.openCLCQ.EnqueueMapBuffer(task.clSamplesBytes, true, MapFlags.WRITE, 0, task.samplesBufferLen / 2); task1.EnqueueKernels(); if (task2.strideCount > 0) { task2.openCLCQ.Finish(); } int bs = stride * strideCount; samplesInBuffer -= bs; if (samplesInBuffer > 0) { AudioSamples.MemCpy( ((byte *)task2.clSamplesBytesPtr), ((byte *)task1.clSamplesBytesPtr) + bs * _pcm.BlockAlign, samplesInBuffer * _pcm.BlockAlign); } CLParityTask tmp = task1; task1 = task2; task2 = tmp; task1.strideCount = 0; }
public unsafe void InitTasks() { if (!inited) { if (OpenCL.NumberOfPlatforms < 1) { throw new Exception("no opencl platforms found"); } int groupSize = _settings.DeviceType == OpenCLDeviceType.CPU ? 1 : _settings.GroupSize; OCLMan = new OpenCLManager(); // Attempt to save binaries after compilation, as well as load precompiled binaries // to avoid compilation. Usually you'll want this to be true. OCLMan.AttemptUseBinaries = true; // true; // Attempt to compile sources. This should probably be true for almost all projects. // Setting it to false means that when you attempt to compile "", it will // only scan the precompiled binary directory for a binary corresponding to a source // with that name. There's a further restriction that the compiled binary also has to // use the same Defines and BuildOptions OCLMan.AttemptUseSource = true; // Binary and source paths // This is where we store our sources and where compiled binaries are placed //OCLMan.BinaryPath = @"OpenCL\bin"; //OCLMan.SourcePath = @"OpenCL\src"; // If true, RequireImageSupport will filter out any devices without image support // In this project we don't need image support though, so we set it to false OCLMan.RequireImageSupport = false; // The BuildOptions string is passed directly to clBuild and can be used to do debug builds etc OCLMan.BuildOptions = ""; OCLMan.SourcePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(GetType().Assembly.Location); OCLMan.BinaryPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "CUE Tools"), "OpenCL"); int platformId = 0; if (_settings.Platform != null) { platformId = -1; string platforms = ""; for (int i = 0; i < OpenCL.NumberOfPlatforms; i++) { var platform = OpenCL.GetPlatform(i); platforms += " \"" + platform.Name + "\""; if (platform.Name.Equals(_settings.Platform, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { platformId = i; break; } } if (platformId < 0) { throw new Exception("unknown platform \"" + _settings.Platform + "\". Platforms available:" + platforms); } } OCLMan.CreateDefaultContext(platformId, (DeviceType)_settings.DeviceType); this.stridesPerTask = (int)OCLMan.Context.Devices[0].MaxComputeUnits * npar * 8; // The Defines string gets prepended to any and all sources that are compiled // and serve as a convenient way to pass configuration information to the compilation process OCLMan.Defines = "#define GROUP_SIZE " + groupSize.ToString() + "\n" + "#define CLPARITY_VERSION \"" + vendor_string + "\"\n" + #if DEBUG "#define DEBUG\n" + #endif (_settings.DeviceType == OpenCLDeviceType.CPU ? "#define CLPARITY_CPU\n" : "") + _settings.Defines + "\n"; var exts = new string[] { "cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics", "cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics", "cl_khr_fp64", "cl_amd_fp64" }; foreach (string extension in exts) { if (OCLMan.Context.Devices[0].Extensions.Contains(extension)) { OCLMan.Defines += "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION " + extension + ": enable\n"; OCLMan.Defines += "#define HAVE_" + extension + "\n"; } } try { openCLProgram = OCLMan.CompileFile(""); } catch (OpenCLBuildException ex) { string buildLog = ex.BuildLogs[0]; throw ex; } //using (Stream kernel = GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(GetType(), "")) //using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(kernel)) //{ // try // { // openCLProgram = OCLMan.CompileSource(sr.ReadToEnd()); ; // } // catch (OpenCLBuildException ex) // { // string buildLog = ex.BuildLogs[0]; // throw ex; // } //} #if TTTTKJHSKJH var openCLPlatform = OpenCL.GetPlatform(0); openCLContext = openCLPlatform.CreateDefaultContext(); using (Stream kernel = GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(GetType(), "")) using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(kernel)) openCLProgram = openCLContext.CreateProgramWithSource(sr.ReadToEnd()); try { openCLProgram.Build(); } catch (OpenCLException) { string buildLog = openCLProgram.GetBuildLog(openCLProgram.Devices[0]); throw; } #endif task1 = new CLParityTask(openCLProgram, this, groupSize, this.npar, this.stride, this.stridesPerTask); task2 = new CLParityTask(openCLProgram, this, groupSize, this.npar, this.stride, this.stridesPerTask); inited = true; } }