예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the Upivot operation in EF.
        /// </summary>
        static void UnpivotInEF()
            // set the function list of attributes.
            Dictionary <String, Func <Person, DateTime?> > attrFuncList = new Dictionary <string, Func <Person, DateTime?> >();

            attrFuncList["HireDate"]       = p => p.HireDate;
            attrFuncList["EnrollmentDate"] = p => p.EnrollmentDate;

            // Store the Unpivot result.
            IEnumerable <UnpivotRow <String, String, DateTime> > result = null;

            using (MySchoolEntities school = new MySchoolEntities())
                // Get the data from databasy by EF.
                var persons = (from person in school.People
                               select person).ToList();

                // Get the query result of every attribute.
                foreach (String key in attrFuncList.Keys)
                    String k = key;
                    IEnumerable <UnpivotRow <String, String, DateTime> > query =
                        (from person in persons
                         where attrFuncList[k](person) != null
                         select new UnpivotRow <String, String, DateTime>
                        ObjectId = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName,
                        Attribute = k,
                        // Get the value of a certain attribute.
                        Value = (DateTime)attrFuncList[k](person)

                    // Concat the results.
                    result = result == null ? query : result.Concat(query);

            Console.WriteLine("It's the result of Unpivot In EF:");
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1,-15}{2,-15}", "ObjectId", "AttributeName", "Value");
            foreach (var row in result.ToList())
                                  row.ObjectId, row.Attribute, row.Value.ToShortDateString());
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the Pivot operation in EF.
        /// </summary>
        static void PivotInEF()
            List <PivotRow <Person, String, Decimal> > studentGrade = null;
            List <String> courses = null;

            using (MySchoolEntities school = new MySchoolEntities())
                // Get the data from the database.
                studentGrade = (from sg in school.StudentGrades
                                group sg by sg.StudentID into sgGroup
                                select new PivotRow <Person, String, Decimal>
                    ObjectId = sgGroup.Select(g => g.Person).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Attributes = sgGroup.Select(g => g.Course.Title),
                    Values = sgGroup.Select(g => g.Grade)

                // Get the list of attributes.
                courses = school.Courses.Select(c => c.Title).ToList();

            // Get the Pivot table.
            using (DataTable pivotTable = PivotRow <Person, String, Decimal> .GetPivotTable(courses, studentGrade))
                Console.WriteLine("It's the result of Pivot in EF:");
                foreach (DataColumn col in pivotTable.Columns)
                    Console.Write("{0,-15}", col.ColumnName);

                foreach (DataRow row in pivotTable.Rows)
                    Person p = (Person)row[0];
                    Console.Write("{0,-15}", p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName);

                    for (int i = 1; i < pivotTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                        Console.Write("{0,-15}", row[i].GetType().Equals(typeof(DBNull)) ? "NULL" : row[i]);