예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a problem instance from a given file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProblemInstance Import(string fileName)
            TextReader input = new StreamReader(fileName);

            //return new ProblemInstance(); // DELETE ME!!!
            string[] lineParts;
            string   line;
            int      instanceId = 0;
            string   gridName   = "Random Grid"; // The default

            line = input.ReadLine();
            if (line.StartsWith("Grid:") == false)
                lineParts  = line.Split(',');
                instanceId = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                if (lineParts.Length > 1)
                    gridName = lineParts[1];
                line = input.ReadLine();

            //instanceId = int.Parse(fileName.Split('-')[4]);
            // First/second line is Grid:

            // Read grid dimensions
            line      = input.ReadLine();
            lineParts = line.Split(',');
            int maxX = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
            int maxY = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);

            bool[][] grid = new bool[maxX][];
            char     cell;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                    grid[i] = new bool[maxY];
                    line    = input.ReadLine();
                    for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                            cell = line.ElementAt(j);
                            if (cell == '@' || cell == 'O' || cell == 'T' || cell == 'W' /* Water isn't traversable from land */)
                                grid[i][j] = true;
                                grid[i][j] = false;
                        catch { }
                catch { }

            // Next line is Agents:
            line = input.ReadLine();

            // Read the number of agents
            line = input.ReadLine();
            int numOfAgents = int.Parse(line);

            // Read the agents' start and goal states
            AgentState[] states = new AgentState[numOfAgents];
            AgentState   state;
            AgentState   newSingleState;
            Agent        newSingleAgent;
            Agent        agent;
            int          agentNum;
            int          agentNumSingle = 0;
            int          goalX;
            int          goalY;
            int          startX;
            int          startY;

            // Run on each of the agents
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfAgents; i++)
                line      = input.ReadLine();
                lineParts = line.Split(EXPORT_DELIMITER);
                agentNum  = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                goalX     = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);
                goalY     = int.Parse(lineParts[2]);
                startX    = int.Parse(lineParts[3]);
                startY    = int.Parse(lineParts[4]);
                agent     = new Agent(goalX, goalY, agentNum);
                state     = new AgentState(startX, startY, agent);
                states[i] = state;

                // ******** Some of the project modifications: ********

                // numberOfRun 1 is the first solver of the MAPF problem
                // here we are building a list of single agent problem, it will be used to automate the calculation of the middle positions as described in the project report)
                if (Program.numberOfRun == 1)
                    newSingleAgent = new Agent(goalX, goalY, agentNumSingle);
                    newSingleState = new AgentState(startX, startY, newSingleAgent);
                    AgentState[] singleStates = new AgentState[1];
                    singleStates[0] = newSingleState;
                    // Generate the single agents problem instance
                    ProblemInstance instanceSingle = new ProblemInstance();
                    instanceSingle.Init(singleStates, grid);
                    instanceSingle.instanceId = i;
                    instanceSingle.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = gridName;
                    // Saving the single agent problems in an array
                    Program.onlySingleAgentsInstances[i] = instanceSingle;

            // Generate the regular problem instance
            ProblemInstance instance = new ProblemInstance();

            instance.Init(states, grid);
            instance.instanceId = instanceId;
            instance.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = gridName;
            if (Program.numberOfRun == 1)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a problem instance from a given file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProblemInstance Import(string fileName)
            TextReader input = new StreamReader(fileName);

            string[] lineParts;
            string   line;
            int      instanceId = 0;
            string   gridName   = "Random Grid"; // The default

            line = input.ReadLine();
            if (line.StartsWith("Grid:") == false)
                lineParts  = line.Split(',');
                instanceId = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                if (lineParts.Length > 1)
                    gridName = lineParts[1];
                line = input.ReadLine();

            //instanceId = int.Parse(fileName.Split('-')[4]);
            // First/second line is Grid:

            // Read grid dimensions
            line      = input.ReadLine();
            lineParts = line.Split(',');
            int maxX = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
            int maxY = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);

            bool[][] grid = new bool[maxX][];
            char     cell;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++)
                grid[i] = new bool[maxY];
                line    = input.ReadLine();
                for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++)
                    cell = line.ElementAt(j);
                    if (cell == '@' || cell == 'O' || cell == 'T' || cell == 'W' /* Water isn't traversable from land */)
                        grid[i][j] = true;
                        grid[i][j] = false;

            // Next line is Agents:
            line = input.ReadLine();

            // Read the number of agents
            line = input.ReadLine();
            int numOfAgents = int.Parse(line);

            // Read the agents' start and goal states
            AgentState[] states = new AgentState[numOfAgents];
            AgentState   state;
            Agent        agent;
            int          agentNum;
            int          goalX;
            int          goalY;
            int          startX;
            int          startY;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfAgents; i++)
                line      = input.ReadLine();
                lineParts = line.Split(EXPORT_DELIMITER);
                agentNum  = int.Parse(lineParts[0]);
                goalX     = int.Parse(lineParts[1]);
                goalY     = int.Parse(lineParts[2]);
                startX    = int.Parse(lineParts[3]);
                startY    = int.Parse(lineParts[4]);
                agent     = new Agent(goalX, goalY, agentNum);
                state     = new AgentState(startX, startY, agent);
                states[i] = state;

            // Generate the problem instance
            ProblemInstance instance = new ProblemInstance();

            instance.Init(states, grid);
            instance.instanceId = instanceId;
            instance.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] = gridName;