예제 #1
        }                                                                             // Nonsense values until Init, just allocate move

        public CbsConstraint(CbsConflict conflict, ProblemInstance instance, bool agentA, Run.ConstraintPolicy constraintPolicy = Run.ConstraintPolicy.Single, int constraintRange = 0)
            Move move;
            int  agentNum;
            int  minTime;

            this.constaintRange = Math.Abs(conflict.timeStepAgentB - conflict.timeStepAgentA);
            if (constraintPolicy == Run.ConstraintPolicy.Range)
                minTime = Math.Min(conflict.timeStepAgentA, conflict.timeStepAgentB);
            else if (constraintPolicy == Run.ConstraintPolicy.DoubleRange)
                minTime = conflict.timeStepAgentA;
                if (agentA)
                    minTime = conflict.timeStepAgentA;
                    minTime = conflict.timeStepAgentB;
            if (agentA)
                move      = conflict.agentAmove;
                agentNum  = instance.m_vAgents[conflict.agentAIndex].agent.agentNum;
                this.move = new TimedMove(move, minTime);
                move      = conflict.agentBmove;
                agentNum  = instance.m_vAgents[conflict.agentBIndex].agent.agentNum;
                this.move = new TimedMove(move, minTime);

            this.agentNum = (byte)agentNum;

            if (conflict.vertex)
                this.move.direction = Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the entire node - finds a plan for every agent group.
        /// Since this method is only called for the root of the constraint tree, every agent is in its own group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthToReplan"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Solve()
            this.totalCost = 0;
            ProblemInstance            problem        = this.cbs.GetProblemInstance();
            HashSet <CFMCbsConstraint> newConstraints = this.GetConstraints(); // Probably empty as this is probably the root of the CT.

            // Constraints initiated with the problem instance
            //var constraints = (HashSet_U<CbsConstraint>)problem.parameters[MAPF_CBS.CONSTRAINTS];

            var constraints = new HashSet_U <CFMCbsConstraint>();

            Dictionary <int, int> agentsWithConstraints = null;

            if (constraints.Count != 0)
                int maxConstraintTimeStep = constraints.Max <CFMCbsConstraint>(constraint => constraint.time);
                agentsWithConstraints = constraints.Select <CFMCbsConstraint, int>(constraint => constraint.agentNum).Distinct().ToDictionary <int, int>(x => x); // ToDictionary because there's no ToSet...


            // This mechanism of adding the constraints to the possibly pre-existing constraints allows having
            // layers of CBS solvers, each one adding its own constraints and respecting those of the solvers above it.

            // Solve using MMMStar

            HashSet <MMStarConstraint> mConstraints = importCBSConstraintsToMMStarConstraints(constraints);

            this.cbs.runner.SolveGivenProblem(problem, mConstraints);
            this.mamPlan = this.cbs.runner.plan;
            this.mamCost = this.cbs.runner.solutionCost;

            // Gather conflicts

            this.nodeConflicts = gatherConflicts();

            //    printConflicts(allSingleAgentPlans);

            this.isGoal = this.nodeConflicts.Count == 0;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the relevant data structures for a run.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Setup(ProblemInstance problemInstance, int minDepth, Run runner, int minCost)
            this.instance = problemInstance;
            this.runner   = runner;
            WorldState root = this.CreateSearchRoot(minDepth, minCost);

            root.h = (int)this.heuristic.h(root); // g was already set in the constructor
            this.closedList.Add(root, root);
            this.generated++; // The root
            this.totalCost      = 0;
            this.singleCosts    = null;
            this.solution       = null;
            this.singlePlans    = null;
            this.conflictCounts = null;
            this.conflictTimes  = null;
            this.solutionDepth  = -1;
            this.numOfAgents    = problemInstance.m_vAgents.Length;

            // Store parameters used by IndependenceDetection's Independence Detection algorithm
            if (problemInstance.parameters.ContainsKey("ID-max-cost"))
                this.maxCost = (int)(problemInstance.parameters["ID-max-cost"]);
                this.maxCost = int.MaxValue;

            if (problemInstance.parameters.ContainsKey("ID - reserved") &&
                ((HashSet <TimedMove>)problemInstance.parameters["ID - reserved"]).Count != 0)
                this.illegalMoves = (HashSet <TimedMove>)(problemInstance.parameters["ID - reserved"]);
                this.illegalMoves = null;

            if (problemInstance.parameters.ContainsKey(CBS.CONSTRAINTS) &&
                ((HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)problemInstance.parameters[CBS.CONSTRAINTS]).Count != 0)
                this.constraints = (HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)problemInstance.parameters[CBS.CONSTRAINTS];
예제 #4
 private void WriteGivenCFMCBSProblem(ProblemInstance instance, ICbsSolver solver, string plan)
         solver.GetName(),                       // solver name
         planningTime.ToString(),                // planning time
         "MakeSpan",                             // cost function
         solver.GetSolutionCost().ToString(),    // solution  cost
         instanceId.ToString(),                  // instanceId
         instance.fileName,                      // file Name
         instance.m_vAgents.Length.ToString(),   // #Agents
         m_mapFileName,                          // Map name
         solver.isSolved().ToString(),           // Success
         instance.m_nObstacles,                  // Obstacles
         solver.GetExpanded().ToString(),        // Expansions
         solver.GetGenerated().ToString(),       // Generates
         preprocessingTime.ToString());          // preprocessing time
예제 #5
파일: CbsNode.cs 프로젝트: kylevedder/mapf
 /// <summary>
 /// Child from merge action constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="father"></param>
 /// <param name="mergeGroupA"></param>
 /// <param name="mergeGroupB"></param>
 public CbsNode(CbsNode father, int mergeGroupA, int mergeGroupB)
     this.allSingleAgentPlans   = father.allSingleAgentPlans.ToArray <SinglePlan>();
     this.allSingleAgentCosts   = father.allSingleAgentCosts.ToArray <int>();
     this.agentsGroupAssignment = father.agentsGroupAssignment.ToArray <ushort>();
     this.MergeGroups(mergeGroupA, mergeGroupB);
     this.prev              = father;
     this.constraint        = null;
     this.depth             = (ushort)(this.prev.depth + 1);
     agentAExpansion        = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED;
     agentBExpansion        = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED;
     replanSize             = 1;
     this.problem           = father.problem;
     this.solver            = father.solver;
     this.singleAgentSolver = father.singleAgentSolver;
     this.runner            = father.runner;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Write to file a given instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">The instance to execute</param>
        public void WriteGivenProblem
            ProblemInstance instance,
            MAM_ISolver solver,
            MAM_Plan currentPlan = null)
            string initialH;

            if (solver.GetHeuristicCalculator().GetInitialH() == 0)
                initialH = 0.ToString();
            else if (solver.GetCostFunction() == CostFunction.SOC)
                Tuple <double, int> bestInitH = solver.GetHeuristicCalculatorInitialH();
                double bestH      = bestInitH.Item1;
                double bestAgents = bestInitH.Item2;
                initialH = bestH.ToString();
                Tuple <double, int> bestInitH = solver.GetHeuristicCalculatorInitialH();
                double bestH      = bestInitH.Item1;
                int    bestAgents = bestInitH.Item2;
                initialH = (bestH / bestAgents).ToString();

                solver.GetName(),                               // solver name
                planningTime.ToString(),                        // planning time
                costFunctionToString(solver.GetCostFunction()), // cost function
                solver.GetSolutionSOCCost().ToString(),         // solution SOC cost
                solver.GetSolutionMakeSpanCost().ToString(),    // solution MakeSpan cost
                instanceId.ToString(),                          // instanceId
                instance.fileName,                              // file Name
                instance.m_vAgents.Length.ToString(),           // #Agents
                m_mapFileName,                                  // Map name
                solver.IsSolved().ToString(),                   // Success
                instance.m_nObstacles,                          // Obstacles
                solver.GetExpanded().ToString(),                // Expansions
                solver.GetGenerated().ToString(),               // Generates
                preprocessingTime.ToString(),                   // preprocessing time
                solver.GetHeuristicCalculator().GetName(),      // Heuristic Name
                initialH);                                      // Initial h value
예제 #7
        //public static double TIMEOUT = double.MaxValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Write to file a given instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">The instance to execute</param>
        public void WriteGivenProblem
            ProblemInstance instance,
            ISolver solver,
            LinkedList <List <Move> > currentPlan = null)
            int solutionSumOfCost;

            if (currentPlan == null)
                currentPlan       = copyLinkedList(plan.GetLocations());
                solutionSumOfCost = solutionCost;
                solutionSumOfCost = computeSumOfCost(currentPlan);
            double planTime = planningTime;

            string solverName = "";

            if (solver.GetType() == typeof(CBS_LocalConflicts) || solver.GetType() == typeof(CBS_GlobalConflicts))
                solverName = "ICBS + " + ((CBS_LocalConflicts)solver).conflictRange;
                solverName = "EPEA*";

                solverName,                                      // solver name
                planTime.ToString(),                             // planning time
                solutionSumOfCost.ToString(),                    // solution cost
                instanceId.ToString(),                           // instanceId
                instance.fileName,                               // file Name
                instance.m_vAgents.Length.ToString(),            // #Agents
                m_mapFileName,                                   // Map name
                instance.m_nObstacles,                           // Obstacles
                ((CBS_GlobalConflicts)solver).constraintPolicy); // Constraint Policy
 public void Setup(ProblemInstance instance, Run runner)
     this.instance  = instance;
     this.runner    = runner;
     this.totalCost = 0;
     //this.accMaxGroupSize = 1;
     this.conflictAvoidance = new Dictionary <TimedMove, List <int> >();
     this.allConflicts      = new HashSet <Conflict>();
     this.allGroups         = new LinkedList <AgentsGroup>();
     // Initialize the agent group collection with a group for every agent
     foreach (AgentState agentStartState in instance.m_vAgents)
         this.allGroups.AddLast(new AgentsGroup(this.instance, new AgentState[1] {
         }, this.singleAgentSolver, this.groupSolver));
예제 #9
파일: CBS_IDA.cs 프로젝트: kylevedder/mapf
        public void Setup(ProblemInstance problemInstance, Run runner)
            AgentState.EquivalenceOverDifferentTimes = false;
            globalConflictsCounter = new int[problemInstance.m_vAgents.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < globalConflictsCounter.Length; i++)
                globalConflictsCounter[i] = new int[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    globalConflictsCounter[i][j] = 0;

            this.instance           = problemInstance;
            this.runner             = runner;
            root                    = new CbsNode(instance.m_vAgents.Length, problemInstance, this.solver, this.lowLevelSolver, runner);
            this.highLevelExpanded  = 0;
            this.highLevelGenerated = 1;
            maxSizeGroup            = 1;
            this.totalCost          = 0;

            if (problemInstance.parameters.ContainsKey(Trevor.MAXIMUM_COST_KEY))
                this.maxCost = (int)(problemInstance.parameters[Trevor.MAXIMUM_COST_KEY]);
                this.maxCost = int.MaxValue;

            if (problemInstance.parameters.ContainsKey(CBS_LocalConflicts.INTERNAL_CAT) == false) // Top-most CBS only
                problemInstance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.INTERNAL_CAT]     = new HashSet_U <TimedMove>();
                problemInstance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.CONSTRAINTS]      = new HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>();
                problemInstance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.MUST_CONSTRAINTS] = new List <CbsConstraint>();
                this.topMost = true;
                this.topMost = false;

            minCost = 0;
예제 #10
        public long solve(CFMAStar.CostFunction costFunction)
            // Independence Detection
            List <List <TimedMove> > nonConflictsPaths = null;
            IndependentDetection     id = new IndependentDetection(this.problemInstance, this.goalState);

            MAM_AgentState[] newStartPositions = id.Detect(out nonConflictsPaths);
            if (newStartPositions.Length != 0)
                this.problemInstance = problemInstance.ReplanProblem(newStartPositions);
                this.reducer         = new CFMAM_MCMF_Reducer(this.problemInstance, this.goalState);
                if (reducer.outputProblem == null)
                MinCostMaxFlow mcmfSolver = new MinCostMaxFlow(reducer.outputProblem);
                timer    = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                solution = mcmfSolver.SolveMinCostFlow();
                List <TimedMove>[] partialPlan = this.reducer.GetCFMAMSolution(this.solution, this.mcmfTime, true);
                if (costFunction == CFMAStar.CostFunction.MakeSpan)
                    while (!isPathForEachAgent(partialPlan))
                        mcmfSolver  = new MinCostMaxFlow(reducer.outputProblem);
                        solution    = mcmfSolver.SolveMinCostFlow();
                        partialPlan = this.reducer.GetCFMAMSolution(this.solution, this.mcmfTime, true);
                this.plan         = mergePlans(partialPlan, nonConflictsPaths);
                this.mcmfTime     = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                this.solutionCost = calculateCost(this.plan, costFunction);
                this.plan         = nonConflictsPaths;
                this.solutionCost = calculateCost(this.plan, costFunction);

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problemInstance"></param>
        /// <param name="minDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="runner"></param>
        /// <param name="minCost">Not taken into account</param>
        public virtual void Setup
            ProblemInstance problemInstance,
            int minDepth,
            MAM_Run runner,
            int minCost = -1,
            HashSet <MMStarConstraint> constraints = null
            this.instance = problemInstance;
            this.runner   = runner;
            this.totalCost        = 0;
            this.solutionDepth    = -1;
            this.milliCap         = int.MaxValue;
            this.goalLocation     = null;
            this.solution         = null;
            this.bestMakeSpanCost = int.MaxValue;
            this.bestSOCCost      = int.MaxValue;
            this.bestCostLocation = null;
            this.meetFlag         = false;
            this.success          = false;
            this.openList         = new MAM_OpenList(this);
            if (constraints != null)
                this.constraints = constraints;
                this.constraints = new HashSet <MMStarConstraint>();

            foreach (MAM_AgentState agent in this.instance.m_vAgents)
                agent.numOfAgentsInBestHeuristic = this.instance.m_vAgents.Length;
                CalculateH(agent, null);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve a given instance with the given solver
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solver">The solver</param>
        /// <param name="instance">The problem instance that will be solved</param>
        private void run
            MAM_ISolver solver,
            ProblemInstance instance,
            HashSet <MMStarConstraint> constraints = null
            // Run the algorithm
            bool solved;

            //Console.WriteLine("----------------- " + solver + " with " + solver.GetHeuristicCalculator().GetName() + ", Minimizing " + solver.GetCostFunction().ToString() + " -----------------");
            this.startTime = this.ElapsedMillisecondsTotal();
            solver.Setup(instance, this);
            if (constraints == null)
                constraints = new HashSet <MMStarConstraint>();
            //MMStarConstraint constraint1 = new MMStarConstraint(2, 3, 2, Move.Direction.South, 2);
            //MMStarConstraint constraint2 = new MMStarConstraint(1, 1, 2, Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION, 1);
            solver.AddConstraints(constraints);   // Add constraints
            solved      = solver.Solve();
            elapsedTime = this.ElapsedMilliseconds();
            if (solved)
                //Console.WriteLine("Total MakeSpan cost: {0}", solver.GetSolutionMakeSpanCost());
                //Console.WriteLine("Total SOC cost: {0}", solver.GetSolutionSOCCost());
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to solve");
            //Console.WriteLine("Expanded nodes: {0}", solver.GetExpanded());
            //Console.WriteLine("Time in milliseconds: {0}", elapsedTime);
            if (toPrint)
                this.PrintStatistics(instance, solver, elapsedTime);
예제 #13
 public void Setup(ProblemInstance instance, Run runner)
     this.instance          = instance;
     this.runner            = runner;
     this.expanded          = 0;
     this.generated         = 0;
     this.totalCost         = 0;
     this.maxGroup          = 1;
     this.minGroup          = instance.m_vAgents.Length;
     this.accMaxGroup       = 1;
     this.minGroup          = instance.m_vAgents.Length;
     this.conflictAvoidance = new Dictionary <TimedMove, List <int> >();
     // Initialize the agent group collection with a group for every agent
     foreach (AgentState agentStartState in instance.m_vAgents)
         this.allGroups.AddFirst(new AgentsGroup(this.instance, new AgentState[1] {
         }, this.groupSolver));
예제 #14
        public CostTreeNodeSolver(ProblemInstance problem, CostTreeNode costNode, Run runner) //make sure agent numbers are in the correct order
            this.runner = runner;
            AgentState agent;

            maxCost          = 0;
            allMDDs          = new MDD[problem.GetNumOfAgents()];
            this.startingPos = problem.m_vAgents;
            this.costs       = costNode.costs;
            this.problem     = problem;

            maxCost = costNode.costs.Max();
            for (int i = 0; i < startingPos.Length; i++)
                agent      = startingPos[i];
                allMDDs[i] = new MDD(i, agent.agent.agentNum, agent.lastMove, costNode.costs[i], maxCost, startingPos.Length, problem);

            matchCounter = 0;
예제 #15
파일: CbsNode.cs 프로젝트: kylevedder/mapf
 public CbsNode(int numberOfAgents, ProblemInstance problem, ICbsSolver solver, ICbsSolver singleAgentSolver, Run runner)
     allSingleAgentPlans = new SinglePlan[numberOfAgents];
     allSingleAgentCosts = new int[numberOfAgents];
     depth                 = 0;
     replanSize            = 1;
     agentAExpansion       = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED;
     agentBExpansion       = ExpansionState.NOT_EXPANDED;
     agentsGroupAssignment = new ushort[numberOfAgents];
     for (ushort i = 0; i < numberOfAgents; i++)
         agentsGroupAssignment[i] = i;
     this.prev              = null;
     this.constraint        = null;
     this.problem           = problem;
     this.solver            = solver;
     this.singleAgentSolver = singleAgentSolver;
     this.runner            = runner;
        private void GetSons(BFSNode node, ReducerOpenList <BFSNode> openList, ProblemInstance problem)
            bool[][] problemGrid = problem.m_vGrid;

            if (node.position.x != problemGrid.Length - 1 && !problemGrid[node.position.x + 1][node.position.y])
                CollectSon(openList, node, node.position.x + 1, node.position.y);
            if (node.position.x != 0 && !problemGrid[node.position.x - 1][node.position.y])
                CollectSon(openList, node, node.position.x - 1, node.position.y);
            if (node.position.y != problemGrid[node.position.x].Length - 1 && !problemGrid[node.position.x][node.position.y + 1])
                CollectSon(openList, node, node.position.x, node.position.y + 1);
            if (node.position.y != 0 && !problemGrid[node.position.x][node.position.y - 1])
                CollectSon(openList, node, node.position.x, node.position.y - 1);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problemInstance"></param>
        /// <param name="minDepth"></param>
        /// <param name="runner"></param>
        /// <param name="minCost">Not taken into account</param>
        public virtual void Setup
            ProblemInstance problemInstance,
            int minDepth,
            CFMAM_Run runner,
            int minCost = -1,
            HashSet <MMStarConstraint> constraints = null
            this.instance = problemInstance;
            this.runner   = runner;
            this.totalCost        = 0;
            this.solutionDepth    = -1;
            this.milliCap         = int.MaxValue;
            this.goalLocation     = null;
            this.solution         = null;
            this.bestMakeSpanCost = int.MaxValue;
            this.bestSOCCost      = int.MaxValue;
            this.bestCostLocation = null;
            this.meetFlag         = false;
            this.success          = false;
            this.openList         = new CFMAM_OpenList(this);
            if (constraints != null)
                this.constraints = constraints;
                this.constraints = new HashSet <MMStarConstraint>();

            // caculate lowest centrality
            MAM_AgentState agent = getLowestCentralityAgent();

            CalculateH(agent, null);
예제 #18
 private void PrintProblemStatistics(ProblemInstance instance)
     // Grid Name col:
     if (instance.parameters.ContainsKey(ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY))
         this.resultsWriter.Write(instance.parameters[ProblemInstance.GRID_NAME_KEY] + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Grid Rows col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(instance.m_vGrid.Length + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Grid Columns col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(instance.m_vGrid[0].Length + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Num Of Agents col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(instance.m_vAgents.Length + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Num Of Obstacles col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(instance.m_nObstacles + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Instance Id col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(instance.instanceId + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Print the solver statistics to the results file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instance">The problem instance that was solved. Not used!</param>
 /// <param name="solver">The solver that solved the problem instance</param>
 /// <param name="runtimeInMillis">The time it took the given solver to solve the given instance</param>
 private void PrintStatistics(ProblemInstance instance, ISolver solver, double runtimeInMillis)
     // Success col:
     if (solver.GetSolutionCost() < 0)
         this.resultsWriter.Write(Run.FAILURE_CODE + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
         this.resultsWriter.Write(Run.SUCCESS_CODE + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Runtime col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(runtimeInMillis + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Solution Cost col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(solver.GetSolutionCost() + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Algorithm specific cols:
     // Max Group col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(solver.GetMaxGroupSize() + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Solution Depth col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(solver.GetSolutionDepth() + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
예제 #20
        public virtual void Setup(ProblemInstance problemInstance, int minDepth, Run runner)
            this.instance = problemInstance;
            this.runner   = runner;

            this.totalCost            = 0;
            this.solutionDepth        = -1;
            this.targetCost           = int.MaxValue;
            this.lowLevelGeneratedCap = int.MaxValue;
            this.milliCap             = int.MaxValue;
            this.goalNode             = null;
            this.solution             = null;

            if (problemInstance.parameters.ContainsKey(Trevor.MAXIMUM_COST_KEY))
                this.maxCost = (int)(problemInstance.parameters[Trevor.MAXIMUM_COST_KEY]);
                this.maxCost = int.MaxValue;

            this.topMost = this.SetGlobals();

            this.minDepth = minDepth;

            CbsNode root = new CbsNode(instance.m_vAgents.Length, problemInstance, this.solver, this.singleAgentSolver, runner);
            // Solve the root node
            bool solved = root.Solve(minDepth);

            if (solved && root.totalCost <= this.maxCost)
                this.closedList.Add(root, root);
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Print the solver statistics to the results file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instance">The problem instance that was solved. Not used!</param>
 /// <param name="solver">The solver that solved the problem instance</param>
 /// <param name="runtimeInMillis">The time it took the given solver to solve the given instance</param>
 private void PrintStatistics
     ProblemInstance instance,
     MAM_ISolver solver,
     double runtimeInMillis
     // Success col:
     //if (solver.GetSolutionCost() < 0)
     //  this.resultsWriter.Write(Run.FAILURE_CODE + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     this.resultsWriter.Write(MAM_Run.SUCCESS_CODE + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Runtime col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(runtimeInMillis + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Solution Cost col:
     //this.resultsWriter.Write(solver.GetSolutionCost() + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
     // Algorithm specific cols:
     // Solution Depth col:
     this.resultsWriter.Write(solver.GetSolutionDepth() + RESULTS_DELIMITER);
예제 #22
        public CFMAM_MCMF_Reducer(ProblemInstance problem, Move goalState)
            this.problemGrid = problem.m_vGrid;

            startPositions          = new Move[problem.GetNumOfAgents()];
            this.startPositionsDict = new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <int, int>, int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < problem.m_vAgents.Length; i++)
                startPositions[i] = problem.m_vAgents[i].lastMove;
                this.startPositionsDict.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(startPositions[i].x, startPositions[i].y), 1);

            startPositionsToDiscover = problem.GetNumOfAgents();

            this.goalState             = goalState;
            this.NFNodes               = new HashSet <NFReducerNode>();
            this.l                     = -1;
            this.T                     = -1;
            this.edgeCounter           = 0;
            this.outputProblem         = null;
            NFReducerNode.indexCounter = 0;
            this.zeroLayer             = new List <NFReducerNode>();
예제 #23
        }                                                                                // Nonsense values until Init, just allocate move

        public CFMCbsConstraint(CFMCbsConflict conflict, ProblemInstance instance, bool agentA)
            Move move;
            int  agentNum;
            int  minTime;

            if (agentA)
                minTime = conflict.timeStepAgentA;
                minTime = conflict.timeStepAgentB;

            if (agentA)
                move      = conflict.agentAmove;
                agentNum  = instance.m_vAgents[conflict.agentAIndex].agentIndex;
                this.move = new TimedMove(move, minTime);
                move      = conflict.agentBmove;
                agentNum  = instance.m_vAgents[conflict.agentBIndex].agentIndex;
                this.move = new TimedMove(move, minTime);

            this.agentNum = (byte)agentNum;

            if (conflict.vertex)
                this.move.direction = Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION;
예제 #24
        }                                                                             // Nonsense values until Init, just allocate move

        public CbsConstraint(CbsConflict conflict, ProblemInstance instance, bool agentA)
            Move move;
            int  agentNum;

            if (agentA)
                move     = conflict.agentAmove;
                agentNum = instance.m_vAgents[conflict.agentA].agent.agentNum;
                move     = conflict.agentBmove;
                agentNum = instance.m_vAgents[conflict.agentB].agent.agentNum;

            this.agent = (byte)agentNum;
            this.move  = new TimedMove(move, conflict.timeStep);

            if (conflict.vertex)
                this.move.direction = Move.Direction.NO_DIRECTION;
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines how many additive pattern databases to build and divides
        /// the agents among them, possibly leaving some agents out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The root of the search tree. This is also expected
        /// to have context parameters such as agents' goal states.</param>
        public void build(ProblemInstance pi, WorldState s)
            Debug.Write("Building database...");

             * As a simple rule, we'll simply take pairs of agents starting
             * with the first two, then the second two, etc.

            m_vPDBs = new List <PDB>();
            if (s.allAgentsState.Length > 1)
                for (uint i = 0; i < s.allAgentsState.Length - 1; i += 2)
                     * Make a list of agents we want to include together in the
                     * next additive pattern database. We specify agents by
                     * their index into the Travor_WorldState.allAgentsState
                     * array.

                    List <uint> vAgents = new List <uint>();
                    vAgents.Add(i + 1);

                     * Create a new root search node where the state only
                     * includes a subset of the agents of the original search
                     * node. This is done by passing into the state copy
                     * constructor our list of important agents.

                    WorldState tws = new WorldState(s.allAgentsState, vAgents);

                     * Initialize, build, and save the new pattern database.

                    EnumeratedPDB pdb = new EnumeratedPDB();
                    pdb.init(pi, vAgents);

             * Create single shortest path pattern database heuristics for the
             * remaining agents if we have any left over.

            if (s.allAgentsState.Length % 2 == 1)
                SumIndividualCosts pdb     = new SumIndividualCosts();
                List <uint>        vAgents = new List <uint>(1);
                vAgents.Add((uint)s.allAgentsState.Length - 1);
                pdb.init(pi, vAgents);

             * For informational purposes, we will set the number of agents
             * that aren't included in this set of pattern databases.

            m_vExcludedAgents = new SortedSet <uint>();

예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the pattern database by storing references to the
 /// problem instance and also the subset of agents that the pattern
 /// database pertains to.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pi">The problem instance.</param>
 /// <param name="vAgents">The agents that the pattern database should keep track of.</param>
 public virtual void init(ProblemInstance pi, List <uint> vAgents)
예제 #27
파일: CbsNode.cs 프로젝트: kylevedder/mapf
        /// <summary>
        /// For CBS IDA* only.
        /// Consider inheriting from CbsNode and overriding the Replan method instead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentForReplan"></param>
        /// <param name="depthToReplan"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Replan3b(int agentForReplan, int depthToReplan)
            var newInternalCAT = new Dictionary <TimedMove, List <int> >();
            HashSet <CbsConstraint> newConstraints = this.GetConstraints();
            var InternalCAT = (Dictionary_U <TimedMove, int>)problem.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.INTERNAL_CAT];
            var Constraints = (HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)problem.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.CONSTRAINTS];
            List <CbsConstraint> mustConstraints = this.GetMustConstraints();

            problem.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.MUST_CONSTRAINTS] = mustConstraints;

            if (newConstraints.Count != 0)
                int maxConstraintTimeStep = newConstraints.Max <CbsConstraint>(constraint => constraint.time);
                depthToReplan = Math.Max(depthToReplan, maxConstraintTimeStep); // Give all constraints a chance to affect the plan


            List <AgentState> subGroup = new List <AgentState>();
            int groupNum = this.agentsGroupAssignment[agentForReplan];

            for (int i = 0; i < agentsGroupAssignment.Length; i++)
                if (this.agentsGroupAssignment[i] == groupNum)
                    // Debug.WriteLine(i);
                    allSingleAgentPlans[i].AddPlanToCAT(newInternalCAT, totalCost);

            this.replanSize = (ushort)subGroup.Count;

            ICbsSolver relevantSolver = this.solver;

            if (subGroup.Count == 1)
                relevantSolver = this.singleAgentSolver;

            ProblemInstance subProblem = problem.Subproblem(subGroup.ToArray());

            subProblem.parameters = problem.parameters;



            relevantSolver.Setup(subProblem, depthToReplan, runner);
            bool solved = relevantSolver.Solve();


            if (solved == false)

            int j = 0;

            SinglePlan[] singlePlans = relevantSolver.GetSinglePlans();
            int[]        singleCosts = relevantSolver.GetSingleCosts();
            for (int i = 0; i < agentsGroupAssignment.Length; i++)
                if (this.agentsGroupAssignment[i] == groupNum)
                    this.allSingleAgentPlans[i] = singlePlans[j];
                    this.allSingleAgentCosts[i] = singleCosts[j];
            Debug.Assert(j == replanSize);

            // Calc totalCost
            this.totalCost = (ushort)this.allSingleAgentCosts.Sum();

            // PrintPlan();

            // PrintConflict();
예제 #28
파일: CbsNode.cs 프로젝트: kylevedder/mapf
        /// <summary>
        /// Replan for a given agent (when constraints for that agent have changed).
        /// FIXME: Code duplication with Solve().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="agentForReplan"></param>
        /// <param name="depthToReplan">CBS's minDepth param</param>
        /// <param name="newInternalCAT"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Replan(int agentForReplan, int depthToReplan, Dictionary <TimedMove, List <int> > newInternalCAT = null, List <AgentState> subGroup = null)
            int groupNum = this.agentsGroupAssignment[agentForReplan];

            if (newInternalCAT == null && subGroup == null)
                newInternalCAT = new Dictionary <TimedMove, List <int> >();
                subGroup       = new List <AgentState>();
                int maxPlanSize = this.allSingleAgentPlans.Max <SinglePlan>(plan => plan.GetSize());
                for (int i = 0; i < agentsGroupAssignment.Length; i++)
                    if (this.agentsGroupAssignment[i] == groupNum)
                        allSingleAgentPlans[i].AddPlanToCAT(newInternalCAT, maxPlanSize);
            HashSet <CbsConstraint> newConstraints = this.GetConstraints();
            var internalCAT = (Dictionary_U <TimedMove, int>)problem.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.INTERNAL_CAT];
            var constraints = (HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)problem.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.CONSTRAINTS];

            // Construct the subgroup of agents that are of the same group as agentForReplan,
            // and add the plans of all other agents to newInternalCAT

            this.replanSize = (ushort)subGroup.Count;

            ICbsSolver relevantSolver = this.solver;

            if (subGroup.Count == 1)
                relevantSolver = this.singleAgentSolver;

            ProblemInstance subProblem = problem.Subproblem(subGroup.ToArray());


            if (constraints.Count != 0)
                int maxConstraintTimeStep = constraints.Max <CbsConstraint>(constraint => constraint.time);
                depthToReplan = Math.Max(depthToReplan, maxConstraintTimeStep); // Give all constraints a chance to affect the plan

            relevantSolver.Setup(subProblem, depthToReplan, runner);
            bool solved = relevantSolver.Solve();



            if (solved == false) // Usually means a timeout occured.

            // Copy the SinglePlans for the solved agent group from the solver to the appropriate places in this.allSingleAgentPlans
            int j = 0;

            SinglePlan[] singlePlans = relevantSolver.GetSinglePlans();
            int[]        singleCosts = relevantSolver.GetSingleCosts();
            for (int i = 0; i < agentsGroupAssignment.Length; i++)
                if (this.agentsGroupAssignment[i] == groupNum)
                    this.allSingleAgentPlans[i] = singlePlans[j];
                    this.allSingleAgentCosts[i] = singleCosts[j];
            Debug.Assert(j == replanSize);

            // Calc totalCost
            this.totalCost = (ushort)this.allSingleAgentCosts.Sum();

            // PrintPlan();

            // PrintConflict();
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mddNum"></param>
        /// <param name="agentNum"></param>
        /// <param name="start_pos"></param>
        /// <param name="cost">The MDD must be of this cost</param>
        /// <param name="numOfLevels">
        /// The MDD must be of this number of levels, not counting level zero.
        /// If higher than cost, the extra levels will be WAITs at the goal.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="numOfAgents"></param>
        /// <param name="instance"></param>
        /// <param name="ignoreConstraints"></param>
        public MDD(int mddNum, int agentNum, Move start_pos, int cost, int numOfLevels, int numOfAgents, ProblemInstance instance, bool ignoreConstraints = false, bool supportPruning = true)
            this.problem        = instance;
            this.mddNum         = mddNum;
            this.agentNum       = agentNum;
            this.cost           = cost;
            this.levels         = new LinkedList <MDDNode> [numOfLevels + 1];
            this.supportPruning = supportPruning;

            if (ignoreConstraints == false && instance.parameters.ContainsKey(CBS_LocalConflicts.CONSTRAINTS) &&
                ((HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)instance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.CONSTRAINTS]).Count != 0)
                this.queryConstraint = new CbsConstraint();
                this.queryConstraint.queryInstance = true;

                this.constraints = (HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)instance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.CONSTRAINTS];

            if (ignoreConstraints == false && instance.parameters.ContainsKey(CBS_LocalConflicts.MUST_CONSTRAINTS) &&
                ((HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)instance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.MUST_CONSTRAINTS]).Count != 0)
                // TODO: Code dup with ClassicAStar's constructor
                var musts = (HashSet_U <CbsConstraint>)instance.parameters[CBS_LocalConflicts.MUST_CONSTRAINTS];
                this.mustConstraints = new Dictionary <int, TimedMove> [musts.Max <CbsConstraint>(con => con.GetTimeStep()) + 1]; // To have index MAX, array needs MAX + 1 places.
                foreach (CbsConstraint con in musts)
                    int timeStep = con.GetTimeStep();
                    if (this.mustConstraints[timeStep] == null)
                        this.mustConstraints[timeStep] = new Dictionary <int, TimedMove>();
                    this.mustConstraints[timeStep][con.agentNum] = con.move;

            var closedList = new Dictionary <MDDNode, MDDNode>();
            var toDelete   = new List <MDDNode>();

            for (int i = 0; i <= numOfLevels; i++)
                levels[i] = new LinkedList <MDDNode>();
            MDDNode root = new MDDNode(new TimedMove(start_pos, 0), numOfAgents, this, supportPruning);  // Root
            LinkedListNode <MDDNode> llNode = new LinkedListNode <MDDNode>(root);

            llNode.Value.startOrGoal = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < numOfLevels; i++)  // For each level, populate the _next_ level
                int heuristicBound = cost - i - 1; // We want g+h <= cost, so h <= cost-g. -1 because it's the bound of the _children_.
                if (heuristicBound < 0)
                    heuristicBound = 0;

                // Go over each MDDNode in this level
                foreach (MDDNode currentMddNode in levels[i]) // Since we're not deleting nodes in this method, we can use the simpler iteration method :)
                    List <MDDNode> children = this.GetAllChildren(currentMddNode, heuristicBound, numOfAgents);
                    if (children.Count == 0) // Heuristic wasn't perfect because of constraints, illegal moves or other reasons

                    foreach (MDDNode child in children)
                        MDDNode toAdd = child; // The compiler won't let me assign to the foreach variable...
                        if (closedList.ContainsKey(child))
                            toAdd = closedList[child];
                            closedList.Add(toAdd, toAdd);
                            llNode = new LinkedListNode <MDDNode>(toAdd);
                            levels[i + 1].AddLast(toAdd);
                        currentMddNode.addChild(toAdd);  // forward edge
                        toAdd.addParent(currentMddNode); // backward edge

            foreach (MDDNode goal in levels[numOfLevels]) // The goal may be reached in more than one direction
                goal.startOrGoal = true;

            foreach (MDDNode remove in toDelete)

            // Make sure the goal was reached - imperfect heuristics, constraints or illegal moves can cause this to be false.
            if (levels[numOfLevels].Count == 0 || levels[0].First.Value.isDeleted == true) //if no possible route mark levels as null
                levels = null;
예제 #30
파일: MDD.cs 프로젝트: shimritproj/cbs
        public MDD(int mddNum, int agentNum, Move start_pos, int cost, int maxCostOnLevel, int numOfAgents, ProblemInstance instance)
            //if (agentNum == 2 && maxCostOnLevel == 4)
            //    Console.Write("ff");
            this.problem  = instance;
            this.mddNum   = mddNum;
            this.agentNum = agentNum;
            levels        = new LinkedList <MDDNode> [maxCostOnLevel + 1];
            Hashtable            closedList = new Hashtable();
            LinkedList <MDDNode> children;
            LinkedList <MDDNode> toDelete = null;

            for (int i = 0; i <= maxCostOnLevel; i++)
                levels[i] = new LinkedList <MDDNode>();
            MDDNode toAdd = new MDDNode(new TimedMove(start_pos, 0), numOfAgents, this);
            LinkedListNode <MDDNode> llNode = new LinkedListNode <MDDNode>(toAdd);

            llNode.Value.startOrGoal = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < maxCostOnLevel; i++)
                int heuristicBound = cost - i - 1;
                if (heuristicBound < 0)
                    heuristicBound = 0;
                LinkedListNode <MDDNode> currentMddNode = levels[i].First;
                while (currentMddNode != null)
                    LinkedListNode <MDDNode> child;
                    children = this.GetAllChildren(currentMddNode.Value, heuristicBound, numOfAgents, i);
                    child    = children.First;
                    if (child == null)
                        if (toDelete == null)
                            toDelete = new LinkedList <MDDNode>();
                    while (child != null)
                        toAdd = child.Value;
                        if (closedList.Contains(toAdd))
                            toAdd = (MDDNode)closedList[toAdd];
                            closedList.Add(toAdd, toAdd);
                            llNode = new LinkedListNode <MDDNode>(toAdd);
                            levels[i + 1].AddLast(llNode);

                        child = child.Next;

                    currentMddNode = currentMddNode.Next;
            if (levels[maxCostOnLevel].Count != 0)
                levels[maxCostOnLevel].First.Value.startOrGoal = true;
            if (toDelete != null)
                foreach (MDDNode remove in toDelete)
            if (levels[maxCostOnLevel].Count == 0 || levels[0].First.Value.isDeleted == true) //if no possible route mark levels as null
                levels = null;