public static List <Book> Listbook() { using (Mybooks entities = new Mybooks()) { return(entities.Books.ToList <Book>()); } }
protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (Mybooks mb = new Mybooks()) { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(txtUserID.Text); string password = Password.Value; if (mb.Users.Where(x => x.UserID == userid) .Where(x => x.Password == password).Count() > 0) { Session["role"] = "user"; Session["userid"] = userid; Response.Redirect("~/RegisteredUsers/Default1.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/UserLogin.aspx"); } } } catch (System.FormatException) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('Please enter valid credentials');", true); } }
public static void DeleteBooks(int BookId) { using (Mybooks entities = new Mybooks()) { Book book = entities.Books.Where(p => p.BookID == BookId).First <Book>(); entities.Books.Remove(book); entities.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void GridView2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int BookId = (int)GridView2.SelectedDataKey.Value; using (Mybooks entities = new Mybooks()) { Book book = entities.Books.Where(p => p.BookID == BookId).First <Book>(); DetailsView1.DataSource = new Book[] { book }; DetailsView1.DataBind(); } }
protected void BtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { mb = new Mybooks(); Button b = (Button)sender; int bid = Convert.ToInt32(b.ID); CartBook toDel = mb.CartBooks.Where(x => (x.UserID == userid) && (x.BookID == bid)).First(); mb.CartBooks.Remove(toDel); mb.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("~/RegisteredUsers/ViewCart.aspx/"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack && Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { using (Mybooks mb = new Mybooks()) { int bookid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (mb.Books.Where(x => x.BookID == bookid).Count() < 1) { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } Book b = new Work().GetBook(bookid); string isbn = b.ISBN; Image1.ImageUrl = "images/" + isbn + ".jpg"; Image1.Style.Add("position", "relative"); Image1.Style.Add("float", "right"); Image1.Style.Add("margin-right", "40px"); Image1.Style.Add("margin-top", "50px"); lbltitle.Text = b.Title; lblcate.Text = mb.Categories .Where(x => x.CategoryID == b.CategoryID) .Select(x => x.Name).First(); lblisbn.Text = isbn; lblprice.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", b.Price); lblauthor.Text = b.Author; if (mb.CartBooks.Where(x => (x.UserID == 1) && (x.BookID == b.BookID)).Count() > 0) { btnAdd.Text = "Already in cart!"; btnAdd.Enabled = false; } else if (new Work().CheckStock(b.BookID) < 1) { btnAdd.Text = "Out of Stock"; btnAdd.CssClass = "btn btn-danger"; btnAdd.Enabled = false; } else { btnAdd.PostBackUrl = "~/ViewCart.aspx?id=" + b.BookID; } } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } }
public static void AddBook(string Title, string ISBN, string Author, int Cat, int Stock, decimal Price) { Mybooks entities = new Mybooks(); Book bk = new Book(); bk.Title = Title; bk.Author = Author; bk.ISBN = ISBN; bk.Price = Price; bk.Stock = Stock; bk.CategoryID = Cat; entities.Books.Add(bk); entities.SaveChanges(); }
public static void UpdateBooks(int BookId, string Title, int CategoryID, string Author, string ISBN, int Stock, decimal Price) { using (Mybooks entities = new Mybooks()) { Book book = entities.Books.Where(p => p.BookID == BookId).First <Book>(); book.Title = Title; book.CategoryID = CategoryID; book.Author = Author; book.ISBN = ISBN; book.Stock = Stock; book.Price = Price; entities.SaveChanges(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { using (Mybooks mb = new Mybooks()) { List <Book> booklist = mb.Books.ToList(); foreach (Book bookdetail in booklist) { HtmlGenericControl newDiv = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlGenericControl details = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlInputImage image = new HtmlInputImage(); HtmlAnchor anch = new HtmlAnchor(); image.Src = "images/" + bookdetail.ISBN + ".jpg"; image.Disabled = true; image.Style.Add("width", "200px"); image.Style.Add("height", "220px"); anch.InnerHtml = "<hr><strong style=\"font-size: 16px;\">" + bookdetail.Title + "</strong><br />"; details.InnerHtml += bookdetail.Author + "<br />"; details.InnerHtml += bookdetail.ISBN + "<br />"; details.InnerHtml += "$ " + bookdetail.Price; newDiv.Attributes.Add("class", "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 well"); newDiv.Style.Add("height", "500px"); newDiv.Style.Add("text-align", "center"); newDiv.Style.Add("padding", "30px"); anch.HRef = "~/BookDetails1.aspx?id=" + bookdetail.BookID; mainDiv.Controls.Add(newDiv); newDiv.Controls.Add(image); newDiv.Controls.Add(anch); newDiv.Controls.Add(details); } } } else { } }
protected void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (Mybooks mb = new Mybooks()) { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(txtUserID.Text); string password = Password.Value; if (mb.Users.Where(x => x.UserID == userid) .Where(x => x.Password == password) .Where(x => x.UserType == "user").Count() > 0) { Session["role"] = "user"; Session["userid"] = userid; Response.Redirect("~/RegisteredUsers/BookDetails.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/UserLogin.aspx"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Mybooks mb; if (!IsPostBack && Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { using (mb = new Mybooks()) { int bookid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (mb.Books.Where(x => x.BookID == bookid).Count() < 1) { Response.Redirect("~/RegisteredUsers/Default1.aspx"); } Book b = new Work().GetBook(bookid); string isbn = b.ISBN; Image1.ImageUrl = "images/" + isbn + ".jpg"; Image1.Style.Add("position", "relative"); Image1.Style.Add("float", "right"); Image1.Style.Add("margin-right", "40px"); Image1.Style.Add("margin-top", "50px"); lbltitle.Text = b.Title; lblcate.Text = mb.Categories .Where(x => x.CategoryID == b.CategoryID) .Select(x => x.Name).First(); lblisbn.Text = isbn; lblprice.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", b.Price); lblauthor.Text = b.Author; btnAdd.Text = "Log In"; btnAdd.PostBackUrl = "~/UserLogin.aspx"; } } else { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["role"] == null || (string)Session["role"] != "user") { Response.Redirect("~/UserLogin.aspx"); } else { userid = (int)Session["userid"]; } mb = new Mybooks(); if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { bid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); if ((mb.Books.Where(x => x.BookID == bid).Count() > 0) && (new Work().CheckStock(bid) > 0) && (mb.CartBooks.Where(x => x.BookID == bid) .Where(x => x.UserID == userid) .Count() < 1)) { CartBook newitem = new CartBook(); newitem.UserID = userid; newitem.BookID = bid; mb.CartBooks.Add(newitem); mb.SaveChanges(); } Response.Redirect("~/RegisteredUsers/ViewCart.aspx"); } using (mb) { int count = mb.CartBooks.Where(x => x.UserID == userid).Count(); List <Book> cart = mb.CartBooks.Where(x => x.UserID == userid) .Select(x => x.Book).ToList(); if (count > 0) { Session["cartitems"] = cart; Work o = new Work(); double checkDiscountValue = o.GetDiscountRate(DateTime.Today.Date); if (checkDiscountValue > 0) { DiscountLabel.Visible = true; DiscountLabel.Text = "You have a discount of " + (checkDiscountValue * 100) + "%"; } else { DiscountLabel.Visible = false; } cartstatus.InnerText = count + " book(s) in cart."; double discount = new Work().GetDiscountRate(DateTime.Today.Date); foreach (Book b in cart) { double price = (double)b.Price; double amount = price - (price * discount); HtmlGenericControl newDiv = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlGenericControl details = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlGenericControl imagediv = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlGenericControl third = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); Image img = new Image(); Button btn = new Button(); newDiv.Attributes["class"] = "row well"; img.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + b.ISBN + ".jpg"; img.Style.Add("position", "relative"); img.Style.Add("float", "right"); img.Style.Add("margin-right", "40px"); imagediv.Attributes["class"] = "col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4"; details.InnerHtml = "<br /><br /><br />" + "<strong>" + b.Title + "</strong>" + "<br /><br />" + b.Author + "<br /><br />" + price.ToString(); details.Attributes["class"] = "col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-6"; third.InnerHtml = "<br /><br />" + "<p class=\"text-center\" style=\"font-size: 200%\"><strong>" + String.Format("{0:c}", amount) + "</strong></p>"; third.InnerHtml += "<br /><br /><br />"; third.Attributes["class"] = "col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2"; btn.Text = "Remove"; btn.ID = b.BookID.ToString(); btn.Attributes.Add("class", "btn btn-danger"); btn.Click += BtnClick; cartdiv.Controls.Add(newDiv); newDiv.Controls.Add(imagediv); imagediv.Controls.Add(img); newDiv.Controls.Add(details); newDiv.Controls.Add(third); third.Controls.Add(btn); } LblTotal.Text = "Total ~ " + String.Format("{0:c}", new Work().CalculateTotal(cart)); } else { cartstatus.InnerText = "There is no book in cart."; btncheckout.Enabled = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (Session["userauth"] == null ) //{ // Response.Redirect("~/AdminLogin.aspx"); //} if (!IsPostBack) { using (Mybooks mb = new Mybooks()) { List <Book> booklist = mb.Books.ToList(); foreach (Book bookdetail in booklist) { HtmlGenericControl newDiv = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlGenericControl details = new HtmlGenericControl("DIV"); HtmlInputImage image = new HtmlInputImage(); HtmlAnchor anch = new HtmlAnchor(); HtmlAnchor btncart = new HtmlAnchor(); image.Src = "images/" + bookdetail.ISBN + ".jpg"; image.Disabled = true; image.Style.Add("width", "200px"); image.Style.Add("height", "220px"); anch.InnerHtml = "<hr><strong style=\"font-size: 16px;\">" + bookdetail.Title + "</strong><br />"; details.InnerHtml += bookdetail.Author + "<br />"; details.InnerHtml += bookdetail.ISBN + "<br />"; details.InnerHtml += "$ " + bookdetail.Price; newDiv.Attributes.Add("class", "col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 well"); newDiv.Style.Add("height", "500px"); newDiv.Style.Add("text-align", "center"); newDiv.Style.Add("padding", "30px"); btncart.InnerText = "Add to Cart"; btncart.Attributes.Add("class", "btn btn-primary"); btncart.Style.Add("position", "absolute"); btncart.Style.Add("top", "86%"); btncart.Style.Add("left", "36%"); btncart.ID = bookdetail.BookID.ToString(); anch.HRef = "~/RegisteredUsers/BookDetails.aspx?id=" + bookdetail.BookID; // user access if (mb.CartBooks.Where(x => (x.UserID == 1) && (x.BookID == bookdetail.BookID)).Count() > 0) { btncart.InnerText = "Already in cart!"; btncart.Style["left"] = "33%"; btncart.Disabled = true; } else if (new Work().CheckStock(bookdetail.BookID) < 1) { btncart.InnerText = "Out of Stock"; btncart.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-danger"; btncart.Disabled = true; } else { btncart.HRef = "~/RegisteredUsers/ViewCart.aspx?id=" + bookdetail.BookID; } mainDiv.Controls.Add(newDiv); newDiv.Controls.Add(image); newDiv.Controls.Add(anch); newDiv.Controls.Add(details); newDiv.Controls.Add(btncart); } } } else { testlbl.InnerText = "Changed"; } }
public static List <Category> ListCategory() { Mybooks entities = new Mybooks(); return(entities.Categories.ToList <Category>()); }