예제 #1
 public void PrepareLrtfLens(ComplexLens lens, string name)
     int sampleCount = (int)lrtfSampleCountNumeric.Value;
     precomputedComplexLens = new PrecomputedComplexLens(lens,
         @"data\lrtf_" + name + @"_{0}.bin", sampleCount);
     rayTracer.Camera.Lens = precomputedComplexLens;
예제 #2
 public PrecomputedComplexLens(ComplexLens lens, string lrtfFilename, int sampleCount)
     ComplexLens = lens;
     Lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
     // load precomputed LRTF from a file or compute it and save to file
     string filename = string.Format(lrtfFilename, sampleCount);
     LrtfTable = Lrtf.SampleLrtf3DCached(sampleCount, filename);
예제 #3
        public Ray Transfer(Ray incomingRay)
            var inParams  = ComplexLens.ConvertBackSurfaceRayToParameters(incomingRay);
            var outParams = LrtfTable.EvaluateLrtf3D(inParams);

예제 #4
        public PrecomputedComplexLens(ComplexLens lens, string lrtfFilename, int sampleCount)
            ComplexLens = lens;
            Lrtf        = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
            // load precomputed LRTF from a file or compute it and save to file
            string filename = string.Format(lrtfFilename, sampleCount);

            LrtfTable = Lrtf.SampleLrtf3DCached(sampleCount, filename);
예제 #5
        public ComplexLensForm()
            complexLens = CreateLens();
            if (showAlsoLrtf)
                PrepareLrtf(complexLens, 128);
            //directionPhi = Math.PI;
            directionPhi = 1.0;
            incomingRay = new Ray(new Vector3d(25, 0, 300), new Vector3d(Math.Sin(directionPhi), 0, Math.Cos(directionPhi)));

            rayDirectionPhiNumeric.Value = (decimal)directionPhi;
            FillVectorToControls(incomingRay.Origin, rayOriginXNumeric, rayOriginYNumeric, rayOriginZNumeric);
            initialized = true;
예제 #6
        public BiconvexLensForm()
            biconvexLens = new BiconvexLens()
                CurvatureRadius = 150,
                ApertureRadius = 100,
                RefractiveIndex = Materials.Fixed.GLASS_CROWN_BK7
            complexLens = ComplexLens.CreateBiconvexLens(150, 100, 0);
            double directionPhi = Math.PI;
            incomingRay = new Ray(new Vector3d(70, 0, 150), new Vector3d(Math.Sin(directionPhi), 0, Math.Cos(directionPhi)));

            rayDirectionPhiNumeric.Value = (decimal)directionPhi;
            curvatureRadiusNumeric.Value = (decimal)biconvexLens.CurvatureRadius;
            apertureRadiusNumeric.Value = (decimal)biconvexLens.ApertureRadius;
            FillVectorToControls(incomingRay.Origin, rayOriginXNumeric, rayOriginYNumeric, rayOriginZNumeric);
            initialized = true;
예제 #7
        public static ComplexLens CreateBiconvexLens(
            double curvatureRadius,
            double apertureRadius,
            double thickness)
            var    surfaces   = new List <ComplexLens.ElementSurface>();
            Sphere backSphere = new Sphere()
                Radius = curvatureRadius,

            backSphere.Center  = backSphere.GetCapCenter(apertureRadius, -Vector3d.UnitZ);
            backSphere.Center += new Vector3d(0, 0, thickness);
            surfaces.Add(new ComplexLens.ElementSurface()
                ApertureRadius      = apertureRadius,
                NextRefractiveIndex = Materials.Fixed.GLASS_CROWN_K7,
                Surface             = backSphere,
                SurfaceNormalField  = backSphere,
                Convex = true
            Sphere frontSphere = new Sphere()
                Radius = curvatureRadius,

            frontSphere.Center = frontSphere.GetCapCenter(apertureRadius, Vector3d.UnitZ);
            surfaces.Add(new ComplexLens.ElementSurface()
                ApertureRadius     = apertureRadius,
                Surface            = frontSphere,
                SurfaceNormalField = frontSphere,
                Convex             = false

            ComplexLens lens = new ComplexLens(surfaces);

예제 #8
 private void PrepareLrtf(ComplexLens lens, int sampleCount)
     lrtf = new LensRayTransferFunction(lens);
     // load precomputed LRTF from a file or compute it and save to file
     string filename = string.Format(@"data\lrtf_double_gauss_{0}.bin", sampleCount);
     lrtfTable = lrtf.SampleLrtf3DCached(sampleCount, filename);
예제 #9
 private void DrawComplexLens(Graphics g, Func<Vector3d, Point> projFunc, ComplexLens lens)
     float maxApertureRadius = (float)lens.ElementSurfaces.Select(
         surface => surface.ApertureRadius).Max();
     // draw spheres
     foreach (var surface in lens.ElementSurfaces)
         if (surface.Surface is Sphere)
             Sphere sphere = (Sphere)surface.Surface;
             //DrawCircle(g, Pens.Blue, projFunc(sphere.Center), (float)sphere.Radius);
             //FillSquare(g, Brushes.Aquamarine, projFunc(sphere.Center), 3);
             DrawSphericalCap(g, sphere, surface.ApertureRadius, surface.Convex);
         else if (surface.Surface is Circle)
             Circle circle = (Circle)surface.Surface;
             DrawCircularStop(g, Pens.Violet, projFunc(
                 new Vector3d(0, 0, circle.Z)), (float)circle.Radius, maxApertureRadius);
예제 #10
 public LensRayTransferFunction(ComplexLens lens)
     this.Lens = lens;
예제 #11
 public Intersection Intersect(Ray ray)
예제 #12
 public Vector3d GetFrontSurfaceSample(Vector2d sample)
예제 #13
 public LensRayTransferFunction(ComplexLens lens)
     this.Lens = lens;
예제 #14
        public static ComplexLens CreateBiconvexLens(
            double curvatureRadius,
            double apertureRadius,
            double thickness)
            var surfaces = new List<ComplexLens.ElementSurface>();
            Sphere backSphere = new Sphere()
                Radius = curvatureRadius,
            backSphere.Center = backSphere.GetCapCenter(apertureRadius, -Vector3d.UnitZ);
            backSphere.Center += new Vector3d(0, 0, thickness);
            surfaces.Add(new ComplexLens.ElementSurface()
                ApertureRadius = apertureRadius,
                NextRefractiveIndex = Materials.Fixed.GLASS_CROWN_K7,
                Surface = backSphere,
                SurfaceNormalField = backSphere,
                Convex = true
            Sphere frontSphere = new Sphere()
                Radius = curvatureRadius,
            frontSphere.Center = frontSphere.GetCapCenter(apertureRadius, Vector3d.UnitZ);
            surfaces.Add(new ComplexLens.ElementSurface()
                ApertureRadius = apertureRadius,
                Surface = frontSphere,
                SurfaceNormalField = frontSphere,
                Convex = false

            ComplexLens lens = new ComplexLens(surfaces);
            return lens;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a complex lens using a definition of
        /// elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The first and last surfaces have to be spherical. TODO: this is
        /// needed only for simpler sampling. In general planar surfaces or
        /// stops could be sampled too.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="surfaceDefs">List of definitions of spherical or
        /// planar element surfaces or stops. Ordered from front to back.
        /// Must not be empty or null.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mediumRefractiveIndex">Index of refraction of medium
        /// outside the lens. It is assumed there is one medium on the scene
        /// side, senzor side and inside the lens.</param>
        /// <returns>The created complex lens instance.</returns>
        public static ComplexLens Create(
            IList<SphericalElementSurfaceDefinition> surfaceDefs,
            double mediumRefractiveIndex,
            double scale)
            var surfaces = new List<ElementSurface>();

            var surfaceDefsReverse = surfaceDefs.Reverse().ToList();
            // scale the lens if needed
            if (Math.Abs(scale - 1.0) > epsilon)
                surfaceDefsReverse = surfaceDefsReverse.Select(surface => surface.Scale(scale)).ToList();
            // thickness of the whole lens (from front to back apex)
            // (without the distance to the senzor - backmost surface def.)
            double lensThickness = surfaceDefsReverse.Skip(1).Sum(def => def.Thickness);
            double elementBasePlaneShiftZ = lensThickness;

            double lastCapHeight = 0;
            double capHeight = 0;

            // definition list is ordered from front to back, working list
            // must be ordered from back to front, so a conversion has to be
            // performed
            int defIndex = 0;
            foreach (var definition in surfaceDefsReverse)
                if (defIndex > 0)
                    elementBasePlaneShiftZ -= definition.Thickness;

                ElementSurface surface = new ElementSurface();
                surface.ApertureRadius = 0.5 * definition.ApertureDiameter;
                if (defIndex + 1 < surfaceDefsReverse.Count)
                    surface.NextRefractiveIndex = surfaceDefsReverse[defIndex + 1].NextRefractiveIndex;
                    surface.NextRefractiveIndex = mediumRefractiveIndex;
                if (definition.CurvatureRadius.HasValue)
                    // spherical surface
                    double radius = definition.CurvatureRadius.Value;
                    // convexity reverses when converting from front-to-back
                    // back-to-front ordering
                    surface.Convex = radius < 0;
                    Sphere sphere = new Sphere()
                        Radius = Math.Abs(radius)
                    sphere.Center = Math.Sign(radius) *
                        sphere.GetCapCenter(surface.ApertureRadius, Vector3d.UnitZ);
                    capHeight = Math.Sign(radius) * sphere.GetCapHeight(sphere.Radius, surface.ApertureRadius);
                    elementBasePlaneShiftZ -= lastCapHeight - capHeight;
                    sphere.Center += new Vector3d(0, 0, elementBasePlaneShiftZ);
                    surface.Surface = sphere;
                    surface.SurfaceNormalField = sphere;
                    // planar surface
                    // both media are the same -> circular stop
                    // else -> planar element surface
                    surface.NextRefractiveIndex = definition.NextRefractiveIndex;
                    surface.Convex = true;
                    capHeight = 0;
                    elementBasePlaneShiftZ -= lastCapHeight - capHeight;
                    Circle circle = new Circle()
                        Radius = 0.5 * definition.ApertureDiameter,
                        Z = elementBasePlaneShiftZ,

                    surface.Surface = circle;
                    surface.SurfaceNormalField = circle;
                lastCapHeight = capHeight;

            //foreach (var surface in surfaces)
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", surface.ApertureRadius,
            //        surface.Convex, surface.NextRefractiveIndex);

            ComplexLens lens = new ComplexLens(surfaces)
                MediumRefractiveIndex = mediumRefractiveIndex
            return lens;
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a complex lens using a definition of
        /// elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The first and last surfaces have to be spherical. TODO: this is
        /// needed only for simpler sampling. In general planar surfaces or
        /// stops could be sampled too.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="surfaceDefs">List of definitions of spherical or
        /// planar element surfaces or stops. Ordered from front to back.
        /// Must not be empty or null.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="mediumRefractiveIndex">Index of refraction of medium
        /// outside the lens. It is assumed there is one medium on the scene
        /// side, senzor side and inside the lens.</param>
        /// <returns>The created complex lens instance.</returns>
        public static ComplexLens Create(
            IList <SphericalElementSurfaceDefinition> surfaceDefs,
            double mediumRefractiveIndex,
            double scale)
            var surfaces = new List <ElementSurface>();

            var surfaceDefsReverse = surfaceDefs.Reverse().ToList();

            // scale the lens if needed
            if (Math.Abs(scale - 1.0) > epsilon)
                surfaceDefsReverse = surfaceDefsReverse.Select(surface => surface.Scale(scale)).ToList();
            // thickness of the whole lens (from front to back apex)
            // (without the distance to the senzor - backmost surface def.)
            double lensThickness          = surfaceDefsReverse.Skip(1).Sum(def => def.Thickness);
            double elementBasePlaneShiftZ = lensThickness;

            double lastCapHeight = 0;
            double capHeight     = 0;

            // definition list is ordered from front to back, working list
            // must be ordered from back to front, so a conversion has to be
            // performed
            int defIndex = 0;

            foreach (var definition in surfaceDefsReverse)
                if (defIndex > 0)
                    elementBasePlaneShiftZ -= definition.Thickness;

                ElementSurface surface = new ElementSurface();
                surface.ApertureRadius = 0.5 * definition.ApertureDiameter;
                if (defIndex + 1 < surfaceDefsReverse.Count)
                    surface.NextRefractiveIndex = surfaceDefsReverse[defIndex + 1].NextRefractiveIndex;
                    surface.NextRefractiveIndex = mediumRefractiveIndex;
                if (definition.CurvatureRadius.HasValue)
                    // spherical surface
                    double radius = definition.CurvatureRadius.Value;
                    // convexity reverses when converting from front-to-back
                    // back-to-front ordering
                    surface.Convex = radius < 0;
                    Sphere sphere = new Sphere()
                        Radius = Math.Abs(radius)
                    sphere.Center = Math.Sign(radius) *
                                    sphere.GetCapCenter(surface.ApertureRadius, Vector3d.UnitZ);
                    capHeight = Math.Sign(radius) * sphere.GetCapHeight(sphere.Radius, surface.ApertureRadius);
                    elementBasePlaneShiftZ    -= lastCapHeight - capHeight;
                    sphere.Center             += new Vector3d(0, 0, elementBasePlaneShiftZ);
                    surface.Surface            = sphere;
                    surface.SurfaceNormalField = sphere;
                    // planar surface
                    // both media are the same -> circular stop
                    // else -> planar element surface
                    surface.NextRefractiveIndex = definition.NextRefractiveIndex;
                    surface.Convex          = true;
                    capHeight               = 0;
                    elementBasePlaneShiftZ -= lastCapHeight - capHeight;
                    Circle circle = new Circle()
                        Radius = 0.5 * definition.ApertureDiameter,
                        Z      = elementBasePlaneShiftZ,

                    surface.Surface            = circle;
                    surface.SurfaceNormalField = circle;
                lastCapHeight = capHeight;

            //foreach (var surface in surfaces)
            //    Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", surface.ApertureRadius,
            //        surface.Convex, surface.NextRefractiveIndex);

            ComplexLens lens = new ComplexLens(surfaces)
                MediumRefractiveIndex = mediumRefractiveIndex
