public void AttackComputer_Repeat_Works() { GameController ctrl = SetupBoards(); ctrl.AttackComputer(new Location(0, 0)); var result = ctrl.AttackComputer(new Location(0, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(result == AttackResult.repeat); }
public void AttackComputer_Miss_Works() { GameController ctrl = SetupBoards(); var result = ctrl.AttackComputer(new Location(1, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(result == AttackResult.Miss); }
public void AttackComputer_Miss_Recorded() { GameController ctrl = SetupBoards(); var result = ctrl.AttackComputer(new Location(1, 0)); Assert.IsTrue(ctrl.ComputerBoard.Cells[1, 0] == CellType.Miss); }
// Note: The only buttons that can be clicked are those that are in the // enemy's grid private void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Button btn = sender as Button; if (btn == null) { return; } Location loc = (Location)btn.Tag; Image img = new Image(); img.Height = btn.Height; img.Width = btn.Width; Image cimg = new Image(); cimg.Height = btn.Height; cimg.Width = btn.Width; SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer(); if (gameRunning) { // Update model to reflect player's attack AttackResult playerAttackResult = ctrl.AttackComputer(loc); if (playerAttackResult == AttackResult.Miss) { txtFeedback.Text = "you missed"; img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/miss.jpg", UriKind.Relative)); player.SoundLocation = "Assets/miss.wav"; } else if (playerAttackResult == AttackResult.Hit) { txtFeedback.Text = "Wooh! You hit a ship!!"; img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/hit.png", UriKind.Relative)); player.SoundLocation = "Assets/hit.wav"; } else if (playerAttackResult == AttackResult.Sink) { txtFeedback.Text = "You managed to sink a ship, good job."; img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/hit.png", UriKind.Relative)); player.SoundLocation = "Assets/sink.wav"; } if (playerAttackResult != AttackResult.repeat) //ignore instead of throwing exception { btn.Content = img; player.Load(); player.Play(); } if (ctrl.IsGameOver()) { player.SoundLocation = "Assets/win.wav"; player.Load(); player.Play(); gameRunning = false; EndGame("You"); } } if (gameRunning) { // Determine computer's response ComputerAttackResult computerAttackResult = ctrl.AttackPlayer(); if (computerAttackResult.Result == AttackResult.Miss) { cimg.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/miss.jpg", UriKind.Relative)); } else if (computerAttackResult.Result == AttackResult.Hit) { cimg.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/hit.png", UriKind.Relative)); } else if (computerAttackResult.Result == AttackResult.Sink) { cimg.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Assets/hit.png", UriKind.Relative)); } for (int i = 0; i < playerGridButtons.Count; i++) { if ((playerGridButtons[i].Tag as Location).Column == computerAttackResult.Col && (playerGridButtons[i].Tag as Location).Row == computerAttackResult.Row) { playerGridButtons[i].Content = cimg; break; } } if (ctrl.IsGameOver()) { player.SoundLocation = "Assets/lose.wav"; player.Load(); player.Play(); gameRunning = false; EndGame("The computer"); } } }