상속: CCTouchDelegate
예제 #1
        /** Register with more priority than CCMenu's but don't swallow touches. */
        protected override void registerWithTouchDispatcher()
            CCTouchDispatcher dispatcher = CCDirector.sharedDirector.touchDispatcher;
            int priority = _touchPriority;

            dispatcher.addTargetedDelegate(this, priority, false);
예제 #2
        /** Hackish stuff - stole touches from other CCTouchDispatcher targeted delegates.
         * Used to claim touch without receiving ccTouchBegan. */
        void claimTouch(UITouch aTouch)
            CCTouchDispatcher dispatcher = CCDirector.sharedDirector.touchDispatcher;

            // Enumerate through all targeted handlers.

            var enumerator = dispatcher.getTargetedHandlers().GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                CCTargetedTouchHandler handler = (CCTargetedTouchHandler)enumerator.Current;
                // Only our handler should claim the touch.
                if (handler.delegate_ == this)
                    if (!(handler.claimedTouches.Contains(aTouch)))
                    // Steal touch from other targeted delegates, if they claimed it.
                    if (handler.claimedTouches.Contains(aTouch))
                        CCTouchOneByOneDelegate oneByOneTouchDelegate = (CCTouchOneByOneDelegate)handler.delegate_;
                        if (oneByOneTouchDelegate != null)
예제 #3
        protected CCDirector()
            CCDebug.Log("cocos2d: cocos2d-iphone v2.1");
            // scenes
            _runningScene = null;
            _nextScene    = null;

//			_notificationNode = nil;

            _oldAnimationInterval = _animationInterval = 1.0f / kDefaultFPS;
            _scenesStack          = new Stack <CCScene> (10);

            // Set default projection (3D)
//			_projection = kCCDirectorProjectionDefault;

            // projection delegate if "Custom" projection is used
//			_delegate = nil;

            // FPS
            _displayStats = false;

            _displayError = false;

//			_totalFrames = _frames = 0;

            // paused ?
            _isPaused = false;

            // running thread
//			_runningThread = null;

            // scheduler
            _scheduler = new CCScheduler();

            // action manager
            _actionManager = new CCActionManager();
            _scheduler.scheduleUpdate(_actionManager, CCScheduler.kCCPrioritySystem, false);

            _winSizeInPixels = Vector2.zero;

//			_ccContentScaleFactor = 1;
//			_isContentScaleSupported = false;
            _touchDispatcher = new CCTouchDispatcher();
예제 #4
        /** set event handler priority. By default it is: kCCMenuTouchPriority */
        public void setHandlerPriority(int newPriority)
            CCTouchDispatcher dispatcher = CCDirector.sharedDirector.touchDispatcher;

            dispatcher.setPriority(newPriority, this);
예제 #5
		protected CCDirector()
			CCDebug.Log("cocos2d: cocos2d-iphone v2.1");
			// scenes
			_runningScene = null;
			_nextScene = null;
//			_notificationNode = nil;

			_oldAnimationInterval = _animationInterval = 1.0f / kDefaultFPS;
			_scenesStack = new Stack<CCScene> (10);
			// Set default projection (3D)
//			_projection = kCCDirectorProjectionDefault;
			// projection delegate if "Custom" projection is used
//			_delegate = nil;
			// FPS
			_displayStats = false;

			_displayError = false;

//			_totalFrames = _frames = 0;
			// paused ?
			_isPaused = false;
			// running thread
//			_runningThread = null;
			// scheduler
			_scheduler = new CCScheduler();
			// action manager
			_actionManager = new CCActionManager ();
			_scheduler.scheduleUpdate (_actionManager, CCScheduler.kCCPrioritySystem, false);
			_winSizeInPixels = Vector2.zero;

//			_ccContentScaleFactor = 1;
//			_isContentScaleSupported = false;
			_touchDispatcher = new CCTouchDispatcher ();