private ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem> GetTokenIssuers() { var cps = new ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem>(); // Find the CP which contains TPs for token issuers foreach (var tp in App.PolicySet.Base.Root .Element(Constants.dflt + "ClaimsProviders") .Elements() // ClaimsProvider .First(cp => cp.Element(Constants.dflt + "DisplayName").Value == "Token Issuer") .Element(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles") .Elements(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfile")) { var ti = new TreeViewVMItem() { Name = tp.Attribute("Id").Value, DataSource = tp, Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.TokenIssuer, OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Page() { Content = new Views.TokenIssuerDetails() { DataContext = new ViewModels.TokenIssuerDetails() { Source = tp } } }) }; cps.Add(ti); } return(cps); }
TreeViewVMItem FindArtifact(XElement vm, ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem> items) { if (items == null) { return(null); } TreeViewVMItem item = null; foreach (var i in items) { if (i.DataSource == vm) { item = i; } else { item = FindArtifact(vm, i.Items); } if (item != null) { break; } } return(item); }
private ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem> GetInternalClaimProviders() { var cps = new ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem>(); // Find all CPs using the 'proprietary' protocol or no protocol (because they use an include) foreach (var el in App.PolicySet.Base.Root .Element(Constants.dflt + "ClaimsProviders") .Elements() // ClaimsProvider .Where(cp => cp.Element(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles").Elements(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfile").First().Element(Constants.dflt + "Protocol").Attribute("Name").Value == "Proprietary")) { var cp = new TreeViewVMItem() { Name = el.Element(Constants.dflt + "DisplayName").Value, DataSource = el, Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.ClaimsProvider, }; foreach (var tp in el.Element(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles").Elements(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfile")) { var protocol = tp.element("Protocol"); if ((protocol != null) && (protocol.Attribute("Handler") != null) && protocol.Attribute("Handler").Value.StartsWith("Web.TPEngine.Providers.RestfulProvider")) { cp.Items.Add(new TreeViewVMItem() { Name = tp.Attribute("Id").Value, DataSource = tp, Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.TechnicalProfile, OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Page() { Content = new Views.RESTDetails() { DataContext = new RESTDetails((XElement)obj) } }) }); } else { cp.Items.Add(new TreeViewVMItem() { Name = tp.Attribute("Id").Value, DataSource = tp, Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.TechnicalProfile, OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Page() { Content = new Views.TechnicalProfileClaims() { DataContext = new TechnicalProfileClaims((XElement)obj) } }) }); } } cps.Add(cp); } return(cps); }
public void SelectArtifact(XElement source) { var artifact = GetArtifact(source); if (artifact == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Artifact (treeview vm) representing this model element was not found in the tree."); } SelectedArtifact = artifact; }
private TreeViewVMItem GetArtifact(XElement source, TreeViewVMItem parent = null) { IEnumerable <TreeViewVMItem> items = parent == null ? Items : parent.Items; if (items == null) { return(null); } foreach (var a in items) { if (a.DataSource == source) { return(a); } var resp = GetArtifact(source, a); if (resp != null) { return(resp); } } return(null); }
private ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem> GetExternalClaimProviders() { var cps = new ObservableCollection <TreeViewVMItem>(); // Find all CPs NOT using the 'proprietary' protocol (ie. OAuth or OIDC) foreach (var el in App.PolicySet.Base.Root .Element(Constants.dflt + "ClaimsProviders") .Elements() // ClaimsProvider .Elements(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles") .Elements() .Where(tp => (tp.Element(Constants.dflt + "Protocol") != null))) { var protocolName = el.Element(Constants.dflt + "Protocol").Attribute("Name").Value; if ((String.Compare(protocolName, "Proprietary", true) == 0) || (String.Compare(protocolName, "None", true) == 0)) { continue; } var cp = new TreeViewVMItem() { DataSource = el, Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.IdP }; var attr = el.Element(Constants.dflt + "DisplayName"); if (attr != null) { cp.Name = attr.Value; } var domain = el.Parent.Parent.Element(Constants.dflt + "Domain"); if ((domain != null) && (new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "" }).Contains(domain.Value)) { cp.OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Views.SocialIdP() { DataContext = new ViewModels.SocialIdP((XElement)obj) }); } else if (protocolName == "OAuth2") { cp.OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Views.OAuthConfiguration(obj)); } else if (protocolName == "SAML2") { cp.OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Views.SAMLIdP() { DataContext = new ViewModels.SAMLIdP((XElement)obj) }); } else if (String.Compare(el.Attribute("Id").Value, "login-NonInteractive") != 0) // AAD? { var meta = el.Element(Constants.dflt + "Metadata"); if (meta != null) { var sts = meta.Elements(Constants.dflt + "Item").Where(i => i.Attribute("Key")?.Value == "METADATA").First(); if ((sts != null) && (sts.Value.StartsWith(""))) { cp.OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Views.AADIdP() { DataContext = new ViewModels.AADIdP((XElement)obj) }); } } } cps.Add(cp); } return(cps); }
public MainWindow() { Current = this; Trace = new ObservableCollection <TraceItem>(); NewPolicy = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (SaveCurrent(true)) { var dlgVm = new ViewModels.NewPolicyLoad(); var dlg = new Views.NewPolicyLoad() { DataContext = dlgVm }; dlgVm.Closing += () => dlg.Close(); dlg.ShowDialog(); App.MRU.ProjectFolder = String.Empty; UpdateTree(); } }); Open = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (SaveCurrent(true)) { if (App.PolicySet.IsDirty) { Save.Execute(null); } var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog() { SelectedPath = App.MRU.ProjectFolder }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } var projectDir = dlg.SelectedPath; //var projectDir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xml:ProjectDir"]; var projFile = $"{projectDir}/PolicySet.json"; if (File.Exists(projFile)) { using (var str = File.OpenText(projFile)) { var json = str.ReadToEnd(); App.PolicySet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.PolicySet>(json); } } else { App.PolicySet = new Models.PolicySet() { NamePrefix = "Prefix" } }; App.MRU.ProjectFolder = projectDir; //var sourceDir = ""; //if ((App.PolicySet.FileNames != null) && File.Exists($"{projectDir}/{App.PolicySet.FileNames[0]}.xml")) // sourceDir = projectDir; //else // sourceDir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xml:Base"]; //App.PolicySet.Load(sourceDir); App.PolicySet.Load(projectDir); if (App.PolicySet.Base != null) { PopulateTreeView(); } } }); Save = new DelegateCommand(() => { var projectDir = App.MRU.ProjectFolder; // ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xml:ProjectDir"]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(projectDir)) { var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog() { ShowNewFolderButton = true, SelectedPath = App.MRU.ProjectFolder }; //dlg.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } App.MRU.ProjectFolder = projectDir = dlg.SelectedPath; } ; var projFile = $"{projectDir}/PolicySet.json"; using (var str = File.CreateText(projFile)) { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(App.PolicySet); str.Write(json); } App.PolicySet.Save(); Trace.Add(new TraceItem() { Msg = $"Policy {NamePrefix} generated to {projectDir}" }); App.PolicySet.IsDirty = false; }); AddIdP = new DelegateCommand(() => { var vm = new ViewModels.AddIdPWizard(); var wiz = new Views.AddIdPWizard() { DataContext = vm }; wiz.ShowDialog(); //wiz.Close(); if (vm.IsApplied) { UpdateTree(); SelectArtifact(vm.CreatedIdP.Element(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles").Element(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfile")); } }); AddRESTApi = new DelegateCommand(() => { var restAPIs = App.PolicySet.Base.Root .element("ClaimsProviders") .elements("ClaimsProvider") .FirstOrDefault(el => el.Attribute("DisplayName")?.Value == "REST APIs"); if (restAPIs == null) { restAPIs = new XElement(Constants.dflt + "ClaimsProvider", new XElement(Constants.dflt + "DisplayName", "REST APIs"), new XElement(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles")); App.PolicySet.Base.Root.element("ClaimsProviders").Add(restAPIs); } var restAPI = XElement.Load(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("B2CPolicyEditor.IdPPolicies.REST.xml")); restAPIs.element("TechnicalProfiles").Add(restAPI); PopulateTreeView(); SelectedArtifact = FindArtifact(restAPI, _items); }); DeleteItem = new DelegateCommand(() => { if ((SelectedArtifact == null) || (SelectedArtifact.Category != TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail)) { return; } switch (SelectedArtifact.DetailType) { case TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.IdP: { App.PolicySet.RemoveIdP((XElement)SelectedArtifact.DataSource); var header = Items.First(i => i.Category == TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.IdPs); header.Items.Remove(SelectedArtifact); SelectedArtifact = Items[0]; } break; default: break; } }); CopyItem = new DelegateCommand(() => { if ((SelectedArtifact == null) || (SelectedArtifact.Category != TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail)) { return; } switch (SelectedArtifact.DetailType) { case TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.TechnicalProfile: { var tp = (XElement)SelectedArtifact.DataSource; var copy = new XElement(tp); var cp = tp.Parent.Parent; string newName = String.Empty; for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { newName = $"{tp.Attribute("Id").Value}({i})"; if (cp.Element(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfiles"). Elements(Constants.dflt + "TechnicalProfile"). FirstOrDefault(t => t.Attribute("Id").Value == newName) == null) { break; } } copy.SetAttributeValue("Id", newName); tp.AddAfterSelf(copy); var header = Items.First(i => i.Category == TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.ClaimProviders); header = header.Items.First(h => h.DataSource == cp); var tvi = new TreeViewVMItem() { Name = newName, DataSource = copy, Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.TechnicalProfile, OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Page() { Content = new Views.TechnicalProfileClaims() { DataContext = new TechnicalProfileClaims((XElement)obj) } }) }; var currIx = header.Items.IndexOf(_selectedArtifact); if (currIx == header.Items.Count - 1) { header.Items.Add(tvi); } else { header.Items.Insert(currIx + 1, tvi); } SelectedArtifact = tvi; } break; default: break; } }); AddJourneyType = new DelegateCommand(() => { var journeys = App.PolicySet.Base.Root.Element(Constants.dflt + "UserJourneys"); if (journeys == null) { App.PolicySet.Base.Root.Add(new XElement(Constants.dflt + "UserJourneys")); journeys = App.PolicySet.Base.Root.Element(Constants.dflt + "UserJourneys"); } var name = "NewJourney"; var journey = new XElement(Constants.dflt + "UserJourney", new XAttribute("Id", name), new XElement(Constants.dflt + "OrchestrationSteps", new XElement(Constants.dflt + "OrchestrationStep", new XAttribute("Order", 1), new XAttribute("Type", "SendClaims"), new XAttribute("CpimIssuerTechnicalProfileReferenceId", "JwtIssuer"))), new XElement(Constants.dflt + "ClientDefinition", new XAttribute("ReferenceId", "DefaultWeb"))); journeys.Add(journey); var header = Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Category == TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Journeys); header.Items.Add(new JourneyTypeItem() { Category = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemCatorgies.Detail, OnSelect = new DelegateCommand((obj) => DetailView = new Views.JourneyEditor() { DataContext = new ViewModels.JourneyEditor((XElement)obj) }), DetailType = TreeViewVMItem.TreeViewItemDetails.Journey, DataSource = journey, IsNameFixed = false, }); }); AddJourneyStep = new DelegateCommand(() => { var wiz = new Views.AddJourneyStepWizard() { DataContext = new JourneyEditor(_selectedArtifact.DataSource) }; wiz.ShowDialog(); }); RecUserId = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (App.PolicySet.Base == null) { return; } var xml = XDocument.Load(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("B2CPolicyEditor.Recipies.UsingUserId.xml")); App.PolicySet.Base.Merge(xml); App.PolicySet.Base.ChangeLocalUserIdTypeInJourneys(true); UpdateTree(); }); AddSAMLAsIdP = new DelegateCommand(() => { throw new NotSupportedException(); //if (App.PolicySet.Base == null) return; //DetailView = new Views.SAMLAsRPSetup(); //var xml = XDocument.Load(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("B2CPolicyEditor.IdPPolicies.AsSAMLIdP.xml")); //App.PolicySet.Base.Merge(xml); //UpdateTree(); }); AddTOU = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (App.PolicySet.Base == null) { return; } var vm = new ViewModels.TOUSettings(App.PolicySet.Base); var wiz = new Views.TOUSettings() { DataContext = vm }; vm.Done += (r) => { var xml = XDocument.Load(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("B2CPolicyEditor.Recipies.AddTermsOfUse.xml")); App.PolicySet.Base.Merge(xml); App.PolicySet.Base.SetTOUVersion(vm.NewVersionId, vm.SignUpJourneys.Where(j => j.IsSelected).Select(j => j.Name)); UpdateTree(); wiz.Close(); }; wiz.ShowDialog(); }); RequirePwdChange = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (App.PolicySet.Base == null) { return; } var vm = new ViewModels.RequirePwdChange(); var wiz = new Views.RequirePwdChange() { DataContext = vm }; vm.Done += (r) => { var xml = XDocument.Load(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("B2CPolicyEditor.Recipies.ForcePwdChange.xml")); App.PolicySet.Base.Merge(xml); UpdateTree(); wiz.Close(); }; wiz.ShowDialog(); }); PolicySetup = new DelegateCommand(() => DetailView = new Views.PolicySetup()); ShowClaims = new DelegateCommand(() => DetailView = new Views.Claims() { DataContext = new ViewModels.Claims() }); }