private void DoInspectorModifierGUI(NodeGUI node) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Modifier: Modify asset settings.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { Type incomingType = FindFirstIncomingAssetType(node.Data.InputPoints[0]); if (incomingType == null) { // if there is no asset input to determine incomingType, // retrieve from assigned Modifier. incomingType = ModifierUtility.GetModifierTargetType(node.Data.ScriptClassName); if (incomingType == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Modifier needs a single type of incoming assets.", MessageType.Info); return; } } var map = ModifierUtility.GetAttributeClassNameMap(incomingType); if (map.Count > 0) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label("Modifier"); var guiName = ModifierUtility.GetModifierGUIName(node.Data.ScriptClassName); if (GUILayout.Button(guiName, "Popup", GUILayout.MinWidth(150f))) { var builders = map.Keys.ToList(); if (builders.Count > 0) { NodeGUI.ShowTypeNamesMenu(guiName, builders, (string selectedGUIName) => { using (new RecordUndoScope("Change Modifier class", node, true)) { m_modifier = ModifierUtility.CreateModifier(selectedGUIName, incomingType); if (m_modifier != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = ModifierUtility.GUINameToClassName(selectedGUIName, incomingType); node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_modifier.Serialize(); } } } ); } } MonoScript s = TypeUtility.LoadMonoScript(node.Data.ScriptClassName); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(s == null)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Edit", GUILayout.Width(50))) { AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(s, 0); } } } } else { string[] menuNames = AssetBundleGraphSettings.GUI_TEXT_MENU_GENERATE_MODIFIER.Split('/'); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( string.Format( "No CustomModifier found for {3} type. \n" + "You need to create at least one Modifier script to select script for Modifier. " + "To start, select {0}>{1}>{2} menu and create a new script.", menuNames[1], menuNames[2], menuNames[3], incomingType.FullName ), MessageType.Info); } GUILayout.Space(10f); if (DrawPlatformSelector(node)) { // if platform tab is changed, renew modifierModifierInstance for that tab. m_modifier = null; } using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { if (enabled) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.InstanceData.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } m_modifier = null; }); using (disabledScope) { //reload modifierModifier instance from saved modifierModifier data. if (m_modifier == null) { m_modifier = ModifierUtility.CreateModifier(node.Data, currentEditingGroup); if (m_modifier != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_modifier.GetType().FullName; if (node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_modifier.Serialize(); } } } if (m_modifier != null) { Action onChangedAction = () => { using (new RecordUndoScope("Change Modifier Setting", node)) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_modifier.GetType().FullName; if (node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_modifier.Serialize(); } } }; m_modifier.OnInspectorGUI(onChangedAction); } } } } }
private void DoInspectorPrefabBuilderGUI(NodeGUI node) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("PrefabBuilder: Create prefab with given assets and script.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var map = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetAttributeClassNameMap(); if (map.Count > 0) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label("PrefabBuilder"); var guiName = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetPrefabBuilderGUIName(node.Data.ScriptClassName); if (GUILayout.Button(guiName, "Popup", GUILayout.MinWidth(150f))) { var builders = map.Keys.ToList(); if (builders.Count > 0) { NodeGUI.ShowTypeNamesMenu(guiName, builders, (string selectedGUIName) => { using (new RecordUndoScope("Change PrefabBuilder class", node, true)) { m_prefabBuilder = PrefabBuilderUtility.CreatePrefabBuilder(selectedGUIName); if (m_prefabBuilder != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = PrefabBuilderUtility.GUINameToClassName(selectedGUIName); node.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue = m_prefabBuilder.Serialize(); } } } ); } } MonoScript s = TypeUtility.LoadMonoScript(node.Data.ScriptClassName); using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(s == null)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Edit", GUILayout.Width(50))) { AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(s, 0); } } } ReplacePrefabOptions opt = (ReplacePrefabOptions)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Prefab Replace Option", node.Data.ReplacePrefabOptions, GUILayout.MinWidth(150f)); if (node.Data.ReplacePrefabOptions != opt) { using (new RecordUndoScope("Change Prefab Replace Option", node, true)) { node.Data.ReplacePrefabOptions = opt; } } } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Data.ScriptClassName)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( string.Format( "Your PrefabBuilder script {0} is missing from assembly. Did you delete script?", node.Data.ScriptClassName), MessageType.Info); } else { string[] menuNames = AssetBundleGraphSettings.GUI_TEXT_MENU_GENERATE_PREFABBUILDER.Split('/'); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( string.Format( "You need to create at least one PrefabBuilder script to use PrefabBuilder node. To start, select {0}>{1}>{2} menu and create new script from template.", menuNames[1], menuNames[2], menuNames[3] ), MessageType.Info); } } GUILayout.Space(10f); if (DrawPlatformSelector(node)) { // if platform tab is changed, renew prefabBuilder for that tab. m_prefabBuilder = null; } using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { if (enabled) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.InstanceData.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } m_prefabBuilder = null; }); using (disabledScope) { //reload prefabBuilder instance from saved instance data. if (m_prefabBuilder == null) { m_prefabBuilder = PrefabBuilderUtility.CreatePrefabBuilder(node.Data, currentEditingGroup); if (m_prefabBuilder != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_prefabBuilder.GetType().FullName; if (node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_prefabBuilder.Serialize(); } } } if (m_prefabBuilder != null) { Action onChangedAction = () => { using (new RecordUndoScope("Change PrefabBuilder Setting", node)) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_prefabBuilder.GetType().FullName; if (node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_prefabBuilder.Serialize(); } } }; m_prefabBuilder.OnInspectorGUI(onChangedAction); } } } } }
/** * retrieve mouse events for this node in this AssetGraoh window. */ private void HandleNodeEvent() { switch (Event.current.type) { /* * handling release of mouse drag from this node to another node. * this node doesn't know about where the other node is. the master only knows. * only emit event. */ case EventType.Ignore: { NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_NODE_CONNECTION_OVERED, this, Event.current.mousePosition, null)); break; } /* * handling drag. */ case EventType.MouseDrag: { NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_NODE_MOVING, this, Event.current.mousePosition, null)); break; } /* * check if the mouse-down point is over one of the connectionPoint in this node. * then emit event. */ case EventType.MouseDown: { ConnectionPointData result = IsOverConnectionPoint(Event.current.mousePosition); if (result != null) { if (scaleFactor == SCALE_MAX) { NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_NODE_CONNECT_STARTED, this, Event.current.mousePosition, result)); } break; } break; } } /* * retrieve mouse events for this node in|out of this AssetGraoh window. */ switch (Event.current.rawType) { case EventType.MouseUp: { bool eventRaised = false; // if mouse position is on the connection point, emit mouse raised event. Action <ConnectionPointData> raiseEventIfHit = (ConnectionPointData point) => { // Only one connectionPoint raise event at one mouseup event if (eventRaised) { return; } if (!IsValidInputConnectionPoint(point)) { return; } if (point.Region.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler( new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_NODE_CONNECTION_RAISED, this, Event.current.mousePosition, point)); eventRaised = true; return; } }; m_data.InputPoints.ForEach(raiseEventIfHit); m_data.OutputPoints.ForEach(raiseEventIfHit); if (!eventRaised) { NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_NODE_TOUCHED, this, Event.current.mousePosition, null)); } break; } } /* * right click to open Context menu */ if (scaleFactor == SCALE_MAX) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1)) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); MonoScript s = TypeUtility.LoadMonoScript(Data.ScriptClassName); if (s != null) { menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Edit Script"), false, () => { AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(s, 0); } ); } menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Delete"), false, () => { NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_CLOSE_TAPPED, this,, null)); } ); menu.ShowAsContext(); Event.current.Use(); } } }