예제 #1
        public static SkuInStock Restore(Article in_article, PointOfSale in_pointOfSale)
            SkuInStock skuInStock = new SkuInStock()
                Article     = in_article,
                PointOfSale = in_pointOfSale

            using SQLiteConnection conn = ConnectionRegistry.Instance.OpenNewConnection();
            using SQLiteCommand cmd     = conn.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_articleId", in_article.Id));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_pointOfSaleId", in_pointOfSale.Id));

            cmd.CommandText = "select *" +
                              " from cell_in_stock" +
                              " where point_of_sale_id = @in_pointOfSaleId" +
                              "   and article_id = @in_articleId";

            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            using (SQLiteDataAdapter a = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd))

            DressMatrix mtx = in_article.Matrix;

            CellInStock[,] cells = new CellInStock[mtx.CellsX.Count, mtx.CellsY.Count];

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                int x = mtx.CellsX.IndexOf((string)row["x"]);
                int y = mtx.CellsY.IndexOf((string)row["y"]);
                cells[x, y] = CellInStock.Restore((int)(long)row["id"], UnixEpoch.ToDateTime((long)row["modified"]), skuInStock, (string)row["x"], (string)row["y"], (int)(long)row["amount"]);
            for (int x = 0; x < mtx.CellsX.Count; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < mtx.CellsY.Count; y++)
                    if (cells[x, y] == null)
                        cells[x, y] = CellInStock.Restore(0, DateTime.Now, skuInStock, mtx.CellsX[x], mtx.CellsY[y], 0);


예제 #2
 public static DocSale CreateNew(DateTime in_timeSold, Article in_article, PointOfSale in_pointOfSale, int in_unitPrice, int in_unitCount, CellInStock in_cell, bool in_paymentByCard) =>
 new DocSale
     _timeSold               = in_timeSold,
     _articleId              = in_article.Id,
     _articleName            = in_article.Name,
     _articlePriceOfPurchase = in_article.PriceOfPurchase,
     _articlePriceOfSell     = in_article.PriceOfSell,
     _pointOfSaleId          = in_pointOfSale.Id,
     _pointOfSaleName        = in_pointOfSale.Name,
     _unitPrice              = in_unitPrice,
     _unitCount              = in_unitCount,
     _cellX         = in_cell.X,
     _cellY         = in_cell.Y,
     _paymentByCard = in_paymentByCard
예제 #3
        public static SkuInStock CreateNew(Article in_article, PointOfSale in_pointOfSale)
            SkuInStock result = new SkuInStock()
                _article     = in_article,
                _pointOfSale = in_pointOfSale
            DressMatrix mtx = in_article.Matrix;

            result._cells = new CellInStock[mtx.CellsX.Count, mtx.CellsY.Count];
            for (int x = 0; x < mtx.CellsX.Count; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < mtx.CellsY.Count; y++)
                    result._cells[x, y] = CellInStock.Restore(0, DateTime.Now, result, mtx.CellsX[x], mtx.CellsY[y], 0);
예제 #4
        public static DataTable ReadSalesJournal(PointOfSale in_pointOfSale, DateTime in_dateBegin, DateTime in_dateEnd, ShowRows in_displayMode)
            using SQLiteConnection conn = ConnectionRegistry.Instance.OpenNewConnection();
            using SQLiteCommand cmd     = conn.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_pointOfSaleId", in_pointOfSale.Id));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_dateBegin", UnixEpoch.FromDateTime(in_dateBegin)));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_dateEndNext", UnixEpoch.FromDateTime(in_dateEnd.AddDays(1))));
            string wherePayedByCard = string.Empty;

            if (in_displayMode == ShowRows.OnlyCash || in_displayMode == ShowRows.OnlyCard)
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_payedByCard", in_displayMode == ShowRows.OnlyCash ? 0 : 1));
                wherePayedByCard = " and s.payment_by_card = @in_payedByCard";

            cmd.CommandText = "select" +
                              " s.id," +
                              " date(s.time_sold, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as time_sold," +
                              " s.art_name," +
                              " s.art_price_of_purchase," +
                              " s.art_price_of_sell," +
                              " s.unit_price," +
                              " s.unit_count," +
                              " (s.unit_price * s.unit_count) as price_sum," +
                              " s.cell_x," +
                              " s.cell_y" +
                              " from doc_sale s" +
                              " join doc d on d.id = s.id and d.time_cancelled is null" +
                              " where s.point_of_sale_id = @in_pointOfSaleId" +
                              " and @in_dateBegin <= s.time_sold and s.time_sold < @in_dateEndNext" +
                              wherePayedByCard +
                              " order by s.time_sold desc;";

            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            using (SQLiteDataAdapter a = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd))

예제 #5
        public static Summary GetSummary(PointOfSale in_pointOfSale, DateTime in_dateBegin, DateTime in_dateEnd, ShowRows in_displayMode)
            using SQLiteConnection conn = ConnectionRegistry.Instance.OpenNewConnection();
            using SQLiteCommand cmd     = conn.CreateCommand();

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_pointOfSaleId", in_pointOfSale.Id));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_dateBegin", UnixEpoch.FromDateTime(in_dateBegin)));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_dateEndNext", UnixEpoch.FromDateTime(in_dateEnd.AddDays(1))));
            string wherePayedByCard = string.Empty;

            if (in_displayMode == ShowRows.OnlyCash || in_displayMode == ShowRows.OnlyCard)
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@in_payedByCard", in_displayMode == ShowRows.OnlyCash ? 0 : 1));
                wherePayedByCard = " and s.payment_by_card = @in_payedByCard";

            cmd.CommandText = "select" +
                              " COUNT(s.id) as cnt," +
                              " IFNULL(SUM(s.unit_price * s.unit_count), 0) as sm," +
                              " IFNULL(SUM(s.unit_price * s.unit_count - s.art_price_of_purchase * s.unit_count), 0) as profit" +
                              " from doc_sale s" +
                              " join doc d on d.id = s.id and d.time_cancelled is null" +
                              " where s.point_of_sale_id = @in_pointOfSaleId" +
                              " and @in_dateBegin <= s.time_sold and s.time_sold < @in_dateEndNext" +

            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            using (SQLiteDataAdapter a = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd))

            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

            return(new Summary()
                Count = (int)(long)row["cnt"],
                Sum = (int)(long)row["sm"],
                Profit = (int)(long)row["profit"]