private async void ResetAppButton_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("The data will be permanently lost. Consider creating a backup before this.\r\n\r\nNote: Doing this on 'system apps' is not safe, and might cause your phone to stop working.", "Are you sure you want to reset the state of this app?"); md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Yes") { Id = 1 }); md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("No") { Id = 0 }); md.DefaultCommandIndex = 1; md.CancelCommandIndex = 0; var result = await md.ShowAsync(); if (((int)result.Id) == 1) { progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; BackupManager bm = new BackupManager(); bm.BackupProgress += Bm_BackupProgress; await bm.ResetAppData(currentApp.TheApp); bm.BackupProgress -= Bm_BackupProgress; FileOperations.RemoveFromGetContentsCache(currentApp.familyName); await currentApp.CalculateSize(); progress.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; progressText.Text = ""; } }
public async Task Restore(Backup backup, List <CompactAppData> skipApps) { int counter = 1; try { foreach (var item in backup.Apps) { if (!skipApps.Contains(item)) { OnBackupProgress(new BackupEventArgs(-1, BackupState.ResettingAppData, "Clearing current state of " + item.DisplayName, counter.ToString() + " / " + (backup.Apps.Count - skipApps.Count).ToString(), restoreLog)); await ResetAppData(AppDataExtension.GetAppDataFromCompactAppData(item)); counter++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("4" + ex.Message); await md.ShowAsync(); } ArchiverPlus archiver = new ArchiverPlus(); OnBackupProgress(new BackupEventArgs(-1, BackupState.Initializing, "Loading backup file...", "", restoreLog)); StorageFolder folder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(System.IO.Path.Combine(App.BackupDestination, backup.Name)); StorageFile file = await folder.GetFileAsync(""); Dictionary <string, StorageFolder> dests = new Dictionary <string, StorageFolder>(); familyToDisplayNames = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { foreach (var item in backup.Apps) { if (!skipApps.Contains(item)) { FileOperations.RemoveFromGetContentsCache(item.FamilyName); dests[item.FamilyName] = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(await LoadAppData.GetDataFolder(AppDataExtension.GetAppDataFromCompactAppData(item)))); familyToDisplayNames.Add(item.FamilyName, item.DisplayName); } else { dests[item.FamilyName] = null; //Skip } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("5" + ex.Message); await md.ShowAsync(); } archiver.DecompressingProgress += Archiver_DecompressingProgress; try { await archiver.DecompressSpecial(file, dests); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("6" + ex.Message); await md.ShowAsync(); } archiver.DecompressingProgress -= Archiver_DecompressingProgress; OnBackupProgress(new BackupEventArgs(100.0, BackupState.Finished, "Restore completed.", "", restoreLog)); }