protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.JoinGroup); EditText pClan = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtClanName); EditText pPass = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtClanPassword); EditText pUser = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.txtUserName); Button pJoin = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnSubmitJoin); pJoin.Click += delegate { // TODO: SANITIZATION! _hidden.InitializeWeb(); //string sUserPass = File.ReadAllText(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_key.dat"); string sUserPass = Master.GetKey(); string sBody = "<params><param name='sEmail'>" + Master.GetEmail() + "</param><param name='sClanName'>" + pClan.Text.ToString() + "</param><param name='sClanPassPhrase'>" + pPass.Text.ToString() + "</param><param name='sUserName'>" + pUser.Text.ToString() + "</param><param name='sUserPassPhrase'>" + sUserPass + "</param></params>"; //string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest("", sBody, true); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetServerURL() + "JoinClan", sBody, true); XElement pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); //Master.Popup(this, pResponse.Element("Text").Value); string sResponseMessage = pResponse.Element("Text").Value; // TODO: even if user is already part of clan, need to check local clans file and make sure the data is there (and add it if not) var pBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); pBuilder.SetMessage(sResponseMessage); if (pResponse.Attribute("Type").Value == "Error" || pResponse.Element("Data").Element("ClanStub") == null) { pBuilder.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (e, s) => { return; }); } else { pBuilder.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (e, s) => { XElement pClanStub = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("ClanStub"); string sClanName = pClanStub.Attribute("ClanName").Value; string sUserName = pClanStub.Attribute("UserName").Value; File.AppendAllLines(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_clans.dat", new List <string>() { sClanName + "|" + sUserName }); this.SetResult(Result.Ok); this.Finish(); }); } pBuilder.Create().Show(); }; }