private void CheckServerNotifications(Context pContext, string sClan, string sName) { XElement pResponse = null; //try //{ string sPrevClan = Master.GetActiveClan(); string sPrevUser = Master.GetActiveUserName(); Master.SetActiveClan(sClan); Master.SetActiveUserName(sName); string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetServerURL() + "GetUnseenNotifications", Master.BuildCommonBody(), true); pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse); Master.SetActiveClan(sPrevClan); Master.SetActiveUserName(sPrevUser); //} //catch (Exception e) { return; } if (pResponse.Element("Data") != null && pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Notifications").Value != "") { List <XElement> pNotifications = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Notifications").Elements("Notification").ToList(); foreach (XElement pNotification in pNotifications) { string sContent = pNotification.Value; string sGameID = pNotification.Attribute("GameID").Value; string sGameName = pNotification.Attribute("GameName").Value; Notification.Builder pBuilder = new Notification.Builder(pContext); pBuilder.SetContentTitle(sClan + " - " + sGameName); pBuilder.SetContentText(sContent); pBuilder.SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.Icon); pBuilder.SetVibrate(new long[] { 200, 50, 200, 50 }); pBuilder.SetVisibility(NotificationVisibility.Public); pBuilder.SetPriority((int)NotificationPriority.Default); Intent pIntent = null; if (sGameID.Contains("Zendo")) { pIntent = new Intent(pContext, typeof(ZendoActivity)); } pIntent.SetAction(sGameID); pIntent.PutExtra("GameName", sGameName); pBuilder.SetContentIntent(PendingIntent.GetActivity(pContext, 0, pIntent, 0)); pBuilder.SetStyle(new Notification.BigTextStyle().BigText(sContent)); Notification pNotif = pBuilder.Build(); NotificationManager pManager = (NotificationManager)pContext.GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService); pManager.Notify((int)Java.Lang.JavaSystem.CurrentTimeMillis(), pNotif); // using time to make different ID every time, so doesn't replace old notification //pManager.Notify(DateTime.Now.Millisecond, pNotif); // using time to make different ID every time, so doesn't replace old notification } } }
protected void CreateDrawer() { m_lNavTitles = new List <string>() { "Home", "Games", /*"Chats", "Profile",*/ "Notifications", "Clans", "Settings" }; string sActive = Master.GetActiveClan(); if (sActive != "") { m_lNavTitles[0] = sActive; //m_lNavTitles[2] = Master.GetActiveUserName() + "'s Profile"; } m_pDrawerLayout = FindViewById <DrawerLayout>(Resource.Id.appDrawerLayout); m_pDrawerList = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.appDrawerList); m_pDrawerList.Adapter = new DrawerItemCustomAdapter(this, Resource.Layout.ListViewItemRow, m_lNavTitles.ToArray()); m_pDrawerList.ItemClick += (object sender, Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) => { int iChoice = e.Position; //string sChoice = m_lNavTitles[iChoice]; Intent pIntent = null; switch (iChoice) { case 0: // home pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); break; case 1: // games pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(GamesActivity)); break; case 2: // notifications pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(NotificationsActivity)); break; case 3: // groups pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(GroupListActivity)); break; case 4: // settings pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(SettingsActivity)); break; } if (pIntent == null) { return; } this.Finish(); StartActivity(pIntent); }; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); _hidden.InitializeWeb(); _RunTempCommands(); // TODO: REMOVE if (!this.CheckVersion()) { return; } // make sure that all the necessary files exist if (!File.Exists(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_clans.dat")) { File.Create(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_clans.dat").Dispose(); } if (!File.Exists(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_settings.dat")) { File.WriteAllText(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_settings.dat", "notifications=on"); } if (!File.Exists(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_key.dat")) { //Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, (new KeyActivity().Class)); Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(RegisterOrLogInActivity)); StartActivity(pIntent); } else { Master.FillKeyEmail(); } // TODO: save temp currently active clan so persistent between app open times, and load it here if (File.Exists(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_active.dat")) { string[] aLines = File.ReadAllLines(Master.GetBaseDir() + "_active.dat"); Master.SetActiveClan(aLines[0]); Master.SetActiveUserName(aLines[1]); } // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); base.CreateDrawer(); if (Master.GetActiveClan() != "") { this.Title = Master.GetActiveClan() + " - " + Master.GetActiveUserName(); this.BuildHomeDashboard(); } //StartService(new Intent(this, typeof(NotificationsService))); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Games); // Create your application here base.CreateDrawer(); // get the games list if (Master.GetActiveClan() != "") { //string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest("", Master.BuildCommonBody(), true); this.RefreshGameList(); Button pNew = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnNewGame); pNew.Click += delegate { Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(NewGameActivity)); this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0); }; } }