예제 #1
        internal static void RemoveStreamInternal(bool?isFolder, KernelTransaction transaction, string path, string name, bool?isFullPath)
            string pathLp = isFullPath == null
            ? path
            : (bool)isFullPath
               ? Path.GetLongPathInternal(path, false, false, false, false)
               : Path.GetFullPathInternal(transaction, path, true, false, false, true, false, true, false);

            foreach (AlternateDataStreamInfo stream in EnumerateStreamsInternal(isFolder, transaction, null, pathLp, name, StreamType.AlternateData, isFullPath))
                File.DeleteFileInternal(transaction, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}{1}{2}{1}$DATA", pathLp, Path.StreamSeparator, stream.OriginalName), false, null);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>[AlphaFS] Initializes the specified file name.</summary>
        /// <param name="isFolder">Specifies that <paramref name="path"/> is a file or directory.</param>
        /// <param name="transaction">The transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The full path and name of the file.</param>
        /// <param name="isFullPath">
        /// <para><c>true</c> <paramref name="path"/> is an absolute path. Unicode prefix is applied.</para>
        /// <para><c>false</c> <paramref name="path"/> will be checked and resolved to an absolute path. Unicode prefix is applied.</para>
        /// <para><c>null</c> <paramref name="path"/> is already an absolute path with Unicode prefix. Use as is.</para>
        /// </param>
        internal void InitializeInternal(bool isFolder, KernelTransaction transaction, string path, bool?isFullPath)
            if (isFullPath != null && (bool)!isFullPath)
                Path.CheckValidPath(path, true, true);

            LongFullName = isFullPath == null
            ? path
            : (bool)isFullPath
               ? Path.GetLongPathInternal(path, false, false, false, false)
#if NET35
               : Path.GetFullPathInternal(transaction, path, true, false, false, !isFolder, true, false, false);
예제 #3
        private DirectoryInfo(KernelTransaction transaction, string fullPath, bool junk1, bool junk2)
            IsDirectory = true;
            Transaction = transaction;

            LongFullName = Path.GetLongPathInternal(fullPath, GetFullPathOptions.None);

            OriginalPath = Path.GetFileName(fullPath, true);

            FullPath = fullPath;

            // GetDisplayName()
            DisplayPath = OriginalPath.Length != 2 || (OriginalPath[1] != Path.VolumeSeparatorChar) ? OriginalPath : Path.CurrentDirectoryPrefix;
예제 #4
        internal static IEnumerable <AlternateDataStreamInfo> EnumerateStreamsInternal(bool?isFolder, KernelTransaction transaction, SafeFileHandle safeHandle, string path, string originalName, StreamType?streamType, bool?isFullPath)
            string pathLp = null;

            bool callerHandle = safeHandle != null;

            if (!callerHandle)
                pathLp = isFullPath == null
               ? path
               : (bool)isFullPath
                  ? Path.GetLongPathInternal(path, false, false, false, false)
                  : Path.GetFullPathInternal(transaction, path, true, false, false, true, false, true, false);

                if (isFolder == null)
                    FileAttributes attrs = File.GetAttributesExInternal <FileAttributes>(transaction, pathLp, null);
                    isFolder = (attrs & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory;

                safeHandle = File.CreateFileInternal(transaction, pathLp,
                  ? ExtendedFileAttributes.BackupSemantics
                  : ExtendedFileAttributes.Normal, null,
                                                     FileMode.Open, FileSystemRights.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, false, null);

                using (new PrivilegeEnabler(Privilege.Backup))
                    using (SafeGlobalMemoryBufferHandle safeBuffer = new SafeGlobalMemoryBufferHandle(NativeMethods.DefaultFileBufferSize))
                        Type   typeWin32Stream = typeof(NativeMethods.Win32StreamId);
                        uint   sizeOfType      = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeWin32Stream);
                        uint   numberOfBytesRead;
                        IntPtr context;

                        bool doLoop = true;
                        while (doLoop)
                            if (!NativeMethods.BackupRead(safeHandle, safeBuffer, sizeOfType, out numberOfBytesRead, false, true, out context))
                                // Throws IOException.
                                NativeError.ThrowException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pathLp, true);

                            doLoop = numberOfBytesRead == sizeOfType;
                            if (doLoop)
                                string streamName       = null;
                                string streamSearchName = null;

                                // CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods

                                IntPtr buffer     = IntPtr.Zero;
                                bool   successRef = false;
                                safeBuffer.DangerousAddRef(ref successRef);

                                // MSDN: The DangerousGetHandle method poses a security risk because it can return a handle that is not valid.
                                if (successRef)
                                    buffer = safeBuffer.DangerousGetHandle();


                                if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)

                                // CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods

                                NativeMethods.Win32StreamId stream = Utils.MarshalPtrToStructure <NativeMethods.Win32StreamId>(0, buffer);

                                if (streamType == null || stream.StreamType == streamType)
                                    if (stream.StreamNameSize > 0)
                                        if (!NativeMethods.BackupRead(safeHandle, safeBuffer, stream.StreamNameSize, out numberOfBytesRead, false, true, out context))
                                            // Throws IOException.
                                            NativeError.ThrowException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pathLp, true);

                                        // CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods

                                        buffer     = IntPtr.Zero;
                                        successRef = false;
                                        safeBuffer.DangerousAddRef(ref successRef);

                                        // MSDN: The DangerousGetHandle method poses a security risk because it can return a handle that is not valid.
                                        if (successRef)
                                            buffer = safeBuffer.DangerousGetHandle();


                                        if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)

                                        // CA2001:AvoidCallingProblematicMethods

                                        streamName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(buffer, (int)numberOfBytesRead / 2);

                                        // Returned stream name format: ":streamName:$DATA"
                                        streamSearchName = streamName.TrimStart(Path.StreamSeparatorChar).Replace(Path.StreamSeparator + "$DATA", string.Empty);

                                    if (originalName == null || (streamSearchName != null && streamSearchName.Equals(originalName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                                        yield return(new AlternateDataStreamInfo(stream, transaction, pathLp ?? path, streamName, originalName ?? streamSearchName, isFolder, isFullPath));

                                uint lo, hi;
                                doLoop = !NativeMethods.BackupSeek(safeHandle, uint.MinValue, uint.MaxValue, out lo, out hi, out context);

                        // MSDN: To release the memory used by the data structure,
                        // call BackupRead with the bAbort parameter set to TRUE when the backup operation is complete.
                        if (!NativeMethods.BackupRead(safeHandle, safeBuffer, 0, out numberOfBytesRead, true, false, out context))
                            // Throws IOException.
                            NativeError.ThrowException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), pathLp, true);
                // Handle is ours, dispose.
                if (!callerHandle && safeHandle != null)