static Utils() { if (!Directory.Exists(Consts.LocalAppDataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Consts.LocalAppDataPath); } var programName = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.Location ?? "Wabbajack"; LogFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(programName) + ".current.log"; _startTime = DateTime.Now; if (LogFile.FileExists()) { var new_path = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(programName) + (new FileInfo(LogFile)).LastWriteTime.ToString(" yyyy-MM-dd HH_mm_ss") + ".log"; File.Move(LogFile, new_path, MoveOptions.ReplaceExisting); } var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Consts.LocalAppDataPath); AppLocalEvents = Observable.Merge(Observable.FromEventPattern <FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>(h => watcher.Changed += h, h => watcher.Changed -= h).Select(e => (FileEventType.Changed, e.EventArgs)), Observable.FromEventPattern <FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>(h => watcher.Created += h, h => watcher.Created -= h).Select(e => (FileEventType.Created, e.EventArgs)), Observable.FromEventPattern <FileSystemEventHandler, FileSystemEventArgs>(h => watcher.Deleted += h, h => watcher.Deleted -= h).Select(e => (FileEventType.Deleted, e.EventArgs))) .ObserveOn(RxApp.TaskpoolScheduler); watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }
private void DumpClassOpenResourceInfo(string host, string share) { Console.WriteLine("\n=== TEST ==="); var tempPath = Path.LocalToUnc(share); Console.WriteLine("\nNetwork.Host.EnumerateOpenResources() from host: [{0}]", tempPath); System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(tempPath); UnitTestConstants.StopWatcher(true); var cnt = 0; foreach (var openResource in Host.EnumerateOpenResources(host, null, null, false)) { if (UnitTestConstants.Dump(openResource, -11)) { Console.Write("\n"); cnt++; } } Console.WriteLine(UnitTestConstants.Reporter()); if (cnt == 0) { Assert.Inconclusive("Nothing was enumerated, but it was expected."); } Console.WriteLine(); }
private void DumpClassByHandleFileInfo(bool isLocal) { Console.WriteLine("\n=== TEST {0} ===", isLocal ? UnitTestConstants.Local : UnitTestConstants.Network); var tempPath = Path.GetTempPath("File.GetFileInfoByHandle()-" + Path.GetRandomFileName()); if (!isLocal) { tempPath = Path.LocalToUnc(tempPath); } Console.WriteLine("\nInput File Path: [{0}]", tempPath); var stream = File.Create(tempPath); stream.WriteByte(1); UnitTestConstants.StopWatcher(true); var bhfi = File.GetFileInfoByHandle(stream.SafeFileHandle); Console.WriteLine(UnitTestConstants.Reporter()); Assert.IsTrue(UnitTestConstants.Dump(bhfi, -18)); Assert.AreEqual(System.IO.File.GetCreationTimeUtc(tempPath), bhfi.CreationTimeUtc); Assert.AreEqual(System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(tempPath), bhfi.LastAccessTimeUtc); Assert.AreEqual(System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(tempPath), bhfi.LastWriteTimeUtc); stream.Close(); File.Delete(tempPath, true); Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(tempPath), "Cleanup failed: File should have been removed."); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void ConvertModels(string inputDirectoryPath, string outputDirectoryPath, Exporter exporter) { string outputExtension = exporter.Options.OutputFormat.ToString().ToLower(); ProgressUpdate("Enumerating files ...", 0, 1); List <string> inputFilePaths = EnumerateFiles(inputDirectoryPath, exporter.Options.InputFormat); ProgressUpdate("Converting resources ...", 0, 1); for (var i = 0; i < inputFilePaths.Count; i++) { string inputFilePath = inputFilePaths[i]; string outputFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFilePath.Replace(inputDirectoryPath, outputDirectoryPath), outputExtension); FileManager.TryToCreateDirectory(outputFilePath); ProgressUpdate($"Converting: {inputFilePath}", i, inputFilePaths.Count); try { Root model = LoadModel(inputFilePath, exporter.Options); SaveModel(model, outputFilePath, exporter); } catch (Exception exc) { ConversionError(inputFilePath, outputFilePath, exc); } } }
private void DumpGetDriveNameForNtDeviceName(bool isLocal) { Console.WriteLine("\n=== TEST {0} ===\n", isLocal ? "LOCAL" : "NETWORK"); var cnt = 0; // Get Logical Drives from UnitTestConstants.Local Host. foreach (var drive in Directory.GetLogicalDrives()) { var tempPath = isLocal ? drive : Path.LocalToUnc(drive); foreach (var dosDev in Volume.QueryDosDevice(tempPath)) { Console.WriteLine("#{0:000}\tInput Path : [{1}]", ++cnt, dosDev); var result = Volume.GetDriveNameForNtDeviceName(dosDev); Console.WriteLine("\tGetDriveNameForNtDeviceName() : [{0}]", result ?? "null"); Assert.AreEqual(drive, result); result = Volume.GetVolumeGuidForNtDeviceName(dosDev); Console.WriteLine("\tGetVolumeGuidForNtDeviceName(): [{0}]\n", result ?? "null"); } } Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\n", UnitTestConstants.Reporter(true)); if (isLocal && cnt == 0) { Assert.Inconclusive("Nothing was enumerated, but it was expected."); } }
private static void SaveJson(IPrefetch pf, bool pretty, string outDir) { try { if (Directory.Exists(outDir) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outDir); } var outName = $"{DateTimeOffset.UtcNow:yyyyMMddHHmmss}_{Path.GetFileName(pf.SourceFilename)}.json"; var outFile = Path.Combine(outDir, outName); if (pretty) { File.WriteAllText(outFile, pf.Dump()); } else { File.WriteAllText(outFile, pf.ToJson()); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error($"Error exporting json. Error: {ex.Message}"); } }
private void DumpGetProperties(bool isLocal) { Console.WriteLine("\n=== TEST {0} ===", isLocal ? UnitTestConstants.Local : UnitTestConstants.Network); var path = isLocal ? UnitTestConstants.SysRoot32 : Path.LocalToUnc(UnitTestConstants.SysRoot32); Console.WriteLine("\n\tAggregated properties of file system objects from Directory: [{0}]\n", path); UnitTestConstants.StopWatcher(true); var props = Directory.GetProperties(path, DirectoryEnumerationOptions.FilesAndFolders | DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive | DirectoryEnumerationOptions.ContinueOnException); var report = UnitTestConstants.Reporter(); var total = props["Total"]; var file = props["File"]; var size = props["Size"]; var cnt = 0; foreach (var key in props.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("\t\t#{0:000}\t{1, -17} = [{2}]", ++cnt, key, props[key]); } Console.WriteLine("\n\t{0}", report); if (cnt == 0) { Assert.Inconclusive("Nothing is enumerated, but it is expected."); } Assert.IsTrue(total > 0, "0 Objects."); Assert.IsTrue(file > 0, "0 Files."); Assert.IsTrue(size > 0, "0 Size."); Console.WriteLine(); }
private void CountData(string dir) { alarmImageList.Clear(); foreach (var item in alarmImageListAll) { if (item.ImagePath.Contains(dir)) { alarmImageList.Add(item); } } if (alarmImageList.Count == 0) { MessageWindow.ShowDialog($"目录 [{dir}] 下无告警图片"); return; } var view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(DataContext); view?.MoveCurrentToFirst(); this.Title = $"[{1}/{alarmImageList.Count}] {Path.GetFileName(CurrentAlarmImage()?.ImagePath)}"; SetSelectedSceneItem(CurrentAlarmImage()?.Scene); SetSelectedIncidentItem(CurrentAlarmImage()?.Incident); // 更新数据库 SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand { Connection = dbConnection, // 连接数据库 CommandText = string.Format($"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO DataPathTab(Item, Path) VALUES ('LastImagePath', '{dir}')") }; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public string AddManualDownload(Dictionary <string, byte[]> contents) { var name = RandomName() + ".zip"; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(DownloadsFolder, name), FileMode.Create)) using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { contents.Do(kv => { var entry = archive.CreateEntry(kv.Key); using (var os = entry.Open()) os.Write(kv.Value, 0, kv.Value.Length); }); } File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(DownloadsFolder, name + Consts.MetaFileExtension), new string[] { "[General]", "manualURL=<TESTING>" }); return(name); }
public void File_WriteAllLines() { Console.WriteLine("File.WriteAllLines()"); Console.WriteLine("\n Default AlphaFS Encoding: [{0}]", NativeMethods.DefaultFileEncoding.EncodingName); // Create file and append text. var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); var allLines = new[] { UnitTestConstants.TenNumbers, UnitTestConstants.TextHelloWorld, UnitTestConstants.TextGoodbyeWorld, UnitTestConstants.TextUnicode }; // Create real UTF-8 file. File.WriteAllLines(tempFile, allLines, NativeMethods.DefaultFileEncoding); // Read filestream contents. using (var streamRead = File.OpenText(tempFile)) { var line = streamRead.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine("\n Created: [{0}] filestream: [{1}]\n\n WriteAllLines content:\n{2}", streamRead.CurrentEncoding.EncodingName, tempFile, line); foreach (var line2 in allLines) { Assert.IsTrue(line.Contains(line2)); } } File.Delete(tempFile, true); Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(tempFile), "Cleanup failed: File should have been removed."); }
private void DumpGetDriveNameForNtDeviceName(bool isLocal) { Console.WriteLine("\n=== TEST {0} ===\n", isLocal ? "LOCAL" : "NETWORK"); int cnt = 0; // Get Logical Drives from Local Host. foreach (string drive in Directory.GetLogicalDrives()) { string tempPath = isLocal ? drive : Path.LocalToUnc(drive); foreach (string dosDev in Volume.QueryDosDevice(tempPath)) { Console.WriteLine("#{0:000}\tInput Path : [{1}]", ++cnt, dosDev); string result = Volume.GetDriveNameForNtDeviceName(dosDev); Console.WriteLine("\tGetDriveNameForNtDeviceName() : [{0}]", result ?? "null"); Assert.AreEqual(drive, result); result = Volume.GetVolumeGuidForNtDeviceName(dosDev); Console.WriteLine("\tGetVolumeGuidForNtDeviceName(): [{0}]\n", result ?? "null"); } } Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\n", Reporter(true)); if (isLocal) { Assert.IsTrue(cnt > 0, "Nothing was enumerated."); } }
private void DumpReadAllLines(bool isLocal) { Console.WriteLine("\n=== TEST {0} ===", isLocal ? UnitTestConstants.Local : UnitTestConstants.Network); var tmp = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "File.SetAttributes()-" + Path.GetRandomFileName()); var tempPath = isLocal ? tmp : Path.LocalToUnc(tmp); // Create file and append text. var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); string[] createText = { "Hello", "And", "Welcome" }; File.WriteAllLines(tempFile, createText); Console.WriteLine("\nFile.ReadAllLines()\n"); var readText = File.ReadAllLines(tempFile); foreach (var s in readText) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", s); Assert.IsTrue(createText.Contains(s)); } Console.WriteLine("\nFile.ReadLines()\n"); foreach (var s in File.ReadLines((tempFile))) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", s); Assert.IsTrue(createText.Contains(s)); } File.Delete(tempFile, true); Assert.IsFalse(File.Exists(tempFile), "Cleanup failed: File should have been removed."); }
// 解析测试视频 private List <TestVideo> ParseTestVideo(string videoPath) { if (Directory.Exists(videoPath)) { List <TestVideo> testVideos = new List <TestVideo>(); var videos = Utility.Director(videoPath).Where(f => { string ex = Path.GetExtension(f); return(ex == ".ts" || ex == ".mp4" || ex == ".flv" || ex == ".avi"); }).ToList(); foreach (var item in videos) { var _testVideoItem = new TestVideo { VideoName = Path.GetFileName(item), VideoPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(item) }; testVideos.Add(_testVideoItem); } return(testVideos); } else { MessageWindow.ShowDialog($"无法访问文件夹 [{videoPath}]", this); } return(null); }
private async Task DownloadMissingArchives(List <Archive> missing, bool download = true) { if (download) { foreach (var a in missing.Where(a => a.State.GetType() == typeof(ManualDownloader.State))) { var outputPath = Path.Combine(DownloadFolder, a.Name); await a.State.Download(a, outputPath); } } await missing.Where(a => a.State.GetType() != typeof(ManualDownloader.State)) .PMap(Queue, async archive => { Info($"Downloading {archive.Name}"); var outputPath = Path.Combine(DownloadFolder, archive.Name); if (download) { if (outputPath.FileExists()) { File.Delete(outputPath); } } return(await DownloadArchive(archive, download)); }); }
public IncludeZEditPatches(Compiler compiler) : base(compiler) { var zEditPath = FindzEditPath(compiler); var havezEdit = zEditPath != null; Utils.Log(havezEdit ? $"Found zEdit at {zEditPath}" : $"zEdit not detected, disabling zEdit routines"); if (!havezEdit) { _mergesIndexed = new Dictionary <string, zEditMerge>(); return; } var merges = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(zEditPath, "profiles"), DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Files | DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive) .Where(f => f.EndsWith("\\merges.json")) .SelectMany(f => f.FromJSON <List <zEditMerge> >()) .GroupBy(f => (, f.filename)); merges.Where(m => m.Count() > 1) .Do(m => { Utils.Warning( $"WARNING, you have two patches named {}\\{m.Key.filename} in your zEdit profiles. We'll pick one at random, this probably isn't what you want."); }); _mergesIndexed = merges.ToDictionary( m => Path.Combine(compiler.MO2Folder, "mods",, m.Key.filename), m => m.First()); }
public void AlphaFS_Host_GetHostShareFromPath() { Console.WriteLine("Network.Host.GetHostShareFromPath\n"); var uncPath = UnitTestConstants.SysRoot32; var hostAndShare = Host.GetHostShareFromPath(uncPath); Console.WriteLine("Input local path: [{0}]", uncPath); Assert.AreEqual(null, hostAndShare); uncPath = Path.GetLongPath(UnitTestConstants.SysRoot32); hostAndShare = Host.GetHostShareFromPath(uncPath); Console.WriteLine("Input local path: [{0}]", uncPath); Assert.AreEqual(null, hostAndShare); Console.WriteLine(); uncPath = Path.LocalToUnc(UnitTestConstants.SysRoot32); hostAndShare = Host.GetHostShareFromPath(uncPath); Console.WriteLine("Input UNC path: [{0}]", uncPath); Console.WriteLine("\tHost : [{0}]", hostAndShare[0]); Console.WriteLine("\tShare: [{0}]", hostAndShare[1]); Assert.AreEqual(Environment.MachineName, hostAndShare[0].ToUpperInvariant()); Console.WriteLine(); uncPath = Path.LocalToUnc(UnitTestConstants.SysRoot32, true); hostAndShare = Host.GetHostShareFromPath(uncPath); Console.WriteLine("Input UNC path: [{0}]", uncPath); Console.WriteLine("\tHost : [{0}]", hostAndShare[0]); Console.WriteLine("\tShare: [{0}]", hostAndShare[1]); Assert.AreEqual(Environment.MachineName, hostAndShare[0].ToUpperInvariant()); }
public void AlphaFS_Path_LocalToUnc() { Console.WriteLine("Path.LocalToUnc()"); Console.WriteLine("\nInput Path: [{0}]\n", UnitTestConstants.SysRoot); var cnt = 0; UnitTestConstants.StopWatcher(true); foreach (var path2 in Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(UnitTestConstants.SysRoot)) { var uncPath = Path.LocalToUnc(path2); Console.WriteLine("\t#{0:000}\tLocal: [{1}]\t\t\tUNC: [{2}]", ++cnt, path2, uncPath); Assert.IsTrue(Path.IsUncPath(uncPath)); } Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", UnitTestConstants.Reporter(true)); if (cnt == 0) { Assert.Inconclusive("Nothing was enumerated, but it was expected."); } Console.WriteLine(); }
public void AlphaFS_Path_GetMappedConnectionName() { Console.WriteLine("Path.GetMappedConnectionName()"); var cnt = 0; UnitTestConstants.StopWatcher(true); foreach (var drive in Directory.GetLogicalDrives().Where(drive => new DriveInfo(drive).IsUnc)) { ++cnt; UnitTestConstants.StopWatcher(true); var gmCn = Path.GetMappedConnectionName(drive); var gmUn = Path.GetMappedUncName(drive); Console.WriteLine("\n\tMapped drive: [{0}]\tGetMappedConnectionName(): [{1}]", drive, gmCn); Console.WriteLine("\tMapped drive: [{0}]\tGetMappedUncName() : [{1}]", drive, gmUn); Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gmCn)); Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gmUn)); } Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", UnitTestConstants.Reporter(true)); if (cnt == 0) { Assert.Inconclusive("Nothing was enumerated because no mapped drives were found."); } }
private void SetScreenSizeInPrefs() { var config = new IniParserConfiguration { AllowDuplicateKeys = true, AllowDuplicateSections = true }; foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "profiles"), "*refs.ini", DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive)) { try { var parser = new FileIniDataParser(new IniDataParser(config)); var data = parser.ReadFile(file); if (data.Sections["Display"] == null) { return; } if (data.Sections["Display"]["iSize W"] != null && data.Sections["Display"]["iSize H"] != null) { data.Sections["Display"]["iSize W"] = SystemParameters.ScreenWidth.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); data.Sections["Display"]["iSize H"] = SystemParameters.ScreenHeight.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } parser.WriteFile(file, data); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Log($"Skipping screen size remap for {file} due to parse error."); continue; } } }
public static string FileHash(this string file, bool nullOnIOError = false) { try { var hash = new xxHashConfig(); hash.HashSizeInBits = 64; hash.Seed = 0x42; using (var fs = File.OpenRead(file)) { var config = new xxHashConfig(); config.HashSizeInBits = 64; using (var f = new StatusFileStream(fs, $"Hashing {Path.GetFileName(file)}")) { var value = xxHashFactory.Instance.Create(config).ComputeHash(f); return(value.AsBase64String()); } } } catch (IOException ex) { if (nullOnIOError) { return(null); } throw ex; } }
private async Task InstallIncludedFiles() { Info("Writing inline files"); await ModList.Directives .OfType <InlineFile>() .PMap(Queue, directive => { Status($"Writing included file {directive.To}"); var outPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, directive.To); if (File.Exists(outPath)) { File.Delete(outPath); } if (directive is RemappedInlineFile) { WriteRemappedFile((RemappedInlineFile)directive); } else if (directive is CleanedESM) { GenerateCleanedESM((CleanedESM)directive); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(outPath, LoadBytesFromPath(directive.SourceDataID)); } }); }
private void GenerateCleanedESM(CleanedESM directive) { var filename = Path.GetFileName(directive.To); var gameFile = Path.Combine(GameFolder, "Data", filename); Info($"Generating cleaned ESM for {filename}"); if (!File.Exists(gameFile)) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Missing {filename} at {gameFile}"); } Status($"Hashing game version of {filename}"); var sha = gameFile.FileHash(); if (sha != directive.SourceESMHash) { throw new InvalidDataException( $"Cannot patch {filename} from the game folder because the hashes do not match. Have you already cleaned the file?"); } var patchData = LoadBytesFromPath(directive.SourceDataID); var toFile = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, directive.To); Status($"Patching {filename}"); using (var output = File.Open(toFile, FileMode.Create)) using (var input = File.OpenRead(gameFile)) { BSDiff.Apply(input, () => new MemoryStream(patchData), output); } }
private void CreateOutputMods() { Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "profiles"), "settings.ini", DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive).Do(f => { var ini = f.LoadIniFile(); if (ini == null) { Utils.Log($"settings.ini is null for {f}, skipping"); return; } var overwrites = ini.custom_overwrites; if (overwrites == null) { Utils.Log("No custom overwrites found, skipping"); return; } if (overwrites is SectionData data) { data.Coll.Do(keyData => { var v = keyData.Value; var mod = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "mods", v); if (!Directory.Exists(mod)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mod); } }); } }); }
private async Task BuildBSAs() { var bsas = ModList.Directives.OfType <CreateBSA>().ToList(); Info($"Building {bsas.Count} bsa files"); foreach (var bsa in bsas) { Status($"Building {bsa.To}"); var sourceDir = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, Consts.BSACreationDir, bsa.TempID); using (var a = bsa.State.MakeBuilder()) { await bsa.FileStates.PMap(Queue, state => { Status($"Adding {state.Path} to BSA"); using (var fs = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(sourceDir, state.Path))) { a.AddFile(state, fs); } }); Info($"Writing {bsa.To}"); a.Build(Path.Combine(OutputFolder, bsa.To)); } } var bsaDir = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, Consts.BSACreationDir); if (Directory.Exists(bsaDir)) { Info($"Removing temp folder {Consts.BSACreationDir}"); Utils.DeleteDirectory(bsaDir); } }
public void DriveConnection() { Console.WriteLine("Network.Host.DriveConnection()"); #region Using last available drive to share string share = Path.LocalToUnc(LocalHostShare); bool connectOk; Console.WriteLine("\nUsing IDisposable class."); try { StopWatcher(true); using (Host.DriveConnection connection = new Host.DriveConnection(share)) { Console.WriteLine("\nUsing DriveConnection(): [{0}] to: [{1}]\n\n\t{2}\n", connection.LocalName, share, Reporter(true)); connectOk = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { connectOk = false; Console.WriteLine("\nFailed DriveConnection() to: [{0}]", share); Console.WriteLine("\nCaught Exception: [{0}]", ex.Message.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ")); } Assert.IsTrue(connectOk); #endregion // Using last available drive to share }
public static string FindzEditPath(Compiler compiler) { var executables = compiler.MO2Ini.customExecutables; if (executables.size == null) { return(null); } foreach (var idx in Enumerable.Range(1, int.Parse(executables.size))) { var path = (string)executables[$"{idx}\\binary"]; if (path == null) { continue; } if (path.EndsWith("zEdit.exe")) { return(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } } return(null); }
public Action Stage(IEnumerable <VirtualFile> files) { var grouped = files.SelectMany(f => f.FilesInPath) .Distinct() .Where(f => f.ParentArchive != null) .GroupBy(f => f.ParentArchive) .OrderBy(f => f.Key == null ? 0 : f.Key.Paths.Length) .ToList(); List <string> Paths = new List <string>(); foreach (var group in grouped) { var tmp_path = Path.Combine(_stagedRoot, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); FileExtractor.ExtractAll(group.Key.StagedPath, tmp_path); Paths.Add(tmp_path); foreach (var file in group) { file._stagedPath = Path.Combine(tmp_path, file.Paths[group.Key.Paths.Length]); } } return(() => { Paths.Do(p => { if (Directory.Exists(p)) { DeleteDirectory(p); } }); }); }
public async Task DownloadMissingArchives(List <Archive> missing, bool download = true) { if (download) { foreach (var a in missing.Where(a => a.State.GetType() == typeof(ManualDownloader.State))) { var outputPath = DownloadFolder.Combine(a.Name); await a.State.Download(a, outputPath); } } await missing.Where(a => a.State.GetType() != typeof(ManualDownloader.State)) .PMap(Queue, async archive => { Info($"Downloading {archive.Name}"); var outputPath = DownloadFolder.Combine(archive.Name); if (download) { if (outputPath.Exists) { var origName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archive.Name); var ext = Path.GetExtension(archive.Name); var uniqueKey = archive.State.PrimaryKeyString.StringSha256Hex(); outputPath = DownloadFolder.Combine(origName + "_" + uniqueKey + "_" + ext); outputPath.Delete(); } } return(await DownloadArchive(archive, download, outputPath)); }); }
public string AddProfile(string name = null) { string profile_name = name ?? RandomName(); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(MO2Folder, "profiles", profile_name)); Profiles.Add(profile_name); return(profile_name); }
public static string MakePartFilename(string path, int part) { string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); string extension = Path.GetExtension(path); return($"{dirName}/{baseName}_{part}{extension}"); }