public CWorldGrid(OpenGL _gl, FormGPS _f) { gl = _gl; mf = _f; }
public CSim(FormGPS _f) { mf = _f; }
//constructor public FormCommSet(Form callingForm) { //get copy of the calling main form mf = callingForm as FormGPS; InitializeComponent(); }
//constructor public CAutoSteer(FormGPS _f) { mf = _f; isInFreeDriveMode = false; }
public FormBoundary(Form callingForm) { mf = callingForm as FormGPS; InitializeComponent(); }
//Form stuff public FormSteer(Form callingForm) { mf = callingForm as FormGPS; InitializeComponent(); }
//constructor public CSequence(FormGPS _f) { mf = _f; string sentence; seqEnter = new SeqEvent[FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS]; for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { seqEnter[i].function = 0; seqEnter[i].action = 0; seqEnter[i].isTrig = true; seqEnter[i].distance = 0; } sentence = Properties.Vehicle.Default.seq_FunctionEnter; string[] words = sentence.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { int.TryParse(words[i], out seqEnter[i].function); } sentence = Properties.Vehicle.Default.seq_ActionEnter; words = sentence.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { int.TryParse(words[i], out seqEnter[i].action); } sentence = Properties.Vehicle.Default.seq_DistanceEnter; words = sentence.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { double.TryParse(words[i], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out seqEnter[i].distance); } seqExit = new SeqEvent[FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS]; for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { seqExit[i].function = 0; seqExit[i].action = 0; seqExit[i].isTrig = true; seqExit[i].distance = 0; } sentence = Properties.Vehicle.Default.seq_FunctionExit; words = sentence.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { int.TryParse(words[i], out seqExit[i].function); } sentence = Properties.Vehicle.Default.seq_ActionExit; words = sentence.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { int.TryParse(words[i], out seqExit[i].action); } sentence = Properties.Vehicle.Default.seq_DistanceExit; words = sentence.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FormGPS.MAXFUNCTIONS; i++) { double.TryParse(words[i], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out seqExit[i].distance); } }
public FormDisplaySettings(Form callingForm) { mf = callingForm as FormGPS; InitializeComponent(); }