예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sorts a given page in virtualMemory by creating a new array from that page (hence lazy) and bubble sorting that array, then sends that array to WriteToPage to be written back to the given page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="page">The page to sort.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the total number of variable changes performed by the sort.</returns>
        private static int LazyBubbleSortPage(int page)
            var logCount = 0;
            int index    = 0;

            int[] sort = new int[pageSize];

            for (int row = 0; row < Common_Code.totalRow; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < Common_Code.totalCol; col++)
                    sort[index] = Common_Code.virtualMemory[page, row, col];

            // Increase by pageSize (1360) times two - i.e. once for each time row and col iterated
            // once for each time we assign to the page and increment sorted index.
            logCount += (pageSize * 2) + 2;

            var week10 = new Week_10_Class();

            // Sort the array and tell the method not to log whats in the array after sorting (we write all of virtualmemory anyway)
            logCount += week10.BubbleSort(sort, false);

            logCount += WriteToPage(page, sort);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform sorts (bucket, frequency, bubble) on a page of randomized integers in virtual memory and log their efficiency.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SortComparisons()


            int pageToTwoDBucketSort = 200;
            int pageToFrequencySort  = 205;
            int pageToBubbleSort     = 210;

            // Use the default 0 and 1,500,000 as min and max to populate the pages with random numbers.
            // Not counting this towards the logCounter value since it's not part of the sorts being performed.
            PopulatePage(pageToTwoDBucketSort, minValue, maxValue);
            PopulatePage(pageToFrequencySort, minValue, maxValue);
            PopulatePage(pageToBubbleSort, minValue, maxValue);

            // Increment this value by 1 every time a variable (other than the logCount variable itself) changes.
            // Includes variable changes in iterators (e.g. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) should increase logCount by 1 for each iteration, for a total of 100).
            // Does not include variable declaration/initialization.
            int logCount = 0;

            // FindMinAndMax() Reassigns minValue and maxValue to whatever the lowest and highest numbers that were generated are (respectively).
            // Tracks how many iterations it takes (17 * 80 = 1360) to find the min and max values so it can be added to logCount.
            // Also, not every sort uses minValue and maxValue - only Frequency Sort and Bucket Sort, so I'm only increasing logCount by this for those sorts.
            int findMinAndMax = FindMinAndMax(pageToTwoDBucketSort);

            #region Sorts
            #region 2-Dimensional Bucket Sort
            // Set logCount to findMinAndMax since BucketSort uses them
            logCount += findMinAndMax;

            // Get the number of times to log based on operations performed during the bucket sort (i.e. total variable assignments it took to sort).
            logCount += TwoDBucketSortPage(pageToTwoDBucketSort);

            Week_10_Class.WriteEfficiencyLog(pageSize, logCount, Common_Code.arrayBucketSort);

            Console.WriteLine("After bucket sort on page {0}, is it sorted?: {1}", pageToTwoDBucketSort, IsPageSorted(pageToTwoDBucketSort));

            #region Frequency Sort
            // Reset logCount to findMinAndMax for frequency sort.
            logCount = findMinAndMax;

            logCount += FrequencySortPage(pageToFrequencySort);

            Week_10_Class.WriteEfficiencyLog(pageSize, logCount, Common_Code.frequencySort);

            Console.WriteLine("After frequency sort on page {0}, is it sorted?: {1}", pageToFrequencySort, IsPageSorted(pageToFrequencySort));

            #region Bubble Sort
            // Reset logCount to 0 for bubble sort.
            logCount = 0;

            // Get number of times to log based on bubble sort operations.
            logCount += LazyBubbleSortPage(pageToBubbleSort);

            Week_10_Class.WriteEfficiencyLog(pageSize, logCount, Common_Code.bubbleSort);

            Console.WriteLine("After bubble sort on page {0}, is it sorted?: {1}", pageToBubbleSort, IsPageSorted(pageToBubbleSort));

            // Writes locations in virtual memory to a log, excluding -99 (virtualNull), so the sorts can be manually checked for correctness.
            Common_Code.VirtualMemoryLog(12, false);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Use frequency sort to sort the poems and log the efficiency of the algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public static void FrequencySortAndLog()
            // Shows a header in the console similar to the comment at the top of this file

            // Initializes all virtualMemory locations to -99

            // Reads all three of the poems (TCOTLB.txt, RC.txt, GEAH.txt) in textDir (C:\devel\TFiles\)

            // Search virtualMemory for the text of the poems and put it in an array
            int[] allPoems = Week_10_Class.GetPoemsInVirtualMemory();

            // Set log count to total poem array length, since part of this algorithm is loading the poems into the array.
            int logOneCount = allPoems.Length;

            // Round the length of allPoems down to nearest 100
            // Integer division always rounds down so by dividing by 100 then multiplying by 100 we get the value we want
            // Examples:
            // 5927 / 100 = 59.27; C# rounds int to 59; 59 * 100 = 5900
            // 5977 / 100 = 59.77; C# rounds int to 59; 59 * 100 = 5900
            int poemLengthDownToHundred = allPoems.Length / 100 * 100;

            // Frequency sort segment of size i
            // Increase log count by the number of operations performed by a segment sort of size 10
            // 255 represents the size of the frequency counters array (i.e. ASCII values 0-255); Parameter exists in case I want to frequency sort things other than ASCII
            logOneCount += FrequencySortSegment(allPoems, 10, 255);

            // Write a log file with a 1 for the value of logOneCount
            Week_10_Class.WriteEfficiencyLog(10, logOneCount, Common_Code.frequencySort);

            // Repeat above processes for segments of size 100, 200, 300...5900, then size allPoems.Length
            for (int i = 100;
                 i <= allPoems.Length;
                 i = i < poemLengthDownToHundred ? (i + 100) : allPoems.Length)
                // Set log count to total poem array length, since part of this algorithm is loading the poems into the array.
                logOneCount = allPoems.Length;

                // Frequency sort a segment of allPoems, segment size: i (100, 200, 300, etc)
                // Increase log count by the number of operations performed by that sort
                logOneCount += FrequencySortSegment(allPoems, i, 255);

                // Write a log file with a 1 for the value of logOneCount
                Week_10_Class.WriteEfficiencyLog(i, logOneCount, Common_Code.frequencySort);

                // Break out of loop if i == allPoems.Length, otherwise infinite loop
                if (i == allPoems.Length)

                // Expanded version of above ? : ternary operation (in for() loop iterator)
                //if (i < poemLengthDownToHundred)
                //    i += 100;
                //    i = allPoems.Length;

            // Open the log folder path given in Common_Code.logDir in explorer
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user to select which section (week) to run
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Week input do-while loop had a bug almost the whole semester where it wasn't actually doing anything because I used && (AND) instead of || (OR). Whoops.</remarks>
        private static void WeekSelect()
            // Tests input for valid integers (1 through 16), asks again if input is invalid
            var weekInput = 0;

                Common_Code.CenterWrite("Enter class week (1 to 16)");
                var input = Console.ReadLine();
                int.TryParse(input, out weekInput);
            } while ((weekInput <= 0) || (weekInput > 16));

            var labWeek = string.Format("Week {0} was a lab week. Please choose a different week.", weekInput);

            var futureWeek = string.Format("We aren't at week {0} yet. Please choose a different week.", weekInput);

            // Sends user to Week_#_Class.Method based on input, restarts WeekSelect method if incorrect input
            // Defaults to restarting WeekSelect method
            switch (weekInput)
            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:
                // Sends user to choose which search method to use
                // Figure we might implement more searches later on down the line
                // Can just point back to this case for those weeks

            case 4:

            case 5:

            case 6:

            case 7:
                goto case 4;

            case 8:

            case 9:
                goto case 4;

            case 10:
                // Create new instance of Week_10_Class and start the BubbleSortAndLog method from that class
                var week_10 = new Week_10_Class();

            case 11:

            case 12:
                goto case 16;

            case 13:
                goto case 16;

            case 14:
                goto case 16;

            case 15:
                goto case 16;

            case 16:

                Console.WriteLine("Entered {0} week, ended in default case - please select a valid week", weekInput);