protected void SharedGUITwo(AC.Char _target) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Rigidbody settings:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); _target.ignoreGravity = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Ignore gravity?", _target.ignoreGravity); _target.freezeRigidbodyWhenIdle = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Freeze when Idle?", _target.freezeRigidbodyWhenIdle); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Audio clips:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); _target.walkSound = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Walk sound:", _target.walkSound, typeof(AudioClip), false); _target.runSound = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Run sound:", _target.runSound, typeof(AudioClip), false); _target.soundChild = (Sound)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Sound child:", _target.soundChild, typeof(Sound), true); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Dialogue settings:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Portrait graphic:"); _target.portraitIcon.ShowGUI(false); _target.speechColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Speech text colour:", _target.speechColor); _target.speechLabel = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Speaker label:", _target.speechLabel); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public virtual void Declare(AC.Char _character) { character = _character; turningStyle = TurningStyle.Script; rootMotion = false; isSpriteBased = false; }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { // Action-specific Inspector GUI code here isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is Player?", isPlayer); if (isPlayer) { if (Application.isPlaying) { _char = KickStarter.player; } else { _char = AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager.GetDefaultPlayer (); } } else { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Character:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; _char = null; } else { _char = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character:", _char, typeof (Char), true); constantID = FieldToID <Char> (_char, constantID); _char = IDToField <Char> (_char, constantID, false); } } newPortraitGraphic = (Texture2D) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("New Portrait graphic:", newPortraitGraphic, typeof (Texture2D), true); AfterRunningOption (); }
public override void Declare(AC.Char _character) { character = _character; turningStyle = TurningStyle.Linear; rootMotion = false; isSpriteBased = true; }
public virtual void Declare (AC.Char _character) { character = _character; turningIsLinear = false; rootMotion = false; isSpriteBased = false; }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { charToMove = AssignFile <Char> (parameters, charToMoveParameterID, charToMoveID, charToMove); if (isPlayer) { charToMove = KickStarter.player; } }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { _char = AssignFile <Char> (_charID, _char); if (isPlayer) { _char = KickStarter.player; } }
public void FollowReset() { FollowStop (); followTarget = null; followTargetIsPlayer = false; followFrequency = 0f; followDistance = 0f; }
override public void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { _char = AssignFile <Char> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, _char); if (isPlayer) { _char = KickStarter.player; } }
override public void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { _char = AssignFile <Char> (_charID, _char); objectToHold = AssignFile (parameters, objectToHoldParameterID, objectToHoldID, objectToHold); if (isPlayer) { _char = KickStarter.player; } }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { speaker = AssignFile <Char> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, speaker); messageText = AssignString (parameters, messageParameterID, messageText); if (isPlayer) { speaker = KickStarter.player; } }
public override void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { charToMove = AssignFile <Char> (parameters, charToMoveParameterID, charToMoveID, charToMove); faceObject = AssignFile (parameters, faceObjectParameterID, faceObjectID, faceObject); if (isPlayer) { charToMove = KickStarter.player; } else if (facePlayer && KickStarter.player) { faceObject = KickStarter.player.gameObject; } }
override public void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { animChar = AssignFile <Char> (parameters, parameterID, constantID, animChar); if (isPlayer) { animChar = KickStarter.player; } if (animChar && animChar.animEngine == null) { animChar.ResetAnimationEngine (); } }
public static void Stop(Char speaker) { if (speaker == null) { return; } #if RogoLipSyncIsPresent if (speaker.GetComponent <RogoDigital.Lipsync.LipSync>() != null) { speaker.GetComponent <RogoDigital.Lipsync.LipSync>().Stop (true); } #endif }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is Player?", isPlayer); if (!isPlayer) { _char = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character:", _char, typeof (Char), true); _charID = FieldToID <Char> (_char, _charID); _char = IDToField <Char> (_char, _charID, true); } newName = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("New name:", newName); AfterRunningOption (); }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { _char = AssignFile <Char> (_charID, _char); objectToHold = AssignFile (parameters, objectToHoldParameterID, objectToHoldID, objectToHold); if (!objectToHold.activeInHierarchy) { loadedObject = (GameObject) Instantiate (objectToHold); } if (isPlayer) { _char = KickStarter.player; } }
public override Vector3[] GetPointsArray(AC.Char _char, Vector3 _originPos, Vector3 _targetPos) { PolygonCollider2D poly = KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh.transform.GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>(); bool changesMade = KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh.AddCharHoles(_char); List <Vector3> pointsList3D = new List <Vector3> (); if (IsLineClear(_originPos, _targetPos)) { pointsList3D.Add(_targetPos); //ResetHoles (KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh, changesMade); return(pointsList3D.ToArray()); } Vector2[] pointsList = CreateVertexArray(poly); Vector2 originPos = GetNearestToMesh(_originPos, poly); Vector2 targetPos = GetNearestToMesh(_targetPos, poly); pointsList = AddEndsToList(pointsList, originPos, targetPos); float[,] weight = pointsToWeight(pointsList); int[] precede = buildSpanningTree(0, 1, weight); if (precede == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Pathfinding error"); pointsList3D.Add(_targetPos); return(pointsList3D.ToArray()); } int[] _path = getShortestPath(0, 1, precede); foreach (int i in _path) { Vector3 vertex = new Vector3(pointsList[i].x, pointsList[i].y, _originPos.z); pointsList3D.Insert(0, vertex); } if (pointsList3D[0] == _originPos || (pointsList3D[0].x == originPos.x && pointsList3D[0].y == originPos.y)) { pointsList3D.RemoveAt(0); // Remove origin point from start } ResetHoles(KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh, changesMade); return(pointsList3D.ToArray()); }
public static void Play(Char speaker, string speakerName, int lineNumber, string language) { if (speaker == null) { return; } #if RogoLipSyncIsPresent if (lineNumber > -1 && speakerName != "" && KickStarter.speechManager.searchAudioFiles) { string filename = "Lipsync/"; if (KickStarter.speechManager.placeAudioInSubfolders) { filename += speakerName + "/"; } if (language != "" && KickStarter.speechManager.translateAudio) { // Not in original language filename += language + "/"; } filename += speakerName + lineNumber; RogoDigital.Lipsync.LipSyncData lipSyncData = Resources.Load (filename) as RogoDigital.Lipsync.LipSyncData; if (lipSyncData != null) { if (speaker.GetComponent <RogoDigital.Lipsync.LipSync>() != null) { speaker.GetComponent <RogoDigital.Lipsync.LipSync>().Play (lipSyncData); } else { ACDebug.LogWarning ("No LipSync component found on " + + " gameobject."); } } else { ACDebug.LogWarning ("No lipsync file found. Looking for 'Resources/" + filename + "'"); } } #else ACDebug.LogError ("The 'RogoLipSyncIsPresent' preprocessor define must be declared in the Player Settings."); #endif }
/** * <summary>Assigns a new target (NPC or Player) to start following.</summary> * <param name = "_followTarget">The target to follow</param> * <param name = "_followTargetIsPlayer">If True, the NPC will follow the current Player, and _followTarget will be ignored</param> * <param name = "_followFrequency">The frequency with which to follow the target</param> * <param name = "_followDistance">The minimum distance to keep from the target</param> * <param name = "_followDistanceMax">The maximum distance to keep from the target</param> */ public void FollowAssign(Char _followTarget, bool _followTargetIsPlayer, float _followFrequency, float _followDistance, float _followDistanceMax) { if (_followTargetIsPlayer) { _followTarget = KickStarter.player; } if (_followTarget == null || _followFrequency == 0f || _followFrequency < 0f || _followDistance <= 0f || _followDistanceMax <= 0f) { StopFollowing (); return; } followTarget = _followTarget; followTargetIsPlayer = _followTargetIsPlayer; followFrequency = _followFrequency; followDistance = _followDistance; followDistanceMax = _followDistanceMax; FollowUpdate (); }
protected void SharedGUIOne(AC.Char _target) { if (_target.animEngine == null || !_target.animEngine.ToString().Contains(_target.animationEngine.ToString())) { _target.ResetAnimationEngine(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Animation settings:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); _target.animationEngine = (AnimationEngine)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Animation engine:", _target.animationEngine); if (_target.animationEngine == AnimationEngine.Sprites2DToolkit && !tk2DIntegration.IsDefinePresent()) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The 'tk2DIsPresent' preprocessor define must be declared in the\ntk2DIntegration.cs script. Please open it and follow instructions.", MessageType.Warning); } if (_target.animationEngine == AnimationEngine.Custom) { _target.customAnimationClass = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Script name:", _target.customAnimationClass); _target.motionControl = (MotionControl)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Motion control:", _target.motionControl); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); _target.animEngine.CharSettingsGUI(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Movement settings:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); if (_target.GetMotionControl() == MotionControl.Automatic) { _target.walkSpeedScale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Walk speed scale:", _target.walkSpeedScale); _target.runSpeedScale = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Run speed scale:", _target.runSpeedScale); _target.acceleration = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Acceleration:", _target.acceleration); _target.deceleration = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Deceleration:", _target.deceleration); } if (_target.GetMotionControl() != MotionControl.Manual) { _target.turnSpeed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Turn speed:", _target.turnSpeed); } _target.turnBeforeWalking = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Turn before walking?", _target.turnBeforeWalking); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Affect Player?", isPlayer); if (!isPlayer) { charToMoveParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Character to turn:", parameters, charToMoveParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (charToMoveParameterID >= 0) { charToMoveID = 0; charToMove = null; } else { charToMove = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character to turn:", charToMove, typeof(Char), true); charToMoveID = FieldToID <Char> (charToMove, charToMoveID); charToMove = IDToField <Char> (charToMove, charToMoveID, false); } facePlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Face player?", facePlayer); } else { facePlayer = false; SettingsManager settingsManager = AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager; if (faceType == CharFaceType.Body && settingsManager && settingsManager.IsInFirstPerson ()) { lookUpDown = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("FPS head tilt?", lookUpDown); } } faceType = (CharFaceType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Face with:", faceType); if (faceType == CharFaceType.Head) { stopLooking = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Stop looking?", stopLooking); } if (facePlayer || (faceType == CharFaceType.Head && stopLooking)) { } else { faceObjectParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Object to face:", parameters, faceObjectParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (faceObjectParameterID >= 0) { faceObjectID = 0; faceObject = null; } else { faceObject = (GameObject) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Object to face:", faceObject, typeof(GameObject), true); faceObjectID = FieldToID (faceObject, faceObjectID); faceObject = IDToField (faceObject, faceObjectID, false); } } if (faceType == CharFaceType.Body) { copyRotation = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Use object's rotation?", copyRotation); } isInstant = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is instant?", isInstant); if (!isInstant) { willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Wait until finish?", willWait); } AfterRunningOption (); }
public virtual Vector3[] GetPointsArray(AC.Char _char, Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 targetPosition) { return(GetPointsArray(startPosition, targetPosition)); }
/** * <summary>Checks if a given character is speaking.</summary> * <param name = "_char".The character to check</param> * <returns>True if the character is speaking</returns> */ public bool CharacterIsSpeaking(Char _char) { foreach (Speech speech in speechList) { if (speech.GetSpeakingCharacter () == _char) { return true; } } return false; }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { if (lineID > -1) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Speech Manager ID:", lineID.ToString ()); } isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Player line?",isPlayer); if (isPlayer) { if (Application.isPlaying) { speaker = KickStarter.player; } else { speaker = AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager.GetDefaultPlayer (); } } else { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Speaker:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; speaker = null; } else { speaker = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Speaker:", speaker, typeof(Char), true); constantID = FieldToID <Char> (speaker, constantID); speaker = IDToField <Char> (speaker, constantID, false); } } EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Line text:", GUILayout.Width (145f)); EditorStyles.textField.wordWrap = true; messageText = EditorGUILayout.TextArea (messageText); if (speaker) { if (speaker.animEngine == null) { speaker.ResetAnimationEngine (); } if (speaker.animEngine) { speaker.animEngine.ActionSpeechGUI (this); } } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("If no Character is set, this line will be considered to be a Narration.", MessageType.Info); } isBackground = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Play in background?", isBackground); if (!isBackground) { waitTimeOffset = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Wait time offset (s):", waitTimeOffset, -1f, 4f); } AfterRunningOption (); }
public override bool AddCharHoles(PolygonCollider2D navPoly, Char charToExclude) { if (navPoly == null) return false; bool changesMade = false; Vector2 navPosition = navPoly.transform.position; AC.Char[] characters = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType (typeof (AC.Char)) as AC.Char[]; foreach (AC.Char character in characters) { CircleCollider2D circleCollider2D = character.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); if (circleCollider2D != null && character.charState == CharState.Idle && (charToExclude == null || character != charToExclude) && Physics2D.OverlapPointNonAlloc (character.transform.position, NavigationEngine_PolygonCollider.results, 1 << KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh.gameObject.layer) != 0) { circleCollider2D.isTrigger = true; List<Vector2> newPoints3D = new List<Vector2>(); #if UNITY_5 Vector2 centrePoint = character.transform.TransformPoint (circleCollider2D.offset); #else Vector2 centrePoint = character.transform.TransformPoint (; #endif float radius = circleCollider2D.radius * character.transform.localScale.x; newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint + Vector2.up * radius); newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint + Vector2.right * radius); newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint - Vector2.up * radius); newPoints3D.Add (centrePoint - Vector2.right * radius); navPoly.pathCount ++; List<Vector2> newPoints = new List<Vector2>(); for (int i=0; i<newPoints3D.Count; i++) { // Only add a point if it is on the NavMesh if (Physics2D.OverlapPointNonAlloc (newPoints3D[i], NavigationEngine_PolygonCollider.results, 1 << KickStarter.sceneSettings.navMesh.gameObject.layer) != 0) { newPoints.Add (newPoints3D[i] - navPosition); } else { Vector2 altPoint = GetLineIntersect (newPoints3D[i], centrePoint); if (altPoint != { newPoints.Add (altPoint - navPosition); } } } if (newPoints.Count > 1) { navPoly.SetPath (navPoly.pathCount-1, newPoints.ToArray ()); changesMade = true; } } } return changesMade; }
public override void ShowGUI(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Player line?",isPlayer); if (isPlayer) { if (Application.isPlaying) { speaker = KickStarter.player; } else { speaker = AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager.GetDefaultPlayer (); } } else { parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Speaker:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (parameterID >= 0) { constantID = 0; speaker = null; } else { speaker = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Speaker:", speaker, typeof(Char), true); constantID = FieldToID <Char> (speaker, constantID); speaker = IDToField <Char> (speaker, constantID, false); } } AfterRunningOption (); }
public void SetSpeaker() { if (!isPlayer && parameterID == -1) { speaker = IDToField <Char> (speaker, constantID, false); } }
public virtual void ActionSpeechGUI(ActionSpeech action, Char speaker) { #if UNITY_EDITOR #endif }
public override void ShowGUI(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { npcToMoveParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("NPC to affect:", parameters, npcToMoveParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (npcToMoveParameterID >= 0) { npcToMoveID = 0; npcToMove = null; } else { npcToMove = (NPC) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("NPC to affect:", npcToMove, typeof(NPC), true); npcToMoveID = FieldToID <NPC> (npcToMove, npcToMoveID); npcToMove = IDToField <NPC> (npcToMove, npcToMoveID, false); } followType = (FollowType) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Follow type:", followType); if (followType == FollowType.StartFollowing) { followPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Follow Player?", followPlayer); if (!followPlayer) { charToFollowParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Character to follow:", parameters, charToFollowParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (charToFollowParameterID >= 0) { charToFollowID = 0; charToFollow = null; } else { charToFollow = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character to follow:", charToFollow, typeof(Char), true); if (charToFollow && charToFollow == (Char) npcToMove) { charToFollow = null; Debug.LogWarning ("An NPC cannot follow themselves!"); } else { charToFollowID = FieldToID <Char> (charToFollow, charToFollowID); charToFollow = IDToField <Char> (charToFollow, charToFollowID, false); } } } updateFrequency = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Update frequency (s):", updateFrequency); if (updateFrequency == 0f || updateFrequency < 0f) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Update frequency must be greater than zero.", MessageType.Warning); } followDistance = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Minimum distance:", followDistance); if (followDistance <= 0f) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Minimum distance must be greater than zero.", MessageType.Warning); } followDistanceMax = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Maximum distance:", followDistanceMax); if (followDistanceMax <= 0f || followDistanceMax < followDistance) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Maximum distance must be greater than minimum distance.", MessageType.Warning); } } AfterRunningOption (); }
override public void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters) { isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is Player?", isPlayer); if (!isPlayer) { charToMoveParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Character to move:", parameters, charToMoveParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (charToMoveParameterID >= 0) { charToMoveID = 0; charToMove = null; } else { charToMove = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character to move:", charToMove, typeof (Char), true); charToMoveID = FieldToID <Char> (charToMove, charToMoveID); charToMove = IDToField <Char> (charToMove, charToMoveID, false); } } markerParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Marker to reach:", parameters, markerParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (markerParameterID >= 0) { markerID = 0; marker = null; } else { marker = (Marker) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Marker to reach:", marker, typeof (Marker), true); markerID = FieldToID <Marker> (marker, markerID); marker = IDToField <Marker> (marker, markerID, false); } speed = (PathSpeed) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Move speed:" , speed); pathFind = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Pathfind?", pathFind); if (!pathFind) { doFloat = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Ignore gravity?", doFloat); } willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Wait until finish?", willWait); AfterRunningOption (); }
public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { npcToMove = AssignFile <NPC> (parameters, npcToMoveParameterID, npcToMoveID, npcToMove); charToFollow = AssignFile <Char> (parameters, charToFollowParameterID, charToFollowID, charToFollow); }
public void Start() { // Get and validate the arguments: if (!DialogueManager.IsConversationActive) { if (DialogueDebug.LogWarnings) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Sequencer command ACSpeech({1}): No conversation is active; can't run", DialogueDebug.Prefix, GetParameters())); } return; } var subtitle = DialogueManager.CurrentConversationState.subtitle; if (subtitle == null) { if (DialogueDebug.LogWarnings) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Sequencer command ACSpeech({1}): The subtitle record is invalid", DialogueDebug.Prefix, GetParameters())); } return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtitle.dialogueEntry.DialogueText) && string.Equals(subtitle.dialogueEntry.Title, "START")) { return; } var subject = (subtitle.speakerInfo == null) ? null : subtitle.speakerInfo.transform; speakerChar = (subject == null) ? null : subject.GetComponent <AC.Char>(); if (speakerChar == null) { foreach (var character in FindObjectsOfType <AC.Char>()) { if (string.Equals(, subtitle.speakerInfo.Name)) { speakerChar = character; break; } } } if (speakerChar == null) { if (DialogueDebug.LogWarnings) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("{0}: Sequencer command ACSpeech({1}): Speaker character not found", DialogueDebug.Prefix, GetParameters())); } return; } var speakerName =; var isPlayer = (speakerChar.GetComponent <Player>() != null); if (isPlayer) { speakerChar = KickStarter.player; if ((KickStarter.settingsManager.playerSwitching == PlayerSwitching.Allow || !KickStarter.speechManager.usePlayerRealName)) { speakerName = "Player"; } } var text = subtitle.formattedText.text; var lineID = GetParameter(0); var numberString = lineID.Substring(Mathf.Min(lineID.Length, speakerName.Length)); var lineNumber = Tools.StringToInt(numberString); //--- No longer used: var language = Options.GetLanguageName(); var isBackground = string.Equals(GetParameter(1), "nowait", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var noAnimation = false; Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Sequencer command ACSpeech({1}): speaker={2}, lineNumber={3}, text='{4}', isBackground={5}, isPlayer={6}", DialogueDebug.Prefix, GetParameters(), speakerName, lineNumber, text, isBackground, isPlayer)); // Hook into AC's EventManager to be notified when speech stops: AC.EventManager.OnStopSpeech += OnStopSpeech; // Call AC's speech functionality. Credit: Based on AC's ActionSpeech.cs (c) Icebox Studios. KickStarter.dialog.KillDialog(false, true); KickStarter.dialog.StartDialog(speakerChar, text, isBackground, lineNumber, noAnimation); }
private void OnStopSpeech(AC.Char speakingCharacter) { Stop(); }
/** * <summary>Initialises a new Speech line.</summary> * <param name = "_speaker">The speaking character. If null, the line will be treated as narration</param> * <param name = "_text">The subtitle text to display</param> * <param name = "isBackground">True if the line should play in the background, and not interrupt any Actions or gameplay</param> * <param name = "lineID">The ID number of the line, if it is listed in the Speech Manager</param> * <param name = "noAnimation">True if the character should not play a talking animation</param> * <returns>The generated Speech line</returns> */ public Speech StartDialog(Char _speaker, string _text, bool isBackground = false, int lineID = -1, bool noAnimation = false) { // Get the language string _language = ""; int lanuageNumber = Options.GetLanguage (); if (lanuageNumber > 0) { // Not in original language, so pull translation in from Speech Manager _language = KickStarter.speechManager.languages [lanuageNumber]; } // Remove speaker's previous line for (int i=0; i<speechList.Count; i++) { if (speechList[i].GetSpeakingCharacter () == _speaker) { EndSpeech (i); i=0; } } Speech speech = new Speech (_speaker, _text, lineID, _language, isBackground, noAnimation); speechList.Add (speech); KickStarter.runtimeVariables.AddToSpeechLog (speech.log); KickStarter.playerMenus.AssignSpeechToMenu (speech); if (speech.hasAudio) { if (KickStarter.speechManager.relegateBackgroundSpeechAudio) { EndBackgroundSpeechAudio (speech); } KickStarter.stateHandler.UpdateAllMaxVolumes (); } return speech; }
public override void ShowGUI(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is Player?", isPlayer); if (isPlayer) { if (Application.isPlaying) { _char = KickStarter.player; } else if (AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager) { _char = AdvGame.GetReferences ().settingsManager.GetDefaultPlayer (); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("A Settings Manager and player must be defined", MessageType.Warning); } } else { _char = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character:", _char, typeof (Char), true); _charID = FieldToID <Char> (_char, _charID); _char = IDToField <Char> (_char, _charID, true); } if (_char) { if (_char.GetAnimEngine () && _char.GetAnimEngine ().ActionCharHoldPossible ()) { objectToHoldParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Object to hold:", parameters, objectToHoldParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (objectToHoldParameterID >= 0) { objectToHoldID = 0; objectToHold = null; } else { objectToHold = (GameObject) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Object to hold:", objectToHold, typeof (GameObject), true); objectToHoldID = FieldToID (objectToHold, objectToHoldID); objectToHold = IDToField (objectToHold, objectToHoldID, false); } hand = (Hand) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Hand:", hand); rotate90 = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Rotate 90 degrees?", rotate90); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("This Action is not compatible with this Character's Animation Engine.", MessageType.Info); } } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("This Action requires a Character before more options will show.", MessageType.Info); } AfterRunningOption (); }
public Speech StartDialog(Char _speaker, string _text, int lineID, string _language, bool isBackground, bool noAnimation) { // Remove speaker's previous line for (int i=0; i<speechList.Count; i++) { if (speechList[i].GetSpeakingCharacter () == _speaker) { EndSpeech (i); i=0; } } Speech speech = new Speech (_speaker, _text, lineID, _language, isBackground, noAnimation); speechList.Add (speech); KickStarter.runtimeVariables.AddToSpeechLog (speech.log); KickStarter.playerMenus.AssignSpeechToMenu (speech); if (speech.hasAudio) { if (KickStarter.speechManager.relegateBackgroundSpeechAudio) { EndBackgroundSpeechAudio (speech); } KickStarter.stateHandler.UpdateAllMaxVolumes (); } return speech; }
public override void Declare(AC.Char _character) { character = _character; turningStyle = TurningStyle.RootMotion; rootMotion = true; }
private void Start() { /* * First, we'll assign our private variables, and give warnings if things are not as expected. */ navMeshAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); originalSpeed = navMeshAgent.speed; _char = GetComponent <AC.Char>(); if (_char == null) { ACDebug.LogWarning ("A 'Player' or 'NPC' component must be attached to " + + " for the NavMeshAgentIntegration script to work.", gameObject); } else { SetMotionControl (); /* * Get the player's initial position, based on the appropriate PlayerStart */ if (KickStarter.sceneSettings && KickStarter.sceneSettings.GetPlayerStart ()) { targetPosition = KickStarter.sceneSettings.GetPlayerStart ().transform.position; } /* * If this controls a Player, and the game's Movement method is not Point And Click, * we'll allow regular AC control over movement during gameplay. */ if (_char is Player && KickStarter.settingsManager != null && KickStarter.settingsManager.movementMethod != MovementMethod.PointAndClick) { disableDuringGameplay = true; } } if (KickStarter.sceneSettings != null && KickStarter.sceneSettings.navigationMethod != AC_NavigationMethod.UnityNavigation) { ACDebug.LogWarning ("For the NavMeshAgentIntegration script to work, your scene's pathfinding method must be set to 'Unity Navigation'"); } }
public override void ShowGUI(List<ActionParameter> parameters) { UpgradeSelf (); isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is Player?", isPlayer); if (!isPlayer) { charToMoveParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Character to move:", parameters, charToMoveParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (charToMoveParameterID >= 0) { charToMoveID = 0; charToMove = null; } else { charToMove = (Char) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Character to move:", charToMove, typeof (Char), true); charToMoveID = FieldToID <Char> (charToMove, charToMoveID); charToMove = IDToField <Char> (charToMove, charToMoveID, false); } } movePathMethod = (MovePathMethod) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Method:", movePathMethod); if (movePathMethod == MovePathMethod.MoveOnNewPath) { movePathParameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Path to follow:", parameters, movePathParameterID, ParameterType.GameObject); if (movePathParameterID >= 0) { movePathID = 0; movePath = null; } else { movePath = (Paths) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Path to follow:", movePath, typeof(Paths), true); movePathID = FieldToID <Paths> (movePath, movePathID); movePath = IDToField <Paths> (movePath, movePathID, false); } doTeleport = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Teleport to start?", doTeleport); if (movePath != null && movePath.pathType != AC_PathType.ForwardOnly) { willWait = false; } else { willWait = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Wait until finish?", willWait); } if (movePath != null && movePath.GetComponent <Char>()) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Can't follow a Path attached to a Character!", MessageType.Warning); } } else if (movePathMethod == MovePathMethod.ResumeLastSetPath) { // } AfterRunningOption (); }