public String PrintClassifierTestReport() { try { Debug.Log("Classifier: Number of instances: " + playerData.numInstances()); weka.classifiers.Evaluation eval = new weka.classifiers.Evaluation(playerData); eval.crossValidateModel(classifier, playerData, 10, new java.util.Random(1)); Debug.Log(eval.toSummaryString("\nClassifier: Cross Validate Results: \n======\n", false)); return(eval.toSummaryString("\nResults\n======\n", false)); } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.getMessage()); } return(null); }
//************************************************************************************** /// <summary> /// Build cllasifier model and save it to a file. /// </summary> public override void Build(CandlestickCollection iCandlestick) { List <int> trainingPoints = null; // Calculate average profit and std dev if (J48Info.ProfitAverage is null || J48Info.ProfitStdDev is null) { trainingPoints = LoadTrainingPoints(iCandlestick, ID, ProfitTime); float[] profits = FullToTraining(new List <float>(CalculateFutureProfits(iCandlestick[kTrainingPeriod], ProfitTime)), trainingPoints).ToArray(); J48Info.ProfitStdDev = Statistics.StandardDeviation(profits); J48Info.ProfitAverage = J48Info.ParentID is null ? 0.0f : Statistics.ArithmeticMean(profits); WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(J48Info); } // Build model if (!File.Exists(ModelFilename)) { OutputMessage("Building model"); if (trainingPoints is null) { trainingPoints = LoadTrainingPoints(iCandlestick, ID, ProfitTime); } Model = new weka.classifiers.trees.J48(); Model.buildClassifier(CreateInstances(iCandlestick, trainingPoints, Attributes, Parameters, Period, ProfitTime)); weka.core.SerializationHelper.write(ModelFilename, Model); } // Perfrom crossfold test if (J48Info.Precision is null) { if (Model is null) { LoadModel(); } OutputMessage("Perfroming crossfold"); if (trainingPoints is null) { trainingPoints = LoadTrainingPoints(iCandlestick, ID, ProfitTime); } var instances = CreateInstances(iCandlestick, trainingPoints, Attributes, Parameters, Period, ProfitTime); var evaluation = new weka.classifiers.Evaluation(instances); evaluation.crossValidateModel(Model, instances, 10, new java.util.Random(0)); J48Info.Precision = (float)evaluation.pctCorrect(); WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(J48Info); } // Perfrom singular test if (J48Info.IsSingular == null) { if (Model is null) { LoadModel(); } OutputMessage("Perfroming singular test"); var results = new SortedList <Prediction, List <int> >(); foreach (Prediction p in (Prediction[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Prediction))) { results.Add(p, new List <int>()); } if (trainingPoints is null) { trainingPoints = LoadTrainingPoints(iCandlestick, ID, ProfitTime); } var parameters = CalculateParameters(Parameters, iCandlestick, trainingPoints, Period); for (int k = 0; k < parameters.Count; k++) { var pred = Predict(parameters[k]); results[pred].Add(trainingPoints[k]); } J48Info.IsSingular = results.Count(x => x.Value.Count > 0) <= 1; WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(J48Info); } // Calculating prediction profits if (J48Info.PredictionProfits.Count(x => x != null) == 0) { if (Model is null) { LoadModel(); } OutputMessage("Calculating prediction profits"); if (trainingPoints is null) { trainingPoints = LoadTrainingPoints(iCandlestick, ID, ProfitTime); } var predictionPoints = GetHistoricalPredictionPoints(iCandlestick, trainingPoints); foreach (Prediction p in (Prediction[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Prediction))) { float[] profits = FullToTraining(new List <float>(CalculateFutureProfits(iCandlestick[kTrainingPeriod], ProfitTime)), predictionPoints[p]).ToArray(); if (profits.Length < 10) { J48Info.PredictionProfits[(int)p] = DecisionToFutureProfit(p, (float)J48Info.ProfitStdDev, (float)J48Info.ProfitAverage); } else { J48Info.PredictionProfits[(int)p] = Statistics.ArithmeticMean(profits); } } WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(J48Info); } // Create children if (!J48Info.ReproductionComplete.GetValueOrDefault(false)) { lock (this) { if (J48Info.Precision > 50.0f && !J48Info.IsSingular.GetValueOrDefault(false)) { OutputMessage("Creating children"); if (trainingPoints is null) { trainingPoints = LoadTrainingPoints(iCandlestick, ID, ProfitTime); } var predictionPoints = GetHistoricalPredictionPoints(iCandlestick, trainingPoints); foreach (Prediction p in (Prediction[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Prediction))) { if (predictionPoints[p] != null && predictionPoints[p].Count >= 1000 && J48Info.ChildrenID[(int)p] == null) { var child = CreateNew(ParametersID, Parameters, Period, ProfitTime, predictionPoints[p]); // Set parent child.J48Info.ParentID = ID; WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(child.J48Info); // Update parent info J48Info.ChildrenID[(int)p] = (int)child.ID; WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(J48Info); childs[(int)p] = child; } } } J48Info.ReproductionComplete = true; WekaJ48Info.UpdateDB(J48Info); } } }
// Test the classification result of each map that a user played, // with the data available as if they were playing through it public static void classifyTest(String dataString, String playerID) { String results = ""; try { stringReader = new; buffReader = new; /* NOTE THAT FOR NAIVE BAYES ALL WEIGHTS CAN BE = 1*/ //weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource source = new weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource("iris.arff"); weka.core.Instances data = new weka.core.Instances(buffReader); //source.getDataSet(); // setting class attribute if the data format does not provide this information // For example, the XRFF format saves the class attribute information as well if (data.classIndex() == -1) { data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); } weka.classifiers.Classifier cl; for (int i = 3; i < data.numInstances(); i++) { cl = new weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes(); //cl = new weka.classifiers.trees.J48(); //cl = new weka.classifiers.lazy.IB1(); //cl = new weka.classifiers.functions.MultilayerPerceptron(); ((weka.classifiers.functions.MultilayerPerceptron)cl).setHiddenLayers("12"); weka.core.Instances subset = new weka.core.Instances(data, 0, i); cl.buildClassifier(subset); weka.classifiers.Evaluation eval = new weka.classifiers.Evaluation(subset); eval.crossValidateModel(cl, subset, 3, new java.util.Random(1)); results = results + eval.pctCorrect(); // For accuracy measurement /* For Mathews Correlation Coefficient */ //double TP = eval.numTruePositives(1); //double FP = eval.numFalsePositives(1); //double TN = eval.numTrueNegatives(1); //double FN = eval.numFalseNegatives(1); //double correlationCoeff = ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN))/Math.Sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN)); //results = results + correlationCoeff; if (i != data.numInstances() - 1) { results = results + ", "; } if (i == data.numInstances() - 1) { Debug.Log("Player: " + playerID + ", Num Maps: " + data.numInstances() + ", AUC: " + eval.areaUnderROC(1)); } } } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.getMessage()); } // Write values to file for a matlab read // For accuracy StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("DataForMatlab/" + playerID + "_CrossFoldValidations_NeuralNet.txt"); //StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("DataForMatlab/"+playerID+"_CrossFoldCorrCoeff.txt"); // For mathews cc writer.WriteLine(results); writer.Close(); Debug.Log(playerID + " has been written to file"); }