void Update() { if (_keyboard != null && _keyboard.IsKeyToggled(MiddleVR.VRK_SPACE)) { print("Space!"); } for (uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (_spaceNavAxis != null && Mathf.Approximately(_spaceNavAxis.GetValue(i), 0)) { print("SpaceNavAxis " + i + " : " + _spaceNavAxis.GetValue(i)); } } if (_spaceNavButtons != null) { for (uint i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (_spaceNavButtons.IsToggled(i)) { print("SpaceNavButton " + i + " pressed."); } if (_spaceNavButtons.IsToggled(i, false)) { print("SpaceNavButton " + i + " released."); } } } if (_flystickAxis != null && Mathf.Approximately(_flystickAxis.GetValue(0), 0)) { print("FlystickAxis Horizontal: " + _flystickAxis.GetValue(0)); } if (_flystickAxis != null && Mathf.Approximately(_flystickAxis.GetValue(1), 0)) { print("FlystickAxis Vertical: " + _flystickAxis.GetValue(1)); } if (_flystickButtons == null) { return; } for (uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (_flystickButtons.IsToggled(i)) { print("FlystickButton " + i + " pressed."); } if (_flystickButtons.IsToggled(i, false)) { print("FlystickButton " + i + " released."); } } }
private void TestDevices() { vrTracker tracker = null; vrJoystick joy = null; vrAxis axis = null; vrButtons buttons = null; var deviceMgr = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr; // Getting a reference to different device types if (deviceMgr != null) { tracker = deviceMgr.GetTracker("VRPNTracker0.Tracker0"); joy = deviceMgr.GetJoystickByIndex(0); axis = deviceMgr.GetAxis("VRPNAxis0.Axis"); buttons = deviceMgr.GetButtons("VRPNButtons0.Buttons"); } // Getting tracker data if (tracker != null) { MVRTools.Log("TrackerX : " + tracker.GetPosition().x()); } // Testing joystick button if (joy != null && joy.IsButtonPressed(0)) { MVRTools.Log("Joystick!"); } // Testing axis value if (axis != null && axis.GetValue(0) > 0) { MVRTools.Log("Axis Value: " + axis.GetValue(0)); } // Testing button state if (buttons != null) { if (buttons.IsToggled(0)) { MVRTools.Log("Button 0 pressed !"); } if (buttons.IsToggled(0, false)) { MVRTools.Log("Button 0 released !"); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //for desktop use /*if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)){ * StartCoroutine(Spark ()); * StartCoroutine(light ()); * }*/ vrButtons buttons = null; // Getting a reference to different device types if (MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr != null) { buttons = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr.GetButtons("VRPNButtons0.Buttons"); } if (buttons != null) { if (buttons.IsToggled(2)) { //if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)){ StartCoroutine(Spark()); StartCoroutine(lightFlame()); //} } } }
protected void Update() { int haptionDeviceId = 0; string haptionDeviceNameBase = "Haption" + haptionDeviceId; vrButtons buttons = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr.GetButtons(haptionDeviceNameBase + ".Buttons"); for (uint i = 0, iEnd = buttons.GetButtonsNb(); i < iEnd; ++i) { if (buttons.IsToggled(i, true)) { MiddleVRTools.Log(1, "[+] Haption button '" + i + "' is pressed."); } else if (buttons.IsToggled(i, false)) { MiddleVRTools.Log(1, "[+] Haption button '" + i + "' is released."); } } }
void MiddleVR_Buttons() { vrButtons buttons = null; if (MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr != null) { buttons = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr.GetButtons("VRPNButtons1.Buttons"); } if (buttons != null) { if (buttons.IsToggled(0) | Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F1)) { MiddleVRTools.Log("Button 0 has been pressed"); hand_node.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (8 >= toggleList.transform.childCount) { scrollbar.size = 1; } if (wandButtons.IsToggled(3)) { SetVisible(!renderer.enabled); } if (renderer.enabled) { transform.position = headNode.transform.position + headNode.transform.forward * 7; transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position - headNode.transform.position); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!wand && !BookControl.bookInUse) { deselectBook(false); } if (MainGame.lampLit && !lit) { lit = true; light.intensity = 0.01f; light.cullingMask = 1 << 10; createBooks.SetLayerRecursively(transform.gameObject, 10); } /*if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.O)) { * StartCoroutine( takeBook() ); * } * * if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.P)) { * StartCoroutine( PlayOneShot("flipPage") ); * } * * if (Input.GetKeyUp (KeyCode.C)) { * StartCoroutine( replaceBook() ); * }*/ vrButtons buttons = null; // Getting a reference to different device types if (MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr != null) { buttons = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr.GetButtons("VRPNButtons0.Buttons"); } if (buttons != null) { if (buttons.IsToggled(0) && bookInUse) { StartCoroutine("flipPage"); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (m_Buttons == null) { m_Buttons = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr.GetWandButtons(); } if (m_Buttons == null) { if (m_SearchedButtons == false) { //MiddleVRTools.Log("[~] VRWandInteraction: Wand buttons undefined. Please specify Wand Buttons in the configuration tool."); m_SearchedButtons = true; } } Collider hit = GetClosestHit(); if (hit != null) { //print("Closest : " + hit.name); if (m_CurrentObject != hit.gameObject && m_ObjectInHand == null) { //MiddleVRTools.Log("Enter other : " + hit.name); HighlightObject(m_CurrentObject, false); m_CurrentObject = hit.gameObject; HighlightObject(m_CurrentObject, true); if (book != null && !book.name.Equals(m_CurrentObject.name)) { if (book.GetComponent <BookControl>() != null) { book.GetComponent <BookControl>().wand = false; } } //MiddleVRTools.Log("Current : " + m_CurrentObject.name); } } // Else else { //MiddleVRTools.Log("No touch ! "); if (m_CurrentObject != null && m_CurrentObject != m_ObjectInHand) { HighlightObject(m_CurrentObject, false, HighlightColor); m_CurrentObject = null; } } //MiddleVRTools.Log("Current : " + m_CurrentObject); if (m_Buttons != null && m_CurrentObject != null) { uint MainButton = MiddleVR.VRDeviceMgr.GetWandButton0(); VRActor script = m_CurrentObject.GetComponent <VRActor>(); if (book != null && !book.name.Equals(m_CurrentObject.name)) { if (book.GetComponent <BookControl>() != null) { book.GetComponent <BookControl>().wand = false; } } //MiddleVRTools.Log("Trying to take :" + m_CurrentObject.name); if (script != null) { if (m_CurrentObject.GetComponent <BookControl>() != null) { book = m_CurrentObject; book.GetComponent <BookControl>().selectBook(); } // Grab if (m_Buttons.IsToggled(MainButton)) { if (script.Grabable) { Grab(m_CurrentObject); } } // Release if (m_Buttons.IsToggled(MainButton, false) && m_ObjectInHand != null) { Ungrab(); } // Action if (((!RepeatAction && m_Buttons.IsToggled(MainButton)) || (RepeatAction && m_Buttons.IsPressed(MainButton)))) { m_CurrentObject.SendMessage("VRAction", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } } else { if (book != null && book.GetComponent <BookControl>() != null) { book.GetComponent <BookControl>().wand = false; } } } }