private IFiltering GetFilteringFor(jQueryObject row) { var field = GetFieldFor(row); if (field == null) { return(null); } IFiltering filtering = (IFiltering)row.GetDataValue("Filtering"); if (filtering != null) { return(filtering); } var filteringType = FilteringTypeRegistry.Get(field.FilteringType ?? "String"); jQueryObject editorDiv = row.Children("div.v"); filtering = (IFiltering)Activator.CreateInstance(filteringType); ReflectionOptionsSetter.Set(filtering, field.FilteringParams); filtering.Container = editorDiv; filtering.Field = field; row.Data("Filtering", filtering); return(filtering); }
public void Refresh() { if (!PopulateWhenVisible()) { InternalRefresh(); return; } if (slickContainer.Is(":visible")) { slickContainer.Data("needsRefresh", false); InternalRefresh(); return; } slickContainer.Data("needsRefresh", true); }
private void ResizeElement(jQueryObject element) { var xFactor = GetXFactor(element); if (xFactor != 0) { var initialWidth = element.GetDataValue("flexify-width").As <int?>(); if (initialWidth == null) { var width = element.GetWidth(); element.Data("flexify-width", width); initialWidth = width; } element.Width(Math.Truncate(initialWidth.Value + xFactor * xDifference)); } var yFactor = GetYFactor(element); if (yFactor != 0) { var initialHeight = element.GetDataValue("flexify-height").As <int?>(); if (initialHeight == null) { var height = element.GetHeight(); element.Data("flexify-height", height); initialHeight = height; } element.Height(Math.Truncate(initialHeight.Value + yFactor * yDifference)); } if (element.HasClass("require-layout")) { element.TriggerHandler("layout"); } }
private IFilterHandler GetFilterHandlerFor(jQueryObject row) { FilterField field = GetFieldFor(row); if (field == null) { return(null); } IFilterHandler handler = (IFilterHandler)row.GetDataValue("FilterHandler"); string handlerField = row.GetDataValue("FilterHandlerField").As <string>(); if (handler != null) { if (handlerField != field.Name) { row.Data("FilterHandler", null); handler = null; } else { return(handler); } } Type handlerType = Type.GetType("Sinerji." + (field.Handler ?? "??") + "FilterHandler"); if (handlerType == null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("FilterHandler type Sinerji.{0}FilterHandler is not defined!", field.Handler)); } jQueryObject editorDiv = row.Children("div.v"); handler = (IFilterHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(handlerType, editorDiv, field); return(handler); }
private void RemoveFiltering(jQueryObject row) { row.Data("Filtering", null); row.Data("FilteringField", null); }
public static jQueryObject FlexYFactor(this jQueryObject element, double flexY) { return(element.Data("flex-y", flexY)); }
public TemplateControl(object oTemplate) { // init static stuff if (!_bStaticConstructionFinished) { StaticConstructor(); } // continue instance setup.. this._strInstanceId = GenerateNewInstanceId(); string strTemplate; // grab template if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(oTemplate)) { strTemplate = FindTemplate(this); #if DEBUG if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTemplate)) { throw new Exception(this.GetType().FullName + " is missing a Template member and no template was provided."); } #endif } else { if (oTemplate is string) { strTemplate = (string)oTemplate; } else { jQueryObject jqTemplate = jQuery.FromObject(oTemplate); strTemplate = "<" + jqTemplate[0].TagName + ">" + jqTemplate.GetHtml() + "</" + jqTemplate[0].TagName + ">"; } } _hash_oNamedChildControls = new Dictionary(); _hash_oNamedChildElements = new Dictionary(); jQueryObject jqHead = jQuery.Select("head"); // grab template if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(strTemplate)) { strTemplate = (string)Type.GetField(this, "template"); } #if DEBUG if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTemplate)) { throw new Exception(this.GetType().FullName + " is missing a Template member."); } #endif // generate an absolute id for this control string newId = GenerateNewAutoId(); #if DEBUG // is there a conflict in the auto gen'd id? { int numOtherControlsWithId = jQuery.Select("#" + newId).Length; if (numOtherControlsWithId != 0) { throw new Exception("Auto generated id conflict."); } } #endif // parse template jQueryObject jqContent = jQuery.FromHtml(strTemplate.Replace("`", "\"")); // are there style tags? string strStyleRules = string.Empty; jqContent.Filter("style").Each(delegate(int i, Element e) { jQueryObject jqElement = jQuery.FromElement(e); strStyleRules += jqElement.GetHtml(); jqElement.Remove(); }); // proceed with non-style tags jqContent = jqContent.Not("style").Remove(); // remove attribute id if any #if DEBUG if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqContent.GetAttribute("id"))) { throw new Exception("Global ID's not permitted. Element with ID \"" + jqContent.GetAttribute("id") + "\" found."); } #endif jqContent.RemoveAttr("id"); // store reference _jqRootElement = jqContent; // store reference from element back to this control _jqRootElement.Data(DataNameControl, this); // identify locally-named elements. this runs before parsing children because we don't want to add children's locally-named html elements. { jqContent.Find("*[" + AttributeNameLocalId + "]").Each( delegate(int i, Element e) { jQueryObject jqElement = jQuery.FromElement(e); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqElement.GetAttribute(AttributeNameControlClass))) { return; } string strLocalId = GetLocalId(jqElement); if (strLocalId == null) { return; } // store record of it this._hash_oNamedChildElements[strLocalId] = jqElement; // remove absolute id if any #if DEBUG if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqElement.GetAttribute("id"))) { throw new Exception("Global ID's not permitted. Element with ID \"" + jqElement.GetAttribute("id") + "\" found."); } #endif jqElement.RemoveAttr("id"); }) ; } // rewrite image and image button paths { string baseUrl = BaseUrlImages; if (baseUrl.Length > 0) { jqContent.Find("img, input[type=image]").Each( delegate(int i, Element e) { jQueryObject jqe = jQuery.FromElement(e); string src = jqe.GetAttribute("src"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { string nullSrc = "http://null-image"; if (Window.Location.Protocol == "https:") { nullSrc = "https://null-image"; } jqe.Attribute("src", nullSrc); return; } if (src.StartsWith("http://") || src.StartsWith("https://")) { return; } jqe.Attribute("src", CombinePaths(baseUrl, src)); } ); } } // calculcate search namespace Type currentType = this.GetType(); string currentTopLevelNamespace = currentType .FullName .Substr(0, currentType.FullName.IndexOf('.')) ; // add class for identifying this as a template control _jqRootElement.AddClass(CssClassNameControl); // add class for identifying this as a newly added template control _jqRootElement.AddClass(CssClassNameControlUnadded); // recurse into child controls // todo: move this to *after* processing labels and images? jqContent.Find("div[" + AttributeNameControlClass + "]").Each( delegate(int index, Element element) { jQueryObject jqElement = jQuery.FromElement(element); string strChildTypeName = jqElement.GetAttribute(AttributeNameControlClass); string strChildTypeNameResolved = ResolveTypeName( strChildTypeName, currentTopLevelNamespace ) ; Type oChildType = Type.GetType(strChildTypeNameResolved); if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(oChildType)) { #if DEBUG throw new Exception("Could not locate type \"" + (strChildTypeNameResolved ?? strChildTypeName) + "\""); #else return; #endif } TemplateControl childControl = Type.CreateInstance(oChildType, null) as TemplateControl; if (!(childControl is TemplateControl)) { // this check is still needed because of how the 'as' operator behaves in Script#. #if DEBUG throw new Exception("Control must derive from 'TemplateControl'."); #else return; #endif } // grab local id if any string strLocalId = GetLocalId(jqElement) ?? GenerateNewAutoId(); // store named control if (strLocalId != null) { this._hash_oNamedChildControls[strLocalId] = childControl; } // merge style and class attributes string strClass = jqElement.GetAttribute("class"); string strStyle = jqElement.GetAttribute("style"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strClass)) { string strClassFromTemplate = childControl.RootElement.GetAttribute("class") ?? string.Empty; childControl.RootElement.Attribute("class", strClassFromTemplate + " " + strClass); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strStyle)) { string strStyleFromTemplate = childControl.RootElement.GetAttribute("style") ?? string.Empty; childControl.RootElement.Attribute("style", strStyleFromTemplate + " " + strStyle); } // preserve other attributes for (int i = 0, m = jqElement[0].Attributes.Length; i < m; ++i) { ElementAttribute a = (ElementAttribute)Type.GetField(jqElement[0].Attributes, (string)(object)i); if (jQuery.Browser.Version == "7.0" && jQuery.Browser.MSIE && !a.Specified) { continue; } string attributeName = a.Name.ToLowerCase(); switch (attributeName) { case "id": case "xid": case "class": case "style": case "control": break; default: childControl.RootElement.Attribute(a.Name, a.Value); break; } } // replace the placeholder element with the new control. jqElement.RemoveAttr("id").After(childControl.RootElement).Remove(); // preserve local id & control type name if (strLocalId != null) { childControl.RootElement.Attribute("xid", strLocalId); } childControl.RootElement.Attribute("control", jqElement.GetAttribute(AttributeNameControlClass)); // any children content? jQueryObject jqChildContent = jqElement.Find(">*"); if (jqChildContent.Length > 0) { childControl.ProcessChildContent(jqChildContent); } } ); // rewrite radio input groups // todo: do this before processing child controls? { jQueryObject jqRadioInputs = _jqRootElement.Find("input[type=radio]"); Dictionary hash_rewrittenGroupNames = new Dictionary(); jqRadioInputs.Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { jQueryObject jqRadio = jQuery.FromElement(element); // rewrite name attribute { string strGroupName = jqRadio.GetAttribute("name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroupName)) { return; } // need a new name? string strNewGroupName; if (hash_rewrittenGroupNames.ContainsKey(strGroupName)) { strNewGroupName = (string)hash_rewrittenGroupNames[strGroupName]; } else { hash_rewrittenGroupNames[strGroupName] = strNewGroupName = GenerateNewAutoId(); } jqRadio.Attribute("name", strNewGroupName); } // make sure the element has an id, for label elements to use if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jqRadio.GetAttribute("id"))) { jqRadio.Attribute("id", GenerateNewAutoId()); } }); this._hash_rewrittenGroupNames = hash_rewrittenGroupNames; } // rewrite label elements // todo: do this before processing child controls? { jQueryObject jqLabels = _jqRootElement.Find("label[for]"); jqLabels.Each(delegate(int index, Element element) { if (_bPresented) { } // workaround to delegate bug in Script# jQueryObject jqLabelElement = jQuery.FromElement(element); string strForId = jqLabelElement.GetAttribute("for"); // is this element rewritten? jQueryObject jqTargetElement = TryGetElement(strForId); if (jqTargetElement == null) { return; } string strTargetElementNewId = jqTargetElement.GetAttribute("id"); // make sure the "for" element has an id if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTargetElementNewId)) { jqTargetElement.Attribute("id", strTargetElementNewId = GenerateNewAutoId()); } jqLabelElement.Attribute("for", strTargetElementNewId); return; }); } // fixup css rules & add to head if (strStyleRules.Length != 0) { ProcessCss(this, strStyleRules); } // auto fill members that point to elements/controls AutoFillMemberFields(); // any elements with advanced layout enabled? AdvancedLayout.AutoEnable(_jqRootElement); }
private static void Arrange(jQueryObject element) { #if DEBUG if (!element.Is("." + CssClassNameAdvancedLayout)) { throw new Exception("Element not marked for advanced layout."); } #endif // does element have its al state parsed? AdvancedLayoutState elementState = (AdvancedLayoutState)element.GetDataValue(DataNameLayoutState); if (elementState == null) { element.Data(DataNameLayoutState, elementState = ParseAdvancedLayout(element)); } // grab parents jQueryObject parent = element.Parent(); jQueryObject offsetParent = element.OffsetParent(); if (offsetParent.Length == 0 || parent.Length == 0) { return; } bool parentIsOffsetParent = offsetParent[0] == parent[0]; #if DEBUG if (!parentIsOffsetParent && element.Is(":visible")) { throw new Exception("Parent must use position:absolute|fixed|relative;."); } #endif if (!parentIsOffsetParent) { return; } // gather parent padding and client dimensions DimensionsAndPadding parentDimensions = null; parentDimensions = GetDimensionsAndPadding(parent); // detect parent's coordinates in offset-parent frame. float contentStartInOffsetSpaceX, contentStartInOffsetSpaceY; { if (parentIsOffsetParent) { // parent is offset parent. we know our local frame. contentStartInOffsetSpaceX = 0; contentStartInOffsetSpaceY = 0; } else { // experimental support for staticly positioned parent. parent.Prepend(_frameDetector); jQueryPosition parentContentFrameInDocumentSpace = _frameDetector.GetOffset(); jQueryPosition offsetParentFrameInDocumentSpace = offsetParent.GetOffset(); if (parentContentFrameInDocumentSpace != null && offsetParentFrameInDocumentSpace != null) { contentStartInOffsetSpaceX = parentContentFrameInDocumentSpace.Left - offsetParentFrameInDocumentSpace.Left - parentDimensions.PaddingLeft; contentStartInOffsetSpaceY = parentContentFrameInDocumentSpace.Top - offsetParentFrameInDocumentSpace.Top - parentDimensions.PaddingTop; } else { jQueryPosition contentStartInOffsetSpace = _frameDetector.Position(); if (contentStartInOffsetSpace != null) { contentStartInOffsetSpaceX = contentStartInOffsetSpace.Left - parentDimensions.PaddingLeft; contentStartInOffsetSpaceY = contentStartInOffsetSpace.Top - parentDimensions.PaddingTop; } else { contentStartInOffsetSpaceX = 0; contentStartInOffsetSpaceY = 0; } } _frameDetector.Remove(); } } double topBoundary = contentStartInOffsetSpaceY + parentDimensions.PaddingTop + elementState.Margin.Top; double bottomBoundary = contentStartInOffsetSpaceY + parentDimensions.ClientHeight - parentDimensions.PaddingBottom - elementState.Margin.Bottom; double leftBoundary = contentStartInOffsetSpaceX + parentDimensions.PaddingLeft + elementState.Margin.Left; double rightBoundary = contentStartInOffsetSpaceX + parentDimensions.ClientWidth - parentDimensions.PaddingRight - elementState.Margin.Right; // determine where to position int top = 0; int left = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; switch (elementState.VerticalAlignment) { case VerticalAlignment.Top: height = Math.Round(elementState.Height - elementState.Padding.Top - elementState.Padding.Bottom); top = Math.Round(topBoundary); break; case VerticalAlignment.Center: height = Math.Round(elementState.Height - elementState.Padding.Top - elementState.Padding.Bottom); top = Math.Round(topBoundary * 0.5 + bottomBoundary * 0.5 - height * 0.5); break; case VerticalAlignment.Bottom: height = Math.Round(elementState.Height - elementState.Padding.Top - elementState.Padding.Bottom); top = Math.Round(contentStartInOffsetSpaceY + parentDimensions.ClientHeight - parentDimensions.PaddingBottom - elementState.Margin.Bottom - elementState.Height); break; case VerticalAlignment.Stretch: height = Math.Round(bottomBoundary - topBoundary - elementState.Padding.Top - elementState.Padding.Bottom); top = Math.Round(topBoundary); break; } switch (elementState.HorizontalAlignment) { case HorizontalAlignment.Left: width = Math.Round(elementState.Width - elementState.Padding.Left - elementState.Padding.Right); left = Math.Round(leftBoundary); break; case HorizontalAlignment.Center: width = Math.Round(elementState.Width - elementState.Padding.Left - elementState.Padding.Right); left = Math.Round(leftBoundary * 0.5 + rightBoundary * 0.5 - width * 0.5); break; case HorizontalAlignment.Right: width = Math.Round(elementState.Width - elementState.Padding.Left - elementState.Padding.Right); left = Math.Round(contentStartInOffsetSpaceX + parentDimensions.ClientWidth - parentDimensions.PaddingRight - elementState.Margin.Right - elementState.Width); break; case HorizontalAlignment.Stretch: width = Math.Round(rightBoundary - leftBoundary - elementState.Padding.Left - elementState.Padding.Right); left = Math.Round(leftBoundary); break; } if (width <= 0) { width = 0; } if (height <= 0) { height = 0; } element.CSS( new Dictionary( "position", "absolute", "top", top, "left", left, "width", width, "height", height, "padding-top", elementState.Padding.Top, "padding-right", elementState.Padding.Right, "padding-bottom", elementState.Padding.Bottom, "padding-left", elementState.Padding.Left ) ); }
private void RemoveFilterHandler(jQueryObject row) { row.Data("FilterHandler", null); row.Data("FilterHandlerField", null); }