public PhotoBrowsingUsingKeysControl(jQueryObject[] focusControls) { for (int i = 0; i < focusControls.Length; i++) { focusControls[i].Keydown(KeyDown); } }
public LanguageSelection(jQueryObject select, string currentLanguage) : base(select) { currentLanguage = currentLanguage ?? "en"; var self = this; this.Change(e => { jQuery.Instance.cookie("LanguagePreference", select.GetValue(), new { path = Q.Config.ApplicationPath }); Window.Location.Reload(true); }); Q.GetLookupAsync<LanguageRow>("Administration.Language").Then(x => { if (!x.Items.Any(z => z.LanguageId == currentLanguage)) { var idx = currentLanguage.LastIndexOf("-"); if (idx >= 0) { currentLanguage = currentLanguage.Substr(0, idx); if (!x.Items.Any(z => z.LanguageId == currentLanguage)) { currentLanguage = "en"; } } else currentLanguage = "en"; } foreach (var l in x.Items) Q.AddOption(select, l.LanguageId, l.LanguageName); select.Value(currentLanguage); }); }
public static void InitFullHeightGridPage(jQueryObject gridDiv) { J("body") .AddClass("full-height-page"); jQueryEventHandler layout = delegate { if (gridDiv.Parent().HasClass("page-content")) gridDiv.CSS("height", "1px") .CSS("overflow", "hidden"); Q.LayoutFillHeight(gridDiv); gridDiv.TriggerHandler("layout"); }; if (J("body").HasClass("has-layout-event")) { J("body").Bind("layout", layout); } else if (Window.Instance.As<dynamic>().Metronic != null) Window.Instance.As<dynamic>().Metronic.addResizeHandler(layout); else { jQuery.Window.Resize(layout); } layout(null); }
/// <summary>Constructor.</summary> /// <param name="container">The containing element.</param> public ListTreeView(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { ListCss.InsertCss(); divInner = Html.AppendDiv(container); Css.AbsoluteFill(divInner); Css.SetOverflow(divInner, CssOverflow.Hidden); }
public static void AddOption(jQueryObject select, string key, string text) { J("<option/>") .Value(key) .Text(text) .AppendTo(select); }
public static void ExecuteEverytimeWhenShown(jQueryObject element, Action callback, bool callNowIfVisible) { autoIncrement++; string eventClass = "ExecuteEverytimeWhenShown" + autoIncrement; bool wasVisible = element.Is(":visible"); if (wasVisible && callNowIfVisible) callback(); jQueryEventHandler check = delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (element.Is(":visible")) { if (!wasVisible) { wasVisible = true; callback(); } } else wasVisible = false; }; var uiTabs = element.Closest(".ui-tabs"); if (uiTabs.Length > 0) uiTabs.Bind("tabsactivate." + eventClass, check); var dialog = element.Closest(".ui-dialog-content"); if (dialog.Length > 0) dialog.Bind("dialogopen." + eventClass, check); element.Bind("shown." + eventClass, check); }
private void LinkFn(CanvasPieceScope scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { element.Width(scope.Width); element.Height(scope.Height); element[0].Style.Display = scope.Inline ? "inline-block" : "block"; var context = (CanvasRenderingContext2D)((CanvasElement)element[0]).GetContext(CanvasContextId.Render2D); Action updateAsset = () => { context.Canvas.Width = context.Canvas.Width; context.Me().webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().imageSmoothingEnabled = false; var levelObjectAssetFrames = scope.Asset.Frames; if (levelObjectAssetFrames.Count == 0) return; levelObjectAssetFrames[0].DrawSimple(context, new Point(0, 0), scope.Width, scope.Height, false, false); }; scope.Watch("asset", updateAsset); scope.Watch("asset.frames", updateAsset); scope.Watch("asset.width", updateAsset); scope.Watch("asset.height", updateAsset); }
public static jQueryObject FindElementWithRelativeId(jQueryObject element, string relativeId) { var elementId = element.GetAttribute("id"); if (elementId.IsEmptyOrNull()) return J("#" + relativeId); var result = J(elementId + relativeId); if (result.Length > 0) return result; result = J(elementId + "_" + relativeId); if (result.Length > 0) return result; while (true) { var idx = elementId.LastIndexOf('_'); if (idx <= 0) return J("#" + relativeId); elementId = elementId.Substring(0, idx); result = J("#" + elementId + "_" + relativeId); if (result.Length > 0) return result; } }
// private DelayedAction timeout; public PartDownloader(PartDefinition definition, jQueryObject container, PartCallback onComplete, bool initializeOnComplete) { this.definition = definition; this.container = container; this.onComplete = onComplete; this.initializeOnComplete = initializeOnComplete; }
public static void Show(jQueryObject element) { Script.SetTimeout(delegate() { element.Show(); }, 0); }
public override void Arrange(AxisArrangement x, AxisArrangement y, Element hostElement) { base.Arrange(x, y, hostElement); if (_dom == null) { _dom = jQuery.FromHtml("<div class='ui-vertical-scrollbar' style='position: absolute;'></div>").AppendTo(hostElement); _near = jQuery.FromHtml("<div class='ui-scroll-up-button'></div>").AppendTo(_dom).MouseDown(LineNear); _track = jQuery.FromHtml("<div class='ui-scroll-vertical-track'></div>").AppendTo(_dom).MouseDown(Page); _thumb = jQuery.FromHtml("<div class='ui-scroll-vertical-thumb' style='position: relative'></div>").AppendTo(_track).MouseDown(Scrub); _far = jQuery.FromHtml("<div class='ui-scroll-down-button'></div>").AppendTo(_dom).MouseDown(LineFar); } int buttonLength = (y.Length > 2*x.Length) ? x.Length : (int)Math.Floor(y.Length/2); int trackHeight = y.Length - 2*buttonLength; _minThumbLength = Math.Min(buttonLength, trackHeight); _dom.CSS("width", x.Length + "px").CSS("height", y.Length + "px").CSS("top", y.Position + "px").CSS("left", x.Position + "px"); _near.CSS("width", x.Length + "px").CSS("height", buttonLength + "px"); _far.CSS("width", x.Length + "px").CSS("height", buttonLength + "px"); _track.CSS("width", x.Length + "px").CSS("height", trackHeight + "px"); _thumb.CSS("width", x.Length + "px"); ScrollableAxisChanged(); }
/// <summary>Constructor.</summary> /// <param name="model">The logical model of the button</param> /// <param name="container">The HTML container of the button.</param> protected ButtonView(IButton model, jQueryObject container) : base(InitContainer(container)) { // Setup initial conditions. if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(model)) model = new ButtonBase(); this.model = model; Focus.BrowserHighlighting = false; // Setup CSS. Css.InsertLink(Css.Urls.CoreButtons); Container.AddClass(ClassButton); Container.AddClass(Css.Classes.NoSelect); // Insert the content and mask containers. divContent = CreateContainer("buttonContent"); // Create child controllers. eventController = new ButtonEventController(this); contentController = new ButtonContentController(this, divContent); // Wire up events. Model.LayoutInvalidated += OnLayoutInvalidated; Helper.ListenPropertyChanged(Model, OnModelPropertyChanged); eventController.PropertyChanged += OnEventControllerPropertyChanged; GotFocus += delegate { UpdateLayout(); }; LostFocus += delegate { UpdateLayout(); }; IsEnabledChanged += delegate { UpdateLayout(); }; Container.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { OnKeyPress(Int32.Parse(e.Which)); }); // Finish up. SyncCanFocus(); }
/// <summary>Constructor.</summary> public AddPackageView() { // Create buttons. addButton = CreateButton(StringLibrary.Add); cancelButton = CreateButton(StringLibrary.Cancel); // Load the HTML content. RetrieveHtml(ContentUrl, delegate { // Setup children. divInnerSlide = jQuery.Select(CssSelectors.AddPackageInnerSlide); offLeft = divInnerSlide.GetCSS(Css.Left); InitializeTextboxes(); // Insert buttons. addButton.CreateView().Insert(CssSelectors.AddPackageBtnAdd, InsertMode.Replace); cancelButton.CreateView().Insert(CssSelectors.AddPackageBtnCancel, InsertMode.Replace); // Wire up events. Keyboard.Keydown += OnKeydown; // Finish up. isInitialized = true; UpdateState(); SlideOn(null); }); }
public URLEditor(jQueryObject input) : base(input) { input.AddClass("url").Attribute("title", "URL '' formatında girilmelidir."); input.Bind("blur." + this.uniqueName, delegate { var validator = input.Closest("form").GetDataValue("validator").As<jQueryValidator>(); if (validator == null) return; if (!input.HasClass("error")) return; var value = input.GetValue().TrimToNull(); if (value == null) return; value = "http://" + value; if (((dynamic)(jQueryValidator.Methods["url"])).apply(validator, new object[] { value, input[0] }) == true) { input.Value(value); validator.ValidateElement(input[0]); } }); }
private void LinkFn(CanvasPieceLayoutScope scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { element.Width(scope.Width); element.Height(scope.Height); element[0].Style.Display = "inline-block"; var context = (CanvasRenderingContext2D)((CanvasElement)element[0]).GetContext(CanvasContextId.Render2D); Action updatePieceLayout = () => { context.Canvas.Width = context.Canvas.Width; context.Me().webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.Me().imageSmoothingEnabled = false; context.FillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; context.FillRect(0, 0, scope.Width, scope.Height); context.BeginPath(); context.Rect(0, 0, scope.Width, scope.Height); context.Clip(); context.ClosePath(); if (scope.PieceLayout == null) return; var rect = scope.PieceLayout.GetRectangle(scope.ObjectData); context.Scale(scope.Width / ((double)rect.Width), scope.Height / ((double)rect.Height)); context.Translate(-rect.X, -rect.Y); scope.PieceLayout.DrawUI(context, true, -1, scope.ObjectData); }; scope.Watch("pieceLayout", updatePieceLayout); scope.Watch("pieceLayout.pieces", updatePieceLayout, true); }
public static void LayoutFillHeight(jQueryObject element) { var h = LayoutFillHeightValue(element); string n = h + "px"; if (element.GetCSS("height") != n) element.CSS("height", n); }
/// <summary>Constructor.</summary> /// <param name="divHost">The control host DIV.</param> /// <param name="control">The logical IView control (null if not available).</param> /// <param name="htmlElement">The control content (supplied by the test class. This is the control that is under test).</param> /// <param name="displayMode">The sizing strategy to use for the control.</param> /// <param name="allViews">The Collection of all controls.</param> public ControlWrapperView( jQueryObject divHost, IView control, jQueryObject htmlElement, ControlDisplayMode displayMode, IEnumerable allViews) : base(divHost) { // Setup initial conditions. this.control = control; this.htmlElement = htmlElement; this.displayMode = displayMode; this.allViews = allViews; index = divHost.Children().Length; // Store the order position of the control in the host. events = Common.Events; // Create the wrapper DIV. divRoot = Html.CreateDiv(); divRoot.CSS(Css.Position, Css.Absolute); divRoot.AppendTo(divHost); // Insert the content. htmlElement.CSS(Css.Position, Css.Absolute); htmlElement.AppendTo(divRoot); // Wire up events. events.ControlHostSizeChanged += OnHostResized; // Finish up. UpdateLayout(); }
public ThemeSelection(jQueryObject select) : base(select) { var self = this; this.Change(e => { jQuery.Instance.cookie("ThemePreference", select.GetValue(), new { path = Q.Config.ApplicationPath }); J("body").RemoveClass("skin-" + GetCurrentTheme()); J("body").AddClass("skin-" + select.GetValue()); }); Q.AddOption(select, "blue", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeBlue")); Q.AddOption(select, "blue-light", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeBlueLight")); Q.AddOption(select, "purple", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemePurple")); Q.AddOption(select, "purple-light", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemePurpleLight")); Q.AddOption(select, "red", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeRed")); Q.AddOption(select, "red-light", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeRedLight")); Q.AddOption(select, "green", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeGreen")); Q.AddOption(select, "green-light", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeGreenLight")); Q.AddOption(select, "yellow", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeYellow")); Q.AddOption(select, "yellow-light", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeYellowLight")); Q.AddOption(select, "black", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeBlack")); Q.AddOption(select, "black-light", Q.Text("Site.Layout.ThemeBlackLight")); select.Value(GetCurrentTheme()); }
public PhoneEditor(jQueryObject input) : base(input) { this.AddValidationRule(this.uniqueName, (e) => { string value = this.Value.TrimToNull(); if (value == null) return null; return Validate(value, this.Multiple); }); input.Bind("change", delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (!e.HasOriginalEvent()) return; FormatValue(); }); input.Bind("blur", delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (this.element.HasClass("valid")) { FormatValue(); } }); }
/// <summary>Constructor.</summary> /// <param name="container">The containing DIV.</param> public ShellView(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { // Create child views. sidebar = new SidebarView(); controlHost = new ControlHostView(); logContainer = new LogContainerView(); }
public FoldersWidget(jQueryObject parent, FolderJson[] folders, string folderPath) { string separator = Environment.ServerType == ServerType.AspNet ? "\\" : "/"; attachedObject = Template.Get("client", "folders-table", true).AppendTo(parent).Attribute("data-path", folderPath); ((List<FolderJson>)(object)folders).Sort(delegate(FolderJson a, FolderJson b) { return Utility.NaturalCompare(,; }); foreach (FolderJson folder in folders) { string subfolderPath = folderPath + separator +; jQueryObject row = Template.Get("client", "folders-trow", true).AppendTo(attachedObject.Children()); jQueryObject btn = jQuery.Select(".folders-btn", row).Click(FolderButtonClick).Attribute("data-path", subfolderPath).Text(folder.count == 0 ? : String.Format("{0} ({1})",, folder.count)).Attribute("data-count", folder.count.ToString()); jQueryObject expandBtn = jQuery.Select(".folders-expand-btn", row).Click(ExpandButtonClick); if (folder.subfolders != null && folder.subfolders.Length > 0) { expandBtn.Attribute("data-path", subfolderPath).Children().AddClass("icon-plus"); new FoldersWidget(jQuery.Select(".folders-tcell", row), folder.subfolders, subfolderPath); } } if (folderPath != "") { attachedObject.Hide(); if (Settings.UseAnimation) { attachedObject.AddClass("fade"); } } }
private void LinkFn(dynamic scope, jQueryObject element, dynamic attr) { scope.itemClick = new Action<dynamic>((item) => { scope.bind = item; }); scope.currentClass = new Func<dynamic, dynamic>((item) => (item == scope.bind) ? "fancy-list-item fancy-list-item-selected" : "fancy-list-item "); scope.parentScope = scope["$parent"]["$parent"]["$parent"]; }
public XrmDateEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { XrmDateEditor self = this; _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>" + "<td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td>" + "<td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon' /></td></tr></table></div>"); _container.AppendTo(_args.Container); _input = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline"); _input.Bind("keydown.nav", delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (!_calendarOpen && (e.Which == 38 || e.Which == 40) && e.CtrlKey) // Ctrl-Up/Down shows date picker { _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); e.StopImmediatePropagation(); } else if (_calendarOpen && e.Which == 13) { e.PreventDefault(); } }); jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-imagestrip-inlineedit_calendar_icon"); _input.Focus().Select(); DatePickerOptions2 options2 = new DatePickerOptions2(); options2.ShowOtherMonths = true; options2.ShowOn = ""; // Date Pickers in CRM do not show when they are focused - you click the button options2.FirstDay = OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings != null ? OrganizationServiceProxy.OrganizationSettings.WeekStartDayCode.Value.Value : 0; options2.BeforeShow = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = true; }; options2.OnClose = delegate() { this._calendarOpen = false; _selectedValue = GetSelectedValue(); }; options2.OnSelect = delegate(string dateString, object instance) { // Select the date text field when selecting a date Focus(); }; if (OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings != null) { _dateFormat = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings.DateFormatString; } options2.DateFormat = _dateFormat; _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(options2); // Wire up the date picker button selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e){ _input.Plugin<DatePickerPlugIn>().DatePicker(DatePickerMethod2.Show); Focus(); }); }
/// <summary>Adds a new element within an <li></li> item.</summary> /// <param name="element">The element to add (within the LI).</param> /// <returns>The LI element.</returns> public jQueryObject AddElement(jQueryObject element) { jQueryObject li = Html.CreateElement("li"); li.Append(element); li.AppendTo(Container); FireSizeChanged(); return li; }
private static int GetBorderEdge(jQueryObject element, Edge edge) { if (Script.IsNullOrUndefined(element)) return 0; string value = element.GetCSS(string.Format("border-{0}-width", edge.ToString().ToLocaleLowerCase())); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return 0; if (!value.EndsWith(Px)) return 0; return Int32.Parse(value); }
public Pagination(jQueryObject parent, Action<int> changePageCallback, GetTotalPageDelegate getTotalPage, string floatDirection) { this.parent = parent; this.changePageCallback = changePageCallback; this.getTotalPage = getTotalPage; this.floatDirection = floatDirection; currentPage = 1; }
protected ModuleBase(string template, string templateId, bool transition) { this.transition = Script.IsNullOrUndefined(transition) ? true : transition; attachedObject = Template.Get(template, templateId).AppendTo(jQuery.Select("body")).Hide(); if (this.transition && Settings.UseAnimation) { attachedObject.AddClass("fade"); } }
public XrmDurationEditor(EditorArguments args) : base(args) { _args = args; _input = jQuery.FromHtml("<INPUT type=text class='editor-text' />"); _input.AppendTo(_args.Container); Focus(); }
private void LoadPart(jQueryObject container) { Log.Info("Downloading part..."); partDefinition.Initialize(container, delegate(Part value) { part = value as SamplePart; if (partDefinition.HasError) { Log.Error("Download callback (failed)"); } else { Log.Success("Download callback (succeeded) - " + part.InstanceId); } }); }
static ViewManager() { FileList = jQuery.Select("#filelist"); Views.Add(FileList); SignIn = jQuery.Select("#signin"); Views.Add(SignIn); Modal = jQuery.Select("#modal"); Views.Add(Modal); }
public TaxGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func <object> valueAccessor, Func <System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context) { XrmLookupEditorButton footerButton = (XrmLookupEditorButton)allBindingsAccessor()["footerButton"]; bool showFooter = (bool)allBindingsAccessor()["showFooter"]; jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element); string searchTerm = ""; jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-part"); jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-button-part"); EntityReference _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions(); options.MinLength = 100000; // Don't enable type down - use search button (or return) options.Delay = 0; options.Position = new Dictionary <string, object>("collision", "fit"); bool justSelected = false; int totalRecordsReturned = 0; Action <AutoCompleteItem, bool> setValue = delegate(AutoCompleteItem item, bool setFocus) { if (_value == null) { _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null); } string value = item.Label; inputField.Value(value); searchTerm = value; _value.Id = ((Guid)item.Value); _value.Name = item.Label; _value.LogicalName = (string)item.Data; justSelected = true; TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, _value, setFocus); }; // Set the value when selected options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent) { // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item; string data = ((string)item.Data); if (data == "footerlink" || data == null) { footerButton.OnClick(item); e.PreventDefault(); e.StopImmediatePropagation(); Script.Literal("return false;"); } else { setValue(item, true); Script.Literal("return false;"); } }; options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { if (showFooter && totalRecordsReturned > 0) { WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", inputField, "widget"); XrmLookupEditor.AddFooter(menu, totalRecordsReturned); } }; options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o) { WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", inputField, "widget"); jQueryObject footer = menu.Next(); if (footer.Length > 0 || footer.HasClass("sparkle-menu-footer")) { footer.Hide(); } }; // Get the query command Action <string, Action <EntityCollection> > queryCommand = (Action <string, Action <EntityCollection> >)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["queryCommand"]); string nameAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["nameAttribute"]); string idAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["idAttribute"]); string typeCodeAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["typeCodeAttribute"]); string[] columnAttributes = null; // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes string[] columns = nameAttribute.Split(","); if (columns.Length > 1) { columnAttributes = columns; nameAttribute = columnAttributes[0]; } // wire up source to CRM search Action <AutoCompleteRequest, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> > queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> response) { Action <EntityCollection> queryCallBack = delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult) { int recordsFound = fetchResult.Entities.Count; bool noRecordsFound = recordsFound == 0; AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[recordsFound + (footerButton != null ? 1 : 0) + (noRecordsFound ? 1 : 0)]; for (int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++) { results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem(); results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(nameAttribute); results[i].Value = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(idAttribute); results[i].Data = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; GetExtraColumns(columnAttributes, fetchResult, results, i); string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName; // Get the type code from the name to find the icon if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeCodeAttribute)) { typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(typeCodeAttribute).ToString(); } results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName); } if (fetchResult.TotalRecordCount > fetchResult.Entities.Count) { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.TotalRecordCount; } else { totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.Entities.Count; } int itemsCount = recordsFound; if (noRecordsFound) { AutoCompleteItem noRecordsItem = new AutoCompleteItem(); noRecordsItem.Label = SparkleResourceStrings.NoRecordsFound; results[itemsCount] = noRecordsItem; itemsCount++; } if (footerButton != null) { // Add the add new AutoCompleteItem addNewLink = new AutoCompleteItem(); addNewLink.Label = footerButton.Label; addNewLink.Image = footerButton.Image; addNewLink.ColumnValues = null; addNewLink.Data = "footerlink"; results[itemsCount] = addNewLink; } response(results); // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); disableOption.MinLength = 100000; inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(disableOption); }; // Call the function with the correct 'this' context Script.Literal("{0}.call({1}.$parent,{2},{3})", queryCommand, context, request.Term, queryCallBack); }; options.Source = queryDelegate; options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent) { // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results Script.Literal("return false;"); }; inputField = inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options); // Set render template ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item) { if (item.Data == null) { return((object)jQuery.Select("<li class='ui-state-disabled'>" + item.Label + "</li>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); } string html = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'>"; if (item.Image != null) { html += @"<img src='" + item.Image + "'/>"; } html += @"</span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br>"; if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0) { foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues) { html += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>"; } } html += "</a>"; return((object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(html).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul)); }; // Add the click binding to show the drop down selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { inputField.Value(searchTerm); AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions(); enableOption.MinLength = 0; inputField.Focus(); inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(enableOption); inputField.Plugin <AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search); }); // handle the field changing inputField.FocusIn(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { searchTerm = ""; }); // handle the field changing inputField.Change(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { searchTerm = inputField.GetValue(); string inputValue = searchTerm; if (inputValue != _value.Name) { // The name is different from the name of the lookup reference // search to see if we can auto resolve it TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, null, false); AutoCompleteRequest lookup = new AutoCompleteRequest(); lookup.Term = inputValue; Action <AutoCompleteItem[]> lookupResults = delegate(AutoCompleteItem[] results) { int selectableItems = 0; // If there is only one, then auto-set if (results != null) { foreach (AutoCompleteItem item in results) { if (isItemSelectable(item)) { selectableItems++; } if (selectableItems > 2) { break; } } } if (selectableItems == 1) { // There is only a single value so set it now setValue(results[0], false); } else { inputField.Value(String.Empty); } }; queryDelegate(lookup, lookupResults); } }); Action disposeCallBack = delegate() { if ((bool)Script.Literal("$({0}).data('ui-autocomplete')!=undefined", inputField)) { Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", inputField); } }; //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding) Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack); Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null); // Bind return to searching inputField.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell { searchTerm = inputField.GetValue(); selectButton.Click(); } else if (e.Which == 13) { return; } switch (e.Which) { case 13: // Return case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results e.PreventDefault(); e.StopPropagation(); break; } justSelected = false; }); //Script.Literal("return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };"); }
public QuickSearchInput(jQueryObject input, QuickSearchInputOptions opt) : base(input, opt) { input.Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.QuickSearch.Hint")) .Attribute("placeholder", Q.Text("Controls.QuickSearch.Placeholder")); lastValue = Q.Trim(input.GetValue() ?? ""); var self = this; this.element.Bind("keyup." + this.uniqueName, delegate { self.CheckIfValueChanged(); }); this.element.Bind("change." + this.uniqueName, delegate { self.CheckIfValueChanged(); }); J("<span><i></i></span>").AddClass("quick-search-icon") .InsertBefore(input); if (options.Fields != null && options.Fields.Count > 0) { var a = J("<a/>").AddClass("quick-search-field") .Attribute("title", Q.Text("Controls.QuickSearch.FieldSelection")) .InsertBefore(input); var menu = J("<ul></ul>").CSS("width", "120px"); foreach (var item in options.Fields) { var field = item; J("<li><a/></li>").AppendTo(menu) .Children().Attribute("href", "#") .Text(item.Title ?? "") .Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e) { e.PreventDefault(); fieldChanged = self.field != field; self.field = field; UpdateInputPlaceHolder(); CheckIfValueChanged(); }); } new PopupMenuButton(a, new PopupMenuButtonOptions { PositionMy = "right top", PositionAt = "right bottom", Menu = menu }); this.field = options.Fields[0]; UpdateInputPlaceHolder(); } this.element.Bind("execute-search." + this.uniqueName, e => { if (Q.IsTrue(this.timer)) { Window.ClearTimeout(this.timer); } SearchNow(Q.Trim(this.element.GetValue() ?? "")); }); }
public static jQueryTemplate CreateTemplate(string templateName, jQueryObject template) { return(null); }
public CountyGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
public PropertyGrid(jQueryObject div, PropertyGridOptions opt) : base(div, opt) { if (!Script.IsValue(opt.Mode)) { opt.Mode = PropertyGridMode.Insert; } items = options.Items ?? new List <PropertyItem>(); div.AddClass("s-PropertyGrid"); editors = new List <Widget>(); var categoryIndexes = new JsDictionary <string, int>(); var categoriesDiv = div; if (options.UseCategories) { var linkContainer = J("<div/>") .AddClass("category-links"); categoryIndexes = CreateCategoryLinks(linkContainer, items); if (categoryIndexes.Count > 1) { linkContainer.AppendTo(div); } else { linkContainer.Find("a.category-link").Unbind("click", CategoryLinkClick).Remove(); } categoriesDiv = J("<div/>") .AddClass("categories") .AppendTo(div); } var fieldContainer = categoriesDiv; string priorCategory = null; for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (options.UseCategories && priorCategory != item.Category) { var categoryDiv = CreateCategoryDiv(categoriesDiv, categoryIndexes, item.Category); if (priorCategory == null) { categoryDiv.AddClass("first-category"); } priorCategory = item.Category; fieldContainer = categoryDiv; } var editor = CreateField(fieldContainer, item); editors[i] = editor; } UpdateReadOnly(); }
public static void Dialog(jQueryObject owner, jQueryObject dialog, Func <string> hash) { }
public DefaultValuesInNewGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
private Widget CreateField(jQueryObject container, PropertyItem item) { var fieldDiv = J("<div/>") .AddClass("field") .AddClass(item.Name) .Data("PropertyItem", item) .AppendTo(container); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CssClass)) { fieldDiv.AddClass(item.CssClass); } string editorId = options.IdPrefix + item.Name; string title = DetermineText(item.Title, prefix => prefix + item.Name); string hint = DetermineText(item.Hint, prefix => prefix + item.Name + "_Hint"); string placeHolder = DetermineText(item.Placeholder, prefix => prefix + item.Name + "_Placeholder"); var label = J("<label/>") .AddClass("caption") .Attribute("for", editorId) .Attribute("title", hint ?? title ?? "") .Html(title ?? "") .AppendTo(fieldDiv); if (item.Required) { J("<sup>*</sup>") .Attribute("title", Texts.Controls.PropertyGrid.RequiredHint) .PrependTo(label); } var editorType = EditorTypeRegistry.Get(item.EditorType); var elementAttr = editorType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ElementAttribute), true); string elementHtml = (elementAttr.Length > 0) ? elementAttr[0].As <ElementAttribute>().Html : "<input/>"; var element = Widget.ElementFor(editorType) .AddClass("editor") .AddClass("flexify") .Attribute("id", editorId) .AppendTo(fieldDiv); if (element.Is(":input")) { element.Attribute("name", item.Name ?? ""); } if (!placeHolder.IsEmptyOrNull()) { element.Attribute("placeholder", placeHolder); } object editorParams = item.EditorParams; Type optionsType = null; var optionsAttr = editorType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OptionsTypeAttribute), true); if (optionsAttr != null && optionsAttr.Length > 0) { optionsType = optionsAttr[0].As <OptionsTypeAttribute>().OptionsType; } Widget editor; if (optionsType != null) { editorParams = jQuery.ExtendObject(Activator.CreateInstance(optionsType), item.EditorParams); editor = (Widget)(Activator.CreateInstance(editorType, element, editorParams)); } else { editorParams = jQuery.ExtendObject(new object(), item.EditorParams); editor = (Widget)(Activator.CreateInstance(editorType, element, editorParams)); } editor.Initialize(); if (editor is BooleanEditor) { label.RemoveAttr("for"); } if (Script.IsValue(item.MaxLength)) { SetMaxLength(editor, item.MaxLength.Value); } if (item.EditorParams != null) { ReflectionOptionsSetter.Set(editor, item.EditorParams); } J("<div/>") .AddClass("vx") .AppendTo(fieldDiv); J("<div/>") .AddClass("clear") .AppendTo(fieldDiv); return(editor); }
public static AngularElement Element(jQueryObject document) { return(null); }
public KategoriLookupEditor(jQueryObject hidden) : base(hidden, null) { }
public static jQueryTemplate CreateTemplate(jQueryObject o) { return(null); }
public FirmaLogoUploadEditor(jQueryObject div, ImageUploadEditorOptions opt) : base(div, opt) { this.toolbar.Element.AppendTo(this.element); }
public GridEditorBase(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
public SupplierGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
public EditorTypeEditor(jQueryObject select) : base(select, new SelectEditorOptions { EmptyOptionText = Q.Text("Controls.SelectEditor.EmptyItemText") }) { }
protected Widget(jQueryObject element, TOptions opt = null) : base(element, opt) { }
private void RemoveFilterHandler(jQueryObject row) { row.Data("FilterHandler", null); row.Data("FilterHandlerField", null); }
public static void PopulateFileSymbols( jQueryObject container, List <UploadedFile> items, bool displayOriginalName = false, string urlPrefix = null) { items = items ?? new List <UploadedFile>(); container.Html(""); for (var index = 0; index < items.Count; index++) { var item = items[index]; var li = jQuery.FromHtml("<li/>") .AddClass("file-item") .Data("index", index); bool isImage = HasImageExtension(item.Filename); if (isImage) { li.AddClass("file-image"); } else { li.AddClass("file-binary"); } var editLink = "#" + index; var thumb = jQuery.FromHtml("<a/>") .AddClass("thumb") .AppendTo(li); string originalName = item.OriginalName ?? ""; string fileName = item.Filename; if (urlPrefix != null && fileName != null && !fileName.StartsWith("temporary/")) { fileName = urlPrefix + fileName; } thumb.Attribute("href", DbFileUrl(fileName)); thumb.Attribute("target", "_blank"); if (!originalName.IsEmptyOrNull()) { thumb.Attribute("title", (originalName)); } if (isImage) { thumb.CSS("backgroundImage", "url('" + DbFileUrl(ThumbFileName(item.Filename)) + "')"); ColorBox(thumb, new object()); } if (displayOriginalName) { jQuery.FromHtml("<div/>") .AddClass("filename") .Text(originalName) .Attribute("title", originalName) .AppendTo(li); } li.AppendTo(container); } ; }
public CustomerEditor(jQueryObject container, LookupEditorOptions options) : base(container, options) { }
public EmailGroupGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { rowSelection = new GridRowSelectionMixin(this); }
public ResponsiveGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
public EmailLogGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
public DateTimeEditor(jQueryObject input, DateTimeEditorOptions opt) : base(input, opt) { input.AddClass("dateQ s-DateTimeEditor") .DatePicker(new DatePickerOptions { ShowOn = "button", BeforeShow = new Func <bool>(delegate { return(!input.HasClass("readonly")); }) }); input.Bind("keyup." + this.uniqueName, e => { if (e.Which == 32 && !ReadOnly) { this.ValueAsDate = JsDate.Now; } else { DateEditor.DateInputKeyup(e); } }); input.Bind("change." + this.uniqueName, DateEditor.DateInputChange); time = J("<select/>") .AddClass("editor s-DateTimeEditor time") .InsertAfter(input.Next(".ui-datepicker-trigger")); foreach (var t in GetTimeOptions(fromHour: options.StartHour ?? 0, toHour: options.EndHour ?? 23, stepMins: options.IntervalMinutes ?? 5)) { Q.AddOption(time, t, t); } input.AddValidationRule(this.uniqueName, e => { var value = this.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MinValue) && String.Compare(value, MinValue) < 0) { return(String.Format(Q.Text("Validation.MinDate"), Q.FormatDate(Q.ParseISODateTime(MinValue)))); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MaxValue) && String.Compare(value, MaxValue) >= 0) { return(String.Format(Q.Text("Validation.MaxDate"), Q.FormatDate(Q.ParseISODateTime(MaxValue)))); } return(null); }); SqlMinMax = true; J("<div class='inplace-button inplace-now'><b></b></div>") .Attribute("title", "set to now") .InsertAfter(time) .Click(e => { if (this.Element.HasClass("readonly")) { return; } this.ValueAsDate = JsDate.Now; }); }
public EmployeeGrid(jQueryObject container) : base(container) { }
private JsDictionary <string, int> CreateCategoryLinks(jQueryObject container, List <PropertyItem> items) { int idx = 0; var itemIndex = new JsDictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var x in items) { x.Category = x.Category ?? options.DefaultCategory ?? ""; itemIndex[x.Name] = idx++; } var self = this; var categoryOrder = GetCategoryOrder(items); items.Sort((x, y) => { var c = 0; if (x.Category != y.Category) { var c1 = categoryOrder[x.Category]; var c2 = categoryOrder[y.Category]; if (c1 != null && c2 != null) { c = c1.Value - c2.Value; } else if (c1 != null) { c = -1; } else if (c2 != null) { c = 1; } } if (c == 0) { c = String.Compare(x.Category, y.Category); } if (c == 0) { c = itemIndex[x.Name].CompareTo(itemIndex[y.Name]); } return(c); }); var categoryIndexes = new JsDictionary <string, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (!categoryIndexes.ContainsKey(item.Category)) { int index = categoryIndexes.Count + 1; categoryIndexes[item.Category] = index; if (index > 1) { J("<span/>") .AddClass("separator") .Text("|") .PrependTo(container); } J("<a/>") .AddClass("category-link") .Text(DetermineText(item.Category, prefix => prefix + "Categories." + item.Category)) .Attribute("tabindex", "-1") .Attribute("href", "#" + options.IdPrefix + "Category" + index.ToString()) .Click(CategoryLinkClick) .PrependTo(container); } } J("<div/>") .AddClass("clear") .AppendTo(container); return(categoryIndexes); }
public static jQueryTemplateInstance GetTemplateInstance(jQueryObject o) { return(null); }
public static jQueryObject RenderTemplate(jQueryObject template, object data, object item) { return(null); }
private void Search() { List <FilterLine> filterLines = new List <FilterLine>(); string filterText = ""; string errorText = null; jQueryObject row = null; this.rowsDiv.Children().Children("div.v").Children("span.error").Remove(); bool inParens = false; for (int i = 0; i < rowsDiv.Children().Length; i++) { row = rowsDiv.Children().Eq(i); IFilterHandler handler = GetFilterHandlerFor(row); if (handler == null) { continue; } FilterField field = GetFieldFor(row); string op = row.Children("div.o").Children("select").GetValue(); if (op == null || op.Length == 0) { errorText = Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel.InvalidOperator"); break; } FilterLine lineEx = new FilterLine(); lineEx.Field = field.Name; lineEx.Title = field.Title ?? field.Name; lineEx.Operator = op; lineEx.IsOr = row.Children("div.l").Children("a.andor").HasClass("or"); lineEx.LeftParen = row.Children("div.l").Children("a.leftparen").HasClass("active"); lineEx.RightParen = row.Children("div.l").Children("a.rightparen").HasClass("active"); handler.ToFilterLine(lineEx); if (lineEx.ValidationError != null) { errorText = lineEx.ValidationError; break; } FilterLine line = new FilterLine(); line.Field = lineEx.Field; line.Operator = lineEx.Operator; if (Script.IsValue(lineEx.Value)) { line.Value = lineEx.Value; } if (Script.IsValue(lineEx.Value2)) { line.Value2 = lineEx.Value2; } if (Script.IsValue(lineEx.Values) && lineEx.Values.Count > 0) { line.Values = lineEx.Values; } if (lineEx.LeftParen) { line.LeftParen = 1.As < bool > (); } if (lineEx.RightParen) { line.RightParen = 1.As < bool > (); } if (lineEx.IsOr) { line.IsOr = 1.As < bool > (); } filterLines.Add(line); if (inParens && (lineEx.RightParen || lineEx.LeftParen)) { filterText += ")"; inParens = false; } if (filterText.Length > 0) { filterText += " " + Q.Text("Controls.FilterPanel." + (lineEx.IsOr ? "Or" : "And")) + " "; } if (lineEx.LeftParen) { filterText += "("; inParens = true; } filterText += lineEx.DisplayText; } // if an error occured, display it, otherwise set current filters if (errorText != null) { J("<span/>").AddClass("error").Text(errorText).AppendTo(row.Children("div.v")); row.Children("div.v").Find("input:first").Focus(); return; } if (filterLines.Count == 0) { this.SetCurrentFilter(null, null); } else { this.SetCurrentFilter(filterLines, filterText); } }
public StringEditor(jQueryObject input) : base(input, new object()) { }