//bool timeThrough = false; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { phases.Add(0); phases.Add(1); phases.Add(2); phases.Add(3); phase = GameObject.Find("HealthBar").GetComponent <healthBar>(); princess = GameObject.Find("_princess"); random = Random.Range(0, phases.Count); phases.RemoveAt(random); random = 3; if (random == 0f) { InvokeRepeating("Fire", 2.0f, 1.5f); } else if (random == 1) { InvokeRepeating("SpawnARocket", 2f, 2.5f); } else if (random == 2) { InvokeRepeating("CloudSpawning", 2f, 3f); InvokeRepeating("laser", 4f, 8f); } else if (random == 3) { InvokeRepeating("balloon", 2f, 2f); InvokeRepeating("hat", 2f, 1f); } }
void Awake() { bndCheck = GetComponent <BoundsCheck>(); bar = GameObject.Find("HealthBar"); healthbar = bar.GetComponent <healthBar>(); healthbar.setSize(1f); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //setting our current state to alive m_eCurrentPlayerState = E_PLAYER_STATE.E_PLAYER_STATE_ALIVE; verticalAxis = "_Vertical"; horizontalAxis = "_Horizontal"; rotationAxisX = "_Rotation_X"; rotationAxisY = "_Rotation_Y"; Fire = "_Fire"; Throw = "_Throw"; Jump = "_Jump"; // Loops through our players and assigns variables for input from different controllers for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) { if (m_playerID == i) { verticalAxis = "P" + (i + 1) + verticalAxis; //"_Vertical"; horizontalAxis = "P" + (i + 1) + horizontalAxis; // "_Horizontal"; rotationAxisX = "P" + (i + 1) + rotationAxisX; // "_Rotation_X"; rotationAxisY = "P" + (i + 1) + rotationAxisY; // "_Rotation_Y"; Fire = "P" + (i + 1) + Fire; Throw = "P" + (i + 1) + Throw; Jump = "P" + (i + 1) + Jump; } } healthBars = FindObjectOfType <healthBar> (); animator = GetComponentInChildren <Animator> (); }
void Awake() { //animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); //healthBarObject = GetComponent<GameObject>(); healthBar = healthBarObject.GetComponent <healthBar>(); //laser = GetComponent<GameObject>(); laserRB = laser.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); laserPoint = GameObject.Find("LaserPoint"); laserScript = laser.GetComponent <laser>(); player = GameObject.Find("PlayerPivot"); healthBarObject.SetActive(false); anubisRoar = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); RageMetre = GameObject.Find("RageMeter"); rageMetreScript = RageMetre.GetComponent <rageMeterScript>(); areaAttack.SetActive(false); laserEye.SetActive(false); areaAttacks.SetActive(false); //areaAttack = GetComponent<GameObject>(); //laserScript.enabled = false; health = RageMetre.transform.localScale.x; RageMetre.SetActive(false); }
public bool inFire = false; //creates bool to see if player if still in the fire private void Awake() { HealthBar = FindObjectOfType <healthBar>(); //finds object within scene as defined by healthbar //if (HealthBar) //debugs whether it is discovered or not // Debug.Log("Health bar is found!!"); //else // Debug.Log("Not found, try again!!"); }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { if (other.gameObject.name == "JakMan") { Destroy (this.gameObject); //Instantiate (exp, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); health = other.gameObject.GetComponent<healthBar>(); health.Life++; } }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { if (other.gameObject.name == "JakMan") { health = other.gameObject.GetComponent<healthBar>(); health.Life--; other.transform.position = health.startPos; this.transform.position = enemyStart; } }
IEnumerator OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { if (other.gameObject.name == "JakMan") { yield return StartCoroutine(MyWaitFunction (0.0255f)); health = other.gameObject.GetComponent<healthBar>(); health.Life--; other.transform.position = health.startPos; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { GM = GameObject.Find("GM"); health = GM.GetComponent <GameObjectHolder>().HealthAndCurrency.GetComponent <healthBar>(); formData = GM.GetComponent <sendDataToForm>(); pathHolder = gameObject.GetComponent <mapTraversal>(); renderers = GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true); renderers[1].gameObject.SetActive(true); locationsVisited = new Stack <string>(); redsPassed = new Stack <string>(); orangesPassed = new Stack <string>(); }
public Creature(GameObject prefab, int x, int y, int maxActionPoints, int team, int maxHealth = 10, int attackDamage = 1, int attackRange = 1, int defenseHeal = 10, int defenseResistance = 10, int dodge = 10) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.team = team; this.maxActionPoints = maxActionPoints; this.attackRange = attackRange; this.maxHealth = maxHealth; this.health = maxHealth; this.attackDamage = attackDamage; this.defenseHeal = defenseHeal; this.defenseResistance = defenseResistance; this.dodge = dodge; this.terrain = Terrain.allTiles[y][x]; this.terrain.creature = this; this.spriteInstance = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(prefab); this.spriteInstance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); this.spriteInstance.transform.position = this.terrain.spriteInstance.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.0001f); var hpTransform = spriteInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); var hpScale = hpTransform[1].localScale; hpTransform[1].localScale = new Vector3(hpScale.x * Terrain._terrainSize * 1.3f, hpScale.y * Terrain._terrainSize * 1.3f, hpScale.z * Terrain._terrainSize * 1.3f) * 13; this.hp_bar = this.spriteInstance.GetComponent <healthBar>(); this.actionPoints = maxActionPoints; allCreatures.Add(this); for (int aux = 0; aux < this.skills.Length; aux++) { this.skills[aux] = null; } buffs = spriteInstance.GetComponent <BuffsControl>(); if (this.terrain is Forest) { buffs.add_buff("Floresta"); } if (this.terrain is River) { buffs.add_buff("Rio"); } if (this.terrain is Fortress) { buffs.add_buff("Fortaleza"); } }
void Start() { jumpy = GameObject.Find("jump").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); firey = GameObject.Find("shoot").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); land = GameObject.Find("landing").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); gem = GameObject.Find("gemGrab").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); pop = GameObject.Find("pop").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); waits = GameObject.Find("HealthBar").GetComponent <healthBar>(); //reset the weapons to start _Hero with 1 blaster GameObject sprite = GameObject.Find("princessSprite"); anim = sprite.GetComponent <Animator>(); ClearWeapons(); weapons[0].SetType(WeaponType.blaster); }
void Start() { GM = GameObject.Find("GM"); stepCounter = 0; success = false; pathData = new Stack <string>(); correctPath = new Stack <string>(); attackerIdentity = gameObject.GetComponent <identityHandler>(); healthCTRL = GM.GetComponent <GameObjectHolder>().HealthAndCurrency; gameHealth = healthCTRL.GetComponent <healthBar>(); dataHandler = GM.GetComponent <sendDataToForm>(); currentMap = GM.GetComponent <Graph>(); setRandomID(); next = currentMap.getStartingPath(transform.position); Debug.Log(next); }
//Vector3 laserPointPosition; // Vector3 beginPos; void Start() { pop = GameObject.Find("pop").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); dinoWeaponScript = GameObject.Find("dinoWeapon").GetComponent <dinoWeapon>(); healthScript = GameObject.Find("HealthBar").GetComponent <healthBar>(); healthScript.roaring(); princesss = GameObject.Find("_princess"); laserPoint = dinoWeaponScript.newPoint; princessScript = princesss.GetComponent <hero>(); lr = GetComponent <LineRenderer>(); lr.SetPosition(0, transform.position); //birthtime = Time.time; Destroy(laserPoint, 4f); Destroy(gameObject, 4f); //beginPos = transform.position; //laserPointPosition = laserPoint.transform.position; }
void Start() { sprender = player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (instance == null) { instance = this; } invis = false; if (GameObject.Find("BossHP") != null) { GameObject.Find("BossHP").SetActive(true); } step = image.fillAmount / Maxhealth; health = Maxhealth; hpui.SetActive(true); coinui.SetActive(true); //rb = player.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); objCollider = player.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); circCollider = player.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); }
public void Start() { recieveDamage = true; anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); hb = GameObject.Find("Cube").GetComponent <healthBar>(); }
public void Start() { hb = GameObject.Find("Cube").GetComponent <healthBar>(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; }