예제 #1
        private static Vertex CreateOrFindVertex(float3 pointCoord, out bool isOldVertex, int handle)
            int    vertHandle;
            Vertex vert;

            //Check if a Vertex already exists and assign it to the HalfEdge instead of creating a new.
            if (_geometry.DictVertices.Count != 0)
                foreach (var v in _geometry.GetAllVertices())
                    if (!pointCoord.Equals(v.VertData.Pos))
                    isOldVertex = true;

                //Create Vertice and VertHandle.
                vertHandle = handle;
                vert       = new Vertex(vertHandle, pointCoord);
                //Create Vertices and VertHandle.
                vertHandle = handle;
                vert       = new Vertex(vertHandle, pointCoord);
            isOldVertex = false;
예제 #2
        private void OnSceneGUI()
            if (Tools.current != Tool.Rect)

            var tar = target as TerminalAuthoring;

            if (tar == null)

            float3 center = tar.transform.position;
            float2 size   = tar.Size * tar.TileSize;
            float3 pos    = tar.transform.position;
            var    col    = ColorFromName(tar.name);

            Rect originalArea = new Rect(pos.xy, size);

            var newArea = RectUtils.ResizeRect(originalArea, Handles.DotHandleCap, Color.blue, col, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(center) * .08f, tar.TileSize.y);

            float3 newCenter = PosHandle(center, tar.TileSize.y);

            if (!newCenter.Equals(tar.transform.position))
                tar.transform.position = newCenter;

            if (newArea != originalArea)
                tar.Size = (int2)(math.floor(newArea.size));
예제 #3
        public bool IsIdentical(LaserSegment other)
            if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
            if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
            if (!(Ray.Equals(other.Ray) &&
                  Depth == other.Depth &&
                  Equals(Color, other.Color) &&
                  EmissionNormal.Equals(other.EmissionNormal) &&
                  Length.Equals(other.Length) &&
                  ImpactNormal.Equals(other.ImpactNormal) &&
                  Children.Count == other.Children.Count

            for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++)
                if (!Children[i].IsIdentical(other.Children[i]))

예제 #4
        private void AssignModifiers(IReadOnlyList <Tile> tiles, Tile highest, Tile lowest)
            // Calculate special tiles
            var remainingTiles = tiles.Count - 2;
            var specialTiles   = remainingTiles > extraModifierChanceProbability
                ? Random.NextInt(0 + extraModifierChanceProbability, remainingTiles)
                : remainingTiles;

            // Remove the minimum regular tiles that are required
            specialTiles = specialTiles > minimumRegularRooms
                ? specialTiles - minimumRegularRooms
                : 0;

            CreateRooms(tiles, highest, lowest, specialTiles);

            _startPosition = lowest.BottomRectangle.Center;
            _endPosition   = highest.BottomRectangle.Center;

            if (!_endPosition.Equals(_startPosition))
            for (var i = tiles.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (tiles[i].Type == TileType.Regular)
                // Set endPosition to the last main room and stop looking for other positions
                _endPosition = tiles[i].BottomRectangle.Center;
예제 #5
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        Entities.ForEach((DynamicBuffer <PathPosition> pathPositionBuffer, ref Translation translation) => {
            if (pathPositionBuffer.Length > 0)
                int2 nextPosition     = pathPositionBuffer[pathPositionBuffer.Length - 1].position;
                float3 targetPosition = new float3(nextPosition.x + 0.5f, nextPosition.y + 0.5f, 0);

                // check if we're standing on the target
                if (targetPosition.Equals(translation.Value))
                    pathPositionBuffer.RemoveAt(pathPositionBuffer.Length - 1);

                float3 moveDir  = math.normalize(targetPosition - translation.Value);
                float moveSpeed = 3f;

                translation.Value += moveDir * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                if (math.distance(translation.Value, targetPosition) < .1f)
                    //Debug.Log("moving to " + nextPosition);
                    pathPositionBuffer.RemoveAt(pathPositionBuffer.Length - 1);
        private static float3 CalculateFinalOrientation(
            bool strafe,
            float3 strafeForward,
            float3 objectForward,
            float3 currentPointPosition,
            float3 previewPointPosition
            if (strafe)
                float3 finalOrientation = currentPointPosition - previewPointPosition;

                if (finalOrientation.Equals(float3.zero))
예제 #7
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle jobHandle)
        float deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;

        var ecb = _ecbSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent();

        jobHandle = Entities.ForEach((
                                         Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex,
                                         ref Velocity velocity,
                                         in Translation position, in Destination destination, in MoveSpeed moveSpeed) =>
            float3 dv = destination.Value - position.Value;
            if (dv.Equals(float3.zero))
                velocity.Value = float3.zero;
                ecb.RemoveComponent <Destination>(entityInQueryIndex, entity);
                float3 normalVel = math.normalize(dv) * moveSpeed.Value;
                float3 teleportToDestinationVelocity = dv / deltaTime;

                if (math.lengthsq(teleportToDestinationVelocity) < math.lengthsq(normalVel) || math.any(math.isnan(normalVel)))
                    velocity.Value = teleportToDestinationVelocity;
                    velocity.Value = normalVel;
    // Note: we use the zero vector to denote an unfilled cell in the grid. This means that if we were
    // to randomly pick (0, 0) as a sample, it would be ignored for the purposes of proximity-testing
    // and we might end up with another sample too close from (0, 0). This is a very minor issue.
    private bool IsFarEnough(float3 sample, float cellSize)
        var posX = (int)(sample.x / cellSize);
        var posZ = (int)(sample.z / cellSize);
        int xmin = Mathf.Max(posX - 2, 0);
        int ymin = Mathf.Max(posZ - 2, 0);
        int xmax = Mathf.Min(posX + 2, m_DistWidth - 1);
        int ymax = Mathf.Min(posZ + 2, m_DistHeight - 1);

        for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++)
            for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++)
                float3 cell = m_Grid[y * m_DistWidth + x];
                if (cell.Equals(new float3(0, 0, 0)))

                float3 d = cell - sample;
                if (d.x * d.x + d.z * d.z < m_RadiusSquared)
예제 #9
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        float         deltaTime     = Time.DeltaTime;
        float3        targetDir     = float3.zero;
        EntityManager entityManager = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager;

        Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation translation, ref SpeedData speedData, ref EnemyTag enemyTag, ref HasTarget hasTarget) =>
            if (entityManager.Exists(hasTarget.targetEntity))
                Translation targetTranslation = World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(hasTarget.targetEntity);
                targetDir          = math.normalize(targetTranslation.Value - translation.Value);
                translation.Value -= targetDir * speedData.speed * deltaTime;
                if (targetDir.Equals(float3.zero))
                    float3 targetPos = new float3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-10, 10), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-10, 10));
                    targetDir        = math.normalize(targetPos - translation.Value);

                translation.Value += targetDir * speedData.speed * deltaTime;
예제 #10
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        float movementX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float movementZ = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        Entities.WithAll <AgentData>().ForEach((ref AgentData agentData, in Rotation rotation) =>
            float3 direction = new float3(movementX, 0, movementZ);// TODO:写在 Foreach 外时可能获得 NULL 值,但不知道原因
            // var dir = math.normalize(math.mul(rotation.Value, direction));
            // physicsVelocity.Linear = direction * 8 * deltaTime;
            if (direction.Equals(float3.zero))
                agentData.targetDirection = 0;
            {   // direction 为 0 时,归一化返回 NULL
                agentData.targetDirection = math.normalize(math.mul(rotation.Value, direction));

            // float3 direction = new float3(movementX, 0, movementZ);
            // ccdata.currentDirection = math.normalize(math.mul(rotation.Value, direction));
            // ccdata.currentMagnitude = 1.0f;
            // if (direction.Equals(float3.zero))
            // {
            //     ccdata.currentMagnitude = 0;
            // }
 public bool Equals(CoreData other)
     if (!other.isValid || !isValid)
         Debug.LogWarning("CoreData: comparing invalid cds");
     return(Name.Equals(other.Name) && BaseName.Equals(other.BaseName) && size.Equals(other.size) && scale.Equals(other.scale));
예제 #12
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        if (Utility.playerEntity.Equals(Entity.Null))

        Entities.ForEach((ref TeleportComponent teleportComp, ref PlayerComponent playerComp, ref Translation pos) => {
            if (EntityManager.HasComponent <FadeInComponent>(Utility.playerEntity) || EntityManager.HasComponent <FadeOutComponent>(Utility.playerEntity))

            // start
            if (_desiredPos.Equals(float3.zero))
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new GamePauseComponent());
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new FadeInComponent(teleportComp.fadeInOutTime));
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new SubSceneControlComponent());
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new SubSceneLoadComponent()
                    type = (int)teleportComp.nextSubSceneType
                _desiredPos = GetTeleportPoint(teleportComp.sceneType, teleportComp.pointID);
            // finish
            else if (pos.Value.Equals(_desiredPos))
                _curSubSceneType = teleportComp.nextSubSceneType;

                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new GameResumeComponent());
                EntityManager.RemoveComponent <TeleportComponent>(Utility.playerEntity);
                EntityManager.RemoveComponent <SubSceneControlComponent>(Utility.playerEntity);
                playerComp.currentBehaviors ^= BehaviorState.teleport;
                _desiredPos = float3.zero;


            teleportComp.elapsedTeleportTime += Time.DeltaTime;
            if (teleportComp.elapsedTeleportTime >= teleportComp.teleportTime)
                // player
                pos.Value = _desiredPos;

                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new CameraSyncComponent(_desiredPos));
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new FadeOutComponent(teleportComp.fadeInOutTime));
                EntityManager.AddComponentData(Utility.playerEntity, new SubSceneUnLoadComponent()
                    type = (int)teleportComp.curSubSceneType
예제 #13
    bool PlayerPositionChanged()
        var curPos = GetPlayerPosition();

        var changed = !lastPlayerPosition.Equals(curPos);

        if (changed)
            lastPlayerPosition = curPos;
예제 #14
 public bool Equals(SimpleMaterial other)
     return(texAlbedo.Equals(other.texAlbedo) &&
            texOpacity.Equals(other.texOpacity) &&
            constAlbedo.Equals(other.constAlbedo) &&
            constOpacity.Equals(other.constOpacity) &&
            (twoSided == other.twoSided) &&
            (blend == other.blend) &&
            (transparent == other.transparent) &&
            scale.Equals(other.scale) &&
예제 #15
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        if (targetObject == null)
            targetObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Target");
        tempTarget = targetObject.transform.position;
        float3 sepVelocity    = new float3(0, 0, 0);
        float3 alignVelocity  = new float3(0, 0, 0);
        float3 arriveVelocity = new float3(0, 0, 0);
        float3 velocitySum    = new float3(0, 0, 0);

        Entities.WithAll <Skeleton>().ForEach((Entity entity, ref Translation skeletonTranslation, ref PhysicsVelocity velocity, ref Rotation rotation) =>
            //Code to run on all entities with the "Skeleton" tag
            NativeList <Entity> closestTargetsEntityList    = new NativeList <Entity>(Allocator.Temp);
            NativeList <float3> closestTargetsPositionList  = new NativeList <float3>(Allocator.Temp);
            NativeList <Vector3> closestTargetsVelocityList = new NativeList <Vector3>(Allocator.Temp);
            float3 skeletonPosition      = skeletonTranslation.Value;
            float3 closestTargetPosition = float3.zero;

            //Cycle through all other skeletons units to find the ones in neighbour distance
            Entities.WithAll <Skeleton>().ForEach((Entity targetEntity, ref Translation targetTranslation, ref PhysicsVelocity targetVelocity) =>
                if (entity != null)
                    if (entity != targetEntity)
                        if (math.lengthsq(targetTranslation.Value - skeletonPosition) < (distance * distance))
            sepVelocity    = PerformSeparationBehavior(closestTargetsEntityList, closestTargetsPositionList, skeletonPosition, moveSpeed, velocity.Linear);
            arriveVelocity = PerformArrivalBehavior(tempTarget, skeletonPosition, moveSpeed, velocity.Linear);
            velocitySum    = (sepVelocity + arriveVelocity + alignVelocity) * new float3(1, 0, 1);

            if (!(velocitySum.Equals(float3.zero)))
                velocity.Linear += math.normalize(velocitySum);

예제 #16
    private static bool WouldDeltaJumpTarget(float3 old, float3 delta, float3 target)
        float3 fullMove = old + delta;

        if (target.Equals(fullMove))

        float3 toTarget = target - fullMove;

        return(math.dot(delta, toTarget) < 0.0f);
예제 #17
    private void InitNeighbors()
        Neighbors = new NativeArray <int>(Vertices.Length * 6, Allocator.Persistent);
        var neighborList = new List <Tuple <int, float3> > [Vertices.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
            neighborList[i] = new List <Tuple <int, float3> >();

        for (int i = 0; i < Polygons.Count; i++)
            var p = Polygons[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                int vertIndex = p.m_Vertices[(j + 1) % 3];
                neighborList[p.m_Vertices[j]].Add(new Tuple <int, float3>(vertIndex, Vertices[vertIndex]));
        for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
            var pos     = Vertices[i];
            var forward = math.normalize(neighborList[i][0].Item2 - pos);

            neighborList[i].Sort(delegate(Tuple <int, float3> a, Tuple <int, float3> b)
                float3 diffA = math.normalize(a.Item2 - pos);
                float3 diffB = math.normalize(b.Item2 - pos);
                float dotA   = math.dot(diffA, forward);
                float dotB   = math.dot(diffB, forward);
                float angleA = diffA.Equals(forward) ? 0 : math.acos(dotA);
                float angleB = diffB.Equals(forward) ? 0 : math.acos(dotB);
                angleA      *= math.dot(pos, math.cross(forward, diffA)) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
                angleB      *= math.dot(pos, math.cross(forward, diffB)) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
                return((int)math.sign(angleB - angleA));
            for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                int index = i * 6 + j;
                if (j < neighborList[i].Count)
                    int n = neighborList[i][j].Item1;
                    Neighbors[index] = n;
                    Neighbors[index] = -1;
예제 #18
        // Apply the flocking behaviour using a buffer
        private ReynoldsMovementValues GetFlockingBehaviour(ref Translation agentTranslation, ref float3 preVelocity, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> nearbyCrowdPosList, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> nearbyCrowdVelList, ref ReynoldsFlockBehaviour flockBehaviour, ReynoldsMovementValues movement)
            float3 move = float3.zero; // where the agent will move
            // Calculate Avoidance first
            float3 avoidance = CalculateAvoidance(ref agentTranslation.Value, ref nearbyCrowdPosList, ref flockBehaviour);

            //if the avoidance is not zero
            if (!avoidance.Equals(float3.zero))
                avoidance  = math.normalize(avoidance);
                avoidance *= flockBehaviour.AvoidanceWeight;

                move += avoidance;
                //Debug.Log("Move after avoid: " +move);

            // Calculate cohesion
            float3 cohesion = CalculateCohesion(ref agentTranslation.Value, ref preVelocity, ref nearbyCrowdPosList, ref nearbyCrowdVelList, ref flockBehaviour);

            if (!cohesion.Equals(float3.zero))
                //Debug.Log("Cohes Dst Sq: " +math.distancesq(float3.zero,cohesion));
                //if the avoidance is not normalized  (The square of the length of the position is greater than the square of the weights)
                if (math.distancesq(float3.zero, cohesion) > flockBehaviour.CohesionWeight * flockBehaviour.CohesionWeight)
                    //normalize the movement vector
                    cohesion  = math.normalize(cohesion);
                    cohesion *= flockBehaviour.CohesionWeight;

                move += cohesion;
                //Debug.Log("Move after cohes: " +move);
            // May want to calculate alignment after, but not at time of writing this

            ReynoldsMovementValues movementValues = new ReynoldsMovementValues {
                flockMovement = move,
                seekMovement  = movement.seekMovement,
                fleeMovement  = movement.fleeMovement

            //Debug.Log("Flock stored: " +movementValues.flockMovement);
            //movement.flockMovement = move;

            //float moveSpeed = 5f; //movement speed
            //agentTranslation.Value += move * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; //add movement to the translation
            //return move;
예제 #19
 public bool Equals(Noise other) =>
 Seed == other.Seed &&
 Octaves == other.Octaves &&
 Lacunarity == other.Lacunarity &&
 Persistence == other.Persistence &&
 Scale == other.Scale &&
 Weight == other.Weight &&
 WeightMultiplier == other.WeightMultiplier &&
 Offset.Equals(other.Offset) &&
 FloorOffset == other.FloorOffset &&
 HardFloorHeight == other.HardFloorHeight &&
 HardFloorWeight == other.HardFloorWeight &&
 TerraceHeight == other.TerraceHeight &&
 TerraceWeight == other.TerraceWeight;
예제 #20
 void Update()
     if (entity != Entity.Null && !oldValue.Equals(this.movementMultiplier))
         manager.SetComponentData(entity, new PhysicsSpeedMultiplier {
             Value = movementMultiplier
         oldValue = movementMultiplier;
         EventCenter.MultiplierChangedEvent.Invoke(new MultiplierMessage()
             Multiplier = movementMultiplier
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a Float3Slider with the given arguments
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="maxValue"></param>
 /// <param name="minValue"></param>
 public Float3Slider(float3 _minValue  = new float3(), float3 _maxValue      = new float3(), float3 value = new float3(),
                     string sliderName = "Float3Slider", string maxValueName = "Max", string minValueName = "Min",
                     string xLabel     = "X Value", string yLabel = "Y Value", string zLabel = "Z Value")
     MaxValue     = _maxValue.Equals(_minValue) ? new float3(_minValue.x + 1f, _minValue.y + 1f, _minValue.z + 1f) : _maxValue;
     MinValue     = _minValue;
     Value        = value;
     SliderName   = sliderName;
     MaxValueName = maxValueName;
     MinValueName = minValueName;
     XLabel       = xLabel;
     YLabel       = yLabel;
     ZLabel       = zLabel;
예제 #22
파일: LineHelpers.cs 프로젝트: Sibz/Lines
        public static bool LinesIntersect(float3 line1, float3 line2, out float2 intersection)
            intersection = float2.zero;
            if (line1.Equals(line2) ||
                !TryGetDelta(new float2x2(line1.x, line1.y, line2.x, line2.y), out float delta))

            intersection = new float2(
                (line2.y * line1.z - line1.y * line2.z) / delta,
                (line1.x * line2.z - line2.x * line1.z) / delta
예제 #23
    public float3 CompoteDesired(float3 formationLocation)
        float3 desired = (formationLocation + m_desiredLocation);
        float  d       = math.distance(desired, m_currentLocation);

        if (d < 0.25f || m_velocity.Equals(float3.zero))

        float3 v = (m_desiredLocation + formationLocation) - m_currentLocation;

        v = v - m_velocity;
        v = math.normalize(v);
예제 #24
        // matrix to transform point on a primitive from bake space into space of the shape
        static float4x4 GetPrimitiveBakeToShapeMatrix(
            float4x4 localToWorld, float4x4 shapeToWorld, ref float3 center, ref EulerAngles orientation, float3 scale, int3 basisPriority
            if (
                basisPriority.x == basisPriority.y ||
                basisPriority.x == basisPriority.z ||
                basisPriority.y == basisPriority.z
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(basisPriority));

            var localToBasis = float4x4.TRS(center, orientation, scale);

            // correct for imprecision in cases of no scale to prevent e.g., convex radius from being altered
            if (scale.Equals(new float3(1f)))
                localToBasis.c0 = math.normalizesafe(localToBasis.c0);
                localToBasis.c1 = math.normalizesafe(localToBasis.c1);
                localToBasis.c2 = math.normalizesafe(localToBasis.c2);
            var localToBake = math.mul(localToWorld, localToBasis);

            if (localToBake.HasNonUniformScale() || localToBake.HasShear())
                // deskew second longest axis with respect to longest axis
                localToBake[basisPriority[1]] =
                    DeskewSecondaryAxis(localToBake[basisPriority[0]], localToBake[basisPriority[1]]);

                // recompute third axes from first two
                var n2 = math.normalizesafe(
                    new float4(math.cross(localToBake[basisPriority[0]].xyz, localToBake[basisPriority[1]].xyz), 0f)
                localToBake[basisPriority[2]] = n2 * math.dot(localToBake[basisPriority[2]], n2);

            var bakeToShape = math.mul(math.inverse(shapeToWorld), localToBake);

            // transform baked center/orientation (i.e. primitive basis) into shape space
                quaternion.LookRotationSafe(bakeToShape[basisPriority[0]].xyz, bakeToShape[basisPriority[1]].xyz)
            center = bakeToShape.c3.xyz;

        public int                       qtdObjects;//quantidade total de objetos nos objetos

        public void Execute(ref Translation pos, ref Rotation rot, ref FlockWho flockWho)
            index = flockWho.flockValue + (flockWho.flockManagerValue) * flocksQuantityPerLayer;

            float3 velocity = GetFlockMovement(pos.Value, rot.Value, ref flockWho); //pegar o movimento/velocidade do flock (+ direcao)

            velocity.z = 0f;

            if (!velocity.Equals(float3.zero))
                rot.Value = quaternion.LookRotation(math.forward(rot.Value), velocity); //setar a rotacao
                rot.Value = quaternion.LookRotation(math.forward(rot.Value), math.up()); //setar a rotacao
            pos.Value += velocity * timeDT;                                              //setar a posicao
예제 #26
 public bool Equals(LitMaterial other)
     return(texAlbedo.Equals(other.texAlbedo) &&
            texMetal.Equals(other.texMetal) &&
            texNormal.Equals(other.texNormal) &&
            texEmissive.Equals(other.texEmissive) &&
            texSmoothness.Equals(other.texSmoothness) &&
            texOpacity.Equals(other.texOpacity) &&
            constAlbedo.Equals(other.constAlbedo) &&
            constEmissive.Equals(other.constEmissive) &&
            constOpacity.Equals(other.constOpacity) &&
            constMetal.Equals(other.constMetal) &&
            constSmoothness.Equals(other.constSmoothness) &&
            normalMapZScale.Equals(other.normalMapZScale) &&
            (twoSided == other.twoSided) &&
            (transparent == other.transparent) &&
            (triangleSortTransparent == other.triangleSortTransparent) &&
            scale.Equals(other.scale) &&
예제 #27
            public bool CheckRay(float3 position, float3 direction, float3 currentDirection)
                if (direction.Equals(-currentDirection))
                var ray = new RaycastInput
                    Start  = position,
                    End    = position + direction * 0.9f,
                    Filter = new CollisionFilter
                        GroupIndex       = 0,
                        BelongsTo        = 1u << 1,
                            CollidesWith = 1u << 2

예제 #28
        public bool RaycastCheck(float3 position, float3 direction, float3 currentDirection)
            if (direction.Equals(-currentDirection))

            var ray = new RaycastInput()
                Start  = position,
                End    = position + (direction * 0.9f),
                Filter = new CollisionFilter()
                    GroupIndex       = 0,
                    BelongsTo        = 1u << 1,
                        CollidesWith = 1u << 2

예제 #29
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            float deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;

            var pvs = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsVelocity>();
            var pms = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsMass>(true);

            .WithAll <Tag, AbilityCommon.Active>()
            .ForEach((in Owner owner, in AxisInput input, in Setting setting) => {
                float3 rawDirection = new float3(input.Value.x, 0, input.Value.y);
                if (rawDirection.Equals(0))
                float3 direction         = math.normalize(rawDirection);
                PhysicsVelocity velocity = pvs[owner.Entity];
                PhysicsMass physicsMass  = pms[owner.Entity];
                velocity.ApplyLinearImpulse(physicsMass, setting.Strength * direction);
                pvs[owner.Entity] = velocity;
        public bool CheckRay(float3 pos, float3 targetDir, ref float3 currentDir)
            if (targetDir.Equals(-currentDir))
                //don't let enemy do an abrupt 180
            var ray = new RaycastInput()
                Start  = pos,
                End    = pos + (targetDir * 0.9f),
                Filter = new CollisionFilter()
                    GroupIndex       = 0,
                    BelongsTo        = 1u << 1,              //bitmasks, so using bitshifts
                        CollidesWith = 1u << 2
            var hit = pw.CastRay(ray, out Unity.Physics.RaycastHit closestHit);

            return(hit);           // ? math.length((closestHit.Position - pos)) : null;