예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Shows the toast. A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="_message">The text message in a Toast view.</param>
		/// <param name="_length">Toast view show duration time length.</param>
		public virtual void ShowToast (string _message, eToastMessageLength _length)
예제 #2
파일: UIIOS.cs 프로젝트: batiacosta/Cyramza
 public override void ShowToast(string _message, eToastMessageLength _length)
     DebugUtility.Logger.LogWarning(Constants.kDebugTag, Constants.kAndroidFeature);
예제 #3
 public override void ShowToast(string _message, eToastMessageLength _length)
     Plugin.Call(Native.Methods.SHOW_TOAST, _message, _length == eToastMessageLength.SHORT ? "SHORT" : "LONG");
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows the toast. A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="_message">The text message in a Toast view.</param>
 /// <param name="_length">Toast view show duration length.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// The following code example demonstrates how to show a short toast message.
 /// <code>
 /// using UnityEngine;
 /// using System.Collections;
 /// using VoxelBusters.NativePlugins;
 /// public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
 /// {
 ///     public void ShowToastMessage ()
 ///     {
 ///         NPBinding.UI.ShowToast("This is a sample message.", eToastMessageLength.SHORT);
 ///     }
 /// }
 /// </code>
 /// </example>
 /// <remarks>
 /// \note This is an Android only feature. On iOS, this call has no effect.
 /// </remarks>
 public virtual void ShowToast(string _message, eToastMessageLength _length)
		public override void ShowToast (string _message, eToastMessageLength _length)
			Plugin.Call(Native.Methods.SHOW_TOAST, _message, _length == eToastMessageLength.SHORT ? "SHORT" : "LONG");
예제 #6
		public override void ShowToast (string _message, eToastMessageLength _length)
			Console.LogWarning(Constants.kDebugTag, Constants.kAndroidFeature);
예제 #7
 public override void Reset()
     // Setup properties
     message = null;
     length  = eToastMessageLength.SHORT;