void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { player.shake(); if (col.gameObject.name.Equals(lhName) || col.gameObject.name.Equals(rhName)) { dscript.logEvent(this.name); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (col.gameObject.name.Equals(rhName) || col.gameObject.name.Equals(lhName)) { Debug.Log("You have selected " + this.gameObject.name); dscript.logEvent(this.name); answered = true; triggerObject.GetComponent <SurveyTrigger>().RemoveSurvey(this.transform.root.name); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (col.gameObject.name.Equals(lhName) || col.gameObject.name.Equals(rhName)) { dscript.logEvent(this.name); nonVRCameraRig.SetActive(true); vrCameraRig.SetActive(false); UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.enabled = false; dscript.endLog(); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (col.gameObject.name.Equals(micName)) { dscript.logEvent(this.name); if (narrative.isPlaying) { narrative.Pause(); Debug.Log("paused"); } else { Debug.Log("Its playing!!"); narrative.Play(); StartCoroutine(clipTimer(playTime)); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (col.gameObject.name.Equals(rhName)) { dscript.logEvent(this.name); Debug.Log("counter is: " + counter); if (counter == 0) { st = Instantiate(shore1800_Text); sl = Instantiate(shore1800_Prefab); counter++; } else if (counter == 1) { Destroy(sl); Destroy(st); st = Instantiate(shore1930_Text); sl = Instantiate(shore1930_Prefab); counter++; } else if (counter == 2) { ; Destroy(sl); Destroy(st); st = Instantiate(shore2000_Text); sl = Instantiate(shore2000_Prefab); counter++; } else { Destroy(st); Destroy(sl); counter = 0; } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { if (col.gameObject.name.Equals(lhName) || col.gameObject.name.Equals(rhName)) { dscript.logEvent(this.name); //make shrimp boats appear and disappear hideshow = !hideshow; Debug.Log("Hideshow is: " + hideshow); if (hideshow) { //make shrimp boat appear sb = Instantiate(ShrimpBoat_prefab); } else { //make shrimp boat disappear Destroy(sb); } } }