예제 #1
        public void TestAddressRoundtrip()
            // Tests encode and decode
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var a = new cipher__Address();

            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var b = new GoSlice();

            err = SKY_cipher_Address_Bytes(a, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromBytes(b, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var a2 = new cipher__Address();

            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromBytes(b, a2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.isEqual(a2), 1);
            var str  = new _GoString_();
            var str2 = new _GoString_();

            err = SKY_cipher_Address_String(a, str);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_Address_String(a2, str2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(str.p == str2.p, true);
예제 #2
        public void TestAddressFromBytes()
            var  s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var  p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            uint err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var a  = new cipher__Address();
            var a2 = new cipher__Address();

            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var b  = new GoSlice();
            var b2 = new GoSlice();

            err = SKY_cipher_Address_Bytes(a, b);
            err = SKY_cipher_Address_Bytes(a, b2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromBytes(b2, a2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(a2.isEqual(a), 1);
            // Invalid number of bytes
            long len_b = b.len;

            b.len = b.len - 2;
            err   = SKY_cipher_AddressFromBytes(b, a2);
            Assert.AreEqual(SKY_ErrAddressInvalidLength, err, "Failed SKY_cipher_AddressFromBytes 2");
            b.len = len_b;
            err = SKY_cipher_Address_Bytes(a, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, "SKY_cipher_Address_Bytes SKY_ErrAddressInvalidVersion");
            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromBytes(b, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(SKY_ErrAddressInvalidVersion, err);
        public void TestBitcoinWIPRoundTrio()
            var p       = new cipher_PubKey();
            var seckey1 = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err     = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, seckey1);
            var wip1    = new _GoString_();

            SKY_cipher_BitcoinWalletImportFormatFromSeckey(seckey1, wip1);
            var seckey2 = new skycoin.cipher_SecKey();

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_SecKeyFromBitcoinWalletImportFormat(wip1.p, seckey2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var wip2 = new _GoString_();

            SKY_cipher_BitcoinWalletImportFormatFromSeckey(seckey2, wip2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(seckey1.isEqual(seckey2), 1);
            var seckey1_hex = new _GoString_();
            var seckey2_hex = new _GoString_();

            err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Hex(seckey1, seckey1_hex);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Hex(seckey2, seckey2_hex);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(seckey1_hex.p == seckey2_hex.p, true);
            Assert.AreEqual(wip1.p == wip2.p, true);
        public void TestBitcoinAddressVerify()
            var p = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s = new cipher_SecKey();
            var a = new cipher__BitcoinAddress();

            SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
            SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddressFromPubKey(p, a);

            // Valid pubkey+address
            var err = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddress_Verify(a, p);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);

            // Invalid pubkey
            err = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddress_Verify(a, new cipher_PubKey());
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrAddressInvalidPubKey);
            var p2 = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s2 = new cipher_SecKey();

            SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p2, s2);
            err = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddress_Verify(a, p2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrAddressInvalidPubKey);

            // Bad Version
            a.Version = 0x01;
            err       = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddress_Verify(a, p2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrAddressInvalidVersion);
예제 #5
        public void makeTransactionFromUxOut(coin__UxOut ux, cipher_SecKey s, SWIGTYPE_p_Transaction__Handle handle, coin__Transaction ptx)
            handle = makeEmptyTransaction();
            var h = new cipher_SHA256();

            Assert.AreEqual(skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s), skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            var err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_UxOut_Hash(ux, h);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            var r = new uint();

            r = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_Transaction_PushInput(handle, h);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_Transaction_PushOutput(handle, makeAddress(), (ulong)1e6, 50);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_Transaction_PushOutput(handle, makeAddress(), (ulong)5e6, 50);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            var seckeys = new cipher_SecKeys();

            seckeys.setAt(0, s);
            err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_Transaction_SignInputs(handle, seckeys);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_Transaction_UpdateHeader(handle);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_GetTransactionObject(handle, ptx);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            err = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_coin_Transaction_Verify(handle);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
예제 #6
 public void TestAddressBulk()
     for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
         var pub = new cipher_PubKey();
         var sec = new cipher_SecKey();
         var b   = new GoSlice();
         var err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(32, b);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
         err = SKY_cipher_GenerateDeterministicKeyPair(b, pub, sec);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
         var a = new cipher__Address();
         err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(pub, a);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
         err = SKY_cipher_Address_Verify(a, pub);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
         var s = new _GoString_();
         err = SKY_cipher_Address_String(a, s);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
         var a2 = new cipher__Address();
         err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(s.p, a2);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
         Assert.AreEqual(a2.isEqual(a), 1);
        public void TestCreateUnspents()
            var a = new cipher__Address();
            var p = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s = new cipher_SecKey();

            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var h   = new cipher_SHA256();
            var txn = new_Transaction__Handlep();

            err = SKY_coin_Transaction_PushOutput(txn, a, (ulong)11e6, 255);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var bh = new coin__BlockHeader();

            bh.Time  = 0;
            bh.BkSeq = 1;
            var uxouts = new coin_UxOutArray();

            err = SKY_coin_CreateUnspents(bh, txn, uxouts);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(uxouts.count, 1);
예제 #8
        public void makeTransaction(SWIGTYPE_p_Transaction__Handle handle, coin__Transaction ptx)
            var s  = new cipher_SecKey();
            var ux = new coin__UxOut();

            makeUxOutWithSecret(ux, s);
            makeTransactionFromUxOut(ux, s, handle, ptx);
예제 #9
        public coin__UxOut makeUxOut()
            var uxb = new coin__UxOut();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();

            makeUxOutWithSecret(uxb, s);
        public void TestPubKeyVerifyDefault1()
            // Generated pub key should be valid
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            err = SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
        public void TestGenerateKeyPair()
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            err = SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
예제 #12
        public cipher__Address makeAddress()
            var pubkey = new cipher_PubKey();
            var seckey = new cipher_SecKey();
            var addr   = new cipher__Address();
            var result = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(pubkey, seckey);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, skycoin.skycoin.SKY_OK);
            result = skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(pubkey, addr);
 public void TestPubKeyVerifyDefault2()
     for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
         var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
         var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
         var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
         err = SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(p);
         Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
예제 #14
        public void makeUxOutWithSecret(coin__UxOut uxOut, cipher_SecKey secKey)
            var uxBody = new coin__UxBody();

            makeUxBodyWithSecret(uxBody, secKey);
            uxOut = new coin__UxOut();
            var uxHead = new coin__UxHead();

            uxHead.Time  = 100;
            uxHead.BkSeq = 2;
            uxOut.Body   = uxBody;
            uxOut.Head   = uxHead;
        public void TestBitcoinAddressNull()
            var a = new cipher__BitcoinAddress();


            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddressFromPubKey(p, a);
예제 #16
        public void TestAddressNull()
            var a = new cipher__Address();

            Assert.AreEqual(a.isEqual(new cipher__Address()), 1);
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(a.isEqual(new cipher__Address()), 0);
        public void TestPubKeyFromSecKey()
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
            var p1  = new cipher_PubKey();

            err = SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSecKey(s, p1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(p1.isEqual(p), 1);

            s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            err = SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSecKey(s, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrPubKeyFromNullSecKey);
        public void TestSecKeyVerify()
            // Empty secret key should not be valid
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidSecKey);
            // Generated sec key should be valid
            var p = new cipher_PubKey();

            s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s), SKY_OK);
        public void TestNewPubKey()
            var b   = new GoSlice();
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(31, b);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(b, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidLengthPubKey);
            b   = new GoSlice();
            err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(32, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(b, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidLengthPubKey);
            b   = new GoSlice();
            err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(34, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(b, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidLengthPubKey);
            b   = new GoSlice();
            err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(0, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(b, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidLengthPubKey);
            b   = new GoSlice();
            err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(100, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(b, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidLengthPubKey);
            b   = new GoSlice();
            p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(b, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidLengthPubKey);

            var s     = new cipher_SecKey();
            var pTemp = new GoSlice();

            err   = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
            pTemp = p.toSlice();
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var p2 = new cipher_PubKey();

            err = SKY_cipher_NewPubKey(pTemp, p2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(p.isEqual(p2), 1);
예제 #20
        public void TestDecodeBase58Address()
            uint err = 0;
            var  s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var  p   = new cipher_PubKey();

            Assert.AreEqual(SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s), SKY_OK, "Failed SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair");
            err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, "Failed SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify ");
            err = SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, "Failed SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify");
            var a  = new cipher__Address();
            var a1 = new cipher__Address();
            var a2 = new cipher__Address();

            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, "Failed SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey");
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, "Failed SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey");
            err = SKY_cipher_Address_Verify(a, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, " Failed SKY_cipher_Address_Verify");
            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address("", a1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ERROR, "Failed SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address 1");
            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address("asa", a1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrAddressInvalidLength, "Failed SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address 2");

            var addrStr = new _GoString_();

            err = SKY_cipher_Address_String(a, addrStr);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(addrStr.p, a2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK, "Failed SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address");
            Assert.IsTrue(a.isEqual(a2) == 1);
            var as2 = " " + addrStr.p;

            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(as2, a1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ERROR, "Failed SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address 31");

            as2 = "000" + addrStr.p;
            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(as2, a1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ERROR, "Failed SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address 3");

            as2 = addrStr.p + "000";
            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(as2, a1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ERROR, "Failed SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address 30");
예제 #21
        public void TestCreateUnspent()
            var p = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s = new cipher_SecKey();
            var a = new cipher__Address();

            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var h      = new cipher_SHA256();
            var handle = new_Transaction__Handlep();

            err = SKY_coin_Transaction_PushOutput(handle, a, 11000000, 255);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var bh = new coin__BlockHeader();

            bh.Time  = 0;
            bh.BkSeq = 1;
            testcase[] t  = new testcase[2];
            var        tc = new testcase();

            tc.index   = 0;
            tc.failure = SKY_OK;
            t[0]       = tc;
            tc         = new testcase();
            tc.failure = SKY_ERROR;
            tc.index   = 10;
            t[1]       = tc;
            var ux          = new coin__UxOut();
            var tests_count = t.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < tests_count; i++)
                err = SKY_coin_CreateUnspent(bh, handle, t[i].index, ux);
                if (t[i].failure == SKY_ERROR)
                Assert.AreEqual(bh.Time, ux.Head.Time);
                Assert.AreEqual(bh.BkSeq, ux.Head.BkSeq);
        public void TestBitcoinAddressFromSecKey()
            var p  = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s  = new cipher_SecKey();
            var a  = new cipher__BitcoinAddress();
            var a2 = new cipher__BitcoinAddress();

            SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
            var err = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddressFromSecKey(s, a);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            // Valid pubkey+address
            err = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddress_Verify(a, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);

            err = SKY_cipher_BitcoinAddressFromSecKey(new cipher_SecKey(), a2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrPubKeyFromNullSecKey);
        public void TestPubKeyToAddress()
            var p     = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s     = new cipher_SecKey();
            var addr  = new cipher__Address();
            var addr1 = new cipher__Address();
            var err   = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, addr);
            err = SKY_cipher_Address_Verify(addr, p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var addrStr = new _GoString_();

            err = SKY_cipher_Address_String(addr, addrStr);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_DecodeBase58Address(addrStr.p, addr1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
예제 #24
        public void makeUxBodyWithSecret(coin__UxBody uxBody, cipher_SecKey secKey)
            var p = new cipher_PubKey();

            skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, secKey);
            var b = new GoSlice();

            skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_RandByte(128, b);
            var h = new cipher_SHA256();

            skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h);
            var a = new cipher__Address();

            skycoin.skycoin.SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);
            uxBody.Address = a;
            uxBody.Coins   = (ulong)(1e6);
            uxBody.Hours   = 100;
        public void TestECDHonce()
            var pub1 = new cipher_PubKey();
            var pub2 = new cipher_PubKey();
            var sec1 = new cipher_SecKey();
            var sec2 = new cipher_SecKey();
            var buf1 = new GoSlice();
            var buf2 = new GoSlice();
            var err  = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(pub1, sec1);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(pub2, sec2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_ECDH(pub2, sec1, buf1);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_ECDH(pub1, sec2, buf2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(buf1.isEqual(buf2), 1);
        public void TestSignHash()
            var p = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s = new cipher_SecKey();
            var a = new cipher__Address();

            SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);
            var err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(p, a);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var b_temp = new GoSlice();

            SKY_cipher_RandByte(256, b_temp);
            var h = new cipher_SHA256();

            SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b_temp, h);
            var sig = new cipher_Sig();

            SKY_cipher_SignHash(h, s, sig);
            Assert.AreEqual(sig.isEqual(new cipher_Sig()), 0);
예제 #27
        public void TestTransactionVerifyInput()
            // Valid
            var uxOut  = new coin__UxOut();
            var seckey = new cipher_SecKey();
            var result = (uint)makeUxOutWithSecret(uxOut, seckey);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, SKY_OK);
            var handle = new_Transaction__Handlep();

            var ptx = makeTransactionFromUxOut(uxOut, seckey, handle);

            Assert.AreEqual(result, SKY_OK);
            var ux = new coin_UxOutArray();

            result = SKY_coin_VerifyInputSignatures(handle, ux);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, SKY_OK);
예제 #28
        public void TestNewGenesisBlock()
            var   pubkey   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var   seckey   = new cipher_SecKey();
            ulong genTime  = 1000;
            ulong genCoins = (ulong)1000e6;

            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(pubkey, seckey);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var addr = new cipher__Address();

            err = SKY_cipher_AddressFromPubKey(pubkey, addr);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var block = new_Block__HandlePtr();

            err = SKY_coin_NewGenesisBlock(addr, genCoins, genTime, block);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var pBlockPP = new_coin__BlockPtr();

            err = SKY_coin_GetBlockObject(block, pBlockPP);
            var pBlock = coin__BlockPtr_value(pBlockPP);

            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var nullHash = new cipher_SHA256();
            var Head     = new GoSlice();

            err = SKY_coin_BlockHeader_Bytes(pBlock.Head, Head);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            var strnullHash = nullHash.getStr();
            var strHead     = new _GoString_();

            Assert.AreEqual(strnullHash.p, strHead.p);
            Assert.AreEqual(genTime, pBlock.Head.Time);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pBlock.Head.BkSeq);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pBlock.Head.Version);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pBlock.Head.Fee);
        public void TestPubKeyFromSig()
            var p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            var b   = new GoSlice();
            var h   = new cipher_SHA256();
            var err = SKY_cipher_GenerateKeyPair(p, s);

            err = SKY_cipher_RandByte(256, b);
            err = SKY_cipher_SumSHA256(b, h);
            var sig = new cipher_Sig();

            err = SKY_cipher_SignHash(h, s, sig);
            var p2 = new cipher_PubKey();

            err = SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSig(sig, h, p2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            Assert.AreEqual(p2.isEqual(p), 1);
            p2  = new cipher_PubKey();
            err = SKY_cipher_PubKeyFromSig(new cipher_Sig(), h, p2);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_ErrInvalidSigPubKeyRecovery);
        public void TestGenerateDeterministicKeyPair()
            // TODO -- deterministic key pairs are useless as is because we can't
            // generate pair n+1, only pair 0
            var seed = new GoSlice();
            var err  = SKY_cipher_RandByte(32, seed);
            var p    = new cipher_PubKey();
            var s    = new cipher_SecKey();

            err = SKY_cipher_GenerateDeterministicKeyPair(seed, p, s);
            err = SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            p   = new cipher_PubKey();
            s   = new cipher_SecKey();
            err = SKY_cipher_GenerateDeterministicKeyPair(seed, p, s);
            err = SKY_cipher_PubKey_Verify(p);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);
            err = SKY_cipher_SecKey_Verify(s);
            Assert.AreEqual(err, SKY_OK);