예제 #1
        public string PublishBusiness(string businessName, string description)
            save_business newBusiness = new save_business();

            newBusiness.authInfo       = token.authInfo;
            newBusiness.generic        = "2.0";
            newBusiness.businessEntity = new businessEntity[1] {
                new businessEntity()

            businessEntity myBusinessEntity = newBusiness.businessEntity[0];

            myBusinessEntity.name = new name[1] {
                new name()
            myBusinessEntity.name[0].Value = businessName;
            myBusinessEntity.businessKey   = "";
            myBusinessEntity.description   = new description[1] {
                new description()
            myBusinessEntity.description[0].Value = description;

            businessDetail myBusinessDetail = publishProxy.save_business(newBusiness);

        private static bool CheckServiceAndParentForSignature(String serviceKey, UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding uddiInquiryService, String token)
            get_serviceDetail gsd = new get_serviceDetail();

            gsd.authInfo   = (token);
            gsd.serviceKey = new string[] { serviceKey };
            String bizkey = null;

                serviceDetail serviceDetail = uddiInquiryService.get_serviceDetail(gsd);
                if (serviceDetail != null && serviceDetail.businessService != null)
                        bizkey = serviceDetail.businessService[0].businessKey;
                        if (serviceDetail.businessService[0].Signature != null && serviceDetail.businessService[0].Signature.Length > 0)
                            log.info("the service with key=" + serviceKey + " exists and is digitally signed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.info("Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for service key " + serviceKey, ex);
                throw new UnexpectedResponseException("Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for service key " + serviceKey, ex);
            if (bizkey == null)
                throw new UnexpectedResponseException("The service with key " + serviceKey + " parent's business key could not be determined. This is unexpected");
            get_businessDetail gbd = new get_businessDetail();

            gbd.authInfo    = (token);
            gbd.businessKey = new string[] { bizkey };
                businessDetail businessDetail = uddiInquiryService.get_businessDetail(gbd);
                if (businessDetail != null && businessDetail.businessEntity != null)
                    if (businessDetail.businessEntity[0].Signature != null && businessDetail.businessEntity[0].Signature.Length > 0)
                        log.info("the business with key=" + bizkey + " exists and is digitally signed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.info("Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for business key " + bizkey, ex);
                throw new UnexpectedResponseException("Error caught checking for the existence of and if a signature is present for business key " + bizkey, ex);
예제 #3
 public get_businessDetailResponse(businessDetail businessDetail)
     this.businessDetail = businessDetail;
예제 #4
        internal static void Run(string[] args)
            UDDIClient clerkManager = null;
            Transport  transport    = null;
            UDDIClerk  clerk        = null;

                clerkManager = new UDDIClient("uddi.xml");

                transport = clerkManager.getTransport("uddiv2");

                UDDI_Security_SoapBinding    security = transport.getUDDISecurityService();
                UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding     inquiry  = transport.getUDDIInquiryService();
                UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding publish  = transport.getUDDIPublishService();

                clerk = clerkManager.getClerk("uddiv2");

                save_business sb = new save_business();
                get_authToken rq = new get_authToken();
                rq.cred   = "username";
                rq.userID = "username";
                String token = security.get_authToken(rq).authInfo;
                System.Console.WriteLine("Got an auth token...");
                sb.authInfo                      = token;
                sb.businessEntity                = new businessEntity[1];
                sb.businessEntity[0]             = new businessEntity();
                sb.businessEntity[0].name        = new name[] { new name("test business from .net via uddi2 translation", "en") };
                sb.businessEntity[0].description = new description[] { new description("a description", "en") };
                businessDetail detail = publish.save_business(sb);
                System.Console.WriteLine("business saved");
                PrintUDDI <businessDetail> p = new PrintUDDI <businessDetail>();

                save_service ss = new save_service();
                ss.authInfo                       = token;
                ss.businessService                = new businessService[1];
                ss.businessService[0]             = new businessService();
                ss.businessService[0].name        = new name[] { new name("hello world", "en") };
                ss.businessService[0].businessKey = detail.businessEntity[0].businessKey;
                serviceDetail sd = publish.save_service(ss);
                System.Console.WriteLine("service saved");
                PrintUDDI <serviceDetail> p1 = new PrintUDDI <serviceDetail>();

                save_binding sbd = new save_binding();
                sbd.authInfo                      = token;
                sbd.bindingTemplate               = new bindingTemplate[1];
                sbd.bindingTemplate[0]            = new bindingTemplate();
                sbd.bindingTemplate[0].Item       = new accessPoint("http://localhost", "endPoint");
                sbd.bindingTemplate[0].serviceKey = sd.businessService[0].serviceKey;
                bindingDetail bd = publish.save_binding(sbd);
                System.Console.WriteLine("binding saved");
                PrintUDDI <bindingDetail> p2 = new PrintUDDI <bindingDetail>();

                save_tModel stm = new save_tModel();
                stm.authInfo       = token;
                stm.tModel         = new tModel[1];
                stm.tModel[0]      = new tModel();
                stm.tModel[0].name = new name("a uddiv2 tmodel", "en");
                tModelDetail td = publish.save_tModel(stm);
                System.Console.WriteLine("tModel saved");
                PrintUDDI <tModelDetail> p3 = new PrintUDDI <tModelDetail>();
            catch (Exception ex)
                while (ex != null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Error! " + ex.Message);
                    ex = ex.InnerException;
                if (transport != null && transport is IDisposable)
                if (clerk != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// From file
        /// create business, save in juddi, download from juddi, sign and save it,
        /// download it again, verify sig is valid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        void SignSaveAndVerifyToJuddi(String config)
            UDDIClient clerkManager = null;
            Transport  transport    = null;
            UDDIClerk  clerk        = null;

                clerkManager = new UDDIClient(config);
                transport    = clerkManager.getTransport("default");
                UDDI_Security_SoapBinding    security = transport.getUDDISecurityService();
                UDDI_Inquiry_SoapBinding     inquiry  = transport.getUDDIInquiryService();
                UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding publish  = transport.getUDDIPublishService();
                clerk = clerkManager.getClerk("default");

                businessEntity be = new businessEntity();
                be.name = new name[] { new name("Test biz", "en") };

                Console.Out.WriteLine("saving test biz");
                businessEntity complete = clerk.register(be);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("attempting to sign");

                DigSigUtil     ds     = new DigSigUtil(clerkManager.getClientConfig().getDigitalSignatureConfiguration());
                businessEntity signed = (businessEntity)ds.signUddiEntity(complete);

                PrintUDDI <businessEntity> p = new PrintUDDI <businessEntity>();
                Console.Out.WriteLine("signed successfully!");
                if (serialize)

                Console.Out.WriteLine("attempting verify signature locally");
                String err   = "";
                bool   valid = ds.verifySignedUddiEntity(signed, out err);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Signature is " + (valid ? "Valid, Yippy!" : "Invalid!") + " msg: " + err);

                Console.Out.WriteLine("saving to signed entity to the registry");
                Console.Out.WriteLine("reloading content from the server...");

                get_businessDetail gsd = new get_businessDetail();
                gsd.authInfo    = clerk.getAuthToken(clerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl());
                gsd.businessKey = new string[] { signed.businessKey };
                businessDetail saved = inquiry.get_businessDetail(gsd);

                Console.Out.WriteLine("done. attempting verify signed entity");
                if (serialize)

                err   = "";
                valid = ds.verifySignedUddiEntity(saved.businessEntity[0], out err);
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Signature is " + (valid ? "Valid, Yippy!" : "Invalid!") + " msg: " + err);
            catch (Exception ex)
                while (ex != null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("Error! " + ex.Message);
                    ex = ex.InnerException;
                throw ex;
                if (transport != null && transport is IDisposable)
                if (clerk != null)
예제 #6
 public save_businessResponse(businessDetail businessDetail)
     this.businessDetail = businessDetail;