public aiMatrix4x4(aiVector3D scaling, aiQuaternion rotation, aiVector3D position) : this(assimp_swigPINVOKE.new_aiMatrix4x4__SWIG_3(aiVector3D.getCPtr(scaling), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(rotation), aiVector3D.getCPtr(position)), true) { if (assimp_swigPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw assimp_swigPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public aiQuatKey(double time, aiQuaternion value) : this(assimp_swigPINVOKE.new_aiQuatKey__SWIG_1(time, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(value)), true) { if (assimp_swigPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw assimp_swigPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public static void Interpolate(aiQuaternion pOut, aiQuaternion pStart, aiQuaternion pEnd, float pFactor) { AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion_Interpolate(aiQuaternion.getCPtr(pOut), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(pStart), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(pEnd), pFactor); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public void Decompose(aiVector3D scaling, aiQuaternion rotation, aiVector3D position) { AssimpPINVOKE.aiMatrix4x4_Decompose(swigCPtr, aiVector3D.getCPtr(scaling), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(rotation), aiVector3D.getCPtr(position)); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public void DecomposeNoScaling(aiQuaternion rotation, aiVector3D position) { assimp_swigPINVOKE.aiMatrix4x4_DecomposeNoScaling(swigCPtr, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(rotation), aiVector3D.getCPtr(position)); if (assimp_swigPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw assimp_swigPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public bool __equal__(aiQuaternion o) { bool ret = AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion___equal__(swigCPtr, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(o)); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } return(ret); }
public aiQuaternion __mul__(aiQuaternion two) { aiQuaternion ret = new aiQuaternion(AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion___mul__(swigCPtr, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(two)), true); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } return(ret); }
public aiQuaternion Normalize() { aiQuaternion ret = new aiQuaternion(AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion_Normalize(swigCPtr), false); return ret; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtr(aiQuaternion obj) { return((obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr); }
public static Node FromAssimp(Module.Import.Assimp.Context context, aiScene scene, aiNode assimp_node) { // Create new node object Node node = new Node(); // Get node ID =; // Get node name = Assimp.Convert.Name(assimp_node.mName, "node"); // Get node metadata using (aiMetadata meta = assimp_node.mMetaData) { UnityComponent metadata = UnityComponent.FromAssimpMetadata(meta); if (metadata != null) { node.components = new UnityComponent[] { metadata }; } } // Parse children recursively using (aiNodeArray children = assimp_node.Children) { uint children_size = children.Size(); if (children_size > 0) { node.children = new Node[children_size]; for (uint i = 0; i < children_size; i++) { aiNode child = children.Get(i); // ParseNode must dispose of the given node afterward // We must use a proxy method for saving the result into the array because the index i is captured by the lambda otherwise and it's value is indefinite across multiple threads. context.threads.ExecAndSaveToArray(node.children, (int)i, () => FromAssimp(context, scene, child)); } } } // Parse meshes associated to this node using (aiUIntArray meshes = assimp_node.Meshes) { uint meshes_size = meshes.Size(); if (meshes_size > 0) { int global_meshes_size = (int)scene.Meshes.Size(); node.meshes = new GraphicMesh[meshes_size]; for (uint j = 0; j < meshes_size; j++) { node.meshes[j] = new GraphicMesh(); if (j < global_meshes_size) { uint mesh_index = meshes.Get(j); node.meshes[j].meshIndex = (int)mesh_index; } } } } // Get the transform of this node using (aiVector3D position = new aiVector3D()) { using (aiVector3D scaling = new aiVector3D()) { using (aiQuaternion rotation = new aiQuaternion()) { assimp_node.mTransformation.Decompose(scaling, rotation, position); node.position = Assimp.Convert.AssimpToUnity.Vector3(position); node.rotation = Assimp.Convert.AssimpToUnity.Quaternion(rotation); node.scale = Assimp.Convert.AssimpToUnity.Vector3(scaling); } } } // We must dispose of the given parameter to avoid memory leaks assimp_node.Dispose(); context.progress.Update(ASSIMP_PROGRESS_FACTOR); return(node); }
public aiQuaternion Normalize() { aiQuaternion ret = new aiQuaternion(AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion_Normalize(swigCPtr), false); return(ret); }
public aiQuaternion Conjugate() { aiQuaternion ret = new aiQuaternion(AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion_Conjugate(swigCPtr), false); return(ret); }
public aiNode ToAssimp(Module.Export.Assimp.Context context, Scene scene, aiNode parent) { uint index = 0; aiNode node_object = new aiNode(name); // Set parent node_object.mParent = parent; // Set transform using (aiVector3D assimp_scale = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3(scale)) { using (aiQuaternion assimp_rotation = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Quaternion(rotation)) { using (aiVector3D assimp_position = Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3(position)) { using (aiMatrix4x4 matrix = new aiMatrix4x4(assimp_scale, assimp_rotation, assimp_position)) { node_object.mTransformation = matrix.Unmanaged(); } } } } // Parse the children nodes if (children != null && children.Length > 0) { using (aiNodeArray assimp_children = node_object.Children) { assimp_children.Reserve((uint)children.Length, true); index = 0; foreach (Node child in children) { using (aiNode assimp_child = child.ToAssimp(context, scene, node_object)) { if (assimp_child != null) { assimp_children.Set(index++, assimp_child.Unmanaged()); } } } } } // Parse the mesh objects if (meshes != null && meshes.Length > 0) { using (aiUIntArray assimp_meshes = node_object.Meshes) { assimp_meshes.Reserve((uint)meshes.Length, true); index = 0; foreach (GraphicMesh graphic_mesh in meshes) { Mesh mesh = scene.meshes[graphic_mesh.meshIndex]; int nb_materials = (graphic_mesh.materialsIndexes != null ? graphic_mesh.materialsIndexes.Length : 0); // Handle unity submeshes by creating new meshes for each submesh for (int i = 0; i < mesh.SubMeshesCount; i++) { // Assimp meshes can only have one material. Therefore, mutliple instances of one mesh // using different materials must be detected and replaced by different output meshes. uint assimp_mesh_index; int mat_index = (i < nb_materials ? graphic_mesh.materialsIndexes[i] : 0 /*Assimp default*/); Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh key = new Module.Export.Assimp.Mesh(graphic_mesh.meshIndex, i, mat_index); if (!context.meshes.TryGetValue(key, out assimp_mesh_index)) { assimp_mesh_index = (uint)context.meshes.Count; context.meshes.Add(key, assimp_mesh_index); } assimp_meshes.Set(index++, assimp_mesh_index); } } } } // Parse the node metadata if (components != null) { foreach (UnityComponent component in components) { aiMetadata assimp_meta = component.ToAssimpMetadata(); if (assimp_meta != null) { node_object.mMetaData = assimp_meta.Unmanaged(); break; } } } context.progress.Update(ASSIMP_PROGRESS_FACTOR); return(node_object); }
public static void aiDecomposeMatrix(aiMatrix4x4 mat, aiVector3D scaling, aiQuaternion rotation, aiVector3D position) { assimp_swigPINVOKE.aiDecomposeMatrix(aiMatrix4x4.getCPtr(mat), aiVector3D.getCPtr(scaling), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(rotation), aiVector3D.getCPtr(position)); }
private void ApplyAssimpConfiguration(Importer importer, Property.Data data) { if (data.isStepFlag) { bool value_step; if (Boolean.TryParse(data.currentValue, out value_step)) { importer.Assimp.ChangeFlag(data.processStep, value_step); } } else { switch (data.propertyType) { case Property.Type.BOOL: bool?value_bool = Property.Data.GetBool(data); if (value_bool.HasValue) { importer.Assimp.SetProperty(data.propertyFlag, value_bool.Value); } break; case Property.Type.FLAG: case Property.Type.INT: int?value_int = Property.Data.GetInt(data); if (value_int.HasValue) { importer.Assimp.SetProperty(data.propertyFlag, value_int.Value); } break; case Property.Type.FLOAT: float?value_float = Property.Data.GetFloat(data); if (value_float.HasValue) { importer.Assimp.SetProperty(data.propertyFlag, value_float.Value); } break; case Property.Type.STRING: importer.Assimp.SetProperty(data.propertyFlag, data.currentValue); break; case Property.Type.MATRIX: const int size = 9; List <string> values_matrix_str = UI.List.Parse(data.currentValue); if (values_matrix_str.Count == size) { float[] value_matrix = new float[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (!float.TryParse(values_matrix_str[i], out value_matrix[i])) { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid value \"" + data.optionText + " = " + values_matrix_str[i] + "\": should be a float."); } } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(value_matrix[0], value_matrix[1], value_matrix[2]); Quaternion rot = new Quaternion(); rot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(value_matrix[3], value_matrix[4], value_matrix[5]); Vector3 scale = new Vector3(value_matrix[6], value_matrix[7], value_matrix[8]); using (aiVector3D scaling = Type.Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3(scale)) { using (aiQuaternion rotation = Type.Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Quaternion(rot)) { using (aiVector3D position = Type.Assimp.Convert.UnityToAssimp.Vector3(pos)) { using (aiMatrix4x4 matrix = new aiMatrix4x4(scaling, rotation, position)) { importer.Assimp.SetProperty(data.propertyFlag, matrix); } } } } } break; default: break; } } }
internal static Quaternion Quaternion(aiQuaternion assimp) { return(new Quaternion(assimp.x, assimp.y, assimp.z, assimp.w)); }
public bool __nequal__(aiQuaternion o) { bool ret = AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion___nequal__(swigCPtr, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(o)); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; }
internal static HandleRef getCPtr(aiQuaternion obj) { return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; }
public static void Interpolate(aiQuaternion pOut, aiQuaternion pStart, aiQuaternion pEnd, float pFactor) { AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion_Interpolate(aiQuaternion.getCPtr(pOut), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(pStart), aiQuaternion.getCPtr(pEnd), pFactor); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
public void DecomposeNoScaling(aiQuaternion rotation, aiVector3D position) { AssimpPINVOKE.aiMatrix4x4_DecomposeNoScaling(swigCPtr, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(rotation), aiVector3D.getCPtr(position)); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
public aiQuaternion Conjugate() { aiQuaternion ret = new aiQuaternion(AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion_Conjugate(swigCPtr), false); return ret; }
public aiQuaternion __mul__(aiQuaternion two) { aiQuaternion ret = new aiQuaternion(AssimpPINVOKE.aiQuaternion___mul__(swigCPtr, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(two)), true); if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; }
private static System.Object InitValue(Importer importer, string key_name, Property.Type type, System.Object default_value) { if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key_name)) { return(PlayerPrefs.GetString(key_name)); } else { try { switch (type) { case Property.Type.FLAG: case Property.Type.INT: return(importer.Assimp.GetProperty <int>(key_name)); case Property.Type.BOOL: // Do not check importer value because we can not determine if a value is present, so use default value instead. //return importer.GetProperty<bool>(key_name); return(default_value); case Property.Type.FLOAT: return(importer.Assimp.GetProperty <float>(key_name)); case Property.Type.STRING: return(importer.Assimp.GetProperty <string>(key_name)); case Property.Type.MATRIX: string value; using (aiMatrix4x4 matrix = importer.Assimp.GetProperty <aiMatrix4x4>(key_name)) { using (aiVector3D position = new aiVector3D()) { using (aiVector3D scaling = new aiVector3D()) { using (aiQuaternion rot = new aiQuaternion()) { matrix.Decompose(scaling, rot, position); Quaternion rotation = Model.Type.Assimp.Convert.AssimpToUnity.Quaternion(rot); Vector3 angles = rotation.eulerAngles; value = UI.List.Serialize(new List <string> { position.x.ToString(), position.y.ToString(), position.z.ToString(), angles.x.ToString(), angles.y.ToString(), angles.z.ToString(), scaling.x.ToString(), scaling.y.ToString(), scaling.z.ToString() }); } } } } return(value); } } catch (Module.Import.Assimp.NotDefinedException) { if (type == Property.Type.FLAG) { return((int)default_value); // Must be cast explicitely to int to avoid ToString conversion of enums } else { return(default_value); } } } Debug.LogWarning("Incorrect type of property (" + key_name + ", " + type + "): unable to initialize it."); return(""); }
public aiQuatKey(double time, aiQuaternion value) : this(AssimpPINVOKE.new_aiQuatKey__SWIG_1(time, aiQuaternion.getCPtr(value)), true) { if (AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw AssimpPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
public static void aiCreateQuaternionFromMatrix(aiQuaternion quat, aiMatrix3x3 mat) { assimp_swigPINVOKE.aiCreateQuaternionFromMatrix(aiQuaternion.getCPtr(quat), aiMatrix3x3.getCPtr(mat)); }