예제 #1
    void OnDeath()
        playerControllerScript.addScore(10 + zombieSpawnerScript.getCurrentRound() * 2); //Increase Current Score
        int randomObject = (int)Random.Range(0f, 8f);                                    //Random Number to Determine if and what you get

        if (randomObject == 0)
            pS.InstantiateAPS("HealthPack", transform.position, transform.rotation);
        else if (randomObject == 1)
            pS.InstantiateAPS("ScrapsPack", transform.position, transform.rotation);
        else if (randomObject == 2)
            pS.InstantiateAPS("AmmoPack", transform.position, transform.rotation);
        //circleCollider.enabled = false;
        //body.isKinematic = true;//Set to Kinematic so no collisions of any kind occur
        //dead = false;
        int bloodPoolChance = (int)Random.Range(0f, 10f);       //Random Number to Determine blood pool gets spawned

        if (bloodPoolChance >= 0 && bloodPoolChance <= 2)
            pS.InstantiateAPS("BloodPool", transform.position, transform.rotation);
        playerControllerScript.addScraps(10 + zombieSpawnerScript.getCurrentRound());
        playerControllerScript.killedZombie(); //Add one to total zombies killed in whole play time
        zombieSpawnerScript.deadZombie();      // Add one to total zombies killed this round
        gameObject.DestroyAPS();               //spawnAI.Remove();//Destroy (this.gameObject);//Replace with DeSpawn