protected void ParseTemperatures(Season currentSeason) { XmlDbData xmlData = XmlDbData.ReadData("Seasons"); if ((xmlData == null) || (xmlData.Tables == null)) { return; } XmlDbTable xmlDbTable = SeasonsManager.GetXmlDbTable(xmlData, "Temperature"); if (xmlDbTable != null) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in xmlDbTable.Rows) { Season season; if (!row.TryGetEnum <Season>("Season", out season, Season.Summer)) { continue; } if (season != currentSeason) { continue; } ParseTemperature(row); } } }
public static int ReturnFee(WorkOut w) { int price = 0; XmlDbData xdb = XmlDbData.ReadData("WorkOutConfig"); if ((xdb != null) && (xdb.Tables != null)) { XmlDbTable table; if (xdb.Tables.TryGetValue("WorkOut", out table) && (table != null)) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { switch (w) { case WorkOut.Swim: price = row.GetInt("swimfee"); break; case WorkOut.WorkOut: price = row.GetInt("workoutfee"); break; default: break; } } } } return(price); }
public static WooHooConfig GetWooHooConfig() { WooHooConfig whc = new WooHooConfig(); XmlDbData xdb = XmlDbData.ReadData("WooHooForMoneyConfig"); if ((xdb != null) && (xdb.Tables != null)) { XmlDbTable table; if (xdb.Tables.TryGetValue("WooHooConfig", out table) && (table != null)) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { = row.GetInt("pay"); whc.skill = (WooHooSkill)row.GetInt("skill"); whc.pregnancy = row.GetInt("preg"); whc.TeenPregnancy = row.GetBool("tpreg"); whc.STD = row.GetInt("std"); whc.Moodlets = row.GetBool("moodlets"); } } } return(whc); }
public static void OnPreLoad() { if (HasBeenLoaded) { return; // you only want to run it once per gameplay session } HasBeenLoaded = true; AddEnumValue <SkillNames>("EWPetFightingSkill", EWPetFightingSkill.skillNameID); AddEnumValue <CommodityKind>("SkillEWPetFight", EWPetFightingSkill.commodityKindID); // Load custom buffs (new BuffBooter()).LoadBuffData(); // fill this in with the resourcekey of your SKIL xml XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(new ResourceKey(0x494F3A8118D98C44, 0xA8D58BE5, 0x00000000), false); if (data == null) { return; } SkillManager.ParseSkillData(data, true); FightPet.Singleton = new EWFightPet.EWFightPetDefinition(); ChaseMean.Singleton = new EWChaseMean.EWChaseMeanDefinition(); ChasePlay.Singleton = new EWChasePlay.EWChasePlayDefinition(); }
// From InsectSpawner.ParseData protected static void ParseSpawnerData(XmlDbData data, bool bStore) { XmlDbTable table = null; data.Tables.TryGetValue("Spawners", out table); if (table != null) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { List <InsectType> list; if (Insect.sInsectsTypes.TryParseSuperSetEnumCommaSeparatedList(row["Spawns"], out list, InsectType.Undefined)) { string typeName = row["SpawnerClassName"]; // Custom, unsure why it is needed since EA Standard does not have it if (!typeName.Contains(",")) { typeName += ",Sims3GameplayObjects"; } Type type = null; if (bStore) { string[] strArray = typeName.Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (strArray.Length > 0x1) { typeName = strArray[0x0] + ",Sims3StoreObjects"; type = Type.GetType(typeName, false, true); if (type == null) { typeName = strArray[0x0] + ',' + strArray[0x1]; } } } if (type == null) { type = Type.GetType(typeName, false, true); } if (type != null) { FieldInfo field = type.GetField("kSpawnerData", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (field != null) { InsectSpawner.InsectSpawnerData spawnerData = field.GetValue(null) as InsectSpawner.InsectSpawnerData; if ((spawnerData != null) && (spawnerData.SpawnerTuning != null)) { sOriginalSpawnChance[spawnerData.SpawnerTuning] = spawnerData.SpawnerTuning.SpawnChance; } } } } } } }
public void AddBuffs(ResourceKey[] resourceKeys) { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64("buffs_NonaMena_BreastfeedBaby"), 0x0333406C, 0x0); XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (data != null) { BuffManager.ParseBuffData(data, true); } }
public void AddBuffs(ResourceKey[] resourceKeys) { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64("EWMedicineCat_Buffs"), 0x0333406C, 0x0); XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (data != null) { BuffManager.ParseBuffData(data, true); } }
// From InsectSpawner.ParseData protected static void ParseSpawnerData(XmlDbData data, bool bStore) { XmlDbTable table = null; data.Tables.TryGetValue("Spawners", out table); if (table != null) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { List<InsectType> list; if (Insect.sInsectsTypes.TryParseSuperSetEnumCommaSeparatedList(row["Spawns"], out list, InsectType.Undefined)) { string typeName = row["SpawnerClassName"]; // Custom, unsure why it is needed since EA Standard does not have it if (!typeName.Contains(",")) { typeName += ",Sims3GameplayObjects"; } Type type = null; if (bStore) { string[] strArray = typeName.Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (strArray.Length > 0x1) { typeName = strArray[0x0] + ",Sims3StoreObjects"; type = Type.GetType(typeName, false, true); if (type == null) { typeName = strArray[0x0] + ',' + strArray[0x1]; } } } if (type == null) { type = Type.GetType(typeName, false, true); } if (type != null) { FieldInfo field = type.GetField("kSpawnerData", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (field != null) { InsectSpawner.InsectSpawnerData spawnerData = field.GetValue(null) as InsectSpawner.InsectSpawnerData; if ((spawnerData != null) && (spawnerData.SpawnerTuning != null)) { sOriginalSpawnChance[spawnerData.SpawnerTuning] = spawnerData.SpawnerTuning.SpawnChance; } } } } } } }
public void Parse(string key, OnPopulate populate) { XmlDbData careerFile = XmlDbData.ReadData(key); if ((careerFile != null) && (careerFile.Tables != null) && (careerFile.Tables.ContainsKey("CareerData"))) { XmlDbTable table = careerFile.Tables["CareerData"]; foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { string guid = row.GetString("Career"); string branch = row.GetString("Branch"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branch)) { branch = "Base"; } int level = row.GetInt("Level"); if (level == 1) { continue; } OccupationNames careerGuid = OccupationNames.Undefined; ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <OccupationNames>(guid, out careerGuid, OccupationNames.Undefined); if (careerGuid == OccupationNames.Undefined) { careerGuid = unchecked ((OccupationNames)ResourceUtils.HashString64(guid)); } Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, TData> > levels; if (!mLevels.TryGetValue(careerGuid, out levels)) { levels = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, TData> >(); mLevels.Add(careerGuid, levels); } Dictionary <string, TData> branches; if (!levels.TryGetValue(level, out branches)) { branches = new Dictionary <string, TData>(); levels.Add(level, branches); } if (branches.ContainsKey(branch)) { continue; } branches.Add(branch, populate(row)); } } }
public static bool Load(string fileName) { // BuffManager.ParseBuffData(XmlDbData.ReadData("Buffs"), false); XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(fileName); if (xmlDbData != null) { ParseBuffData(xmlDbData, true); } UIManager.NewHotInstallStoreBuffData += new UIManager.NewHotInstallStoreBuffCallback(BuffManager.LoadNewlyAddedBuffRecords); return(true); }
public static void ParseEWCatFishingPrimitives() { //sNodePrimitves = new Dictionary<uint, DreamNodePrimitive>(); List <DreamNodePrimitive> cachePrimitives = new List <DreamNodePrimitive>(); XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(new ResourceKey(0xC54CBCBB14C4EC27, 0x0333406C, 0x00000000), false); if (xmlDbData != null) { DreamsAndPromisesManager.ParseNodePrimitivesFromXmlDbData(xmlDbData, ref cachePrimitives, isStore: false); } }
public void OnPreLoad() { XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData("Insects"); ParseSpawnerData(data, false); data = XmlDbData.ReadData(Insect.kKeyInsectsSpawners, false); if (data != null) { ParseSpawnerData(data, true); } }
public override void OnPreLoad() { Overwatch.Log(GetTitlePrefix()); if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP5)) { if (SkillManager.sPetSkillFatigueTuning.Count == 0) { SkillManager.ParsePetSkillFatigueRates(XmlDbData.ReadData("Skills")); Overwatch.Log(" Loaded Missing Pet Fatigue Rates"); } } }
public void OnPreLoad() { try { XmlDbData careerData = XmlDbData.ReadData("NRaas.StoryProgression.Retired"); XmlDbData careerEventData = XmlDbData.ReadData("CareerEvents"); if ((careerData != null) && (careerData.Tables != null) && (careerEventData != null) && (careerEventData.Tables != null) && (careerData.Tables.ContainsKey("CareerList"))) { XmlDbTable table = careerData.Tables["CareerList"]; foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { string key = row.GetString("TableName"); if (key != "Retired") { continue; } if (careerData.Tables.ContainsKey(key)) { XmlDbTable table2 = careerData.Tables[key]; if (table2 != null) { XmlDbTable table3 = null; careerEventData.Tables.TryGetValue(key, out table3); Career career = new Retired(row, table2, table3); if ((career != null) && (career.Guid != OccupationNames.Undefined)) { if (!GenericManager <OccupationNames, Occupation, Occupation> .sDictionary.ContainsKey((ulong)career.Guid)) { GenericManager <OccupationNames, Occupation, Occupation> .sDictionary.Add((ulong)career.Guid, career); } } } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Common.Exception("Retired PreLoad", exception); } }
public static void ParseSkillData(XmlDbData data, bool bStore) { if ((data != null) && (data.Tables != null)) { XmlDbTable table = null; data.Tables.TryGetValue("SkillList", out table); if (table != null) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { ParseSkillData(data, row, bStore); } } } }
public void AddBuffs(ResourceKey[] resourceKeys) { try { /* Process the XML file inside the .package file */ /* First is the FNV64 hash of file in the .package, second is the type (_XML), and third the group. */ /* Customize first, leave second and third as they are. */ ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64("Template.TplBuff.Buffs"), 0x0333406C, 0x0); XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (xmlDbData != null) { BuffManager.ParseBuffData(xmlDbData, true); } } catch { /* You can use Logger to report failure */ } }
public static void LoadBuffXMLandParse(ResourceKey[] resourceKeys) { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(1655640191445312029ul, 53690476u, 0u); XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); bool flag = xmlDbData != null; if (flag) { BuffManager.ParseBuffData(xmlDbData, true); } if (!once) { once = true; UIManager.NewHotInstallStoreBuffData += LoadBuffXMLandParse; } }
protected static bool LoadSkillBookData(XmlDbData spreadsheet, string bookSheet) { if (spreadsheet.Tables.ContainsKey(bookSheet)) { XmlDbTable table = spreadsheet.Tables[bookSheet]; int rowIndex = 0x0; foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { try { XmlDbData.XmlDbRowFast data = row as XmlDbData.XmlDbRowFast; if (data != null) { if (row.Exists("AltSkill")) { data.mData.Remove("Skill"); data.mData.Add("Skill", row.GetString("AltSkill")); } } BooterLogger.AddTrace("Skill Book Found: " + row.GetString("Skill")); if (SkillManager.GetStaticSkill(SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.ParseEnumValue(row.GetString("Skill"))) == null) { return(false); } BookSkillData book = new BookSkillData(row, rowIndex); string msg = book.ID; msg += Common.NewLine + " AllowedWorldTypes " + new ListToString <WorldType>().Convert(book.AllowedWorldTypes); msg += Common.NewLine + " AllowedWorlds " + new ListToString <WorldName>().Convert(book.AllowedWorlds); BooterLogger.AddTrace("Book Loaded: " + msg); } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("Title: " + row["Title"], e); } rowIndex++; } } return(true); }
public static void ParseLessons(XmlDbData data) { bool flag = DeviceConfig.IsMac(); XmlDbTable xmlDbTable = null; data.Tables.TryGetValue("Tutorialettes", out xmlDbTable); //Tutorialette.Tutorialettes = new List<TutorialetteDialog.TutorialetteData>(); //Tutorialette.sIgnoreGlobalCooldown = new Dictionary<Lessons, bool>(); List <TutorialetteDialog.TutorialettePage> list = null; //Tutorialette.sLessonTnsKeys = new Dictionary<Lessons, LessonTNSData>(); foreach (XmlDbRow row in xmlDbTable.Rows) { ProductVersion productVersion; row.TryGetEnum("EPValid", out productVersion, ProductVersion.BaseGame); if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(productVersion)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["LessonKey"])) { //print("Lesson defaulted into: " + lessons.ToString()); string lessonTnsKey = "Gameplay/Excel/Tutorial/Tutorialettes:" + row["TnsKey"]; LessonTNSData value = new LessonTNSData(lessonTnsKey, productVersion); Tutorialette.sLessonTnsKeys.Add((Lessons)207, value); list = new List <TutorialetteDialog.TutorialettePage>(); Tutorialette.Tutorialettes.Add(new TutorialetteDialog.TutorialetteData("Gameplay/Excel/Tutorial/Tutorialettes:" + row["LessonName"], list, (int)207, (ulong)productVersion)); Tutorialette.sIgnoreGlobalCooldown.Add((Lessons)207, ParserFunctions.ParseBool(row["IgnoreGlobalCooldown"])); } if (list != null) { string text; if (flag) { text = row["PageTextMac"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { text = row["PageText"]; } } else { text = row["PageText"]; } list.Add(new TutorialetteDialog.TutorialettePage("Gameplay/Excel/Tutorial/Tutorialettes:" + text, row["PageImage"])); } } } }
protected static bool LoadSkillBookData(XmlDbData spreadsheet, string bookSheet) { if (spreadsheet.Tables.ContainsKey(bookSheet)) { XmlDbTable table = spreadsheet.Tables[bookSheet]; int rowIndex = 0x0; foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { try { XmlDbData.XmlDbRowFast data = row as XmlDbData.XmlDbRowFast; if (data != null) { if (row.Exists("AltSkill")) { data.mData.Remove("Skill"); data.mData.Add("Skill", row.GetString("AltSkill")); } } BooterLogger.AddTrace("Skill Book Found: " + row.GetString("Skill")); if (SkillManager.GetStaticSkill(SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.ParseEnumValue(row.GetString("Skill"))) == null) { return false; } BookSkillData book = new BookSkillData(row, rowIndex); string msg = book.ID; msg += Common.NewLine + " AllowedWorldTypes " + new ListToString<WorldType>().Convert(book.AllowedWorldTypes); msg += Common.NewLine + " AllowedWorlds " + new ListToString<WorldName>().Convert(book.AllowedWorlds); BooterLogger.AddTrace("Book Loaded: " + msg); } catch(Exception e) { Common.Exception("Title: " + row["Title"], e); } rowIndex++; } } return true; }
public void AddTraits(ResourceKey[] resourceKeys) { try { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64(sReference), 0x0333406C, 0u); XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (xmlDbData != null) { TraitManager.ParseTraitData(xmlDbData, true); } } catch (Exception e) { Common.DebugException("TraitBooter", e); } }
public void AddBuffs(ResourceKey[] keys) { try { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64("Duglarogg.Abductor.Buffs"), 0x0333406C, 0u); XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (data != null) { BuffManager.ParseBuffData(data, true); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteExceptionLog(e, this, "Duglarogg.AbductorSpace.Booters.BuffBooter.AddBuffs Error"); } }
public void AddTraits(ResourceKey[] keys) { try { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64(sFileName), 0x0333406C, 0u); XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (data != null) { TraitManager.ParseTraitData(data, true); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteExceptionLog(e, this, "TraitBooter.AddTraits Error"); } }
public void ReadRecipe() { //debugger.Debug(this, "Starting recipe reading"); Recipe.LoadRecipeData(XmlDbData.ReadData("MisukisuRecipeMasterList"), false); //foreach (Recipe current2 in Recipe.Recipes) //{ // string singleServingFull = current2.ModelsAndMaterials.SingleServingFull; // ulong inst = (ulong)ResourceUtils.XorFoldHashString32(singleServingFull); // for (uint num3 = 0u; num3 < 3u; num3 += 1u) // { // UIManager.GetThumbnailImage(new ThumbnailKey(new ResourceKey(inst, 23466547u, 1u), (ThumbnailSize)num3)); // } //} //debugger.Debug(this, "Recipes loaded "); //debugger.EndDebugLog(); //TestStuff(); }
public static void OnPreLoad() { if (HasBeenLoaded) { return; // you only want to run it once per gameplay session } HasBeenLoaded = true; // fill this in with the resourcekey of your SKIL xml XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(new ResourceKey(0x67503AA43670DA12, 0xA8D58BE5, 0x00000000), false); if (data == null) { return; } SkillManager.ParseSkillData(data, true); }
public void AddBuffs(ResourceKey[] resourceKeys) { try { ResourceKey key = new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64("VampireTweaker_CustomBuffs"), 0x0333406C, 0x0); XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(key, false); if (xmlDbData != null) { BuffManager.ParseBuffData(xmlDbData, true); } } catch (Exception e) { Debugger.WriteExceptionLog(e, this, null); } { } }
public static void OnPreLoad() { if (HasBeenLoaded) { return; // you only want to run it once per gameplay session } HasBeenLoaded = true; // fill this in with the resourcekey of your SKIL xml XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData(new ResourceKey(ResourceUtils.HashString64("EW_MedicineCat_Skill"), 0xA8D58BE5, 0x00000000), false); if (data == null) { return; } SkillManager.ParseSkillData(data, true); }
public static int ReturnPrice() { int price = 0; XmlDbData xdb = XmlDbData.ReadData("CoffeeConfig"); if ((xdb != null) && (xdb.Tables != null)) { XmlDbTable table; if (xdb.Tables.TryGetValue("Coffee", out table) && (table != null)) { foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { price = row.GetInt("price"); } } } return(price); }
// this is injected even for lots that aren't a bar to take advantage of the core and make the game honor // open/close times for roles and such public static void InjectBarData(string varname, TagStaticData tData) { Lot.MetaAutonomyType type; if (ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <Lot.MetaAutonomyType>(varname, out type, Lot.MetaAutonomyType.None)) { XmlDbTable table; XmlDbData data = XmlDbData.ReadData("Bars"); if (data.Tables.TryGetValue("Venues", out table)) { XmlDbRow row = table.Rows[1]; Bartending.BarData rowData = new Bartending.BarData(row); rowData.mHourOpen = tData.openHour; rowData.mHourClose = tData.closeHour; if (!Bartending.sData.ContainsKey(type)) { Bartending.sData[type] = rowData; } } } }
public static void ParseBooks() { string text = "BooksSewable"; XmlDbData xmlDbData = XmlDbData.ReadData(text); if (xmlDbData != null && xmlDbData.Tables != null) { sDelayedSkillBooks.Add(xmlDbData); BookData.LoadBookData(xmlDbData, "BookSkill", BookData.BookType.Skill); bool loaded = true; if (loaded) { Bookstore.mItemDictionary.Clear(); Bookstore.LoadData(); } } else { SimpleMessageDialog.Show("[DEBUG] Arsil's CustomBookLoader", "Resource " + text + " of type _XML not found or with no data defined!"); } }
public override void OnDelayedWorldLoadFinished() { Overwatch.Log("CleanupBrokenSkills"); Dictionary <ulong, SimDescription> sims = SimListing.GetResidents(true); foreach (SimDescription sim in sims.Values) { Corrections.CleanupBrokenSkills(sim, Overwatch.Log); } if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP5)) { if (SkillManager.sPetSkillFatigueTuning.Count == 0) { SkillManager.ParsePetSkillFatigueRates(XmlDbData.ReadData("Skills")); Overwatch.Log("Loaded Missing Pet Fatigue Rates"); } } }
public DataBootFile(string reference, string name, bool primary) : base(name, primary) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mName)) { try { mFile = XmlDbData.ReadData(mName); if (IsValid) { BooterLogger.AddTrace("Found: " + mName); } } catch (Exception e) { BooterLogger.AddError(mName + " Parse fail"); Common.Exception(reference + Common.NewLine + mName, e); } } }
private static void ParseSkillData(XmlDbData data, XmlDbRow row, bool bStore) { ProductVersion version; bool flag = false; SkillNames guid = SkillNames.None; string skillHex = row.GetString("Hex"); try { guid = (SkillNames)SkillManager.GetGuid(ref skillHex, bStore); } catch { } if (guid == SkillNames.None) { flag = true; BooterLogger.AddError("GUID Fail " + skillHex); } if (!row.TryGetEnum<ProductVersion>("CodeVersion", out version, ProductVersion.BaseGame)) { flag = true; BooterLogger.AddError("CodeVersion Fail " + version); } else if (!GameUtils.IsInstalled(version)) { flag = true; BooterLogger.AddError("Install Fail " + version); } if (!flag) { Skill skill = null; string typeName = row.GetString("CustomClassName"); bool flag2 = typeName.Length > 0x0; if (flag2) { Type type = null; /* if (bStore) { string[] strArray = typeName.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (strArray.Length < 0x2) { flag = true; } else { type = Type.GetType(strArray[0x0] + ",Sims3StoreObjects"); } } */ if (type == null) { type = Type.GetType(typeName); } if (type == null) { flag = true; BooterLogger.AddError("CustomClassName Not Found " + typeName); } else { object[] args = new object[] { guid }; ConstructorInfo constructor = type.GetConstructor(Type.GetTypeArray(args)); if (constructor == null) { flag = true; BooterLogger.AddError("Constructor Missing " + typeName); } else { try { skill = constructor.Invoke(args) as Skill; } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(skillHex, e); } if (skill == null) { flag = true; BooterLogger.AddError("Constructor Fail " + typeName); } } } } else { skill = new Skill(guid); BooterLogger.AddTrace("Generic Skill Used " + skillHex); } if (!flag) { Skill.NonPersistableSkillData data2 = new Skill.NonPersistableSkillData(); skill.NonPersistableData = data2; uint group = ResourceUtils.ProductVersionToGroupId(version); data2.SkillProductVersion = version; data2.Name = "Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:" + row.GetString("SkillName"); if (!bStore || Localization.HasLocalizationString(data2.Name)) { data2.Description = "Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:" + row.GetString("SkillDescription"); data2.MaxSkillLevel = row.GetInt("MaxSkillLevel", 0x0); //skill.Guid = (SkillNames)(uint)guid; // Performed by the constructor, don't do it again here data2.ThoughtBalloonTopicString = row.GetString("ThoughtBalloonTopic"); data2.IconKey = ResourceKey.CreatePNGKey(row.GetString("IconKey"), group); data2.SkillUIIconKey = ResourceKey.CreatePNGKey(row.GetString("SkillUIIcon"), group); string str3 = row.GetString("Commodity"); CommodityKind commodity = CommodityKind.None; try { commodity = (CommodityKind)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommodityKind), str3); } catch { } if (commodity == CommodityKind.None) { commodity = unchecked((CommodityKind)ResourceUtils.HashString64(str3)); } data2.Commodity = commodity; SkillManager.SkillCommodityMap.Add(commodity, guid); double num = 0; if (bStore) { string versionStr = row.GetString("Version"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionStr)) { num = Convert.ToDouble(versionStr); } } data2.SkillVersion = num; if (row.GetBool("Physical")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Physical); } if (row.GetBool("Mental")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Mental); } if (row.GetBool("Musical")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Musical); } if (row.GetBool("Creative")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Creative); } if (row.GetBool("Artistic")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Artistic); } if (row.GetBool("Hidden")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Hidden); } if (row.GetBool("Certificate")) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.Certificate); } if ((row.Exists("HiddenWithSkillProgress") && row.GetBool("HiddenWithSkillProgress")) && skill.HasCategory(SkillCategory.Hidden)) { skill.AddCategoryToSkill(SkillCategory.HiddenWithSkillProgress); } int[] numArray = new int[skill.MaxSkillLevel]; int num3 = 0x0; for (int i = 0x1; i <= skill.MaxSkillLevel; i++) { string column = "Level_" + i.ToString(); num3 += row.GetInt(column, 0x0); numArray[i - 0x1] = num3; } data2.PointsForNextLevel = numArray; data2.AlwaysDisplayLevelUpTns = row.GetBool("AlwaysDisplayTNS"); string[] strArray2 = new string[skill.MaxSkillLevel + 0x1]; for (int j = 0x2; j <= skill.MaxSkillLevel; j++) { string str6 = "Level_" + j.ToString() + "_Text"; strArray2[j - 0x1] = row.GetString(str6); if (strArray2[j - 0x1] != string.Empty) { strArray2[j - 0x1] = "Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:" + strArray2[j - 0x1]; } } strArray2[skill.MaxSkillLevel] = row.GetString("Level_10_Text_Alternate"); if (strArray2[skill.MaxSkillLevel] != string.Empty) { strArray2[skill.MaxSkillLevel] = "Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:" + strArray2[skill.MaxSkillLevel]; } data2.LevelUpStrings = strArray2; if (flag2) { XmlDbTable table2 = null; string key = row.GetString("CustomDataSheet"); data.Tables.TryGetValue(key, out table2); if ((table2 == null) && (key.Length > 0x0)) { flag = true; skill = null; } else if (!skill.ParseSkillData(table2)) { flag = true; skill = null; } } data2.AvailableAgeSpecies = ParserFunctions.ParseAllowableAgeSpecies(row, "AvailableAgeSpecies"); data2.DreamsAndPromisesIcon = row.GetString("DreamsAndPromisesIcon"); data2.DreamsAndPromisesIconKey = ResourceKey.CreatePNGKey(data2.DreamsAndPromisesIcon, group); data2.LogicSkillBoost = row.GetBool("LogicSkillBoost"); if (!flag) { GenericManager<SkillNames, Skill, Skill>.sDictionary.Add((uint)guid, skill); SkillManager.sSkillEnumValues.AddNewEnumValue(skillHex, skill.Guid); BooterLogger.AddTrace("Loaded " + skill.Name + " (" + skill.Guid + ")"); } } } } }
protected static void LoadWrittenBookMaterials(XmlDbData spreadsheet) { if (spreadsheet.Tables.ContainsKey("WrittenBookMaterials")) { XmlDbTable table = spreadsheet.Tables["WrittenBookMaterials"]; int count = 0; foreach (XmlDbRow row in table.Rows) { try { string item = row.GetString("Trashy"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Trashy].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Drama"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Drama].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("SciFi"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.SciFi].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Fantasy"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Fantasy].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Humor"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Humor].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Satire"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Satire].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Mystery"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Mystery].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Romance"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Romance].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Historical"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Historical].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Childrens"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Childrens].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Vaudeville"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Vaudeville].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Biography"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Biography].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Article"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Article].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Autobiography"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Autobiography].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Masterpiece"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Masterpiece].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("PoliticalMemoir"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.PoliticalMemoir].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("LifeStory"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.LifeStory].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("Fiction"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.Fiction].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("NonFiction"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.NonFiction].Add(item); } if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP3)) { item = row.GetString("ActionScreenplay"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.ActionScreenplay].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("RomanticComedyScreenplay"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.RomanticComedyScreenplay].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("DramaScreenplay"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.DramaScreenplay].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("SciFiScreenplay"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.SciFiScreenplay].Add(item); } item = row.GetString("IndieScreenplay"); if (item != "") { BookData.WrittenBookMaterials[BookData.BookGenres.IndieScreenplay].Add(item); } } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("Entry: " + count, e); } count++; } } }
// Sims3.Gameplay.ActorSystems.BuffManager public static void ParseBuffData(XmlDbData data, bool bStore) { try { XmlDbTable xmlDbTable = null; data.Tables.TryGetValue("BuffList", out xmlDbTable); if (xmlDbTable == null) { xmlDbTable = data.Tables["Buffs"]; } foreach (XmlDbRow current in xmlDbTable.Rows) { bool flag = false; string text = current["BuffName"]; // if (!bStore || Localization.HasLocalizationString("Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:" + text)) { string mDescription = current["BuffDescription"]; string mHelpText = current["BuffHelpText"]; BuffNames guid = (BuffNames)BuffManager.GetGuid(current["Hex"], bStore); double mVersion = 0.0; if (guid == BuffNames.Undefined) { flag = true; } Buff buff = null; if (!flag) { BuffCategory mBuffCategory; ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<BuffCategory>(current["Category"], out mBuffCategory, BuffCategory.None, true); CommodityKind mSolveCommodity = CommodityKind.None; ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<CommodityKind>(current["SolveCommodity"], out mSolveCommodity, CommodityKind.None, true); string names = current["IncreasedEffectiveness"]; string names2 = current["ReducedEffectiveness"]; List<SocialManager.SocialEffectiveness> mIncreasedEffectivenessList; ParserFunctions.TryParseCommaSeparatedList<SocialManager.SocialEffectiveness>(names, out mIncreasedEffectivenessList, SocialManager.SocialEffectiveness.None); List<SocialManager.SocialEffectiveness> mReducedEffectivenessList; ParserFunctions.TryParseCommaSeparatedList<SocialManager.SocialEffectiveness>(names2, out mReducedEffectivenessList, SocialManager.SocialEffectiveness.None); string mTopic = current["Topic"]; MoodAxis mAxisEffected; if (ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<MoodAxis>(current["AxisEffected"], out mAxisEffected, MoodAxis.None, true)) { Polarity mPolarityOverride; ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<Polarity>(current["PolarityOverride"], out mPolarityOverride, Polarity.NoOverride, true); Buff.BuffData buffData = new Buff.BuffData(); ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<ProductVersion>(current["SKU"], out buffData.mProductVersion, (ProductVersion)1); ResourceKey resourceKey = ResourceKey.kInvalidResourceKey; string text2 = null; if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("UIManager") != null) { text2 = current["ThumbFilename"]; resourceKey = ResourceKey.CreatePNGKey(text2, ResourceUtils.ProductVersionToGroupId(buffData.mProductVersion)); if (!World.ResourceExists(resourceKey)) { resourceKey = ResourceKey.CreatePNGKey(text2, 0u); } } if (bStore) { mVersion = Convert.ToDouble(current["Version"]); } buffData.mBuffGuid = guid; buffData.mBuffName = text; buffData.mDescription = mDescription; buffData.mHelpText = mHelpText; buffData.mBuffCategory = mBuffCategory; buffData.mVersion = mVersion; buffData.SetFlags(Buff.BuffData.FlagField.PermaMoodlet, ParserFunctions.ParseBool(current["PermaMoodlet"])); string @string = current.GetString("PermaMoodletColor"); ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum<MoodColor>(@string, out buffData.mMoodletColor, MoodColor.Invalid); buffData.mAxisEffected = mAxisEffected; buffData.mPolarityOverride = mPolarityOverride; buffData.mEffectValue = ParserFunctions.ParseInt(current["EffectValue"], 0); buffData.mDelayTimer = (float)ParserFunctions.ParseInt(current["DelayTimer"], 0); buffData.mTimeoutSimMinutes = ParserFunctions.ParseFloat(current["TimeoutLength"], -1f); buffData.mSolveCommodity = mSolveCommodity; buffData.mSolveTime = ParserFunctions.ParseFloat(current["SolveTime"], -3.40282347E+38f); buffData.SetFlags(Buff.BuffData.FlagField.AttemptAutoSolve, ParserFunctions.ParseBool(current["AttemptAutoSolve"])); ParserFunctions.ParseCommaSeparatedString(current["FacialIdle"], out buffData.mFacialIdles); buffData.SetFlags(Buff.BuffData.FlagField.IsExtreme, ParserFunctions.ParseBool(current["IsExtreme"])); buffData.mIncreasedEffectivenessList = mIncreasedEffectivenessList; buffData.mReducedEffectivenessList = mReducedEffectivenessList; buffData.mThumbKey = resourceKey; buffData.mThumbString = text2; buffData.mTopic = mTopic; buffData.SetFlags(Buff.BuffData.FlagField.ShowBalloon, current.GetBool("ShowBallon")); buffData.SetFlags(Buff.BuffData.FlagField.Travel, current.GetBool("Travel")); ParserFunctions.TryParseCommaSeparatedList<OccultTypes>(current["DisallowedOccults"], out buffData.mDisallowedOccults, OccultTypes.None); if (buffData.mDisallowedOccults.Count == 0) { buffData.mDisallowedOccults = null; } string text3 = current.GetString("JazzStateSuffix"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text3)) { text3 = text; } buffData.mJazzStateSuffix = text3; string string2 = current.GetString("SpeciesAvailability"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(string2)) { buffData.mAvailabilityFlags = (CASAGSAvailabilityFlags)127L; } else { buffData.mAvailabilityFlags = ParserFunctions.ParseAllowableAgeSpecies(string2); } string text4 = current["CustomClassName"]; if (text4.Length > 0) { text4 = text4.Replace(" ", ""); int num = text4.IndexOf(','); if (num < 0) { flag = true; } else { string str = text4.Substring(0, num); text4.Substring(num + 1); Type type = null; if (bStore) { type = Type.GetType(str + ",Sims3StoreObjects"); } if (type == null) { type = Type.GetType(text4); } if (type == null) { flag = true; } else { Type[] types = new Type[] { typeof(Buff.BuffData) }; ConstructorInfo constructor = type.GetConstructor(types); object obj = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { buffData }); buff = (Buff)obj; } } } else { buff = new Buff(buffData); } } if (!flag && buff != null) { BuffInstance value = buff.CreateBuffInstance(); if (GenericManager<BuffNames, BuffInstance, BuffInstance>.sDictionary.ContainsKey((ulong)guid)) { if (GenericManager<BuffNames, BuffInstance, BuffInstance>.sDictionary[(ulong)guid].mBuff.BuffVersion < buff.BuffVersion) { GenericManager<BuffNames, BuffInstance, BuffInstance>.sDictionary[(ulong)guid] = value; } } else { GenericManager<BuffNames, BuffInstance, BuffInstance>.sDictionary.Add((ulong)guid, value); BuffManager.sBuffEnumValues.AddNewEnumValue(text, guid); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { StyledNotification.Show(new StyledNotification.Format(ex.ToString(), StyledNotification.NotificationStyle.kGameMessageNegative)); } }